991 resultados para AR-40-AR-39 GEOCHRONOLOGY


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Here we present the first radiometric age data and a comprehensive geochemical data set (including major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope ratios) for samples from the Hikurangi Plateau basement and seamounts on and adjacent to the plateau obtained during the R/V Sonne 168 cruise, in addition to age and geochemical data from DSDP Site 317 on the Manihiki Plateau. The 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data show that the Hikurangi basement lavas (118-96 Ma) have surprisingly similar major and trace element and isotopic characteristics to the Ontong Java Plateau lavas (ca. 120 and 90 Ma), primarily the Kwaimbaita-type composition, whereas the Manihiki DSDP Site 317 lavas (117 Ma) have similar compositions to the Singgalo lavas on the Ontong Java Plateau. Alkalic, incompatible-element-enriched seamount lavas (99-87 Ma and 67 Ma) on the Hikurangi Plateau and adjacent to it (Kiore Seamount), however, were derived from a distinct high time-integrated U/Pb (HIMU)-type mantle source. The seamount lavas are similar in composition to similar-aged alkalic volcanism on New Zealand, indicating a second wide-spread event from a distinct source beginning ca. 20 Ma after the plateau-forming event. Tholeiitic lavas from two Osbourn seamounts on the abyssal plain adjacent to the northeast Hikurangi Plateau margin have extremely depleted incompatible element compositions, but incompatible element characteristics similar to the Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateau lavas and enriched isotopic compositions intermediate between normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) and the plateau basement. These younger (~52 Ma) seamounts may have formed through remelting of mafic cumulate rocks associated with the plateau formation. The similarity in age and geochemistry of the Hikurangi, Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus suggest derivation from a common mantle source. We propose that the Greater Ontong Java Event, during which ?1% of the Earth's surface was covered with volcanism, resulted from a thermo-chemical superplume/dome that stalled at the transition zone, similar to but larger than the structure imaged presently beneath the South Pacific superswell. The later alkalic volcanism on the Hikurangi Plateau and the Zealandia micro-continent may have been part of a second large-scale volcanic event that may have also triggered the final breakup stage of Gondwana, which resulted in the separation of Zealandia fragments from West Antarctica.


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The Hawaiian-Emperor bend has played a prominent yet controversial role in deciphering past Pacific plate motions and the tempo of plate motion change. New ages for volcanoes of the central and southern Emperor chain define large changes in volcanic migration rate with little associated change in the chain's trend, which suggests that the bend did not form by slowing of the Hawaiian hot spot. Initiation of the bend near Kimmei seamount about 50 million years ago (MA) was coincident with realignment of Pacific spreading centers and early magmatism in western Pacific arcs, consistent with formation of the bend by changed Pacific plate motion.


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Objective: To evaluate the visual and refractive outcomes after phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with isolated lens coloboma. Design: Prospective, consecutive case series. Participants: Eighteen eyes with isolated lens coloboma of 13 patients were included in the study. Mean patient age was 13.9 ± 6.5 years. Methods: Patients underwent phacoemulsification surgery, with combined implantation of capsular tension ring (CTR) and intraocular lens. In colobomas of less than 120°, a CTR was used, whereas in colobomas of more than 120°, a Cionni-modified single eyelet CTR was used to achieve better capsular centration. The main outcome measures were uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, refraction, and keratometry. Results: Mean logMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity and corrected distance visual acuity improved significantly from 1.53 ± 0.35 and 1.02 ± 0.47 before surgery to 0.67 ± 0.51 and 0.52 ± 0.49 at the last visit of the follow-up (p < 0.001). Mean refractive cylinder and spherical equivalent decreased significantly from –6.73 ± 1.73 and –6.72 ± 4.07 D preoperatively to –1.40 ± 1.39 and –0.83 ± 1.31 D at the end of the follow-up (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively). Mean keratometric astigmatism at preoperative and postoperative visits were 1.58 ± 0.97 and 1.65 ± 0.94 D, respectively (p = 0.70). Conclusions: Phacoemulsification with CTR and intraocular lens implantation is an effective and safe option for providing a refractive correction and a significant visual improvement in eyes with isolated lens coloboma.