949 resultados para ANPSP control model


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This thesis will report details of two studies conducted within the National Health Service in the UK that examined the association between HRM practices related to training and appraisal with health outcomes within NHS Trusts. Study one represents the organisational analysis of 61 NHS Trusts, and will report training and appraisal practices were significantly associated with lower patient mortality. Specifically, the research will show significantly lower patient mortality within NHS Trusts that: a) had achieved Investors in People accreditation; b) had a formal strategy document relating to training; c) had tailored training policy documents across occupational groups; d) had integrated training and appraisal practices; e) had a high percentage of staff receiving either an appraisal or updated personal development plan. There was also evidence of an additive effect where NHS Trusts that displayed more of these characteristics had significantly lower patient mortality. Study one in this thesis will also report significantly lower patient mortality within the NHS Trusts where there was broad level representation for the HR function. Study two will report details of a study conducted to examine the potential reasons why HR practices may be related to hospital performance. Details are given of the results of a staff attitudinal survey within five NHS Trusts. This study examined will show that a range of developmental activity, the favourability of the immediate work environment (in relation to social support and role stressors) and motivational outcomes are important antecedents to citizenship behaviours. Furthermore, the thesis will report that principles of the demand-control model were adopted to examine the relationship between workplace support and role stressors, and workplace support, influence, and an understanding of role expectation help mitigate against the negative effects of work demands upon motivational outcomes.


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There is evidence for the efficacy of treatments for childhood anxiety disorders; however, less is known about whether including parents in the child's treatment enhances child treatment response. There also are few studies that have examined predictors of treatment completion/non-completion and success/failure. In this dissertation, a child focused individual treatment was compared to a dyadic child-parent treatment. In dyadic, parent anxiety symptoms and child-parent relationships were targeted. Based on the Transfer of Control Model proposed by Silverman and Kurtines (1996a, b, 2005), it was hypothesized that treatment changes in parent anxiety symptoms and child-parent relationships would be related to positive child treatment response. ^ Participants were 119 youths (ages 6 to 16 years, M = 9.93 SD = 2.75; 68 girls) and their parents. All youth were born in the U.S. but had various backgrounds; 40 were European American, 73 were Latinos/as, 6 were of other ethnic backgrounds or did not report their ethnicity. Participants signed informed consent (assent for youths) and completed a pretreatment assessment. Participants were randomized to a child individual treatment or dyadic treatment, were assessed immediately after treatment and one year post treatment. Findings showed that treated youths improved across all measures over time. Comparison of treatment conditions across all measures showed no statistically significant differences between the child individual and dyadic treatment. Reductions in parent anxiety symptoms and improvements in child-parent relationships were significantly related to child treatment change at posttreatment and at one year follow-up across treatments. No factors differentiated completers from non-completers and only parent reported child internalizing behavior problems were significantly negatively related to child treatment response. ^ The study findings support a premise of the Transfer of Control Model that changes in parent anxiety symptoms and child-parent relationships are related to child treatment response. The study findings show that children can be successfully treated when parents are included as co-clients in dyadic treatment, thereby supporting the utility of this approach in practice. ^


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Forskarnas genuina intresse för den psykosociala arbetsmiljön med koppling mellanchefer gav upphov till att dyka djupare inom området och belysa centrala delar i form av krav, kontroll och socialt stöd. Framåtskridandet går mot en ökad medvetenhet kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, då ohälsan i arbetslivet ökar och Arbetsmiljöverkets nya föreskrift om organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö är i fokus. I linje med en ökad medvetenhet som sker kring den psykosociala arbetsmiljön vill vi rikta ett särskilt fokus till mellanchefer som bör ha en förmåga att hantera krav både uppifrån och ned. Studien har främst utgått från Robert Karaseks och Töres Theorells Krav – kontroll – stödmodellen. Syftet är att undersöka mellanchefers upplevelse med fokus på den psykosociala arbetsmiljön i ett privat företag inom distributions- och logistikverksamhet. Metoden har bestått av en kvalitativ metod i form av en fallstudie där semistrukturerade intervjuer ligger som grund med åtta respondenter ifrån distributionscentret. Resultatet uppvisar att mellancheferna har en hög grad av inflytande, upplevelsen av arbetskrav varierar men i koppling till befattningen är kraven rimliga. Det sociala stödet upplevs som bra på arbetsplatsen och anses av funktionscheferna som en viktig och central del i arbetet. Slutsatser som har uppnåtts är att funktionscheferna har rimliga krav och upplever en bra nivå av kontroll i arbetet, men att ha en alltför hög kontroll i arbetet kan leda till negativ stress. En balans i pendlingen mellan aktiva arbeten och lågstressarbeten anses vara en fördel för att bevara en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Detta för att motverka de negativa effekterna som kan uppstå av att befinna sig inom varje komponent för länge. I studien har det påvisats att företaget anses ha en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö och därmed kan ses som ett gott exempel i arbetslivet.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La scoliose est la pathologie déformante du rachis la plus courante de l’adolescence. Dans 80 % des cas, elle est idiopathique, signifiant qu’aucune cause n’a été associée. Les scolioses idiopathiques répondent à un modèle multifactoriel incluant des facteurs génétiques, environnementaux, neurologiques, hormonaux, biomécaniques et de croissance squelettique. Comme hypothèse neurologique, une anomalie vestibulaire provoquerait une asymétrie d’activation des voies vestibulospinales et des muscles paravertébraux commandés par cette voie, engendrant la déformation scoliotique. Certains modèles animaux permettent de reproduire ce mécanisme. De plus, des anomalies liées au système vestibulaire, comme des troubles de l’équilibre, sont observées chez les patients avec une scoliose. La stimulation vestibulaire galvanique permet d’explorer le contrôle sensorimoteur de l’équilibre puisqu’elle permet d’altérer les afférences vestibulaires. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer le contrôle sensorimoteur en évaluant la réaction posturale provoquée par cette stimulation chez les patients et les participants contrôle. Dans la première étude, les patients sont plus déstabilisés que les contrôles et il n’y a pas de lien entre l’ampleur de l’instabilité et la sévérité de la scoliose. Dans la deuxième étude, à l’aide d’un modèle neuromécanique, un poids plus grand aux signaux vestibulaires a été attribué aux patients. Dans la troisième étude, un problème sensorimoteur est également observé chez les jeunes adultes ayant une scoliose, excluant ainsi que le problème soit dû à la maturation du système nerveux. Dans une étude subséquente, des patients opérés pour réduire leur déformation du rachis, montrent également une réaction posturale de plus grande amplitude à la stimulation comparativement à des participants contrôle. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’anomalie sensorimotrice ne serait pas secondaire à la déformation. Finalement, un algorithme a été développé pour identifier les patients ayant un problème sensorimoteur. Les patients montrant un contrôle sensorimoteur anormal ont également une réponse vestibulomotrice plus grande et attribuent plus de poids aux informations vestibulaires. Globalement, les résultats de cette thèse montrent qu’un déficit sensorimoteur expliquerait l’apparition de la scoliose mais pas sa progression. Le dysfonctionnement sensorimoteur n’est pas présent chez tous les patients. L’algorithme permettant une classification de la performance sensorimotrice pourrait être utile pour de futures études cliniques.


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This dissertation mainly focuses on coordinated pricing and inventory management problems, where the related background is provided in Chapter 1. Several periodic-review models are then discussed in Chapters 2,3,4 and 5, respectively. Chapter 2 analyzes a deterministic single-product model, where a price adjustment cost incurs if the current selling price is changed from the previous period. We develop exact algorithms for the problem under different conditions and find out that computation complexity varies significantly associated with the cost structure. %Moreover, our numerical study indicates that dynamic pricing strategies may outperform static pricing strategies even when price adjustment cost accounts for a significant portion of the total profit. Chapter 3 develops a single-product model in which demand of a period depends not only on the current selling price but also on past prices through the so-called reference price. Strongly polynomial time algorithms are designed for the case without no fixed ordering cost, and a heuristic is proposed for the general case together with an error bound estimation. Moreover, our illustrates through numerical studies that incorporating reference price effect into coordinated pricing and inventory models can have a significant impact on firms' profits. Chapter 4 discusses the stochastic version of the model in Chapter 3 when customers are loss averse. It extends the associated results developed in literature and proves that the reference price dependent base-stock policy is proved to be optimal under a certain conditions. Instead of dealing with specific problems, Chapter 5 establishes the preservation of supermodularity in a class of optimization problems. This property and its extensions include several existing results in the literature as special cases, and provide powerful tools as we illustrate their applications to several operations problems: the stochastic two-product model with cross-price effects, the two-stage inventory control model, and the self-financing model.


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Se desarrolla un marco teórico de la seguridad comunitaria al definirla a partir de la evolución que ha tenido el tema de la seguridad comunitaria a partir de la adopción del enfoque más amplio de la seguridad humana de los habitantes como base y eje de las políticas públicas, de donde nace un nuevo conjunto de prioridades para la erradicación de los factores de riesgo social asociados o que son proclives a la violencia y la comisión de delitos, tales como la deserción escolar, el desempleo, la violencia en todas sus formas, la inequidad de género y diversidad social, la falta de cohesión social, las migraciones, internas o externas, forzadas por las condiciones de vida. El enfoque se basa en un nuevo modelo criminológico que está sustentado en el marco de los derechos humanos, la seguridad humana y el modelo de control social democrático para formar un modelo de desarrollo humano sostenible, por tanto la prevención sustentada en políticas públicas para la seguridad humana, la participación comunitaria y el nuevo rol de la policía comunitaria.It develops a theoretical framework for defining the community from the developments that have taken the issue of community safety from the adoption of the broader approach to human security of people as the basis and focus of public policy, arises where a new set of priorities for the eradication of social risk factors that are associated with or prone to violence and committing crimes, such as school dropouts, unemployment, violence in all its forms, gender inequity and social diversity, lack of social cohesion, migration, internal or external, forced by the conditions of life. The approach is based on a new criminological model that is based on the framework of human rights, human security and control model to form a social democratic model of sustainable human development, thus preventing sustained public policies for security human, community involvement and the new role of community police.


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Design teams are confronted with the quandary of choosing apposite building control systems to suit the needs of particular intelligent building projects, due to the availability of innumerable ‘intelligent’ building products and a dearth of inclusive evaluation tools. This paper is organised to develop a model for facilitating the selection evaluation for intelligent HVAC control systems for commercial intelligent buildings. To achieve these objectives, systematic research activities have been conducted to first develop, test and refine the general conceptual model using consecutive surveys; then, to convert the developed conceptual framework into a practical model; and, finally, to evaluate the effectiveness of the model by means of expert validation. The results of the surveys are that ‘total energy use’ is perceived as the top selection criterion, followed by the‘system reliability and stability’, ‘operating and maintenance costs’, and ‘control of indoor humidity and temperature’. This research not only presents a systematic and structured approach to evaluate candidate intelligent HVAC control system against the critical selection criteria (CSC), but it also suggests a benchmark for the selection of one control system candidate against another.


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This paper introduces an event-based traffic model for railway systems adopting fixed-block signalling schemes. In this model, the events of trains' arrival at and departure from signalling blocks constitute the states of the traffic flow. A state transition is equivalent to the progress of the trains by one signalling block and it is realised by referring to past and present states, as well as a number of pre-calculated look-up tables of run-times in the signalling block under various signalling conditions. Simulation results are compared with those from a time-based multi-train simulator to study the improvement of processing time and accuracy.


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The purpose of this article is to examine how a consumer’s weight control beliefs (WCB), a female advertising model’s body size (slim or large) and product type influence consumer evaluations and consumer body perceptions. The study uses an experiment of 371 consumers. The design of the experiment was a 2 (weight control belief: internal, external) X 2 (model size: larger sized, slim) X 2 (product type: weight controlling, non-weight controlling) between-participants factorial design. Results reveal two key contributions. First, larger sized models result in consumers feeling less pressure from society to be thin, viewing their actual shape as slimmer relative to viewing a slim model and wanting a thinner ideal body shape. Slim models result in the opposite effects. Second this research reveals a boundary condition for the extent to which endorser–product congruency theory can be generalized to endorsers of a larger body size. Results indicate that consumer WCB may be a useful variable to consider when marketers consider the use of larger models in advertising.


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Traffic safety in rural highways can be considered as a constant source of concern in many countries. Nowadays, transportation professionals widely use Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to address safety issues. However, compared to metropolitan applications, the rural highway (non-urban) ITS applications are still not well defined. This paper provides a comprehensive review on the existing ITS safety solutions for rural highways. This research is mainly focused on the infrastructure-based control and surveillance ITS technology, such as Crash Prevention and Safety, Road Weather Management and other applications, that is directly related to the reduction of frequency and severity of accidents. The main outcome of this research is the development of a ‘ITS control and surveillance device locating model’ to achieve the maximum safety benefit for rural highways. Using cost and benefits databases of ITS, an integer linear programming method is utilized as an optimization technique to choose the most suitable set of ITS devices. Finally, computational analysis is performed on an existing highway in Iran, to validate the effectiveness of the proposed locating model.


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This paper establishes a practical stability result for discrete-time output feedback control involving mismatch between the exact system to be stabilised and the approximating system used to design the controller. The practical stability is in the sense of an asymptotic bound on the amount of error bias introduced by the model approximation, and is established using local consistency properties of the systems. Importantly, the practical stability established here does not require the approximating system to be of the same model type as the exact system. Examples are presented to illustrate the nature of our practical stability result.


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An advanced rule-based Transit Signal Priority (TSP) control method is presented in this paper. An on-line transit travel time prediction model is the key component of the proposed method, which enables the selection of the most appropriate TSP plans for the prevailing traffic and transit condition. The new method also adopts a priority plan re-development feature that enables modifying or even switching the already implemented priority plan to accommodate changes in the traffic conditions. The proposed method utilizes conventional green extension and red truncation strategies and also two new strategies including green truncation and queue clearance. The new method is evaluated against a typical active TSP strategy and also the base case scenario assuming no TSP control in microsimulation. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed method can produce significant benefits in reducing the bus delay time and improving the service regularity with negligible adverse impacts on the non-transit street traffic.