863 resultados para AMPHIBIAN DECLINES
The variation in the proportion of reproductive branches, fruit, and seed production of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. (Convolvulaceae) were evaluated at ten beaches on Santa Catarina Island, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three patches per beach of Ipomoea pes-caprae were monitored, involving two reproductive cycles. Ipomoea pes-caprae presented initially an average length of patches of 14 m, with 9.6 branches/m² and 39% of reproductive branches. The proportion of reproductive branches varied between the cycles, but there was not noticed an alternation of reproductive effort between the subsequent cycles. There was a reduction in the percentage of reproductive branches at six localities. In four beaches where Ipomoea pes-caprae populations declined, occurred reduction in the reproductive vigor, and in the seed production, being these declines associated to strong sea erosion. In another hand, in one beach with population increase, there were little reproductive branches due to the occurrence of young stolons. Four patches never maturated fruits, being three of these located at small beaches. The fruit and seed productions in the patches showed values up to 40 fruits/m² and up to 140 seeds/m², respectively. Populations with great seed production were localized in areas adjacent to great coastal plains, which may represent potential seed sources for areas with small seed production in the island.
Purpose: To study the effects of pupillary constriction on frequency doubling perimetry in a group of normal subjects. Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers participated in the study. Only one eye per patient (right eye) underwent frequency doubling perimetry (Full Threshold C-20 strategy). For the second session, one drop of 2% pilocarpine was administered to the volunteers' right eye and the examination was repeated after 60 minutes. Results: Sixty minutes after administration of 2% pilocarpine, there was a significant reduction of the pupillary diameter from 4.22 ± 0.17 mm to 1.55 ± 0.51 mm (p<0.05). There was a significant reduction of the mean retinal sensibility after pupillary constriction. The threshold sensitivity of the central 5º worsened by 5.67 ± 2.49 dB; the area between 2.5º and 10º worsened by 4.49 ± 2.73 dB; and the area between 10º and 20º worsened by 5.10 ± 3.55 dB (p<0.01). A reduction of 4.06 ± 2.67 dB was observed in the mean deviation, as well as an increase of 0.64 ± 0.94 dB in the pattern standard deviation (p<0.01). No differences were observed regarding the number of fixation losses, false-positive and false-negatives responses, and duration of the examination. Conclusion: Changes in pupillary diameter may produce significant declines in threshold sensitivities of the 20º visual field tested by frequency doubling perimetry. These results suggest that is important to maintain a constant pupillary diameter in seriate examinations.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A porção norte do domínio do Cerrado é uma das áreas historicamente menos conhecidas com relação à sua biodiversidade. Recentemente, alguns estudos tem revelado valores de riqueza comparáveis a outras regiões dentro do domínio. A Estação Ecológica Serra Geral do Tocantins (EESGT) está localizada na região do Jalapão, porção Nordeste do Cerrado, e faz parte do maior bloco de áreas protegidas neste domínio. Neste estudo descrevemos a riqueza e composição de espécies de anfíbios da EESGT, discutindo-as em um contexto biogeográfico, e caracterizamos o uso de sítios reprodutivos pelas espécies de anfíbios registradas em relação às fitofisionomias e aos tipos de corpos d'água. Utilizamos os métodos de busca ativa e armadilhas de queda, no período considerado como o auge da estação reprodutiva para a maior parte das espécies do Cerrado. Foram registradas 36 espécies de anfíbios na EESGT, totalizando 39 espécies conhecidas para a região do Jalapão. Aplicando o estimador Jackknife, sugerimos uma riqueza potencial de 42 espécies para a EESGT. A maior parte das espécies registradas é endêmica ou fortemente associada ao Cerrado, seguidas pelas espécies de ampla distribuição no Brasil ou América do Sul. A maior parte da espécies se reproduz em poças temporárias localizadas em áreas abertas, embora existam espécies que ocorrem exclusivamente em matas de galeria e utilizem corpos d'água lóticos para se reproduzir.
O presente trabalho consiste em um inventário da herpetofauna do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (PECB), localizado na região da Serra de Paranapiacaba, Estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de coletas em seis áreas dentro do PECB durante um período de 76 dias distribuídos em um ano, e também por meio de consulta a coleções científicas para obtenção de dados secundários. São apresentados resultados sobre a biologia e ocorrência das espécies no PECB e no Brasil, além de fotografias das diferentes espécies que compõem a herpetofauna do PECB. A herpetofauna do PECB pode ser considerada uma das mais diversificadas de São Paulo, com 65 espécies de anfíbios confirmadas e 59 espécies de répteis registrados neste trabalho. Das 65 espécies de anfíbios, 84% (55 spp.) são endêmicas das formações florestais da Mata Atlântica. Devido às características do relevo do PECB, foram encontrados diferentes padrões altitudinais para os anfíbios: 46% das espécies foram registradas apenas em altitudes acima de 500 m, enquanto que 9% são exclusivas das regiões abaixo de 400 m e 45% ocorrem em todas as áreas amostradas do Parque. Das 59 espécies de répteis do PECB, foram registradas 10 espécies de lagartos, 48 de serpentes e um quelônio. Dentre as serpentes coletadas no PECB, a jararaca Bothrops jararaca foi a mais frequente, com 26,9% (N = 14) do total registrado. Espécies de difícil amostragem, como Echinanthera cephalostriata (13,5%; N = 7) e Taeniophallus affinis (7,7%; N = 4), também foram numerosas no PECB. Dentre os lagartos, Enyalius iheringii foi a espécie mais abundante, com 50% (N = 16) de registros. Uma análise de agrupamento entre 25 taxocenoses de anfíbios brasileiras, incluindo o PECB, resultou na formação de quatro agrupamentos principais. A anurofauna do PECB é mais relacionada com as taxocenoses do Parque Estadual Jacupiranga (0,68) e do Parque Estadual Intervales (0,66). Estes Parques se encontram geograficamente próximos e constituem um dos maiores fragmentos preservados de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Este trabalho é o primeiro a apresentar a lista de répteis do PECB, alem de complementar o conhecimento em relação a fauna de anfíbios do PECB.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cell proliferative activity, by AgNORs number, in different regions of bovine placenta throughout gestation. A total of 28 bovine placentas were separated into four groups: group I (60 to 120 days), group II (121 to 170 days), group III (171 to 220 days), and group IV (221 to 290 days). It was found a greater number of AgNORs in giant trophoblastic cells (GTC) when compared with mononuclear trophoblastic cells (MTC) (p<0,001) in all regions and gestational groups analyzed, that confirms their intensive synthesis activity in trophoblast epithelium. The central region of the placentome begins an intense proliferative activity in group II, observed by clusters, while placentomes edges showed a higher number of clusters on group III. These data suggest that the central region of the placentomes began an intense proliferative activity prior to its edge, both declines at the end of pregnancy. Interplacentomal area showed a higher number of AgNORs in the group IV, suggesting a higher proliferative activity of these cells at the end of pregnancy. The results of this study indicate that the proliferative activity, as determined by the amount of intranuclear AgNORs, exhibits patterns that are not only specific to each type of trophoblastic cells, but also for each specific region of bovine placenta throughout pregnancy.
Tropical forests are characterized by diverse assemblages of plant and animal species compared to temperate forests. Corollary to this general rule is that most tree species, whether valued for timber or not, occur at low densities (<1 adult tree ha(-1)) or may be locally rare. In the Brazilian Amazon, many of the most highly valued timber species occur at extremely low densities yet are intensively harvested with little regard for impacts on population structures and dynamics. These include big-leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), ipe (Tabebuia serratifolia and Tabebuia impetiginosa), jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril), and freijo cinza (Cordia goeldiana). Brazilian forest regulations prohibit harvests of species that meet the legal definition of rare - fewer than three trees per 100 ha - but treat all species populations exceeding this density threshold equally. In this paper we simulate logging impacts on a group of timber species occurring at low densities that are widely distributed across eastern and southern Amazonia, based on field data collected at four research sites since 1997, asking: under current Brazilian forest legislation, what are the prospects for second harvests on 30-year cutting cycles given observed population structures, growth, and mortality rates? Ecologically `rare` species constitute majorities in commercial species assemblages in all but one of the seven large-scale inventories we analyzed from sites spanning the Amazon (range 49-100% of total commercial species). Although densities of only six of 37 study species populations met the Brazilian legal definition of a rare species, timber stocks of five of the six timber species declined substantially at all sites between first and second harvests in simulations based on legally allowable harvest intensities. Reducing species-level harvest intensity by increasing minimum felling diameters or increasing seed tree retention levels improved prospects for second harvests of those populations with a relatively high proportion of submerchantable stems, but did not dramatically improve projections for populations with relatively flat diameter distributions. We argue that restrictions on logging very low-density timber tree populations, such as the current Brazilian standard, provide inadequate minimum protection for vulnerable species. Population declines, even if reduced-impact logging (RIL) is eventually adopted uniformly, can be anticipated for a large pool of high-value timber species unless harvest intensities are adapted to timber species population ecology, and silvicultural treatments are adopted to remedy poor natural stocking in logged stands. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Citrus black spot (CBS) caused by Guignardia citricarpa represents an important threat to citriculture in Brazil. Limited information is available regarding potential biological control agents and new alternative compounds that may provide protection of orange fruits against the disease. In this study, the effects of commercial products based on Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Bt) bacterium, Bt pure isolates and Harpin protein (Messenger (R)) on the postharvest control of CBS, were evaluated in `Valencia` sweet orange fruits harvested for three consecutive years in a citrus grove. The fruits were sprayed with the following products: DiPel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki strain HD-1,16,000 International Units mg(-1), 32 g active ingredient kg(-1)) (1, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Dimy Pel (R) WP (Bt, subspecies, kurstaki, strain HD-1, 17,600 IU mg(-1), 26 g active ingredient l(-1)) (2, 20 and 50 mg ml(-1)), Messenger (R) (3% harpin protein) (1 and 2 mg ml(-1)) and fungicide Tecto (R) Flowable SC (thiabendazole, 485 gl(-1)) (0.8g active ingredient l(-1)), besides the Bt isolates, Bt- HD-567, Bt- DiPel and Bt- Dimy (9 x 10(8) CFU ml(-1)). Ten days after treatment, the number of newly developed CBS lesions and pycnidia produced were evaluated using fifty fruits per treatment. The Dimy Pel (R) and Messenger (R) reduced the number of new developed CBS lesions on fruits in up to 67% and 62%, respectively. All applied treatments drastically decreased the number of pycnidia produced in the CBS lesions on orange fruits with 85% to 96% reductions compared to the untreated control. Volatile compounds produced by the isolates Bt- HD-567, Bt- Dimy and Bt- DiPel, reduced the number of lesions on treated fruits by 70%, 65% and 71% compared to the control, respectively. In addition, the survival of Bt isolates on orange fruit surfaces were evaluated by recovering and quantifying the number of CFU every seven days for up to 28 days. The declines in survival rates on orange fruit surfaces were drastic for the three strains of Bt in the first week. The CFU numbers of all applied isolates declined by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude after storage at room temperature for 28 days. In vitro assays revealed that the Bt isolates significantly reduced the mycelial growth of the pathogen, ranging from 32% to 51%, compared to the control, whereas no inhibitory effect was observed in the presence of Messenger (R). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is concern that Pacific Island economies dependent on remittances of migrants will endure foreign exchange shortages and falling living standards as remittance levels fall because of lower migration rates and the belief that migrants' willingness to remit declines over time. The empirical validity of the remittance-decay hypothesis has never been tested. From survey data on Tongan and Western Samoan migrants in Sydney, this paper estimates remittance functions using multivariate regression analysis. It is found that the remittance-decay hypothesis has no empirical validity, and migrants are motivated by factors other than altruistic family support, including asset accumulation and investment back home.
The World Health Organization (WHO) MONICA Project is a 10-year study monitoring trends and determinants of cardiovascular disease in geographically defined populations. Data were collected from over 100 000 randomly selected participants in two risk factor surveys conducted approximately 5 years apart in 38 populations using standardized protocols. The net effects of changes in the risk factor levels were estimated using risk scores derived from longitudinal studies in the Nordic countries. The prevalence of cigarette smoking decreased among men in most populations, but the trends for women varied. The prevalence of hypertension declined in two-thirds of the populations. Changes in the prevalence of raised total cholesterol were small but highly correlated between the genders (r = 0.8). The prevalence of obesity increased in three-quarters of the populations for men and in more than half of the populations for women. In almost half of the populations there were statistically significant declines in the estimated coronary risk for both men and women, although for Beijing the risk score increased significantly for both genders. The net effect of the changes in the risk factor levels in the 1980s in most of the study populations of the WHO MONICA Project is that the rates of coronary disease are predicted to decline in the 1990s.
This review describes the Australian decline in all-cause mortality, 1788-1990, and compares this with declines in Europe and North America. The period until the 1870s shows characteristic 'crisis mortality', attributable to epidemics of infectious disease. A decline in overall mortality is evident from 1880. A precipitous fall occurs in infant mortality from 1900, similar to that in European countries. Infant mortality continues downward during this century (except during the 1930s), with periods of accelerated decline during the 1940s (antibiotics) and early 1970s. Maternal mortality remains high until a precipitous fall in 1937 coinciding with the arrival of sulphonamide. Excess mortality due to the 1919 influenza epidemic is evident. Artefactual falls in mortality occur in 1930, and for men during the war of 1939-1945. Stagnation in overall mortality decline during the 1930s and 1945-1970 is evident for adult males, and during 1960-1970 for adult females. A decline in mortality is registered in both sexes from 1970, particularly in middle and older age groups, with narrowing of the sex differential. The mortality decline in Australia is broadly similar to those of the United Kingdom and several European countries, although an Australian advantage during last century and the first part of this century may have been due to less industrialisation, lower population density and better nutrition. Australia shows no war-related interruptions in the mortality decline. Australian mortality patterns from 1970 are also similar to those observed in North America and European countries (including the United Kingdom, but excluding Eastern Europe).
This review describes the changes in composition of mortality by major attributed cause during the Australian mortality decline this century. The principal categories employed were: infectious diseases, nonrheumatic cardiovascular disease, external causes, cancer,'other' causes and ill-defined conditions. The data were age-adjusted. Besides registration problems (which also affect all-cause mortality) artefacts due to changes in diagnostic designation and coding-are evident. The most obvious trends over the period are the decline in infectious disease mortality (half the decline 1907-1990 occurs before 1949), and the epidemic of circulatory disease mortality which appears to commence around 1930, peaks during the 1950s and 1960s, and declines from 1970 to 1990 (to a rate half that at the peak). Mortality for cancer remains static for females after 1907, but increases steadily for males, reaching a plateau in the mid-1980s (owing to trends in lung cancer); trends in cancers of individual sites are diverse. External cause mortality declines after 1970. The decline in total mortality to 1930 is associated with decline in infection and 'other' causes, Stagnation of mortality decline in 1930-1940 and 1946-1970 for males is a consequence of contemporaneous movements in opposite directions of infection mortality (decrease) and circulatory disease and cancer mortality (increase). In females, declines in infections and 'other' causes of death exceed the increase in circulatory disease mortality until 1960, then stability in all major causes of death to 1970. The overall mortality decline since 1970 is a consequence of a reduction in circulatory disease,'other' cause, external cause and infection mortality, despite the increase in cancer mortality (for males).
Previous analyses of thermal acclimation of locomotor performance in amphibians have only examined the adult life history stage and indicate that the locomotor system is unable to undergo acclimatory changes to temperature. In this study, we examined the ability of tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) to acclimate their locomotor system by exposing them to either 10 degrees C or 24 degrees C for 6 weeks and testing their burst swimming performance at 10, 24, and 34 degrees C. At the test temperature of 10 degrees C, maximum velocity (U-max) of the 10 degrees C-acclimated tadpoles was 47% greater and maximum acceleration (A(max)) 53% greater than the 24 degrees C-acclimated animals. At 24 degrees C, U-max was 16% greater in the 10 degrees C-acclimation group, while there was no significant difference in A(max) or the time taken to reach U-max (T-U-max). At 34 degrees C, there was no difference between the acclimation groups in either U-max or A(max), however T-U-max was 36% faster in the 24 degrees C-acclimation group. This is the first study to report an amphibian (larva or adult) possessing the capacity to compensate for cool temperatures by thermal acclimation of locomotor performance. To determine whether acclimation period affected the magnitude of the acclimatory response, we also acclimated tadpoles of L. peronii to 10 degrees C for 8 months and compared their swimming performance with tadpoles acclimated to 10 degrees C for 6 weeks. At the test temperatures of 24 degrees C and 34 degrees C, U-max and A(max) were significantly slower in the tadpoles acclimated to 10 degrees C for 8 months. At 10 degrees C, T-U-max was 40% faster in the 8-month group, while there were no differences in either U-max or A(max). Although locomotor performance was enhanced at 10 degrees C by a longer acclimation period, this was at the expense of performance at higher temperatures.
The abundance and species richness of mollusc and crab assemblages were examined in a subtropical mangrove forest in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, which has been disturbed and damaged by the construction of a wooden boardwalk and a path. Sections of the forest immediately adjacent to the boardwalk and path were compared with reference areas to determine whether changes to the small-scale structural complexity within the forest affected the benthic fauna. The disturbed area was characterised by having 65-80% fewer pneumatophores, significantly fewer species and individuals of molluscs, but significantly more species and individuals of crabs than the reference areas. The abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the attached epiphytic algae were manipulated at two sites to determine whether observed differences in these features could account for the differences in the assemblage of molluscs in the disturbed area of the forest compared with reference areas. Five experimental treatments were used: undisturbed controls, pneumatophore removals (abundance reduced by ca. 65%), epiphytic algal removals (algae removed from ca. 65% of pneumatophores), pneumatophore disturbance controls and algal disturbance controls. The experimental reduction of the abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the associated epiphytic algae led to significant declines (by as much as 83%) in the number of molluscs utilising the substratum in the modified plots. There was no significant difference in the abundance of molluscs in the pneumatophore and algal removal plots suggesting any effect was primarily related to removal of the epiphytic algae from the surface of the pneumatophores. The responses by the biota to the changes in the physical environment demonstrate that even relatively small-scale modifications to the physical structure of subtropical mangrove forests can lead to significant effects on the diversity and abundance of macrobenthic organisms in these habitats. Such modifications have the potential to cause cascading effects at higher trophic levels with a deterioration in the value of these habitats as nursery and feeding grounds. Future efforts at conservation of these estuarine environments must focus on the prevention or reduction of modifications to the physical structure and integrity of the system, rather than just on the prevention of loss of entire patches of habitat. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches at Narrabri, Australia, were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). The size of the second generation was significantly related to the size of the first generation, to winter rainfall, which had a positive effect, and to spring rainfall which had a negative effect. These variables accounted for up to 96% of the variation in size of the second generation from year to year. Rainfall and crop hosts were also important for the size of the third generation. The area and tonnage of many potential host crops were significantly correlated with winter rain. When winter rain was omitted from the analysis, the sizes of both the second and third generations could be expressed as a function of the size of the previous generation and of the areas planted to lucerne, sorghum and maize. Lucerne and maize always had positive coefficients and sorghum a negative one. We extended our analysis to catches of H. punctigera (Wallengren), which declines in abundance after the second generation. Winter rain had a positive effect on the sizes of the second and third generations, and rain in spring or early summer had a negative effect. Only the area grown to lucerne had a positive effect on abundance. Forecasts of pest levels from a few months to a few weeks in advance are discussed, along with the improved understanding of the seasonal dynamics of both species and the significance of crops in the management of insecticide resistance for H. armigera.