349 resultados para ALARM


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The problem of narrowband CFAR (constant false alarm rate) detection of an acoustic source at an unknown location in a range-independent shallow ocean is considered. If a target is present, the received signal vector at an array of N sensors belongs to an M-dimensional subspace if N exceeds the number of propagating modes M in the ocean. A subspace detection method which utilises the knowledge of the signal subspace to enhance the detector performance is presented in thisMpaper. It is shown that, for a given number of sensors N, the performance of a detector using a vector sensor array is significantly better than that using a scalar sensor array. If a target is detected, the detector using a vector sensor array also provides a concurrent coarse estimate of the bearing of the target.


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A scheme for the detection and isolation of actuator faults in linear systems is proposed. A bank of unknown input observers is constructed to generate residual signals which will deviate in characteristic ways in the presence of actuator faults. Residual signals are unaffected by the unknown inputs acting on the system and this decreases the false alarm and miss probabilities. The results are illustrated through a simulation study of actuator fault detection and isolation in a pilot plant doubleeffect evaporator.


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This paper considers the problem of spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of whether or not a primary user is transmitting data by a cognitive radio. The Bayesian framework is adopted, with the performance measure being the probability of detection error. A decentralized setup, where N sensors use M observations each to arrive at individual decisions that are combined at a fusion center to form the overall decision is considered. The unknown fading channel between the primary sensor and the cognitive radios makes the individual decision rule computationally complex, hence, a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT)-based approach is adopted. Analysis of the probabilities of false alarm and miss detection of the proposed method reveals that the error exponent with respect to M is zero. Also, the fusion of N individual decisions offers a diversity advantage, similar to diversity reception in communication systems, and a tight bound on the error exponent is presented. Through an analysis in the low power regime, the number of observations needed as a function of received power, to achieve a given probability of error is determined. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm the accuracy of the analysis.


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We consider a wireless sensor network whose main function is to detect certain infrequent alarm events, and to forward alarm packets to a base station, using geographical forwarding. The nodes know their locations, and they sleep-wake cycle, waking up periodically but not synchronously. In this situation, when a node has a packet to forward to the sink, there is a trade-off between how long this node waits for a suitable neighbor to wake up and the progress the packet makes towards the sink once it is forwarded to this neighbor. Hence, in choosing a relay node, we consider the problem of minimizing average delay subject to a constraint on the average progress. By constraint relaxation, we formulate this next hop relay selection problem as a Markov decision process (MDP). The exact optimal solution (BF (Best Forward)) can be found, but is computationally intensive. Next, we consider a mathematically simplified model for which the optimal policy (SF (Simplified Forward)) turns out to be a simple one-step-look-ahead rule. Simulations show that SF is very close in performance to BF, even for reasonably small node density. We then study the end-to-end performance of SF in comparison with two extremal policies: Max Forward (MF) and First Forward (FF), and an end-to-end delay minimising policy proposed by Kim et al. 1]. We find that, with appropriate choice of one hop average progress constraint, SF can be tuned to provide a favorable trade-off between end-to-end packet delay and the number of hops in the forwarding path.


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A link failure in the path of a virtual circuit in a packet data network will lead to premature disconnection of the circuit by the end-points. A soft failure will result in degraded throughput over the virtual circuit. If these failures can be detected quickly and reliably, then appropriate rerouteing strategies can automatically reroute the virtual circuits that use the failed facility. In this paper, we develop a methodology for analysing and designing failure detection schemes for digital facilities. Based on errored second data, we develop a Markov model for the error and failure behaviour of a T1 trunk. The performance of a detection scheme is characterized by its false alarm probability and the detection delay. Using the Markov model, we analyse the performance of detection schemes that use physical layer or link layer information. The schemes basically rely upon detecting the occurrence of severely errored seconds (SESs). A failure is declared when a counter, that is driven by the occurrence of SESs, reaches a certain threshold.For hard failures, the design problem reduces to a proper choice;of the threshold at which failure is declared, and on the connection reattempt parameters of the virtual circuit end-point session recovery procedures. For soft failures, the performance of a detection scheme depends, in addition, on how long and how frequent the error bursts are in a given failure mode. We also propose and analyse a novel Level 2 detection scheme that relies only upon anomalies observable at Level 2, i.e. CRC failures and idle-fill flag errors. Our results suggest that Level 2 schemes that perform as well as Level 1 schemes are possible.


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We are concerned with the situation in which a wireless sensor network is deployed in a region, for the purpose of detecting an event occurring at a random time and at a random location. The sensor nodes periodically sample their environment (e.g., for acoustic energy),process the observations (in our case, using a CUSUM-based algorithm) and send a local decision (which is binary in nature) to the fusion centre. The fusion centre collects these local decisions and uses a fusion rule to process the sensors’ local decisions and infer the state of nature, i.e., if an event has occurred or not. Our main contribution is in analyzing two local detection rules in combination with a simple fusion rule. The local detection algorithms are based on the nonparametric CUSUMprocedure from sequential statistics. We also propose two ways to operate the local detectors after an alarm. These alternatives when combined in various ways yield several approaches. Our contribution is to provide analytical techniques to calculate false alarm measures, by the use of which the local detector thresholds can be set. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the accuracy of our analysis. As an illustration we provide a design example. We also use simulations to compare the detection delays incurred in these algorithms.


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When an Indian prime minister publicly admits that India has fallen behind China, it is news. Manmohan Singh's statement last January at the Indian Science Congress in Bhubaneswar that this is so with respect to scientific research, and that “India's relative position in the world of science has been declining”, has rung alarm bells. Singh was not springing anything new on Indian scientists; many of us will admit that things are not well1. Recognizing the problem is the first step towards reversing this slide.


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This paper presents the design and performance analysis of a detector based on suprathreshold stochastic resonance (SSR) for the detection of deterministic signals in heavy-tailed non-Gaussian noise. The detector consists of a matched filter preceded by an SSR system which acts as a preprocessor. The SSR system is composed of an array of 2-level quantizers with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) noise added to the input of each quantizer. The standard deviation sigma of quantizer noise is chosen to maximize the detection probability for a given false alarm probability. In the case of a weak signal, the optimum sigma also minimizes the mean-square difference between the output of the quantizer array and the output of the nonlinear transformation of the locally optimum detector. The optimum sigma depends only on the probability density functions (pdfs) of input noise and quantizer noise for weak signals, and also on the signal amplitude and the false alarm probability for non-weak signals. Improvement in detector performance stems primarily from quantization and to a lesser extent from the optimization of quantizer noise. For most input noise pdfs, the performance of the SSR detector is very close to that of the optimum detector. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Our work is motivated by geographical forwarding of sporadic alarm packets to a base station in a wireless sensor network (WSN), where the nodes are sleep-wake cycling periodically and asynchronously. We seek to develop local forwarding algorithms that can be tuned so as to tradeoff the end-to-end delay against a total cost, such as the hop count or total energy. Our approach is to solve, at each forwarding node enroute to the sink, the local forwarding problem of minimizing one-hop waiting delay subject to a lower bound constraint on a suitable reward offered by the next-hop relay; the constraint serves to tune the tradeoff. The reward metric used for the local problem is based on the end-to-end total cost objective (for instance, when the total cost is hop count, we choose to use the progress toward sink made by a relay as the reward). The forwarding node, to begin with, is uncertain about the number of relays, their wake-up times, and the reward values, but knows the probability distributions of these quantities. At each relay wake-up instant, when a relay reveals its reward value, the forwarding node's problem is to forward the packet or to wait for further relays to wake-up. In terms of the operations research literature, our work can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem. We formulate our local forwarding problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and obtain inner and outer bounds for the optimal policy. Motivated by the computational complexity involved in the policies derived out of these bounds, we formulate an alternate simplified model, the optimal policy for which is a simple threshold rule. We provide simulation results to compare the performance of the inner and outer bound policies against the simple policy, and also against the optimal policy when the source knows the exact number of relays. Observing the good performance and the ease of implementation of the simple policy, we apply it to our motivating problem, i.e., local geographical routing of sporadic alarm packets in a large WSN. We compare the end-to-end performance (i.e., average total delay and average total cost) obtained by the simple policy, when used for local geographical forwarding, against that obtained by the globally optimal forwarding algorithm proposed by Kim et al. 1].


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This paper presents the formulation and performance analysis of four techniques for detection of a narrowband acoustic source in a shallow range-independent ocean using an acoustic vector sensor (AVS) array. The array signal vector is not known due to the unknown location of the source. Hence all detectors are based on a generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) which involves estimation of the array signal vector. One non-parametric and three parametric (model-based) signal estimators are presented. It is shown that there is a strong correlation between the detector performance and the mean-square signal estimation error. Theoretical expressions for probability of false alarm and probability of detection are derived for all the detectors, and the theoretical predictions are compared with simulation results. It is shown that the detection performance of an AVS array with a certain number of sensors is equal to or slightly better than that of a conventional acoustic pressure sensor array with thrice as many sensors.


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Frequent episode discovery is a popular framework for pattern discovery from sequential data. It has found many applications in domains like alarm management in telecommunication networks, fault analysis in the manufacturing plants, predicting user behavior in web click streams and so on. In this paper, we address the discovery of serial episodes. In the episodes context, there have been multiple ways to quantify the frequency of an episode. Most of the current algorithms for episode discovery under various frequencies are apriori-based level-wise methods. These methods essentially perform a breadth-first search of the pattern space. However currently there are no depth-first based methods of pattern discovery in the frequent episode framework under many of the frequency definitions. In this paper, we try to bridge this gap. We provide new depth-first based algorithms for serial episode discovery under non-overlapped and total frequencies. Under non-overlapped frequency, we present algorithms that can take care of span constraint and gap constraint on episode occurrences. Under total frequency we present an algorithm that can handle span constraint. We provide proofs of correctness for the proposed algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms by extensive simulations. We also give detailed run-time comparisons with the existing apriori-based methods and illustrate scenarios under which the proposed pattern-growth algorithms perform better than their apriori counterparts. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ammonia plays an important role in our daily lives and hence its quantitative and qualitative sensing has become necessary. Bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been employed to detect the gas concentration of 10 ppm. Hydrophobic CNTs were turned to hydrophilic via the application of a ramp electric field that allowed confinement of a controlled amount of water inside CNT microstructure. These samples were then also used to detect different gases. A comparative study has been performed for sensing three reducing gases, namely, ammonia, sulphur-di-oxide, and hydrogen sulphide to elaborate the selectivity of the sensor. A considerable structural bending in the bulk CNT was observed on evaporation of the confined water, which can be accounted to the zipping of individual nanotubes. However, the rate of the stress induced on these bulk microstructures increased on the exposure of ammonia due to the change in the surface tension of the confined solvent. A prototype of an alarm system has been developed to illustrate sensing concept, wherein the generated stress in the bulk CNT induces a reversible loss in electrical contact that changes the equivalent resistance of the electrical circuit upon exposure to the gas. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In this work, the hypothesis testing problem of spectrum sensing in a cognitive radio is formulated as a Goodness-of-fit test against the general class of noise distributions used in most communications-related applications. A simple, general, and powerful spectrum sensing technique based on the number of weighted zero-crossings in the observations is proposed. For the cases of uniform and exponential weights, an expression for computing the near-optimal detection threshold that meets a given false alarm probability constraint is obtained. The proposed detector is shown to be robust to two commonly encountered types of noise uncertainties, namely, the noise model uncertainty, where the PDF of the noise process is not completely known, and the noise parameter uncertainty, where the parameters associated with the noise PDF are either partially or completely unknown. Simulation results validate our analysis, and illustrate the performance benefits of the proposed technique relative to existing methods, especially in the low SNR regime and in the presence of noise uncertainties.


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This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of five widely used multisatellite precipitation estimates (MPEs) against 1 degrees x 1 degrees gridded rain gauge data set as ground truth over India. One decade observations are used to assess the performance of various MPEs (Climate Prediction Center (CPC)-South Asia data set, CPC Morphing Technique (CMORPH), Precipitation Estimation From Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission's Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA-3B42), and Global Precipitation Climatology Project). All MPEs have high detection skills of rain with larger probability of detection (POD) and smaller ``missing'' values. However, the detection sensitivity differs from one product (and also one region) to the other. While the CMORPH has the lowest sensitivity of detecting rain, CPC shows highest sensitivity and often overdetects rain, as evidenced by large POD and false alarm ratio and small missing values. All MPEs show higher rain sensitivity over eastern India than western India. These differential sensitivities are found to alter the biases in rain amount differently. All MPEs show similar spatial patterns of seasonal rain bias and root-mean-square error, but their spatial variability across India is complex and pronounced. The MPEs overestimate the rainfall over the dry regions (northwest and southeast India) and severely underestimate over mountainous regions (west coast and northeast India), whereas the bias is relatively small over the core monsoon zone. Higher occurrence of virga rain due to subcloud evaporation and possible missing of small-scale convective events by gauges over the dry regions are the main reasons for the observed overestimation of rain by MPEs. The decomposed components of total bias show that the major part of overestimation is due to false precipitation. The severe underestimation of rain along the west coast is attributed to the predominant occurrence of shallow rain and underestimation of moderate to heavy rain by MPEs. The decomposed components suggest that the missed precipitation and hit bias are the leading error sources for the total bias along the west coast. All evaluation metrics are found to be nearly equal in two contrasting monsoon seasons (southwest and northeast), indicating that the performance of MPEs does not change with the season, at least over southeast India. Among various MPEs, the performance of TMPA is found to be better than others, as it reproduced most of the spatial variability exhibited by the reference.


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[EU]Dokumentu honek "Panpinan Egindako Bihotz-Biriketako Berpizte Maniobran Bularra Bere Onera Bueltatzearen Analisia" izena duen Gradu Amaierako Lanaren memoria eta eranskinak biltzen ditu. Bertan, lan horren bitartez lorturiko helburuak, horiek nola lortu diren eta burutu ahal izateko egin beharreko pausuak aurkezten dira. Bihotz-biriketako berpizterako berrelikadura gailuek berpizte maniobren kalitateari buruzko informazioa momentuan ematen dute. Proiektua berrelikadurarako laguntza gailuen parametroen kalitatea hobetzeko ikerlan bat egitera bideratuta dago, zehazki bularra bere onera bueltatzen den jakiteko metodoen azterketan sakontzen duelarik interesa duelarik. Alde batetik, benetako sakoneraren kalkulu zehatzari buruzko ikerketa bat egiten da, horretarako aukera ezberdinak aztertuz, metodo desberdinen analisia eginez. Bestetik, berrelikaduran zehar bularra bere onera bueltatzen den ohartarazteko (esate baterako, alarma sistema baten bitartez) parametroan egiten da ikerketa, horretarako indar sentsore gehigarri bat erabiliz.