127 resultados para AJO


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In the last years, functional foods have awakened consumer, scientific and business interest. A commonly found vegetable in such kind of foods includes garlic (Allium sativum). By its ability for selenium (Se) bio-accumulation, garlic can turn into an attractive option of selenized food. Selenium is an essential micronutrient for many organisms including plants, animals, and humans. It is an important trace element due to its antioxidant properties and plays a main role in prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the study of Se speciation due to the different roles that each species manifests in toxicological and nutrition fields. However, Se exhibits a narrow interval between toxicity and essentiality, which is puzzling toxicologists and alarming nutritionists and legislators. In the present review, an overview on the development of selenized garlic studies and its potential implementation in Argentine production is exposed. The development of novel foods with added value such us selenized garlic could be an attractive alternative for local market. Moreover, it becomes a good offering for factory owners, considering that Mendoza represents about 85% of total garlic production in the country.


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Purpose: To evaluate choroidal thickness in young subjects using Enhanced Depth Imaging Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (EDI SD-OCT) describing volume differences between all the defined areas of the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS). Design: Prospective, clinical study. Methods: Seventy-nine eyes of 95 healthy, young (23.8±3.2years), adult volunteers were prospectively enrolled. Manual choroidal segmentation on a 25-raster horizontal scan protocol was performed. The measurements of the nine subfields defined by the ETDRS were evaluated. Results: Mean subfoveal choroidal thickness was 345.67±81.80μm and mean total choroidal volume was 8.99±1.88mm3. Choroidal thickness and volume were higher at the superior and temporal areas compared to inferior and nasal sectors of the same diameter respectively. Strong correlations between subfoveal choroidal thickness and axial length (AL) and myopic refractive error were obtained, r = -0.649, p<0.001 and r = 0.473, p<0.001 respectively. Emmetropic eyes tended to have thicker subfoveal choroidal thickness (381.94±79.88μm versus 307.04±64.91μm) and higher total choroidal volume than myopic eyes (9.80± 1.87mm3 versus 8.14±1.48mm3). The estimation of the variation of the subfoveal choroidal thickness with the AL was-43.84μm/mm. In the myopic group, the variation of the subfoveal choroidal thickness with the myopic refractive error was -10.45μm/D. Conclusions: This study establishes for the first time a normal database for choroidal thickness and volume in young adults. Axial length, and myopic ammetropy are highly associated with choroidal parameters in healthy subjects. EDI SD-OCT exhibited a high degree of intraobserver and interobserver repeatability.


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Purpose: To compare outcomes of big-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and penetrating keratoplasty (PK) for macular corneal dystrophy. Design: Prospective, randomized, interventional case series. Methods: Setting: Single hospital. Patients: Eighty-two eyes of 54 patients requiring keratoplasty for the treatment of macular corneal dystrophy without endothelial involvement were included. Main outcome measures: Operative complications, uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity function, higher-order aberrations, and endothelial cell density were evaluated. Results: The DALK and PK group consisted of 35 and 41 eyes, respectively. Best-corrected visual acuity after surgery was 20/40 or better 68.5% and 70.7% of the eyes in the DALK and PK groups, respectively (P > .05). No statistically significant differences between groups were found in contrast sensitivity function with and without glare for any spatial frequency (P > .05). Significantly higher levels of higher-order aberrations were found in the DALK group (P < .01). In both groups, a progressive and statistically significant reduction in endothelial cell density was found (P < .01). At the last follow-up, the mean endothelial cell loss was 18.1% and 26.9% in DALK and PK groups, respectively (P = .03). Graft rejection episodes were seen in 5 eyes (12.1%) in the PK group, and regrafting was necessary in 3 eyes (7.3%). Recurrence of the disease was documented in 5.7% and 4.8% of the eyes in the DALK and PK groups, respectively. Conclusions: Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with the big-bubble technique provided comparable visual and optical results as PK and resulted in less endothelial damage, as well as eliminating endothelial rejection in macular corneal dystrophy. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty surgery is a viable option for macular corneal dystrophy without endothelial involvement.


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PURPOSE To evaluate macular retinal ganglion cell thickness in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy. DESIGN Retrospective case series with fellow-eye comparison METHODS: Patients with continuous unilateral anti-VEGF treatment for sub- and juxtafoveal neovascular AMD and a minimum follow-up of 24 months were included. The retinal nerve fiber (RNFL) and retinal ganglion cell layer (RGCL) in the macula were segmented using an ETDRS grid. RNFL and RGCL thickness of the outer ring of the ETDRS grid were quantified at baseline and after repeated anti-VEGF injections, and compared to the patients' untreated fellow eye. Furthermore, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), age, and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) atrophy were recorded and correlated with RNFL and RGCL. RESULTS Sixty eight eyes of 34 patients (23 female and 11 male; mean age 76.7 (SD±8.2) with a mean number of 31.5 (SD ±9.8) anti-VEGF injections and a mean follow-up period of 45.3 months (SD±10.5) were included. Whereas the RGCL thickness decreased significantly compared to the non-injected fellow eye (p=0.01) the decrease of the RNFL was not significant. Visual acuity gain was significantly correlated with RGCL thickness (r=0.52, p<0.05) at follow-up and negatively correlated (r=-0.41, p<0.05) with age. Presence of RPE atrophy correlated negatively with the RGCL thickness at follow-up (r= -0.37, p=0.03). CONCLUSION During the course of long term anti-VEGF therapy there is a significant decrease of the RGCL in patients with neovascular AMD to the fellow (untreated) eye.


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Goldoni, C. Le smanie per la villeggiatura. Le avventure della villeggiatura. Il padre di famiglia.--Albergati Capacelli, F. La tarantola.--Giraud, G. L'ajo nell'imbarazzo.--Nota, A. Il nuovo ricco.


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El estudio valor a el estado nutricional de las familias en las siguientes comunidades: Santa Cruz, Tisma Grande y la Montañita N o 2, pertenecientes al municipio de Masaya. Se inició con el análisis de sus patro nes de consumo, dando valor al aporte nut ricional de las plantas locales . En esta investigación cualit ativa se aplicaron los siguientes instrumentos : Entrevistas y recorr idos de fincas . De estos se derivan dos estudios de casos. El primero reflejó que los 9 patr ones de consumo poseen suficiencia en cuanto al acceso a alimentos nutritivos superando el 110%. El índice de di versidad de la dieta ( suficiencia ) en la semana, alcanza un rango de 0.89 en Tisma Grande, con valoración deficiente, en Santa Cruz de 0.92 con valoración aceptable y l a Montañita N o 2 de 1.08, con valoración adecuad a . En el aspecto de la diversidad de l a dieta en la semana , los resultados fuer on rangos promedios entre 9.3 y 9.7 significando la existencia de una diver sidad de dieta aceptable. El segundo estudio de caso refleja info rmac ión sobre los tipos de plantas locales con valor nutritivo y las formas de consumo diario determina n do así las siguientes plantas: Espinaca ( Spinacia oleracea ), Quelite ( Amaranthus hybridus ), Espadillo ( Yucca elephantipes ), Verdolaga ( Portulaca olerac ea ), Mora ( Morus nigra), Cojombro (Sicana odorífera), Batata (Ipomoea batatas), Piñuela (Bromelia baratas), Panamá (Sterculia apetala, Tempisque (Sideroxylon capiri), Caimito (Chrysophyllum cainito) entre otras . Definitivamente , podemos detallar que las f amilias consumen alimentos con mayo r aporte calórico que proteínico, ya que consumen alimentos derivados de los lácteos, car nes y dulces. Sin embargo, es importante mencion ar que esto no indica que exista una mala calidad nu tricional en las familias, puest o que el consumo de proteínas no es tan defi ci ente, por eso hace necesario incluir a limentos que permitan compleme ntar el consumo de proteínas al organismo de las familias, logrando así un a dieta balanceada que les permita a las familias mejorar sus condic iones de salud y de vida satisfaciendo así sus necesidades nutricionales diarias en relación al tr ab ajo que realizan día a día en sus pequeñas parcelas productivas.