815 resultados para ADULT-POPULATION


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O nível sérico do Fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo I (IGF-I) é fundamental para auxiliar no dignóstico e controle terapêutico dos transtornos relacionados à secreção do Hormônio de Crescimento (GH), bem como no diagnóstico e seguimento de outras doenças. Estabelecer valores de referência para as dosagens séricas de IGF-I por um ensaio imunoquimioluminométrico (ICMA), utilizando o sistema automatizado Immulite 2000/Diagnostic Products Corporation (DPC), e por um ensaio imunoradiométrico (IRMA), utilizando o kit comercial ACTIVE IGF-I/Diagnostic System Laboratories (DSL)-5600, numa população brasileira adulta da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do Instituto Estadual de Hematologia Arthur de Siqueira Cavalcanti, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, incluiu amostras de 484 indivíduos saudáveis (251 homens e 233 mulheres) com idades entre 18 e 70 anos. As amostras foram estudadas por ICMA- Immulite 2000/DPC and IRMA- ACTIVE IGF-I/DSL-5600. Para análise dos dados foram utilizados modelos específicos para idade e sexo, após transformação dos dados de IGF-I. Foi observada uma lenta diminuição dos níveis de IGF-I com a idade usando ambos os ensaios. Os níveis de IGF-I foram signicativamente (p=0,0181) mais elevados em mulheres do que em homens, quando as amostras foram analisadas usando ICMA. Não houve diferença significativa dos níveis de IGF-I entre homens e mulheres quando as amostras foram analisadas usando IRMA. Este estudo estabeleceu valores de referência de IGF-I específicos para idade e sexo, determinados com o sistema automatizado ICMA-Immulite 2000/DPC, e valores de referência de IGF-I específicos para idade, determinados com o kit comercial IRMA- ACTIVE IGF-I/DSL-5600, em uma população adulta brasileira, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro.


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A adiponectina, um hormônio produzido pelo tecido adiposo, atua na regulação do metabolismo energético e interfere favoravelmente na sensibilidade à insulina através de suas ações no fígado e musculatura esquelética. Ao contrário da maioria das outras adipocitocinas, associa-se inversamente com a obesidade visceral, resistência à insulina, diabetes tipo 2 e doença cardiovascular. Inúmeros estudos demonstraram nos últimos anos os efeitos de variantes genéticas no gene ADIPOQ sobre os níveis circulantes de adiponectina, resistência à insulina, diabetes e obesidade. Entretanto, além de resultados contraditórios, a maior parte desses estudos foi realizada em populações Caucasianas e Asiáticas. Avaliar, em uma população multiétnica adulta do município do Rio de Janeiro, as possíveis associações das variantes genéticas (-11391 G>A, -11377C>G, +45T>G e T517G) no gene ADIPOQ com o fenótipo obeso, níveis circulantes de adiponectina de alto peso molecular e fatores de risco cardiometabólico. Trata-se de um estudo transversal. Foram estudados 100 indivíduos eutróficos (IMC 18,5 24,9 kg/m2, idade: 32,5 + 9,8 anos) e 100 obesos (IMC 30 58,2 kg/m2, idade 37,5 + 14,1 anos), igualmente divididos entre homens e mulheres. Os indivíduos obesos apresentaram valores significativamente maiores de circunferência abdominal, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média, glicemia de jejum, triglicerídeos, LDL-colesterol, leptina, insulina, HOMA-IR e proteína C reativa, quando comparados aos eutróficos. Contrariamente, exibiram menores valores de adiponectina e HDL-colesterol. Análises de correlação mostraram relação inversa e significativa entre a adiponectina, circunferência abdominal, insulina, HOMA-IR e pressão arterial. Com os níveis de HDL-colesterol, a correlação foi positiva. Por meio de análise de regressão múltipla foi possível identificar os determinantes dos níveis séricos de adiponecinta. Sexo masculino, circunferência abdominal, HOMA-IR e a variante genética -11391G>A, foram os principais responsáveis por essa variação, com um R2 de 30%. Quanto à análise genética, não encontramos nenhuma associação entre essas variantes e o fenótipo obeso. Entretanto, os indivíduos carreadores do alelo mutante -11391A apresentaram menores valores de glicemia, pressão arterial e relação cintura-quadril e maiores concentrações sanguíneas de adiponectina, quando comparados aos indivíduos ditos selvagens. Ademais, os carreadores do alelo mutante -11377G apresentaram menores valores de pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que níveis de adiponectina diferem entre eutróficos e obesos e que concentrações mais baixas dessa adipocitocina estão associadas a um pior perfil cardiometabólico. Variantes no gene ADIPOQ podem interferir nessa relação e alguns polimorfismos parecem ter um perfil protetor no risco cardiovascular.


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In Cambodia, women make up more than 65% of the adult population. They play a most important role in all spheres of social and economic activities. A recent investigation has shown that in small scale aquaculture, women have been found to contribute more than men in almost all activities. Details about this are discussed in this article.


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Esta dissertação buscou uma apreciação crítica e pragmática da relação entre desigualdade socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal, em resposta a proposição internacional de monitoramento das desigualdades em saúde e a escassez de estudos desta natureza relativos à obesidade abdominal. Dois artigos foram elaborados a fim de estimar o grau de desigualdade educacional na ocorrência de obesidade abdominal e revisar os estudos de associação entre posição socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal. O primeiro artigo utilizou o índice angular de desigualdade e o índice relativo de desigualdade em dados seccionais de 3.117 participantes da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, 1999-2001, e o segundo artigo abarcou os resultados de estudos conduzidos em população adulta no Brasil. Os índices de desigualdade resumiram a tendência monotônica e inversa observada entre escolaridade e obesidade abdominal na população feminina, proporcionando estimativas quantitativas desta desigualdade (artigo 1). Em concordância, observou-se que a associação entre indicadores de posição socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal foi majoritariamente inversa entre as mulheres, principalmente com relação à escolaridade, e estatisticamente não significativa entre os homens (artigo 2). Tal cenário epidemiológico evidencia que a obesidade abdominal tem afetado desproporcionalmente as mulheres de posição socioeconômica mais baixa e que a desigualdade de gênero na prevalência de obesidade abdominal tende a aumentar com menor posição socioeconômica. Em suma, a presente dissertação visou à produção de conhecimento epidemiológico relevante ao enfrentamento das desigualdades em saúde, com o objetivo premente de subsidiar políticas públicas de fato realizáveis e individualmente aceitáveis.


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Esta dissertação buscou uma apreciação crítica e pragmática da relação entre desigualdade socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal, em resposta a proposição internacional de monitoramento das desigualdades em saúde e a escassez de estudos desta natureza relativos à obesidade abdominal. Dois artigos foram elaborados a fim de estimar o grau de desigualdade educacional na ocorrência de obesidade abdominal e revisar os estudos de associação entre posição socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal. O primeiro artigo utilizou o índice angular de desigualdade e o índice relativo de desigualdade em dados seccionais de 3.117 participantes da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, 1999-2001, e o segundo artigo abarcou os resultados de estudos conduzidos em população adulta no Brasil. Os índices de desigualdade resumiram a tendência monotônica e inversa observada entre escolaridade e obesidade abdominal na população feminina, proporcionando estimativas quantitativas desta desigualdade (artigo 1). Em concordância, observou-se que a associação entre indicadores de posição socioeconômica e obesidade abdominal foi majoritariamente inversa entre as mulheres, principalmente com relação à escolaridade, e estatisticamente não significativa entre os homens (artigo 2). Tal cenário epidemiológico evidencia que a obesidade abdominal tem afetado desproporcionalmente as mulheres de posição socioeconômica mais baixa e que a desigualdade de gênero na prevalência de obesidade abdominal tende a aumentar com menor posição socioeconômica. Em suma, a presente dissertação visou à produção de conhecimento epidemiológico relevante ao enfrentamento das desigualdades em saúde, com o objetivo premente de subsidiar políticas públicas de fato realizáveis e individualmente aceitáveis.


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The shallow-water shrimp lives along the coast of Mozambique. Its distribution is closely linked to the existence of mangroves, where it grows during the first months of life. The adult population live in the bays or offshore, in shallow waters. A description of resource distribution, fishing areas and catch composition is given.


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Time and budget constraints frequently prevent designers from consulting with end-users while assessing the ease of use of the products they create. This has resulted in solutions that are difficult to use by a wide range of users, especially the growing older adult population and people with different types of impairments. To help designers with this problem, capability-loss simulators have been developed with the aim of temporarily representing users who are otherwise difficult to access. This paper questions the reliability of existing tools in providing designers with meaningful information about the users' capabilities. Consequently, a new capability-loss simulation toolkit is presented, followed by its empirical evaluation. The new toolkit proved to be significantly helpful for a group of designers identifying real usability problems with everyday devices. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Increasing proportions of the global population are being diagnosed with diabetes. It is anticipated that by 2030, 10% of the adult population worldwide will be living with this condition. Lifestyle factors can impact on the development, management and progression of diabetes. Obesity and sedentary living are contributory factors to the increased volume of diabetes. Physical activity offers those living with diabetes the opportunities to keep well and attain potentially more stable blood glucose control reducing the level of medical intervention required and delaying or preventing some of the life-changing complications that can derive from a diabetes diagnosis. Exercise interventions are effective in preventing and treating type-II diabetes. However, maintaining regular exercise routines, especially home-based exercises may provide a key for sustaining the health benefits.


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Background: Most cardiovascular disease (CVD) occurs in the presence of traditional risk factors, including hypertension and dyslipidemia, and these in turn are influenced by behavioural factors such as diet and lifestyle. Previous research has identified a group at low risk of CVD based on a cluster of inter-related factors: body mass index (BMI) < 25 Kg/m2, moderate exercise, alcohol intake, non-smoking and a favourable dietary pattern. The objective of this study was to determine whether these factors are associated with a reduced prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia in an Irish adult population. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of 1018 men and women sampled from 17 general practices. Participants completed health, lifestyle and food frequency questionnaires and provided fasting blood samples for analysis of glucose and insulin. We defined a low risk group based on the following protective factors: BMI <25 kg/m2; waist-hip ratio (WHR) <0.85 for women and <0.90 for men; never smoking status; participants with medium to high levels of physical activity; light alcohol consumption (3.5–7 units of alcohol/week) and a "prudent" diet. Dietary patterns were assessed by cluster analysis. Results: We found strong significant inverse associations between the number of protective factors and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and dyslipidemia. The prevalence odds ratio of hypertension in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none, were 1.0, 0.76, 0.68 and 0.34 (trend p < 0.01). The prevalence odds ratio of dyslipidemia in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none were 0.83, 0.98, 0.49 and 0.24 (trend p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our findings of a strong inverse association between low risk behaviours and two of the traditional risk factors for CVD highlight the importance of 'the causes of the causes' and the potential for behaviour modification in CVD prevention at a population level.


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The aim of this research, which focused on the Irish adult population, was to generate information for policymakers by applying statistical analyses and current technologies to oral health administrative and survey databases. Objectives included identifying socio-demographic influences on oral health and utilisation of dental services, comparing epidemiologically-estimated dental treatment need with treatment provided, and investigating the potential of a dental administrative database to provide information on utilisation of services and the volume and types of treatment provided over time. Information was extracted from the claims databases for the Dental Treatment Benefit Scheme (DTBS) for employed adults and the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) for less-well-off adults, the National Surveys of Adult Oral Health, and the 2007 Survey of Lifestyle Attitudes and Nutrition in Ireland. Factors associated with utilisation and retention of natural teeth were analysed using count data models and logistic regression. The chi-square test and the student’s t-test were used to compare epidemiologically-estimated need in a representative sample of adults with treatment provided. Differences were found in dental care utilisation and tooth retention by Socio-Economic Status. An analysis of the five-year utilisation behaviour of a 2003 cohort of DTBS dental attendees revealed that age and being female were positively associated with visiting annually and number of treatments. Number of adults using the DTBS increased, and mean number of treatments per patient decreased, between 1997 and 2008. As a percentage of overall treatments, restorations, dentures, and extractions decreased, while prophylaxis increased. Differences were found between epidemiologically-estimated treatment need and treatment provided for those using the DTBS and DTSS. This research confirms the utility of survey and administrative data to generate knowledge for policymakers. Public administrative databases have not been designed for research purposes, but they have the potential to provide a wealth of knowledge on treatments provided and utilisation patterns.


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Whereas common infectious and parasitic diseases such as malaria and the HIV/AIDS pandemic remain major unresolved health problems in many developing countries, emerging non-communicable diseases relating to diet and lifestyle have been increasing over the last two decades, thus creating a double burden of disease and impacting negatively on already over-stretched health services in these countries. Prevalence rates for type 2 diabetes mellitus and CVD in sub-Saharan Africa have seen a 10-fold increase in the last 20 years. In the Arab Gulf current prevalence rates are between 25 and 35% for the adult population, whilst evidence of the metabolic syndrome is emerging in children and adolescents. The present review focuses on the concept of the epidemiological and nutritional transition. It looks at historical trends in socio-economic status and lifestyle and trends in nutrition-related non-communicable diseases over the last two decades, particularly in developing countries with rising income levels, as well as the other extreme of poverty, chronic hunger and coping strategies and metabolic adaptations in fetal life that predispose to non-communicable disease risk in later life. The role of preventable environmental risk factors for obesity and the metabolic syndrome in developing countries is emphasized and also these challenges are related to meeting the millennium development goals. The possible implications of these changing trends for human and economic development in poorly-resourced healthcare settings and the implications for nutrition training are also discussed.


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The Mediterranean Sea is located in a crossroad of mid-latitude and subtropical climatic modes that enhance contrasting environmental conditions over both latitudinal and longitudinal ranges. Here, we show that the large-scale environmental forcing is reflected in the basin scale trends of the adult population of the calanoid copepod Centropages typicus. The species is distributed over the whole Mediterranean basin, and maximal abundances were found in the north-western basin associated to oceanic fronts, and in the Adriatic Sea associated to shallow and semi enclosed waters. The peak of main abundances of C. typicus correlates with the latitudinal temperature gradient and the highest seasonal abundances occurred in spring within the 14–18°C temperature window. Such thermal cline may define the latitudinal geographic region where C. typicus seasonally dominates the >200 μm-sized spring copepod community in the Mediterranean Sea. The approach used here is generally applicable to investigate the large-scale spatial patterns of other planktonic organisms and to identify favourable environmental windows for population development.


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Environmentally induced change appears to be impacting the recruitment of North Sea herring (Clupea harengus). Despite simultaneously having a large adult population, historically low exploitation, and Marine Stewardship Council accreditation (implying sustainability), there have been an unprecedented 6 sequential years of poor juvenile production (recruitment). Analysis suggests that the poor recruitment arises during the larval overwintering phase, with recent survival rates greatly reduced. Contemporary warming of the North Sea has caused significant changes in the plankton community, and a recently identified regime shift around 2000 shows close temporal agreement with the reduced larval survival. It is, therefore, possible that we are observing the first consequences of this planktonic change for higher trophic levels. There is no indication of a recovery in recruitment in the short term. Fishing mortality is currently outside the agreed management plan, and forecasts show a high risk of the stock moving outside safe biological limits soon, potentially precipitating another collapse of the stock. However, bringing the realized fishing mortality back in line with the management plan would likely alleviate the problem. This illustrates again that recruitment is influenced by more than just spawning-stock biomass, and that changes in other factors can be of equal, or even greater, importance. In such dynamically changing environments, recent management success does not necessarily guarantee future sustainability.


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Recent evidence suggests that the sympathetic nervous system may have a role in modulating neurogenic inflammation and bone remodelling. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a well-characterized neuropeptide transmitter in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system. NPY is known to be present in human dental pulp; however, quantitative data on NPY levels in pulpal health and disease in an adult population remain to be determined. The aims of the current study were to assess, quantitatively, NPY levels by radioimmunoassay and confirm the distribution of NPY fibres by immunocytochemistry in carious and non-carious adult human pulp tissue. Our results suggest changes in the levels and distribution of NPY in human dental pulp during the caries process, with significantly higher levels of NPY in carious compared with non-carious adult human teeth. Within the carious samples studied, our finding, that NPY levels were significantly elevated in mild/moderate caries, concurs with the hypothesis that NPY could have a modulatory role in pulpal inflammation and in reparative dentine formation. © 2006 Eur J Oral Sci.