953 resultados para ADULT MALE


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Objective: To assess the prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis impacted canines and supernumerary teeth in a young adult male population. Materials and Methods: The panoramic radiographs of 1745 military students (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.52 years) who attended the Center of Aviation Medicine of the Armed Forces of Greece during the period 1997-2011 were initially analyzed for lateral incisor agenesis by two observers. After exclusion of the known orthodontic cases, a subgroup of 1636 examinees (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.44 years) was evaluated for canine impaction and supernumerary teeth. Results: Twenty-eight missing lateral incisors were observed in 22 military students, indicating an incidence of 1.3% in the investigated population. No lateral incisor agenesis was detected in the mandibular arch. A prevalence rate of 0.8% was determined for canine impaction in the sample of young adults. The majority of impacted teeth (86.7%) were diagnosed in the maxillary arch. Thirty-five supernumerary teeth were observed in 24 examinees (prevalence rate: 1.5%). The ratio of supernumerary teeth located in the maxilla versus the mandible was 2.2:1. The most common type of supernumerary tooth was the upper distomolar. Conclusion: The prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis, canine impaction, and supernumerary teeth ranged from 0.8 to 1.5% in the sample of male Greek military students.


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Although the biological roots of aggression have been the source of intense debate, the precise physiological mechanisms responsible for aggression remain poorly understood. In most species, aggression is more common in males than females; thus, gonadal hormones have been a focal point for research in this field. Although gonadal hormones have been shown to influence the expression of aggression, in many cases aggression can continue after castration, indicating that testicular steroids are not completely essential for the expression of aggression. Recently, the mammalian neuropeptide arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been implicated in aggression. AVP plays a particularly important role in social behavior in monogamous mammals, such as prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). In turn, the effects of social experiences may be mediated by neuropeptides, including AVP. For example, sexually naïve prairie voles are rarely aggressive. However, 24 h after the onset of mating, males of this species become significantly aggressive toward strangers. Likewise, in adult male prairie voles, central (intracerebroventricular) injections of AVP can significantly increase intermale aggression, suggesting a role for AVP in the expression of postcopulatory aggression in adult male prairie voles. In this paper, we demonstrate that early postnatal exposure to AVP can have long-lasting effects on the tendency to show aggression, producing levels of aggression in sexually naïve, adult male prairie voles that are comparable to those levels observed after mating. Females showed less aggression and were less responsive to exogenous AVP, but the capacity of an AVP V1a receptor antagonist to block female aggression also implicates AVP in the development of female aggression.


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Adult male Satin Bowerbirds build and decorate stick bowers to which they attract females for matings; females choose among males based on these complex bowers, decorations placed at these bowers, and displays consisting of vocalisations and posturing. Male Satin Bowerbirds undergo an extended period of delayed morphological maturation during which they retain female-like plumage and are assumed to learn adult male behavioural traits. Little is known, however, of how immature males acquire the ability to display and build and decorate bowers, except that they observe the displays of adult males at adults' bowers, and practise their own displays at both adults' and 'practice' bowers. We present data on the home ranges and movement patterns of six immature males, acquired through radio-tracking at the Bunya Mountains in south-east Queensland. Home-range size averaged 13.67 +/- 3.38 ha and immature males visited only some of the bowers located in their home ranges. On average, they visited 2.33 +/- 0.52 adults' bowers and 4.00 +/- 2.00 practice bowers.


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Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) are a recently described, underrecognized group of syndromes characterized biochemically by abnormal glycosylation of serum and cellular glycoproteins. We report a previously undiagnosed adult male who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia in the context of mental impairment, peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, body dysmorphism, cardiomyopathy, and hypogonadism. Newly available screening and genetic testing confirmed the diagnosis as CDG type Ia. This case emphasizes that CDG should be considered as a differential diagnosis for adults with early-onset cerebellar ataxia, particularly in those persons with the aforementioned features, and that undiagnosed cases of childhood ataxia may require reassessment now that testing is available. © 2006 Movement Disorder Society


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Background There are substantial social inequalities in adult male mortality in many countries. Smoking is often more prevalent among men of lower social class, education, or income. The contribution of smoking to these social inequalities in mortality remains uncertain. Methods The contribution of smoking to adult mortality in a population can be estimated indirectly from disease-specific death rates in that population (using absolute lung cancer rates to indicate proportions due to smoking of mortality from certain other diseases). We applied these methods to 1996 death rates at ages 35-69 years in men in three different social strata in four countries, based on a total of 0.6 million deaths. The highest and lowest social strata were based on social class (professional vs unskilled manual) in England and Wales, neighbourhood income (top vs bottom quintile) in urban Canada, and completed years of education (more than vs less than 12 years) in the USA and Poland. Results In each country, there was about a two-fold difference between the highest and the lowest social strata in overall risks of dying among men aged 35-69 years (England and Wales 21% vs 43%, USA 20% vs 37%, Canada 21% vs 34%, Poland 26% vs 50%: four-country mean 22% vs 41%, four-country mean absolute difference 19%). More than half of this difference in mortality between the top and bottom social strata involved differences in risks of being killed at age 35-69 years by smoking (England and Wales 4% vs 19%, USA 4% vs 15%, Canada 6% vs 13%, Poland 5% vs 22%: four-country mean 5% vs 17%, four-country mean absolute difference 12%). Smoking-attributed mortality accounted for nearly half of total male mortality in the lowest social stratum of each country. Conclusion In these populations, most, but not all, of the substantial social inequalities in adult male mortality during the 1990s were due to the effects of smoking. Widespread cessation of smoking could eventually halve the absolute differences between these social strata in the risk of premature death.


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Reduction in levels of sex hormones at menopause in women is associated with two common, major outcomes, the accumulation of white adipose tissue, and the progressive loss of bone because of excess osteoclastic bone resorption exceeding osteoblastic bone formation. Current antiresorptive therapies can reduce osteoclastic activity but have only limited capacity to stimulate osteoblastic bone formation and restore lost skeletal mass. Likewise, the availability of effective pharmacological weight loss treatments is currently limited. Here we demonstrate that conditional deletion of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y2 receptors can prevent ongoing bone loss in sex hormone-deficient adult male and female mice. This benefit is attributable solely to activation of an anabolic osteoblastic bone formation response that counterbalances persistent elevation of bone resorption, suggesting the Y2-mediated anabolic pathway to be independent of sex hormones. Furthermore, the increase in fat mass that typically occurs after ovariectomy is prevented by germ line deletion of Y2 receptors, whereas in male mice body weight and fat mass were consistently lower than wild-type regardless of sex hormone status. Therefore, this study indicates a role for Y2 receptors in the accumulation of adipose tissue in the hypogonadal state and demonstrates that hypothalamic Y2 receptors constitutively restrain osteoblastic activity even in the absence of sex hormones. The increase in bone formation after release of this tonic inhibition suggests a promising new avenue for osteoporosis treatment.


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A recent article in the Lancet, by David Stuckler, Larry King and Martin McKee, investigated anew the fluctuations in adult male mortality rates that have come to characterise the so-called post-communist mortality crisis. Adopting a cross-country, time-series perspective the authors examined how the economic policy strategies of the 1990s impacted upon observed fluctuations in mortality. They conclude that the adoption of a strategy of rapid (mass) privatisation contributed to the adverse mortality trends. We subject that finding to closer scrutiny using the same data from which the Stuckler et al claim stems. We find that their claim that mass privatisation adversely affected male mortality trends in the post-Communist world does not stand up to closer examination. It is not supported empirically and is at odds with what we know about both transition in the post-communist world and about health trends over time in this region.


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Although the association between maternal periconceptional diet and adult offspring health is well characterised, our understanding of the impact of paternal nutrition at the time of conception on offspring phenotype remains poorly defined. Therefore, we determined the effect of a paternal preconception low protein diet (LPD on adult offspring cardiovascular and metabolic health in mice. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed either normal protein diet (NPD; 18% casein or LPD (9% casein for 7 wk before mating. At birth, a reduced male-to-female ratio (P = 0.03 and increased male offspring weight (P = 0.009 were observed in litters from LPD compared with NPD stud males with no differences in mean litter size. LPD offspring were heavier than NPD offspring at 2 and 3 wk of age (P <0.02. However, no subsequent differences in body weight were observed. Adult male offspring derived from LPD studs developed relative hypotension (decreased by 9.2 mmHg and elevated heart rate (P <0.05, whereas both male and female offspring displayed vascular dysfunction and impaired glucose tolerance relative to NPD offspring. At cull (24 wk, LPD males had elevated adiposity (P = 0.04, reduced heart-to-body weight ratio (P = 0.04, and elevated circulating TNF-α levels (P = 0.015 compared with NPD males. Transcript expression in offspring heart and liver tissue was reduced for genes involved in calcium signaling (Adcy, Plcb, Prkcb and metabolism (Fto in LPD offspring (P <0.03. These novel data reveal the impact of suboptimal paternal nutrition on adult offspring cardiovascular and metabolic homeostasis, and provide some insight into the underlying regulatory mechanisms.


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Background: Sulphites are widely used as a preservative and antioxidant additives in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Many types of biological and toxicological effects of sulphites in multiple organs of mammals have been shown in previous studies. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sodium metabisulfite (SMB) on testicular function and morphometric values of epididymis in adult male Wistar rats. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 rats were randomly divided into four groups. The experimental groups received SMB at doses of 10 mg/kg (S10), 100mg/kg (S100), and 260 mg/kg (S260) while an equal volume of normal saline was administered to the control group via gavage. The rats were anaesthetized after 28 days and the left testis with the head of epididimis was excised following abdominal incision for histological observation using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Serum samples were collected for assay of testosterone level. The initial epididymis was analyzed for motility, morphology, and the number of sperms. Result: The results of this study showed that normal morphology, count, and motility of sperms and testosterone level were decreased in the SMB treated groups. In comparison with the control group, SMB resulted in a lower total number of spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, spermatids, and Leydig cells. Conclusion: It is suggested that SMB decreases the sperm production and has the potential to affect the fertility adversely in male rats.


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The global chytridiomycosis pandemic caused by the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (. Bd) is implicated in the apparent extinction or severe decline of over 200 amphibian species. Many declined species now only persist in isolated remnant populations. In this study we examine how remnant populations coexist with Bd, focusing on disease impact on adult survival and recruitment potential in the chytridiomycosis-threatened frog Litoria verreauxii alpina. Using skeletochronology we found that the adult male population in both 2011 and 2012 was dominated by a two year old age cohort. The lack of recruitment into the three year old cohort in 2012 indicates that annual adult survival is very low. Combined with high Bd prevalence and heavy infection burdens, the pathogen appears to drive almost complete mortality of breeding adults over their first breeding season. However, adults successfully mate prior to large increases in disease prevalence that occurs during the breeding season. Infection prevalence among tadpoles and juveniles is low. Exposure to warm water could provide a mechanism for avoiding or clearing Bd infection. Relatively low Bd prevalence in juveniles prior to dispersal into terrestrial habitat indicates that Bd has minimal impact on early life history stages. As such, recruitment is probably high, allowing populations to persist despite low adult survival. This dependence on reliable annual recruitment may explain why remnant populations persist in permanent ponds rather than ephemeral ponds that were historically occupied. New management strategies that focus on increasing recruitment may provide a way forward for the management of disease-threatened amphibian species.


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Height is a complex physical trait that displays strong heritability. Adult height is related to length of the long bones, which is determined by growth at the epiphyseal growth plate. Longitudinal bone growth occurs via the process of endochondral ossification, where bone forms over the differentiating cartilage template at the growth plate. Estrogen plays a major role in regulating longitudinal bone growth and is responsible for inducing the pubertal growth spurt and fusion of the epiphyseal growth plate. However, the mechanism by which estrogen promotes epiphyseal fusion is poorly understood. It has been hypothesised that estrogen functions to regulate growth plate fusion by stimulating chondrocyte apoptosis, angiogenesis and bone cell invasion in the growth plate. Another theory has suggested that estrogen exposure exhausts the proliferative capacity of growth plate chondrocytes, which accelerates the process of chondrocyte senescence, leading to growth plate fusion. The overall objective of this study was to gain a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind estrogen-mediated growth and height attainment by examining gene regulation in chondrocytes and the role of some of these genes in normal height inheritance. With the heritability of height so well established, the initial hypothesis was that genetic variation in candidate genes associated with longitudinal bone growth would be involved in normal adult height variation. The height-related genes FGFR3, CBFA1, ER and CBFA1 were screened for novel polymorphisms using denaturing HPLC and RFLP analysis. In total, 24 polymorphisms were identified. Two SNPs in ER (rs3757323 C>T and rs1801132 G>C) were strongly associated with adult male height and displayed an 8 cm and 9 cm height difference between homozygous genotypes, respectively. The TC haplotype of these SNPs was associated with a 6 cm decrease in height and remarkably, no homozygous carriers of the TC haplotype were identified in tall subjects. No significant associations with height were found for polymorphisms in the FGFR3, CBFA1 or VDR genes. In the epiphyseal growth plate, chondrocyte proliferation, matrix synthesis and chondrocyte hypertrophy are all major contributors to long bone growth. As estrogen plays such a significant role in both growth and final height attainment, another hypothesis of this study was that estrogen exerted its effects in the growth plate by influencing chondrocyte proliferation and mediating the expression of chondrocyte marker genes. The examination of genes regulated by estrogen in chondrocyte-like cells aimed to identify potential regulators of growth plate fusion, which may further elucidate mechanisms involved in the cessation of linear growth. While estrogen did not dramatically alter the proliferation of the SW1353 cell line, gene expression experiments identified several estrogen regulated genes. Sixteen chondrocyte marker genes were examined in response to estrogen concentrations ranging from 10-12 M to 10-8 M over varying time points. Of the genes analysed, IHH, FGFR3, collagen II and collagen X were not readily detectable and PTHrP, GHR, ER, BMP6, SOX9 and TGF1 mRNAs showed no significant response to estrogen treatments. However, the expression of MMP13, CBFA1, BCL-2 and BAX genes were significantly decreased. Interestingly, the majority of estrogen regulated genes in SW1353 cells are expressed in the hypertrophic zone of the growth plate. Estrogen is also known to regulate systemic GH secretion and local GH action. At the molecular level, estrogen functions to inhibit GH action by negatively regulating GH signalling. GH treated SW1353 cells displayed increases in MMP9 mRNA expression (4.4-fold) and MMP13 mRNA expression (64-fold) in SW1353 cells. Increases were also detected in their respective proteins. Treatment with AG490, an established JAK2 inhibitor, blocked the GH mediated stimulation of both MMP9 and MMP13 mRNA expression. The application of estrogen and GH to SW1353 cells attenuated GH-stimulated MMP13 levels, but did not affect MMP9 levels. Investigation of GH signalling revealed that SW1353 cells have high levels of activated JAK2 and exposure to GH, estrogen, AG490 and other signalling inhibitors did not affect JAK2 phosphorylation. Interestingly, AG490 treatment dramatically decreased ERK2 signalling, although GH did stimulate ERK2 phosphorylation above control levels. AG490 also decreased CBFA1 expression, a transcription factor known to activate MMP9 and MMP13. Finally, GH and estrogen treatment increased expression of SOCS3 mRNA, suggesting that SOCS3 may regulate JAK/STAT signalling in SW1353 cells. The modulation of GH-mediated MMP expression by estrogen in SW1353 cells represents a potentially novel mechanism by which estrogen may regulate longitudinal bone growth. However, further investigation is required in order to elucidate the precise mechanisms behind estrogen and GH regulation of MMP13 expression in SW1353 cells. This study has provided additional evidence that estrogen and the ER gene are major factors in the regulation of growth and the determination of adult height. Newly identified polymorphisms in the ER gene not only contribute to our understanding of the genetic basis of human height, but may also be useful in association studies examining other complex traits. This study also identified several estrogen regulated genes and indicated that estrogen modifies the expression of genes which are primarily expressed in the hypertrophic region of the epiphyseal growth plate. Furthermore, synergistic studies incorporating GH and estrogen have revealed the ability of estrogen to attenuate the effects of GH on MMP13 expression, revealing potential pathways by which estrogen may modulate growth plate fusion, longitudinal bone growth and even arthritis.


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Peripheral corneal opacities are a common clinical finding. In this case report we describe the routine presentation of a young adult male patient with unilateral opacities in the peripheral cornea resembling a corneal arcus. These opacities were confined to the level of the anterior corneal stroma. The patient also exhibited bilateral signs of mild keratoconus and reported a history of vernal keratoconjunctivitis as a child. A diagnosis of unilateral pseudogerontoxon was made. Pseudogerontoxon is an opacity of the peripheral cornea resembling corneal arcus that typically occurs in patients with a history of allergic eye disease. The clinical features and differential diagnoses of this relatively uncommon cause of peripheral corneal opacity are discussed.


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Finite element analyses of the human body in seated postures requires digital models capable of providing accurate and precise prediction of the tissue-level response of the body in the seated posture. To achieve such models, the human anatomy must be represented with high fidelity. This information can readily be defined using medical imaging techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography (CT). Current practices for constructing digital human models, based on the magnetic resonance (MR) images, in a lying down (supine) posture have reduced the error in the geometric representation of human anatomy relative to reconstructions based on data from cadaveric studies. Nonetheless, the significant differences between seated and supine postures in segment orientation, soft-tissue deformation and soft tissue strain create a need for data obtained in postures more similar to the application posture. In this study, we present a novel method for creating digital human models based on seated MR data. An adult-male volunteer was scanned in a simulated driving posture using a FONAR 0.6T upright MRI scanner with a T1 scanning protocol. To compensate for unavoidable image distortion near the edges of the study, images of the same anatomical structures were obtained in transverse and sagittal planes. Combinations of transverse and sagittal images were used to reconstruct the major anatomical features from the buttocks through the knees, including bone, muscle and fat tissue perimeters, using Solidworks® software. For each MR image, B-splines were created as contours for the anatomical structures of interest, and LOFT commands were used to interpolate between the generated Bsplines. The reconstruction of the pelvis, from MR data, was enhanced by the use of a template model generated in previous work CT images. A non-rigid registration algorithm was used to fit the pelvis template into the MR data. Additionally, MR image processing was conducted to both the left and the right sides of the model due to the intended asymmetric posture of the volunteer during the MR measurements. The presented subject-specific, three-dimensional model of the buttocks and thighs will add value to optimisation cycles in automotive seat development when used in simulating human interaction with automotive seats.


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Purpose There has been little community-based research regarding multiple-type victimization experiences of young people in Asia, and none in Malaysia. This study aimed to estimate prevalence, explore gender differences, as well as describe typical perpetrators and family and social risk factors among Malaysian adolescents. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 1,870 students was conducted in 20 randomly selected secondary schools in Selangor state (mean age: 16 years; 58.8% female). The questionnaire included items on individual, family, and social background and different types of victimization experiences in childhood. Results Emotional and physical types of victimization were most common. A significant proportion of adolescents (22.1%) were exposed to more than one type, with 3% reporting all four types. Compared with females, males reported more physical, emotional, and sexual victimization. The excess of sexual victimization among boys was due to higher exposure to noncontact events, whereas prevalence of forced intercourse was equal for both genders (3.0%). Although adult male perpetrators predominate, female adults and peers of both genders also contribute substantially. Low quality of parent–child relationships and poor school and neighborhood environments had the strongest associations with victimization. Family structure (parental divorce, presence of step-parent or single parent, or household size), parental drug use, and rural/urban location were not influential in this sample. Conclusion This study extends the analysis of multiple-type victimization to a Malaysian population. Although some personal, familial, and social factors correlate with those found in western nations, there are cross-cultural differences, especially with regard to the nature of sexual violence based on gender and the influence of family structure.