381 resultados para ADIS


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Breast cancer occurring in women before the age of menopause continues to be a major medical and psychological challenge. Endocrine therapy has emerged as the mainstay of adjuvant treatment for women with estrogen receptor-positive tumours. Although the suppression of ovarian function (by oophorectomy, irradiation of the ovaries or gonadotropin releasing factor analogues) is effective as adjuvant therapy if used alone, its value has not been proven after chemotherapy. This is presumably because of the frequent occurrence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhoea. Tamoxifen reduces the risk of recurrence by approximately 40%, irrespective of age and the ovarian production of estrogens. The worth of ovarian function suppression in combination with tamoxifen is unproven and is being investigated in an intergroup randomised clinical trial (SOFT [Suppression of Ovarian Function Trial]). Aromatase inhibitors are more effective than tamoxifen in postmenopausal women but are only being investigated in younger patients. The use of chemotherapies is identical in younger and older patients; however, at present the efficacy of chemotherapy in addition to ovarian function suppression plus tamoxifen is unknown in premenopausal patients with endocrine responsive disease. 'Targeted' therapies such as monoclonal antibodies to human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER)-2, HER1 and vascular endothelial growth factor, 'small molecule' inhibitors of tyrosine kinases and breast cancer vaccines are rapidly emerging. Their use depends on the function of the targeted pathways and is presently limited to clinical trials. Premenopausal patients are best treated in the framework of a clinical trial.


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Endocrine treatments have been used in breast cancer since 1896, when Beatson reported on the results of oophorectomy for advanced breast cancer. In the second half of the last century, different endocrine-based compounds were developed and, in this review, the role of the selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and selective estrogen receptor down regulators (SERDs) in the postmenopausal setting are discussed. Tamoxifen is the most investigated and most widely used representative of these agents, and has been introduced in the advanced disease, in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant setting, and for the prevention of the disease. Its role has been challenged in recent years by the introduction of third-generation aromatase inhibitors that have proven higher activities than tamoxifen with different toxicity patterns. Several other SERMs have been investigated, but none have been clearly superior to tamoxifen. SERDs act as pure estrogen antagonists and should compare favourably to tamoxifen. For the time being, they have been used in the treatment of advanced breast cancers and their role in other settings still needs investigation. The increased use of aromatase inhibitors as first-line endocrine therapy has resulted in new discussions regarding the role that tamoxifen and other SERMs or SERDs may play in breast cancer. The sequencing of endocrine therapies in hormone-sensitive breast cancer remains a very important research issue.


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Background. Few studies consider the incidence of individual AIDS-defining illnesses (ADIs) at higher CD4 counts, relevant on a population level for monitoring and resource allocation. Methods. Individuals from the Collaboration of Observational HIV Epidemiological Research Europe (COHERE) aged ≥14 years with ≥1 CD4 count of ≥200 µL between 1998 and 2010 were included. Incidence rates (per 1000 person-years of follow-up [PYFU]) were calculated for each ADI within different CD4 strata; Poisson regression, using generalized estimating equations and robust standard errors, was used to model rates of ADIs with current CD4 ≥500/µL. Results. A total of 12 135 ADIs occurred at a CD4 count of ≥200 cells/µL among 207 539 persons with 1 154 803 PYFU. Incidence rates declined from 20.5 per 1000 PYFU (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.0–21.1 per 1000 PYFU) with current CD4 200–349 cells/µL to 4.1 per 1000 PYFU (95% CI, 3.6–4.6 per 1000 PYFU) with current CD4 ≥ 1000 cells/µL. Persons with a current CD4 of 500–749 cells/µL had a significantly higher rate of ADIs (adjusted incidence rate ratio [aIRR], 1.20; 95% CI, 1.10–1.32), whereas those with a current CD4 of ≥1000 cells/µL had a similar rate (aIRR, 0.92; 95% CI, .79–1.07), compared to a current CD4 of 750–999 cells/µL. Results were consistent in persons with high or low viral load. Findings were stronger for malignant ADIs (aIRR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.25–1.86) than for nonmalignant ADIs (aIRR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.01–1.25), comparing persons with a current CD4 of 500–749 cells/µL to 750–999 cells/µL. Discussion. The incidence of ADIs was higher in individuals with a current CD4 count of 500–749 cells/µL compared to those with a CD4 count of 750–999 cells/µL, but did not decrease further at higher CD4 counts. Results were similar in patients virologically suppressed on combination antiretroviral therapy, suggesting that immune reconstitution is not complete until the CD4 increases to >750 cells/µL.


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Stroke is a common cause of death and persisting disability worldwide, and thrombolysis with intravenous alteplase is the only approved treatment for acute ischaemic stroke. Older age is the most important non-modifiable risk factor for stroke, and demographic changes are also resulting in an increasingly ageing population. However, clinical trial evidence for the use of intravenous alteplase is limited for the older age group where stroke incidence is highest. In this article, the current evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of intravenous thrombolytic therapy in stroke patients aged ≥80 years is critically analysed and the gap in current knowledge highlighted. In summary, intravenous thrombolysis in stroke patients aged ≥80 years seems to be associated with less favourable clinical outcomes and higher mortality than in younger patients, which is consistent with the natural course in untreated patients. The risk of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage does not appear to be significantly higher in the elderly group, suggesting that intracranial bleeding complications are unlikely to outweigh the potential benefit in this age group. Overall, withholding thrombolytic treatment in ischaemic stroke on the basis of advanced age alone is no longer justifiable.


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Epidemiological, clinical, and experimental evidence has accumulated during the last decades suggesting that high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) may protect from atherosclerosis and its clinical consequences. However, more than 55 years after the first description of the link between HDL and heart attacks, many facets of the biochemistry, function, and clinical significance of HDL remain enigmatic. This applies particularly to the completely unexpected results that became available from some recent clinical trials of nicotinic acid and of inhibitors of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). The concept that raising HDL cholesterol by pharmacological means would decrease the risk of vascular disease has therefore been challenged.


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Nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 houve a eclosão de experiências comunicacionais populares, em todo Brasil, com vasta produção de materiais, especialmente arquivados pelos centros de documentação. Em sua maioria, criados e financiados por setores progressistas da Igreja Católica e Protestante. Entre eles, o Centro de Pastoral Vergueiro (CPV) e o Centro de Comunicação e Educação Popular de São Miguel Paulista (CEMI) que também tiveram importante papel na construção e preservação da memória das lutas populares no período de reorganização social, no contexto de distensão da ditadura militar. No entanto, tais acervos estão em iminente risco, por falta de investimento e vontade política. O que seria um prejuízo histórico e científico para movimentos sociais atuais e à pesquisa acadêmica. O objetivo do estudo é identificar a que se deve este desinteresse. A abordagem se dá pelo método da história oral e como técnicas de investigação adotamos a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a pesquisa de campo, por meio da entrevista em profundidade. A falta de uma política pública que garanta a preservação dos documentos é sinal de que no Brasil predomina uma cultura que não privilegia a memória, sobretudo das camadas empobrecidas da população. Além do que, a memória pode ser subversiva. Afinal tais documentos expressam a força da participação popular no processo de transformação social e podem despertar novas ações, o que não interessa aos grupos que estão no poder.


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"Artigo produzido com base no trabalho de conclusão do Curso de Especialização em Análise e Controle de Constitucionalidade, promovido pela Unilegis - Universidade do Legislador em parceria com a Universidade de Brasília - UnB, como requisito para a obtenção do título de Especialista. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Meneclick de Carvalho Netto". Inclui gráfico de ADIs julgadas prejudicadas pelo STF.


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Drugs and metabolites are eliminated from the body by metabolism and excretion. The kidney makes the major contribution to excretion of unchanged drug and also to excretion of metabolites. Net renal excretion is a combination of three processes - glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Renal function has traditionally been determined by measuring plasma creatinine and estimating creatinine clearance. However, estimated creatinine clearance measures only glomerular filtration with a small contribution from active secretion. There is accumulating evidence of poor correlation between estimated creatinine clearance and renal drug clearance in different clinical settings, challenging the 'intact nephron hypothesis' and suggesting that renal drug handling pathways may not decline in parallel. Furthermore, it is evident that renal drug handling is altered to a clinically significant extent in a number of disease states, necessitating dosage adjustment not just based on filtration. These observations suggest that a re-evaluation of markers of renal function is required. Methods that measure all renal handling pathways would allow informed dosage individualisation using an understanding of renal excretion pathways and patient characteristics. Methodologies have been described to determine individually each of the renal elimination pathways. However, their simultaneous assessment has only recently been investigated. A cocktail of markers to measure simultaneously the individual renal handling pathways have now been developed, and evaluated in healthy volunteers. This review outlines the different renal elimination pathways and the possible markers that can be used for their measurement. Diseases and other physiological conditions causing altered renal drug elimination are presented, and the potential application of a cocktail of markers for the simultaneous measurement of drug handling is evaluated. Further investigation of the effects of disease processes on renal drug handling should include people with HIV infection, transplant recipients (renal and liver) and people with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, changes in renal function in the elderly, the effect of sex on renal function, assessment of living kidney donors prior to transplantation and the investigation of renal drug interactions would also be potential applications. Once renal drug handling pathways are characterised in a patient population, the implications for accurate dosage individualisation can be assessed. The simultaneous measurement of renal function elimination pathways of drugs and metabolites has the potential to assist in understanding how renal function changes with different disease states or physiological conditions. In addition, it will further our understanding of fundamental aspects of the renal elimination of drugs.


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Teledermatology can provide both accurate and reliable specialist care at a distance. This article reviews current data on the quality of care that teledermatology provides, as well as the societal cost benefits involved in the implementation of the technique. Teledermatology is most suited to patients unable to access specialist. services for geographical or social reasons. Patients are generally satisfied with the overall care that teledermatology provides. Real-time teledermatology is more expensive than conventional care for health services. However, significant savings can be expected from the patient's perspective due to reduced travel. Appropriate patient selection, improved technology and adequate clinical workloads may improve both the quality and cost effectiveness of this service.


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Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an obstructive condition where the flow of blood through peripheral arteries is impeded. During periods of increased oxygen demand (e.g. during exercise), peripheral limb ischaemia occurs, resulting in the sensation of muscle pain termed 'claudication'. As a result of claudication, subjects' ability to exercise is greatly reduced affecting their quality of life. Although many treatment options for patients with PAD exist, exercise training is an effective and low-cost means of improving functional ability and quality of life. Currently, there are limited specific recommendations to assist the exercise prescription and programming of these individuals. This review summarises data from 28 exercise training studies conducted in patients with PAD and formulates recommendations based on their results. Exercise training for patients with PAD should involve three training sessions per week comprising 45 minutes of intermittent treadmill walking in a supervised environment for a time period of 20 weeks or more. Encouragement and direction is given to further research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of training programmes in these patients.


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Research in conditioning (all the processes of preparation for competition) has used group research designs, where multiple athletes are observed at one or more points in time. However, empirical reports of large inter-individual differences in response to conditioning regimens suggest that applied conditioning research would greatly benefit from single-subject research designs. Single-subject research designs allow us to find out the extent to which a specific conditioning regimen works for a specific athlete, as opposed to the average athlete, who is the focal point of group research designs. The aim of the following review is to outline the strategies and procedures of single-subject research as they pertain to.. the assessment of conditioning for individual athletes. The four main experimental designs in single-subject research are: the AB design, reversal (withdrawal) designs and their extensions, multiple baseline designs and alternating treatment designs. Visual and statistical analyses commonly used to analyse single-subject data, and advantages and limitations are discussed. Modelling of multivariate single-subject data using techniques such as dynamic factor analysis and structural equation modelling may identify individualised models of conditioning leading to better prediction of performance. Despite problems associated with data analyses in single-subject research (e.g. serial dependency), sports scientists should use single-subject research designs in applied conditioning research to understand how well an intervention (e.g. a training method) works and to predict performance for a particular athlete.


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The aim of this review is to analyse critically the recent literature on the clinical pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tacrolimus in solid organ transplant recipients. Dosage and target concentration recommendations for tacrolimus vary from centre to centre, and large pharmacokinetic variability makes it difficult to predict what concentration will be achieved with a particular dose or dosage change. Therapeutic ranges have not been based on statistical approaches. The majority of pharmacokinetic studies have involved intense blood sampling in small homogeneous groups in the immediate post-transplant period. Most have used nonspecific immunoassays and provide little information on pharmacokinetic variability. Demographic investigations seeking correlations between pharmacokinetic parameters and patient factors have generally looked at one covariate at a time and have involved small patient numbers. Factors reported to influence the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus include the patient group studied, hepatic dysfunction, hepatitis C status, time after transplantation, patient age, donor liver characteristics, recipient race, haematocrit and albumin concentrations, diurnal rhythm, food administration, corticosteroid dosage, diarrhoea and cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzyme and P-glycoprotein expression. Population analyses are adding to our understanding of the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus, but such investigations are still in their infancy. A significant proportion of model variability remains unexplained. Population modelling and Bayesian forecasting may be improved if CYP isoenzymes and/or P-glycoprotein expression could be considered as covariates. Reports have been conflicting as to whether low tacrolimus trough concentrations are related to rejection. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between high trough concentrations and toxicity, particularly nephrotoxicity. The best predictor of pharmacological effect may be drug concentrations in the transplanted organ itself. Researchers have started to question current reliance on trough measurement during therapeutic drug monitoring, with instances of toxicity and rejection occurring when trough concentrations are within 'acceptable' ranges. The correlation between blood concentration and drug exposure can be improved by use of non-trough timepoints. However, controversy exists as to whether this will provide any great benefit, given the added complexity in monitoring. Investigators are now attempting to quantify the pharmacological effects of tacrolimus on immune cells through assays that measure in vivo calcineurin inhibition and markers of immuno suppression such as cytokine concentration. To date, no studies have correlated pharmacodynamic marker assay results with immunosuppressive efficacy, as determined by allograft outcome, or investigated the relationship between calcineurin inhibition and drug adverse effects. Little is known about the magnitude of the pharmacodynamic variability of tacrolimus.


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Objective: To develop a standard weight descriptor that can be used for estimation of patient size for obese patients. Patients and methods: Data were available from 3849 patients: 2839 from oncology patients (index data set) and 1010 from general medical patients (validation data set). The patients had a wide range of age (16-100 years), weight (25-165kg) and body mass index (BMI) [12-52 kg/m(2)] in both data sets. From the normal-weight patients in the oncology data set, an equation for male and female patients was developed to predict their normal weight as the sum of the lean body mass and normal fat body mass. The equations were evaluated by predicting the weight of patients in the general medical data set who had a normal BMI (30 kg/m(2)).