916 resultados para ACS


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficiency of a systematic diagnostic approach in patients with chest pain in the emergency room in relation to the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and the rate of hospitalization in high-cost units. METHODS: One thousand and three consecutive patients with chest pain were screened according to a pre-established process of diagnostic investigation based on the pre-test probability of ACS determinate by chest pain type and ECG changes. RESULTS: Of the 1003 patients, 224 were immediately discharged home because of no suspicion of ACS (route 5) and 119 were immediately transferred to the coronary care united because of ST elevation or left bundle-branch block (LBBB) (route 1) (74% of these had a final diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction [AMI]). Of the 660 patients that remained in the emergency room under observation, 77 (12%) had AMI without ST segment elevation and 202 (31%) had unstable angina (UA). In route 2 (high probability of ACS) 17% of patients had AMI and 43% had UA, whereas in route 3 (low probability) 2% had AMI and 7 % had UA. The admission ECG has been confirmed as a poor sensitivity test for the diagnosis of AMI ( 49%), with a positive predictive value considered only satisfactory (79%). CONCLUSION: A systematic diagnostic strategy, as used in this study, is essential in managing patients with chest pain in the emergency room in order to obtain high diagnostic accuracy, lower cost, and optimization of the use of coronary care unit beds.


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Irgazyme, a commercial xylanase preparation from Trichoderma longibrachiatum, and xylanase D a purified enzyme from Trichoderma harzianum E58 were tested for their ability to enhance peroxide bleaching of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kraft pulp. A treatment with Irgazyme caused a much larger increase in brightness than did xylanase D. A double xylanase treatment with Irgazyme, before and after peroxide bleaching, resulted in the highest final brightness. Alkaline extraction increased the brightness of Douglas-fir brownstock. Treatment with Irgazyme released more lignin and carbohydrates than did xylanase D. The molecular mass of the lignin extracted from Irgazyme-treated brownstock was much larger than that from the control pulp. The lignin-like macromolecules directly solubilized from peroxide bleached pulps were substantially larger than those solubilized from the brownstock, irrespective of whether they were produced during xylanase or control treatments. This indicates that different kinds of materials were solubilized when a xylanase treatment was applied at different points in the bleaching sequence and raises concerns about the role of lignin entrapment in the mechanism by which xylanase enhances peroxide bleaching.


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It is estimated that 5 to 8 million individuals with chest pain or other symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia are seen each year in emergency departments (ED) in the United States 1,2, which corresponds to 5 to 10% of all visits 3,4. Most of these patients are hospitalized for evaluation of possible acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This generates an estimated cost of 3 - 6 thousand dollars per patient 5,6. From this evaluation process, about 1.2 million patients receive the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and just about the same number have unstable angina. Therefore, about one half to two thirds of these patients with chest pain do not have a cardiac cause for their symptoms 2,3. Thus, the emergency physician is faced with the difficult challenge of identifying those with ACS - a life-threatening disease - to treat them properly, and to discharge the others to suitable outpatient investigation and management.


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This work presents a molecular-scale agent-based model for the simulation of enzymatic reactions at experimentally measured concentrations. The model incorporates stochasticity and spatial dependence, using diffusing and reacting particles with physical dimensions. We developed strategies to adjust and validate the enzymatic rates and diffusion coefficients to the information required by the computational agents, i.e., collision efficiency, interaction logic between agents, the time scale associated with interactions (e.g., kinetics), and agent velocity. Also, we tested the impact of molecular location (a source of biological noise) in the speed at which the reactions take place. Simulations were conducted for experimental data on the 2-hydroxymuconate tautomerase (EC, UniProt ID Q01468) and the Steroid Delta-isomerase (EC, UniProt ID P07445). Obtained results demonstrate that our approach is in accordance to existing experimental data and long-term biophysical and biochemical assumptions.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the performance of the turbidimetric method of C-reactive protein (CRP) as a measure of low-grade inflammation in patients admitted with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes (ACS). METHODS: Serum samples obtained at hospital arrival from 68 patients (66±11 years, 40 men), admitted with unstable angina or non-ST elevation acute myocardial infarction were used to measure CRP by the methods of nephelometry and turbidimetry. RESULTS: The medians of C-reactive protein by the turbidimetric and nephelometric methods were 0.5 mg/dL and 0.47 mg/dL, respectively. A strong linear association existed between the 2 methods, according to the regression coefficient (b=0.75; 95% C.I.=0.70-0.80) and correlation coefficient (r=0.96; P<0.001). The mean difference between the nephelometric and turbidimetric CRP was 0.02 ± 0.91 mg/dL, and 100% agreement between the methods in the detection of high CRP was observed. CONCLUSION: In patients with non-ST elevation ACS, CRP values obtained by turbidimetry show a strong linear association with the method of nephelometry and perfect agreement in the detection of high CRP.


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La importancia de la protección inmunológica conferida por el calostro se basa en la transferencia pasiva de anticuerpos. La placenta de la cabra, sindesmocorial, no permite el pasaje de inmunoglobulinas (Igs). La ingesta de calostro es vital ya que provee las Igs necesarias para disminuir el riesgo de infección y septicemia y mejorar la calidad de vida del recién nacido. Los objetivos: a) Estudiar la cinética de la transferencia pasiva de Igs determinando la concentración de IgG sérica en cabritos. b) Relacionar la concentración de IgG del suero y calostro de la cabra con la concentración sérica de IgG en el cabrito. c) Relacionar en calostro la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. d) Relacionar en el suero del cabrito a las 18 - 24 hs posparto la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. e) determinar los niveles de anticuerpos específicos en calostro de hembras vacunadas con respecto a hembras no vacunadas. Material y método: Diseño de estudio: de cohorte, observacional y experimental, descriptivo. Animales: 25 cabras y 40 cabritos de raza Anglo Nubian. Toma de muestras: Cabras no vacunadas (CNV): muestra de sangre en el periparto y de calostro posparto. Cabras vacunadas (CV): a los 90 días de gestación se vacunarán con toxoide tetanico. se tomará muestra de sangre en el periparto y de calostro postparto. Cabritos: sangre seriadas: al nacimiento (precalostrado), 6 hs, 12 hs, 18 hs y 24 hs posparto y a los 21, 60, 90, 120 y 150 días. Determinación de IgG (Suero y calostro): a) Técnica de inmunodifusión radial simple, los resultados se expresarán en mg%. b) Test de gluteraldehído. c)Test de ELISA para Acs específicos Análisis estadístico: Comparaciones de medias con prueba t apareada o de diferencia de medias, (p < 0,05). Se realizará un análisis de componentes principales. Se correlacionará la concentración de Ig G de suero y calostro de la cabra con la concentración en suero del cabrito y los valores de Acs específicos entre CV vs CNV en sangre y calostro, se comparara niveles de Acs específicos séricos en cabritos de CV vs CNV Con los resultados de este trabajo se determinarán los valores de inmunoglobulina en las cabras y cabritos y su comportamiento en el tiempo, y la producción y transferencia de Acs específicos. Se validará la sensibilidad y especificidad de las técnicas diagnósticas utilizadas. Los resultados permitirán obtener conocimientos para un manejo racional, desde la perspectiva inmunologica, de los cabritos, al establecer mediante técnicas cuantitativas y semicuantitativas los niveles de Igs séricas y Acs específicos, favoreciendo un diagnóstico precoz de inmunodeficiencia por fracaso de la transferencia de anticuerpos que pondría en riesgo la vida del cabrito.


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La importancia de la protección inmunológica conferida por el calostro se basa en la transferencia pasiva de anticuerpos. La placenta de la cabra, sindesmocorial, no permite el pasaje de inmunoglobulinas (Igs). La ingesta de calostro es vital ya que provee las Igs necesarias para disminuir el riesgo de infección y septicemia y mejorar la calidad de vida del recién nacido. Los objetivos: a) Estudiar la cinética de la transferencia pasiva de Igs determinando la concentración de IgG sérica en cabritos. b) Relacionar la concentración de IgG del suero y calostro de la cabra con la concentración sérica de IgG en el cabrito. c) Relacionar en calostro la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. d) Relacionar en el suero del cabrito a las 18 – 24 hs posparto la concentración de inmunoglobulina G con la la determinación semicuantitativa de inmunoglobulina G. e)determinación de los niveles de anticuerpos específicos en calostro de hembras vacunadas con respecto a hembras no vacunadas Material y método: Diseño de estudio: de cohorte, observacional y experimental, descriptivo. Animales: 25 cabras y 40 cabritos de raza Anglo Nubian. Toma de muestras: Cabras no vacunadas (CNV): muestra de sangre en el periparto y de calostro posparto. Cabras vacunadas (CV): a los 90 días de gestación se vacunaran con toxoide tetanico. se tomará muestra de sangre en el periparto y de calostro postparto. Cabritos: sangre seriadas: al nacimiento (precalostrado), 6 hs, 12 hs, 18 hs y 24 hs posparto y a los 21, 60, 90, 120 y 150 días. Determinación de IgG (Suero y calostro): a) Técnica de inmunodifusión radial simple, los resultados se expresarán en mg%. b) Test de gluteraldehído. c)Test de ELISA para Acs específicos Análisis estadístico: Comparaciones de medias con prueba t apareada o de diferencia de medias, (p < 0,05). Se realizará un análisis de componentes principales. Se correlacionará la concentración de Ig G de suero y calostro de la cabra con la concentración en suero del cabrito y los valores de Acs específicos entre CV vs CNV en sangre y calostro, se comparara niveles de Acs específicos séricos en cabritos de CV vs CNV Con los resultados de este trabajo se determinarán los valores de inmunoglobulina en las cabras y cabritos y su comportamiento en el tiempo, y la producción y transferencia de Acs específicos. Se validará la sensibilidad y especificidad de las técnicas diagnósticas utilizadas. Los resultados permitirán obtener conocimientos para un manejo racional, desde la perspectiva inmunologica, de los cabritos, al establecer mediante técnicas cuantitativas y semicuantitativas los niveles de Igs séricas y Acs específicos, favoreciendo un diagnóstico precoz de inmunodeficiencia por fracaso de la transferencia de anticuerpos que pondría en riesgo la vida del cabrito.


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FUNDAMENTO: As anormalidades cromossômicas (ACs) representam importante causa de cardiopatia congênita (CC). OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência, os tipos e as características clínicas de ACs identificadas em uma amostra prospectiva e consecutiva de pacientes com CC. MÉTODO: Nossa amostra foi composta por pacientes com CC avaliados em sua primeira hospitalização em uma unidade cardíaca de tratamento intensivo de um hospital pediátrico de referência do sul do Brasil. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e citogenética, através do cariótipo de alta resolução. Os defeitos cardíacos foram classificados segundo Botto e cols. Na análise estatística utilizou-se o qui-quadrado, o teste exato de Fisher e odds ratio (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Nossa amostra foi composta de 298 pacientes, 53,4% do sexo masculino, com idades variando de um dia a 14 anos. Anormalidades cromossômicas foram observadas em 50 pacientes (16,8%), sendo que 49 deles eram sindrômicos. Quanto às ACs, 44 delas (88%) eram numéricas (40 pacientes com +21, dois com +18, um com triplo X e um com 45,X) e seis (12%) estruturais [dois pacientes com der(14;21), +21, um com i(21q), um com dup(17p), um com del(6p) e um com add(18p)]. O grupo de CCs mais associado a ACs foi o do defeito de septo atrioventricular. CONCLUSÕES: ACs detectadas pelo cariótipo são frequentes entre pacientes com CC. Assim, os profissionais - especialmente aqueles que trabalham em serviços de cardiologia pediátrica - devem estar cientes das implicações que a realização do cariótipo pode trazer, tanto para o diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico desses pacientes como para o seu aconselhamento genético.


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Background: Abdominal obesity is an important cardiovascular risk factor. Therefore, identifying the best method for measuring waist circumference (WC) is a priority. Objective: To evaluate the eight methods of measuring WC in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as a predictor of cardiovascular complications during hospitalization. Methods: Prospective study of patients with ACS. The measurement of WC was performed by eight known methods: midpoint between the last rib and the iliac crest (1), point of minimum circumference (2); immediately above the iliac crest (3), umbilicus (4), one inch above the umbilicus (5), one centimeter above the umbilicus (6), smallest rib and (7) the point of greatest circumference around the waist (8). Complications included: angina, arrhythmia, heart failure, cardiogenic shock, hypotension, pericarditis and death. Logistic regression tests were used for predictive factors. Results: A total of 55 patients were evaluated. During the hospitalization period, which corresponded on average to seven days, 37 (67%) patients had complications, with the exception of death, which was not observed in any of the cases. Of these complications, the only one that was associated with WC was angina, and with every cm of WC increase, the risk for angina increased from 7.5 to 9.9%, depending on the measurement site. It is noteworthy the fact that there was no difference between the different methods of measuring WC as a predictor of angina. Conclusion: The eight methods of measuring WC are also predictors of recurrent angina after acute coronary syndromes.


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Background: Data from over 4 decades have reported a higher incidence of silent infarction among patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), but recent publications have shown conflicting results regarding the correlation between DM and presence of pain in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Objective: Our primary objective was to analyze the association between DM and precordial pain at hospital arrival. Secondary analyses evaluated the association between hyperglycemia and precordial pain at presentation, and the subgroup of patients presenting within 6 hours of symptom onset. Methods: We analyzed a prospectively designed registry of 3,544 patients with ACS admitted to a Coronary Care Unit of a tertiary hospital. We developed multivariable models to adjust for potential confounders. Results: Patients with precordial pain were less likely to have DM (30.3%) than those without pain (34.0%; unadjusted p = 0.029), but this difference was not significant after multivariable adjustment, for the global population (p = 0.84), and for subset of patients that presented within 6 hours from symptom onset (p = 0.51). In contrast, precordial pain was more likely among patients with hyperglycemia (41.2% vs 37.0% without hyperglycemia, p = 0.035) in the overall population and also among those who presented within 6 hours (41.6% vs. 32.3%, p = 0.001). Adjusted models showed an independent association between hyperglycemia and pain at presentation, especially among patients who presented within 6 hours (OR = 1.41, p = 0.008). Conclusion: In this non-selected ACS population, there was no correlation between DM and hospital presentation without precordial pain. Moreover, hyperglycemia correlated significantly with pain at presentation, especially in the population that arrived within 6 hours from symptom onset.


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Background: According to some international studies, patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and increased left atrial volume index (LAVI) have worse long-term prognosis. However, national Brazilian studies confirming this prediction are still lacking. Objective: To evaluate LAVI as a predictor of major cardiovascular events (MCE) in patients with ACS during a 365-day follow-up. Methods: Prospective cohort of 171 patients diagnosed with ACS whose LAVI was calculated within 48 hours after hospital admission. According to LAVI, two groups were categorized: normal LAVI (≤ 32 mL/m2) and increased LAVI (> 32 mL/m2). Both groups were compared regarding clinical and echocardiographic characteristics, in- and out-of-hospital outcomes, and occurrence of ECM in up to 365 days. Results: Increased LAVI was observed in 78 patients (45%), and was associated with older age, higher body mass index, hypertension, history of myocardial infarction and previous angioplasty, and lower creatinine clearance and ejection fraction. During hospitalization, acute pulmonary edema was more frequent in patients with increased LAVI (14.1% vs. 4.3%, p = 0.024). After discharge, the occurrence of combined outcome for MCE was higher (p = 0.001) in the group with increased LAVI (26%) as compared to the normal LAVI group (7%) [RR (95% CI) = 3.46 (1.54-7.73) vs. 0.80 (0.69-0.92)]. After Cox regression, increased LAVI increased the probability of MCE (HR = 3.08, 95% CI = 1.28-7.40, p = 0.012). Conclusion: Increased LAVI is an important predictor of MCE in a one-year follow-up.


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Background: Burnout Syndrome is the extreme emotional response to chronic occupational stress, manifesting as physical and mental exhaustion. Although associated with higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, no study so far has evaluated whether the Burnout Syndrome could be a prevalent factor in non-elderly individuals active in the labor market, admitted for acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome in non-elderly, economically active patients, hospitalized with ACS. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary and private cardiology center, with economically active patients aged <65 years, hospitalized with diagnosis of ACS. The Burnout Syndrome was evaluated with the Burnout Syndrome Inventory (BSI), which assesses workplace conditions and four dimensions that characterize the syndrome: emotional exhaustion (EE), emotional distancing (EmD), dehumanization (De) and professional fulfillment (PF). The Lipp’s Stress Symptoms Inventory for Adults (LSSI) was applied to evaluate global stress. Results: Of 830 patients evaluated with suspected ACS, 170 met the study criteria, 90% of which were men, overall average age was 52 years, and 40.5% had an average income above 11 minimum wages. The prevalence of the Burnout Syndrome was 4.1%. When we evaluated each dimension individually, we found high EE in 34.7%, high De in 52.4%, high EDi in 30.6%, and low PF in 5.9%. The overall prevalence of stress was 87.5%. Conclusion: We found a low prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in an economically active, non-elderly population among patients admitted for ACS in a tertiary and private hospital.