994 resultados para A. auritus-australis


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Quantitative data on radiolarian assemblages from the Benguela upwelling at 17-25°S were obtained from analysis of 18 bottom sediment samples. The maximum abundance of Radiolaria (20000-40000 individuals per 1 g of sediment) was determined in sediments of the open ocean at depth 2000-4100 m. Species of tropical zones dominate in the assemblages; however content of species of subpolar and moderate zones reaches considerable values. In shelf sediments at depth 60-160 m abundance of Radiolaria (up to 5000 ind./g) is greater than in sediments of the continental slope. In shelf assemblages species of subpolar and temperate zones dominate. A characteristic feature of the shelf upwelling assemblages of Radiolaria is expressed by predominance of Lithomelissa setosa (Joerg.) (up to 50-80% at 23-25°S). L. setosa is a common representative of radiolarian assemblages of subpolar and temperate regions of the World Ocean. It is presumably regarded as an eurybiont species. Probably, it propagates with subantarctic intermediate water masses from the circumantarctic area to the Benguela upwelling region where there are favorable living conditions: subsurface water temperature is not higher than 10°C and there are high concentrations of nutrients.


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Deep-sea cores recovered at Sites 842 and 843 on Leg 136 of the Ocean Drilling Program have yielded assemblages of Quaternary, Eocene, and Cretaceous radiolarians from the Hawaiian Arch region of the northern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Reddish-brown clays from Hole 842A (0-9.6 mbsf), Hole 842B (0-6.3 mbsf), and Hole 843C (0-4.2 mbsf) contain abundant and diverse assemblages of Quaternary radiolarians consisting of more than 80 species typical of the equatorial Pacific region. Quaternary radiolarians at these sites are assignable to the Quaternary Collosphaera tuberosa Interval Zone and Amphirhopalum ypsilon Interval Zone. The boundary between these zones cannot be determined precisely because of the rarity of zonal markers below surface sediments. Correlations have been made between radiolarian occurrences and magnetostratigraphic events elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean, but similar correlations are difficult at Sites 842 and 843 because of poor subsurface preservation. Chert samples collected from intervals in Cores 842B-10X and 842C-1W have yielded radiolarian ages of lower Cenomanian to Santonian and lower Cenomanian, respectively. Radiolarian assemblages in volcanic sand layers in Sections 6 and 7 of Core 842A-1H (7.5-9.6 mbsf) contain lower and middle Eocene radiolarians admixed with abundant Quaternary faunas. Reworked Eocene radiolarians appear to be restricted to thin layers of volcanic sands within the cores, suggesting deposition by turbidity currents.


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Among the groups of oceanic microfossils, only Radiolaria occur in abundances and preservation states sufficient to provide biostratigraphic control for restricted intervals within sediments recovered in Hole 1223A. The distribution of these microfossils has been divided into four major intervals, A-D. Radiolaria distribution Interval A occupies the depth range 0-3.0 meters below seafloor (mbsf), where the abundance of specimens is very low and preservation is poor. Radiolaria distribution Interval B occupies the depth range 3.02-7.1 mbsf. Radiolaria in Interval B are locally rare to abundant and well preserved, and assemblages range in age from pure early Eocene to early Eocene admixed with late Neogene taxa. Radiolaria distribution Interval C occupies the depth range 7.1-36.99 mbsf and is characterized by sediments either barren of microfossils or containing extremely rare early Eocene specimens. Radiolaria distribution Interval D occupies the depth range 36.99-38.7 mbsf (base of the recovered sedimentary section), where early Eocene Radiolaria are present in rare to common frequencies, but opal-A to opal-CT recrystallization has degraded the preservation state. The late Neogene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Interval B is dated at 1.55-2.0 Ma, based on occurrences of Eucyrtidium matuyamai, Lamprocyclas heteroporos, and Theocorythium trachelium trachelium. The early Eocene assemblage of Radiolaria distribution Intervals B and D is somewhat problematically assigned to the Buryella clinata Zone.


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Proxy indicators of sea surface temperature and equatorial divergence based on radiolarian assemblage data, and of trade wind intensity based on eolian grain size data show similar aspects of variability during the late Pleistocene: All indicators fluctuate at higher frequencies than the 100,000-year glacial-interglacial cycle, display reduced amplitude variations since 300,000 years ago, exhibit a change in the record character at about 300,000 years ago (the mid-Brunhes climatic event), and have higher amplitude variations in sediments 300,000-850,000 years old. Time series analyses were conducted to determine the spectral character of each record (delta18O of planktonic foraminifer, sea surface temperature values, equatorial divergence indicators, and wind intensity indicators) and to quantify interrecord coherence and phase relationships. The record was divided at the 300,000-year clear change in climatic variability (nonstationarity). The delta18O-based time scale is better lower in the core so our spectral analyses concentrated on the interval from 402,000-774,000 years. The delta18O spectra show 100,000- and 41,000-year power in the younger portion, 0-300,000 years, and 100,000-, 41,000- and 23,000-year power in the older interval, all highly coherent and in phase with the SPECMAP average stacked isotope record. Unlike the isotope record the dominant period in both the eolian grain size and equatorial divergence indicators is 31,000 years. This period is also important in the sea surface temperature signal where the dominant spectral peak is 100,000 years. The 31,000-year spectral component is coherent and in phase between the eolian and divergence records, confirming the link between atmospheric and ocean surface circulation for the first time in the paleoclimate record. Since the 31,000-year power appears in independent data sets within this core and also appears in other equatorial records [J. Imbrie personal communication, 1987], we assume it to be real and representative of both a nonlinear response to orbital forcing, possibly a combination of orbital tilt and eccentricity, and some resonance phenomenon required to amplify the response at this period so that it appears as a dominant frequency component. The mid-Brunhes climatic event is an important aspect of these records, but its cause remains unknown.


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A high-resolution record of radiolarian faunal changes from Site Y8 south of the Subtropical Front (STF), offshore eastern New Zealand, provides insight into the paleoceanographic history of the last 265 kyrs. Quantitative analysis of radiolarian paleotemperature indicators and radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates reveal distinct shifts during glacial-interglacial (G-I) climate cycles encompassing marine isotope stages (MIS) 8-1. Faunas at Site Y8 are abundant and diverse and consist of a mixture of species typical of the subantarctic, transitional and subtropical zones which is characteristic of subantarctic waters just south of the STF. During interglacials, diverse radiolarian faunas have increased numbers of warm-water taxa (not, vert, similar 15%) while cool-water taxa decrease to not, vert, similar 11% of the assemblage. Warmest climate conditions occurred during MIS 5.5 and the early Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) at the onset of MIS 1 where SSTs reach maxima of 12.8 and 12.9 °C, respectively. This suggests that temperatures during the HCO were comparable to the Eemian, one of the warmest interglacial intervals of the Late Quaternary. Glacials are characterized by less diverse radiolarian faunas with cool-water taxa increasing to 49% of the assemblage. Coolest climate conditions occurred in MIS 4 and 2 where SSTs are reduced to 5.4 °C and 4.3 °C, respectively. Radiolarian faunal changes and SST estimates clearly identify major water masses and oceanic fronts in the offshore eastern New Zealand area. During warmest MIS 5.5 and early MIS 1 substantial influence of northern-sourced Subtropical Surface Water (STW) is evident at Site Y8. This implies southward incursions of STW around the eastern crest of Chatham Rise with the STF displaced towards higher latitudes and spinning off eddies as far south as Campbell Plateau. Additionally, increased flow of the Southland Current (SC) might have enhanced the local occurrence of warm-water radiolarians derived from the subtropical Tasman Sea. Coolest glacials are marked by a strong inflow of cool, southern-sourced waters at Site Y8 indicating a more vigorous flow along the Subantarctic Front (SAF).


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A quantitative radiolarian study at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 in the eastern tropical Pacific enables us to reconstruct paleoceanographic changes that occurred since the latest middle Miocene. Today, this site is located just under the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool (EPWP). Based on the abundance variations of radiolarian characteristic species which are indicators of upwelling and thermocline changes, it is suggested that three notable changes occurred at 10.6, 9.8, and 4.2 Ma in the region. Four distinct periods of oceanographic conditions bounded by these notable changes were characterized on the basis of the following: (1) stratified seawater (12.0 to 10.6 Ma); (2) a shallowing of the thermocline and an increasing of upwelling (10.6 to 9.8 Ma); (3) significant inflow of warm water to the eastern tropical Pacific caused by an intensified Northern Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), resulting in the formation of EPWP (9.8 to 4.2 Ma); and (4) the reduction of the EPWP and the NECC, and an increase in upwelling (4.2 to 0 Ma). The timing of these paleoceanographic events indicated the strong relations with the opening and closing of the Indonesian and Central American (Panama) Seaways. The reduction of the EPWP (this study) and the deepening of the thermocline in western Pacific at about 4.2 Ma (Cannariato and Ravelo, 1997; Chaisson and Ravelo, 2000) indicated a change from a state resembling El Niño in the late Miocene and the early Pliocene time to a state resembling La Niña by the late Pliocene


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Cores from the 11 sites drilled during Leg 180 showed radiolarian assemblages that appear only in the Quaternary sediments. The most diverse and well-preserved assemblages were found in hemipelagic sediments from Holes 1108A, 1110A, and 1115B.


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Palmer Deep is a series of three glacially overdeepened basins on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf, ~20 km southwest of Anvers Island. Site 1098 (64°51.72'S, 64°12.48'W) was drilled in the shallowest basin, Basin I, at 1012 m water depth. The sediment recovered was primarily laminated, siliceous, biogenic, pelagic muds alternating with siliciclastic hemipelagic sediments (Barker, Camerlenghi, Acton, et al., 1999). Sedimentation rates of 0.1725 cm/yr in the upper 25 m and 0.7-0.80 cm/yr in the lower 25 m of the core have been estimated from 14C (Domack et al., 2001). The oldest datable sediments have an age of ~13 ka and were underlain by diamicton sediments of the last glacial maximum (Domack et al., 2001). The large-scale water-mass distribution and circulation in the vicinity of Palmer Deep is dominated by Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) below 200 m (Hofmann et al., 1996). Palmer Deep is too far from the coast to be influenced by glacial meltwater and cold-tongue generation associated with it (Domack and Williams, 1990; Dixon and Domack, 1991). Circulation patterns in the Palmer Deep area are not well understood, but evidence suggests southward flow across Palmer Deep from Anvers Island to Renaud Island (Kock and Stein, 1978). The water south of Anvers Island is nearly open with loose pack ice from February through May. The area is covered with sea ice beginning in June (Gloersen et al., 1992; Leventer et al., 1996). Micropaleontologic data from the work of Leventer et al. (1996) on a 9-m piston core has revealed circulation and climate patterns for the past 3700 yr in the Palmer Deep. The benthic foraminifer assemblage is dominated by two taxa, Bulimina aculeata and Bolivina pseudopunctata, which are inversely related. High relative abundances of B. aculeata occur cyclically over a period of ~230 yr. The assemblage associated with high abundance of B. aculeata in Palmer Deep resembles that from the Bellingshausen shelf, which is associated with CDW. In addition to the faunal evidence, hydrographic data indicate incursions of CDW into Palmer Deep (Leventer et al., 1996). A distinctive diatom assemblage dominated by a single genus was associated with peaks in B. aculeata, whereas a few different assemblages were associated with lows in B. aculeata. Leventer et al. (1996) interpreted the variability in diatom assemblages as an indication of changes in productivity associated with changes in water column stability. Abelmann and Gowing (1997) studied the horizontal and vertical distributions of radiolarians in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. They show that the spatial distribution of radiolarian assemblages reflects hydrographic boundaries. In a transect from the subtropical Atlantic to polar Antarctic zones, radiolarians in the upper 1000 m of the water column occurred in distinct surface and deep-living assemblages related to water depth, temperature, salinity, and nutrient content. Living assemblages resembled those preserved in underlying surface sediments (Abelmann and Gowing, 1997). Circumantarctic coastal sediments from neritic environments contained a distinctive assemblage dominated by the Phormacantha hystrix/Plectacantha oikiskos group and Rhizoplegma boreale (Nishimura et al., 1997). Low diversity and species compositions distinguished the coastal sediments from the typical pelagic Antarctic assemblages. Factors that controlled the assemblages were water depth, proximity to the coast, occurrence of sea ice, and steepness of topography, rather than temperature and salinity. Nishimura et al. (1997) found a gradient of sorts from deep-water sites containing diverse assemblages typical of pelagic environments to coastal sites with low diversity assemblages dominated by P. hystrix/P. oikiskos group and R. boreale. In general, sites between these two extremes had increased proportions of the coastal assemblage with decreasing water depth (Nishimura et al., 1997). At a site near Hole 1098 (GC905), they showed that the relative abundance of the coastal assemblage increased downcore (Nishimura et al., 1997). The purpose of the research presented here was to make a cursory investigation into the radiolarian assemblages as possible paleoenvironmental indicators.


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Crop models for herbaceous ornamental species typically include functions for temperature and photoperiod responses, but very few incorporate vernalization, which is a requirement of many traditional crops. This study investigated the development of floriculture crop models, which describe temperature responses, plus photoperiod or vernalization requirements, using Australian native ephemerals Brunonia australis and Calandrinia sp. A novel approach involved the use of a field crop modelling tool, DEVEL2. This optimization program estimates the parameters of selected functions within the development rate models using an iterative process that minimizes sum of squares residual between estimated and observed days for the phenological event. Parameter profiling and jack-knifing are included in DEVEL2 to remove bias from parameter estimates and introduce rigour into the parameter selection process. Development rate of B. australis from planting to first visible floral bud (VFB) was predicted using a multiplicative approach with a curvilinear function to describe temperature responses and a broken linear function to explain photoperiod responses. A similar model was used to describe the development rate of Calandrinia sp., except the photoperiod function was replaced with an exponential vernalization function, which explained a facultative cold requirement and included a coefficient for determining the vernalization ceiling temperature. Temperature was the main environmental factor influencing development rate for VFB to anthesis of both species and was predicted using a linear model. The phenology models for B. australis and Calandrinia sp. described development rate from planting to VFB and from VFB to anthesis in response to temperature and photoperiod or vernalization and may assist modelling efforts of other herbaceous ornamental plants. In addition to crop management, the vernalization function could be used to identify plant communities most at risk from predicted increases in temperature due to global warming.


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Dentifibula nigroapicalisKolesik sp. nov., a new species of gall midge, is described whose larvae were found preying on the mangrove scale insect Aulacaspis australisBrimblecombe (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Diaspididae). The mangrove scale was feeding on leaves of the mangrove Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (Rhizophoraceae) in Queensland. The new species is the first DentifibulaFelt known from Australia. © 2013 Australian Entomological Society.