998 resultados para 863
华山松(Pinus armandi)是我国西部高海拔温凉山区的主要树种,自然分布大约在北纬23° 30'-36°30',东经88°50'-113°30'之间,横跨13个省(区)包括两个季风区,六个气候带。由于水平空间区域广阔,分布区中间地带又为川藏高原的高山峡谷区,群体疏散,基因的迁移和交流困难,致使南北群体出现深刻的遗传分化,并在形态上、生理上充分表达出来。研究结果表明: 1)华山松树高生长出现明显的地理渐变模式,在同一适宜的立地条件下,15年生的南方群体的树高会超出北方种源的2-3倍。针叶长度也同样具有明显的南北差异,南方群体较长。 2)地理因子相关分析表明纬度因子是主导因子,根据种源的地理坐标,利用中科院植物所植被数量生态学开放室有关数据库和生态信息系统(EIS)进行有关气候数据统计分析表明大多数环境气候因子主要是由纬度决定的。在环境因子当中,年平均温度和极端最低气温,在华山松地理变异过程中起主要作用。利用聚类分析方法,可把华山松大致分为南北两个地理型,正好与气候因子聚类而成的两个环境类型相对应,反映着两个自然地理区的自然生态因子的综合区别。 3)利用已有的幼林生长数据和我们在华山松进入杆材期(15年生)的树高调查结果,作相关分析,发现二者相关关系显著。因此,利用早期树高作生长预测在林木选育上是可行的。 4)根据六个种源测定结果,发现南方温暖湿润气候条件下华山松种子较大,种壳较薄,而北方种源种子相对较小,种皮要厚一些。 5)虽然种群之间中性盐及碱性溶液提取的种子蛋白含量差异明显,但没有地理变异趋势。分析多肽组成,中性盐溶种子蛋白也没有地理特征。但碱性溶液提取的种子蛋白多肽组成却有明显地域性。其中36KD多肽仅出现在北方种群中,南方种群则没发现有同样多肽。 6)西藏种源表现出了一种独特的生物学特性,其种子较大有南方种源特征,但种皮厚又带有北方种源的特点,除此之外,它的碱性溶液提取的种子蛋白中含有36KD多肽,因此它可能是南北两个类群中的中间类型。 7)用活体针叶作测材料时,没能检测出光谱特性的地理变异。但改用分离的叶绿体作试验材料,发现南方种群的光能吸收4阶导数光谱在680nm处的峰值较大,670nm峰值较小,而北方种群中出现了670nm峰值较大的类群,推测北方种群反应中心活力有下降趋势。另外,低温荧光发射光谱及低温荧光激发光谱也有明显的地域分化,表明体内色素状态有一定的地理变异。 8)时绿素a荧光诱导动力学测定表明,南方种群可变荧光(Fv/Fo)与光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)较高,北方种群则相对要小一些,与四阶导数吸收光谱测定结果吻合.利用饱和脉冲重复激发技术,发现光化学荧光淬灭(Qp)和非光化学荧光淬灭(Qn)在北方种群中较大,南方种群较小,其中,Qn变化非常明显,而Qp变化较小. 综合研究结果,除树高生长.针叶和种子形态外,36KD碱溶性种子蛋白多肽680nm处4阶导数吸收光谱峰值大小,可变荧光强度(Fv/Fo)光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)以及非化学荧光淬灭系数都带有明显的地理特征,与华山松生长和适应能力紧密相关,可作为生理指标应用于生态地理型的区分或华山松的早期选择。
Value of length growth parameters L∞, K and t(sub)0 from age-length relation obtained from length-frequency analysis for the soldier catfish stock were estimated to be 47.6 cm, 0.51 per year and 0.03 year respectively. The age at recruitment (t [sub]r) was 0.58 year and the age at first capture (t[sub]c) 0.83 year. The total mortality (Z) was 0.88 including the present natural mortality (M) of 0.84 and fishing mortality (F) of 0.04. The total stock of this fish along the Northwest coast of India was assessed to be 32,413 tons and the MSY 5,426 tons which is much higher than the current catch of 863.8 tons. The potential yield (P[sub]y) of 38.7 g per recruit could be obtained at the optimum of exploitation (t[sub]y) of 2.84 years.
This paper describes both the migration and dissipation of flow phenomena downstream of a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. The geometry of the HP stage exit duct considered is a swan-necked diffuser similar to those likely to be used in future engine designs. The paper contains results both from an experimental programme in a turbine test facility and from numerical predictions. Experimental data was acquired using three fast-response aerodynamic probes capable of measuring Mach number, whirl angle, pitch angle, total pressure and static pressure. The probes were used to make time-resolved area traverses at two axial locations downstream of the rotor trailing edge. A 3D time-unsteady viscous Navier-Stokes solver was used for the numerical predictions. The unsteady exit flow from a turbine stage is formed from rotordependent phenomena (such as the rotor wake, the rotor trailing edge recompression shock, the tip-leakage flow and the hub secondary flow) and vane-rotor interaction dependant phenomena. This paper describes the time-resolved behaviour and three-dimensional migration paths of both of these phenomena as they convect downstream. It is shown that the inlet flow to a downstream vane is dominated by two corotating vortices, the first caused by the rotor tip-leakage flow and the second by the rotor hub secondary flow. At the inlet plane of the downstream vane the wake is extremely weak and the radial pressure gradient is shown to have caused the majority of the high loss wake fluid to be located between the mid-height of the passage and the casing wall. The structure of the flow indicates that between a high pressure stage and a downstream vane simple two-dimensional blade row interaction does not occur. The results presented in this paper indicate that the presence of an upstream stage is likely to significantly alter the structure of the secondary flow within a downstream vane. The paper also shows that vane-rotor interaction within the upstream stage causes a 10° circumferential variation in the inlet flow angle of the 2nd stage vane.
壳聚糖是一种天然的聚阳离子氨基多糖,由甲壳素经脱乙酰反应得到。作为天然可再生资源,壳聚糖以其特有的安全无毒、可生物降解、生物相容等特性,在农业、生物工程、制药、环保等领域引起广泛关注。随着对壳聚糖研究的不断深入,壳聚糖的抑菌活性及机理成为研究热点之一,但是,大多集中于壳聚糖分子量和脱乙酰度对其抑菌活性的影响,而对壳聚糖衍生物的抑菌性能及机理研究较少。本文合成了N–季铵盐,N,O–季铵盐,羧甲基壳聚糖希夫碱及其铜配合物,壳聚糖有机酸盐,并对它们的抑菌活性进行了研究,同时探讨了引入基团与抑菌活性之间的关系。 测定了壳聚糖及其季铵盐对黄瓜枯萎病菌、黄瓜炭疽病菌和桃褐腐病菌的抑制活性,结果表明壳聚糖季铵盐的抑制活性高于壳聚糖,其中,抑制活性最强的是N–异丁基–N,N–二甲基壳聚糖,当样品浓度为500μg/mL时,对三种病原菌的抑制率分别为:67.52%、70.42%和76.25%。壳聚糖分子带正电荷的氨基可以与菌体表面带负电的物质作用,导致菌体死亡,而壳聚糖季铵盐分子中的正电性可以加强这种作用,从而增强抑菌活性,而且随着正电性的增强,抑菌活性增强。 为了进一步研究壳聚糖季铵盐的正电性与其抑菌活性的关系,合成了含有氟、溴、氯吸电子基团苯环取代的壳聚糖季铵盐,通过计算分别得到取代基团的电负性以及氨基正电性。结果表明,随着取代基团电负性的增强,季铵盐氨基正电性增强,抑菌活性增强。其中,抑菌活性最强的是N–(2–氟)苄基–N,N–二甲基壳聚糖,当样品浓度为500μg/mL时,对三种病原菌的抑制率分别为:80.85%、100%和100%。 将壳聚糖的–NH2与有机酸的–H通过离子键结合制备得到了系列的固态壳聚糖有机酸盐:壳聚糖甲酸盐、壳聚糖乙酸盐、壳聚糖丙酸盐、壳聚糖丁酸盐和壳聚糖戊酸盐,抑菌活性结果表明,随着衍生物链长的增加,抑菌活性增强,而且衍生物抑菌活性与取代基团的电负性成正相关。 以羧甲基壳聚糖为原料,合成了羧甲基壳聚糖希夫碱及其铜配合物,各类衍生物的抑菌活性强弱顺序如下:羧甲基壳聚糖希夫碱铜配合物>羧甲基壳聚糖希夫碱>羧甲基壳聚糖,从而说明了基团的相互增效作用能增强衍生物的抑菌活性。 以N–季铵盐为原料,以环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵为改性剂合成了具有–N+(CH3)2R和–N+(CH3)3两种基团的N,O–季铵盐,抑菌活性结果表明,N,O–季铵盐的抑菌活性
世居云南的少数民族中,壮、傣、水、布依、布朗、德昂、佤、彝、白、怒、哈尼、傈僳、拉祜、纳西、景颇、阿昌、基 诺和独龙18 个民族是由“羌”、“濮”、“越”3 大部落群体演化而来,是云南的土著居民。利用PCR2RFL P 方法对这18 个土著民族进行Y染色体上13 个双等位基因位点进行基因分型。结果显示,不同历史族源的民族群体在Y染 色体双等位基因单倍型分布上具有一定的差异:在百越后裔民族群体中以单倍型H11 、H12 为主要分布;在氐羌后 裔民族中以单倍型H5 、H6 和H8 为主要分布;在百濮后裔民族群体中主要单倍型分布为H6 、H8 和H11 。进一步 主成分分析表明,百越后裔民族群体和氐羌后裔民族在主成分图上聚为两组,提示父系基因库有不同的来源,与历 史记载相印证。
蛇毒丝氨酸蛋白酶属于糜蛋白酶样丝氨酸蛋白酶。蛇毒丝氨酸蛋白酶几乎可作用于哺乳 动物凝血, 纤溶系统的各个步骤而对凝血、纤溶、血小板功能、血管完整性以及出血等发生影响。蛇 毒丝氨酸蛋白酶具有高度的序列相似性一, 但底物专一性却具较大的分化另一方面, 它们对生理性丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂有较强的耐受性及较长的体内半衰期, 这些特性使之成为蛋白 酶结构与功能研究的优良模型, 同时也具广阔的药物开发前景和作为药理研究的工具。
While conducting experiments to investigate antimicrobial peptides of amphibians living in the Yunnan-Sichuan region of southwest China, a new family of antimicrobial peptides was identified from skin secretions of the rufous-spotted torrent frog, Amolops loloensis. Members of the new peptide family named amolopins are composed of 18 amino acids with a unique sequence, for example, NILSSIVNGINRALSFFG. By BLAST search, amolopins did no show similarity to any known peptides. Among the tested microorganisms, native and synthetic peptides only showed antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC2592 and Bacillus pumilus, no effects on other microorganisms. The CD spectroscopy showed that it adopted a structure of random combined with beta-sheet in water, Tris-HCl or Tris-HCl-SDS. Several cDNAs encoding amolopins were cloned from the skin cDNA library of A. loloensis. The precursors of amolopin are composed of 62 amino acid residues including predicted signal peptides, acidic propieces, and mature antimicrobial peptides. The preproregion of amolopin precursor comprises a hydrophobic signal peptide of 22 residues followed by an 18 residue acidic propiece which terminates by a typical prohormone processing signal Lys-Arg. The preproregions of precursors are very similar to other amphibian antimicrobial peptide precursors but the mature amolopins are different from other antimicrobial peptide families. The remarkable similarity of preproregions of precursors that give rise to very different antimicrobial peptides in distantly related frog species suggests that the corresponding genes form a multigene family originating from a common ancestor. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Much attention has been paid on amphibian peptides for their wide-ranging pharmacological properties, clinical potential, and gene-encoded origin. More than 300 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from amphibians have been studied. Peptidomics and genomics analysis combined with functional test including microorganism killing, histamine-releasing, and mast cell degranulation was used to investigate antimicrobial peptide diversity. Thirty-four novel AMPs from skin secretions of Rana nigrovittata were identified in current work, and they belong to 9 families, including 6 novel families. Other three families are classified into rugosin, gaegurin, and temporin family of amphibian AMP, respectively. These AMPs share highly conserved preproregions including signal peptides and spacer acidic peptides, while greatly diversified on mature peptides structures. In this work, peptidomics combined with genomics analysis was confirmed to be an effective way to identify amphibian AMPs, especially novel families. Some AMPs reported here will provide leading molecules for designing novel antimicrobial agents. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved