855 resultados para 819


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The stomachs of 819 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) sampled from 1988 to 1992 were analyzed to compare dietary differences among five feeding grounds on the New England continental shelf (Jeffreys Ledge, Stellwagen Bank, Cape Cod Bay, Great South Channel, and South of Martha’s Vineyard) where a majority of the U.S. Atlantic commercial catch occurs. Spatial variation in prey was expected to be a primary influence on bluefin tuna distribution during seasonal feeding migrations. Sand lance (Ammodytes spp.), Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), squid (Cephalopoda), and bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) were the top prey in terms of frequency of occurrence and percent prey weight for all areas combined. Prey composition was uncorrelated between study areas, with the exception of a significant association between Stellwagen Bank and Great South Channel, where sand lance and Atlantic herring occurred most frequently. Mean stomach-contents biomass varied significantly for all study areas, except for Great South Channel and Cape Cod Bay. Jeffreys Ledge had the highest mean stomach-contents biomass (2.0 kg) among the four Gulf of Maine areas and Cape Cod Bay had the lowest (0.4 kg). Diet at four of the five areas was dominated by one or two small pelagic prey and several other pelagic prey made minor contributions. In contrast, half of the prey species found in the Cape Cod Bay diet were demersal species, including the frequent occurrence of the sessile fig sponge (Suberites ficus). Prey size selection was consistent over a wide range of bluefin length. Age 2–4 sand lance and Atlantic herring and age 0–1 squid and Atlantic mackerel were common prey for all sizes of bluefin tuna. This is the first study to compare diet composition of western Atlantic bluefin tuna among discrete feeding grounds during their seasonal migration to the New England continental shelf and to evaluate predator-prey size relationships. Previous studies have not found a common occurrence of demersal species or a pre-dominance of Atlantic herring in the diet of bluefin tuna.


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本实验以菠菜叶片为材料,分离并纯化了甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH,EC,并对其某些性质进行了研究。此外,还提取并纯化了poly (A)+RNA,并对其完整性进行了分析,主要结果如下: 1.菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶存在于60%硫酸铵沉淀部分,70%硫酸铵沉淀部分未检出其活性。用层析法纯化该酶,使纯化倍数达到405.3倍。菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶有两个同工酶。 2.菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶主要定位于胞液中。其中,在过氧化物酶体及微粒体中有一定量活性存在,但在叶绿体中未检出其活性。 3.菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶活性有较广的pH值范围,其最适pH范围为9.5左右。该酶以NAD作为特异性辅酶,其Km值为8.0×10-6M, Vmax为0.143nmol/min。该酶以甜菜碱醛作为特异性底物,其Km值为1.82×10-4M,Vmax为0.182nmol/min。该酶活性为0.125~1M的NaCl、KCl和脯氨酸所抑制,但0.125~1M的蔗糖及甜菜碱对其活性没有影响。 4.PCMB和Mersalyl抑制该酶的活性,DTT可逐步恢复被抑制的活性。稀土元素LaCl3对该酶活性没有影响,但CeCl则使其完全失活。另外,Mn2+和Mo6+离子对其活性没有影响,Mg2+离子可增加其活性。 5.菠菜叶片中有菠菜甜菜碱醛脱氢酶的抑制因子存在,该因子可能是一种小分子化合物。 6.应用酚-氯仿方法分离了菠菜叶片的poly (A)+RNA,并在-80℃低温下长期贮存。


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An intermittency transport model is proposed for modeling separated-flow transition. The model is based on earlier work on prediction of attached flow bypass transition and is applied for the first time to model transition in a separation bubble at various degrees of free-stream turbulence. The model has been developed so that it takes into account the entrainment of the surrounding fluid. Experimental investigations suggest that it is this phenomena which ultimately determines the extent of the separation bubble. Transition onset is determined via a boundary layer correlation based on momentum thickness at the point of separation. The intermittent flow characteristic of the transition process is modeled via an intermittency transport equation. This accounts for both normal and streamwise variation of intermittency and hence models the entrainment of surrounding flow in a more accurate manner than alternative prescribed intermittency models. The model has been validated against the well established T3L semicircular leading edge flat plate test case for three different degrees of free-stream turbulence characteristic of turbomachinery blade applications.


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2006年10月2007年5月,在云南省西北部纳帕海,采用路线调查结合瞬时扫描行为取样法,对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)种群的时间分配及其与年龄、集群和时间的关系进行了观察.结果说明,黑颈鹤越冬活动主要足以觅食为主,占日间时间的(76.81±9.1)%.越冬期间黑颈鹤日间行为的节律性较为明显,具有适应高寒气候的特点.集群形式对成鹤的行为有着显著影响,集群和家庭中活动的成鹤红觅食、警戒和争斗中存在显著差异(F1.76=0.27、0.77,U=2779,P=0.001-0.000).年龄是影响鹤群行为的因素之一.幼鹤相比成鹤有较多的觅食时间和休息时间,警戒行为比例较低(F1.76=0.04-2.59,U=188-2779,P=0.006-0.000),且小受集群形式的影响.随着越冬期间的早、中、晚3个时期的环境变化,黑颁鹤的时间分配有显著变化(F2.36=4.63-26.54,x22=5.29-13.68,P=0.0016-0.000).不同越冬地的黑颈鹤行为存在差异.气候、食物资源和人为影响可能是造成这些差异的主要因素.


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Our previous studies demonstrated that huperzine A, a reversible and selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, exerts beneficial effects on memory deficits in various rodent models of amnesia. To extend the antiamnesic action of huperzine A to nonhuman primates, huperzine A was evaluated for its ability to reverse the deficits in spatial memory produced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys or those that are naturally occurring in aged monkeys using a delayed-response task. Scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, dose dependently impaired performance with the highest dose (0.03 mg/kg, i.m.) producing a significant reduction in choice accuracy in young adult monkeys. The delayed performance changed from an average of 26.8/30 trials correct on saline control to an average of 20.2/30 trials correct after scopolamine administration. Huperzine A (0.01-0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly reversed deficits induced by scopolamine in young adult monkeys on a delayed-response task; performance after an optimal dose (0.1 mg/kg) averaged 25.0/30 correct. In four aged monkeys, huperzine A (0.001-0.01 mg/kg, i.m.) significantly increased choice accuracy from 20.5/30 on saline control to 25.2/30 at the optimal dose (0.001 mg/kg for two monkeys and 0.01 mg/kg for the other two monkeys). The beneficial effects of huperzine A on delayed-response performance were long lasting; monkeys remained improved for about 24 h after a single injection of huperzine A. This study extended the findings that huperzine A improves the mnemonic performance requiring working memory in monkeys, and suggests that huperzine A may be a promising agent for clinical therapy of cognitive impairments in patients with Alzheimer's disease.


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The 8π spectrometer at TRIUMF-ISAC consists of 20 Compton-suppressed germanium detectors and various auxiliary devices. The Ge array, once used for studies of nuclei at high angular momentum, has been transformed into the world's most powerful device dedicated to radioactive-decay studies. Many improvements in the spectrometer have been made, including a high-throughput data acquisition system, installation of a moving tape collector, incorporation of an array of 20 plastic scintillators for β-particle tagging, 5 Si(Li) detectors for conversion electrons, and 10 BaF2 detectors for fast-lifetime measurements. Experiments can be performed where data from all detectors are collected simultaneously, resulting in a very detailed view of the nucleus through radioactive decay. A number of experimental programmes have been launched that take advantage of the versatility of the spectrometer, and the intense beams available at TRIUMF-ISAC. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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