958 resultados para 802.15.4


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of sensor nodes, characterized by low power constraint, limited transmission range and limited computational capabilities [1][2].The cost of these devices is constantly decreasing, making it possible to use a large number of sensor devices in a wide array of commercial, environmental, military, and healthcare fields. Some of these applications involve placing the sensors evenly spaced on a straight line for example in roads, bridges, tunnels, water catchments and water pipelines, city drainages, oil and gas pipelines etc., making a special class of these networks which we define as a Linear Wireless Network (LWN). In LWNs, data transmission happens hop by hop from the source to the destination, through a route composed of multiple relays. The peculiarity of the topology of LWNs, motivates the design of specialized protocols, taking advantage of the linearity of such networks, in order to increase reliability, communication efficiency, energy savings, network lifetime and to minimize the end-to-end delay [3]. In this thesis a novel contention based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol called L-CSMA, specifically devised for LWNs is presented. The basic idea of L-CSMA is to assign different priorities to nodes based on their position along the line. The priority is assigned in terms of sensing duration, whereby nodes closer to the destination are assigned shorter sensing time compared to the rest of the nodes and hence higher priority. This mechanism speeds up the transmission of packets which are already in the path, making transmission flow more efficient. Using NS-3 simulator, the performance of L-CSMA in terms of packets success rate, that is, the percentage of packets that reach destination, and throughput are compared with that of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol, de-facto standard for wireless sensor networks. In general, L-CSMA outperforms the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol.


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Building energy meter network, based on per-appliance monitoring system, willbe an important part of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Two key issues exist for designing such networks. One is the network structure to be used. The other is the implementation of the network structure on a large amount of small low power devices, and the maintenance of high quality communication when the devices have electric connection with high voltage AC line. The recent advancement of low-power wireless communication makes itself the right candidate for house and building energy network. Among all kinds of wireless solutions, the low speed but highly reliable 802.15.4 radio has been chosen in this design. While many network-layer solutions have been provided on top of 802.15.4, an IPv6 based method is used in this design. 6LOWPAN is the particular protocol which adapts IP on low power personal network radio. In order to extend the network into building area without, a specific network layer routing mechanism-RPL, is included in this design. The fundamental unit of the building energy monitoring system is a smart wall plug. It is consisted of an electricity energy meter, a RF communication module and a low power CPU. The real challenge for designing such a device is its network firmware. In this design, IPv6 is implemented through Contiki operation system. Customize hardware driver and meter application program have been developed on top of the Contiki OS. Some experiments have been done, in order to prove the network ability of this system.


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To interconnect a wireless sensor network (WSN) to the Internet, we propose to use TCP/IP as the standard protocol for all network entities. We present a cross layer designed communication architecture, which contains a MAC protocol, IP, a new protocol called Hop-to-Hop Reliability (H2HR) protocol, and the TCP Support for Sensor Nodes (TSS) protocol. The MAC protocol implements the MAC layer of beacon-less personal area networks (PANs) as defined in IEEE 802.15.4. H2HR implements hop-to-hop reliability mechanisms. Two acknowledgment mechanisms, explicit and implicit ACK are supported. TSS optimizes using TCP in WSNs by implementing local retransmission of TCP data packets, local TCP ACK regeneration, aggressive TCP ACK recovery, congestion and flow control algorithms. We show that H2HR increases the performance of UDP, TCP, and RMST in WSNs significantly. The throughput is increased and the packet loss ratio is decreased. As a result, WSNs can be operated and managed using TCP/IP.


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Time-based indoor localization has been investigated for several years but the accuracy of existing solutions is limited by several factors, e.g., imperfect synchronization, signal bandwidth and indoor environment. In this paper, we compare two time-based localization algorithms for narrow-band signals, i.e., multilateration and fingerprinting. First, we develop a new Linear Least Square (LLS) algorithm for Differential Time Difference Of Arrival (DTDOA). Second, fingerprinting is among the most successful approaches used for indoor localization and typically relies on the collection of measurements on signal strength over the area of interest. We propose an alternative by constructing fingerprints of fine-grained time information of the radio signal. We offer comprehensive analytical discussions on the feasibility of the approaches, which are backed up by evaluations in a software defined radio based IEEE 802.15.4 testbed. Our work contributes to research on localization with narrow-band signals. The results show that our proposed DTDOA-based LLS algorithm obviously improves the localization accuracy compared to traditional TDOA-based LLS algorithm but the accuracy is still limited because of the complex indoor environment. Furthermore, we show that time-based fingerprinting is a promising alternative to power-based fingerprinting.


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Attractive business cases in various application fields contribute to the sustained long-term interest in indoor localization and tracking by the research community. Location tracking is generally treated as a dynamic state estimation problem, consisting of two steps: (i) location estimation through measurement, and (ii) location prediction. For the estimation step, one of the most efficient and low-cost solutions is Received Signal Strength (RSS)-based ranging. However, various challenges - unrealistic propagation model, non-line of sight (NLOS), and multipath propagation - are yet to be addressed. Particle filters are a popular choice for dealing with the inherent non-linearities in both location measurements and motion dynamics. While such filters have been successfully applied to accurate, time-based ranging measurements, dealing with the more error-prone RSS based ranging is still challenging. In this work, we address the above issues with a novel, weighted likelihood, bootstrap particle filter for tracking via RSS-based ranging. Our filter weights the individual likelihoods from different anchor nodes exponentially, according to the ranging estimation. We also employ an improved propagation model for more accurate RSS-based ranging, which we suggested in recent work. We implemented and tested our algorithm in a passive localization system with IEEE 802.15.4 signals, showing that our proposed solution largely outperforms a traditional bootstrap particle filter.


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En las últimas décadas el mundo ha sufrido un aumento exponencial en la utilización de soluciones tecnológicas, lo que ha desembocado en la necesidad de medir situaciones o estados de los distintos objetos que nos rodean. A menudo, no es posible cablear determinados sensores por lo que ese aumento en la utilización de soluciones tecnológicas, se ha visto traducido en un aumento de la necesidad de utilización de sensórica sin cables para poder hacer telemetrías correctas. A nivel social, el aumento de la demografía mundial está estrechamente ligado al aumento de la necesidad de servicios tecnológicos, por lo que es lógico pensar que a más habitantes, más tecnología será consumida. El objetivo de este Proyecto Final de Carrera está basado en la utilización de diversos nodos o también llamados motas capaces de realizar transferencia de datos en modo sin cables, permitiendo así realizar una aplicación real que solvente problemas generados por el aumento de la densidad de población. En concreto se busca la realización de un sistema de aparcamiento inteligente para estacionamientos en superficie, ayudando por tanto a las tareas de ordenación vehicular dentro del marco de las Smart cities. El sistema está basado en el protocolo de comunicaciones 802.15.4 (ZigBee) cuyas características fundamentales radican en el bajo consumo de energía de los componentes hardware asociados. En primer lugar se realizará un Estado del Arte de las Redes Inalámbricas de Sensores, abordando tanto la arquitectura como el estándar Zigbee y finalmente los componentes XBee que se van a utilizar en este Proyecto. Seguidamente se realizará la algoritmia necesaria para el buen funcionamiento del sistema inteligente de estacionamiento y finalmente se realizará un piloto demostrador del correcto funcionamiento de la tecnología. ABSTRACT In the last decades the world has experienced an exponential increase in the use of technological solutions, which has resulted in the need to measure situations or states of the objects around us. Often, wired sensors cannot be used at many situations, so the increase in the use of technological solutions, has been translated into a increase of the need of using wireless sensors to make correct telemetries. At the social level, the increase in global demographics is closely linked to the increased need for technological services, so it is logical that more people, more technology will be consumed. The objective of this Final Project is based on the use of various nodes or so-called motes, capable of performing data transfer in wireless mode, thereby allowing performing a real application solving problems generated by the increase of population densities. Specifically looking for the realization of a smart outdoor parking system, thus helping to vehicular management tasks within the framework of the Smart Cities. The system is based on the communication protocol 802.15.4 (ZigBee) whose main characteristics lie in the low energy consumption associated to the hardware components. First there will be a State of the Art of Wireless Sensor Networks, addressing both architecture and finally the Zigbee standard XBee components to be used in this project. Then the necessary algorithms will be developed for the proper working of the intelligent parking system and finally there will be a pilot demonstrator validating the whole system.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación un sistema domótico que puede ser instalado en una vivienda para controlar distintas variables ambientales y conseguir así la máxima comodidad de los habitantes de manera automática o manual según los gustos y necesidades de los usuarios. La característica principal de este sistema, es que cuenta con un funcionamiento distribuido donde entran en juego un servidor, encargado de tomar las decisiones generales para el comportamiento de la casa, y una serie de controladores esclavo cuya función es mantener constantes las variables ambientales con los valores fijados por el servidor. Así se consigue mantener la vivienda en una situación de bienestar constante para cualquier persona que se encuentre dentro. El sistema ha sido pensado de manera que se intenta reducir al máximo el cableado para facilitar su instalación por lo que la comunicación entre los distintos dispositivos se hace de manera inalámbrica por medio de un protocolo descrito en la norma IEEE 802.15.4 llamado ZigBee. Para ello se ha utilizado un módulo de comunicación wireless llamado Xbee, el cual permite la comunicación entre dos dispositivos. Para el control de dicho sistema distribuido se cuenta con una aplicación web, que mediante una interfaz gráfica permite al usuario controlar los distintos dispositivos dentro de la vivienda consiguiendo así controlar las variables ambientales a gusto del usuario. Dicha interfaz gráfica no depende de un software específico, sino que sólo es necesario un cliente http como podría ser Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Para integrar dicho sistema se ha usado un mini ordenador de bajo coste llamado RaspBerryPi, en el que se encuentra alojado un servidor Apache con el fin de gestionar y automatizar las variables ambientales. El control de los dipositivos encargados de modificar y estabilizar las variables ambientales se realiza mediante unos controladores genéricos implementados mediante mcontroladores 80C51F410, pertenecientes a la familia 80C51, y una serie de componentes y circuitería que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de éstos. Existen dos tipos de controladores distintos, los cuales son: Controlador Sensor: Encargados de las tomas de valores ambientales como puede ser la luz y la temperatura. Controladores Actuadores: Encargados de actuar sobre los dispositivos que modifican y estabilizan las variables ambientales como pueden ser la calefacción, tiras de leds de iluminación, persianas, alarmas, etc. El conjunto de la RaspBerryPi y los diferentes controladores forman el prototipo diseñado para este proyecto fin de carrera, el cual puede ser ampliado sencillamente para abarcar una amplia gama de posibilidades y funcionalidades dentro de la comodidad de una vivienda. ABSTRACT. The project described in this report consisted designing and implementing a home automation system that could be installed in a house in order to control environmental variables and thus get the maximum comfort of the inhabitant automatically or manually according to their tastes and needs. The main feature of this system consists in a distributed system, formed by a server which is responsible for making the main decisions of the actions performed inside the house. In addition, there are a series of slave controlers whose function consists in keeping the environmental variables within the values established by the server. Thus gets to keep the home in a situation of constant wellbeing to anyone who is inside. The system has been designed in order to reduce the amount of wire needed for the inter-connection of the devices, by means of wireless communication. The devices chosen for the solution are Xbee modules, which use the Zigbee protocol in order to comunicate one between each other. The Zigbee protocol is fully described in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A web application has been used to control the distributed system. This application allows users to control various devices inside the house and subsequently the different environmental variables. This implementation allows obtaining the maximum comfort by means of a very simple graphical interface. In addition, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) does not depend on any specific software. This means that it would only be necessary a http client (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) for handling the application. The system has been integrated using a low-cost mini computer called RaspBerryPi.This computer has an Apache server allocated which allows to manage and to automatize the different environmental variables. Furthermore, for changing and stabilizing those variables, some generic controllers have been developed, based on mcontrollers 80C51F410. There have been developed mainly two different types of controllers: Sensor Controllers, responsible for measuring the different environmental values, such as light and temperature; and Actuator Controllers, which purpose is to modify and stabilize those environmental variables by actuating on the heating, the led lamps, the blinders, the alarm, etc. The combination of the RaspBerryPi and the different controllers conform the prototype designed during this project. Additionally, this solution could be easily expanded in order to intake further functionalities adapted to new needs that could arise in the future.


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Una red de sensores inalámbrica es un conjunto de dispositivos electrónicos que se comunican entre sí sin la necesidad de una infraestructura, recogiendo información del entorno en el que han sido desplegados, procesándola y transmitiéndola hasta una estación base mediante saltos sucesivos entre los nodos de la red (multi-salto). Durante las dos últimas décadas, este campo ha sido muy desarrollado en la comunidad científica, debido a las ventajas que ofrece el despliegue de una red inalámbrica en un entorno con el fin de estudiarlo y/o controlarlo. La ausencia de una infraestructura, junto con el reducido tamaño de los nodos, permite este estudio sin que dicho entorno se vea significativamente afectado por factores externos como pueda ser la presencia humana, permitiendo además aumentar el número de nodos que componen la red o cambiar la posición de algunos de ellos sin que sea necesario reconfigurarla manualmente. El principal reto que presentan las redes de sensores inalámbricas es su autonomía. En general, se requiere que un nodo tenga la capacidad de funcionar durante largos períodos de tiempo (varios meses o incluso un año) antes de que su batería se agote. Esto hace de la gestión del consumo energético un aspecto crítico en el diseño de la red y sus nodos. En el presente trabajo se busca optimizar este consumo mediante la gestión del proceso de comunicación y enrutamiento de la red. Con este fin, se implementa el protocolo CTP (Collection Tree Protocol) en la plataforma Cookies desarrollada en el Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI) de la UPM. CTP es un protocolo de rutado centrado en los datos, que utiliza una topología en árbol, con el nodo coordinador o estación base como raíz del mismo, para la transmisión de la información desde los sensores hasta la estación base. Además, no utiliza direcciones predeterminadas, dotando a la red de la flexibilidad requerida para hacer frente a inconsistencias y/o variaciones en la densidad y tamaño de la red. La ruta escogida se basa en un gradiente de rutado decreciente, ETX (Expected Transmission Count), que representa la calidad de la conexión entre un nodo y su nodo padre. Este gradiente de enrutamiento se obtiene mediante una conversión directa a partir del LQI (Link Quality Indication) definido por el estándar IEEE 802.15.4. Esta conversión directa supone una aproximación utilizando valores umbral del LQI. Un nodo escogerá el siguiente salto que realizará el paquete a enviar seleccionando de entre sus vecinos a aquél que tenga el menor ETX, evitando de esta forma la aparición de bucles. Otro de los aspectos que supone un gran consumo es el proceso de mantenimiento de la estructura de la red, pues requiere el envío periódico de señales de control o beacons a lo largo de toda la red. El protocolo CTP aprovecha el algoritmo de goteo (Trickle Algorithm), para gestionar el mantenimiento: durante la formación de la red y cuando se detecte alguna inconsistencia, se incrementa la frecuencia de emisión de los beacons, permitiendo así una rápida propagación de las señales de control para crear o reparar las conexiones entre los nodos. En cambio, cuando la topología de la red es estable, esta frecuencia de emisión se reduce significativamente, limitándose a asegurar que la topología se mantiene estable y favoreciendo así el ahorro de energía.


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This work aims at modeling power consumption at the nodes of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). For doing so, a finite state machine was implemented by means of SystemC-AMS and Stateflow modeling and simulation tools. In order to achieve this goal, communication data in a WSN were collected. Based on the collected data, a simulation environment for power consumption characterization, which aimed at describing the network operation, was developed. Other than performing power consumption simulation, this environment also takes into account a discharging model as to analyze the battery charge level at any given moment. Such analysis result in a graph illustrating the battery voltage variations as well as its state of charge (SOC). Finally, a case study of the WSN power consumption aims to analyze the acquisition mode and network data communication. With this analysis, it is possible make adjustments in node-sensors to reduce the total power consumption of the network.


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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of distributed devices in an area in order to monitor physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, motion and environmental conditions in places where wired networks would be difficult or impractical to implement, for example, industrial applications of difficult access, monitoring and control of oil wells on-shore or off-shore, monitoring of large areas of agricultural and animal farming, among others. To be viable, a WSN should have important requirements such as low cost, low latency, and especially low power consumption. However, to ensure these requirements, these networks suffer from limited resources, and eventually being used in hostile environments, leading to high failure rates, such as segmented routing, mes sage loss, reducing efficiency, and compromising the entire network, inclusive. This work aims to present the FTE-LEACH, a fault tolerant and energy efficient routing protocol that maintains efficiency in communication and dissemination of data.This protocol was developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and suitable for industrial networks with limited energy resources


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Cryptography is the main form to obtain security in any network. Even in networks with great energy consumption restrictions, processing and memory limitations, as the Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN), this is no different. Aiming to improve the cryptography performance, security and the lifetime of these networks, we propose a new cryptographic algorithm developed through the Genetic Programming (GP) techniques. For the development of the cryptographic algorithm’s fitness criteria, established by the genetic GP, nine new cryptographic algorithms were tested: AES, Blowfish, DES, RC6, Skipjack, Twofish, T-DES, XTEA and XXTEA. Starting from these tests, fitness functions was build taking into account the execution time, occupied memory space, maximum deviation, irregular deviation and correlation coefficient. After obtaining the genetic GP, the CRYSEED and CRYSEED2 was created, algorithms for the 8-bits devices, optimized for WSNs, i.e., with low complexity, few memory consumption and good security for sensing and instrumentation applications.


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Cryptography is the main form to obtain security in any network. Even in networks with great energy consumption restrictions, processing and memory limitations, as the Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN), this is no different. Aiming to improve the cryptography performance, security and the lifetime of these networks, we propose a new cryptographic algorithm developed through the Genetic Programming (GP) techniques. For the development of the cryptographic algorithm’s fitness criteria, established by the genetic GP, nine new cryptographic algorithms were tested: AES, Blowfish, DES, RC6, Skipjack, Twofish, T-DES, XTEA and XXTEA. Starting from these tests, fitness functions was build taking into account the execution time, occupied memory space, maximum deviation, irregular deviation and correlation coefficient. After obtaining the genetic GP, the CRYSEED and CRYSEED2 was created, algorithms for the 8-bits devices, optimized for WSNs, i.e., with low complexity, few memory consumption and good security for sensing and instrumentation applications.


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Development of Internet-of-Services will be hampered by heterogeneous Internet-of-Things infrastructures, such as inconsistency in communicating with participating objects, connectivity between them, topology definition & data transfer, access via cloud computing for data storage etc. Our proposed solutions are applicable to a random topology scenario that allow establishing of multi-operational sensor networks out of single networks and/or single service networks with the participation of multiple networks; thus allowing virtual links to be created and resources to be shared. The designed layers are context-aware, application-oriented, and capable of representing physical objects to a management system, along with discovery of services. The reliability issue is addressed by deploying IETF supported IEEE 802.15.4 network model for low-rate wireless personal networks. Flow- sensor succeeded better results in comparison to the typical - sensor from reachability, throughput, energy consumption and diversity gain viewpoint and through allowing the multicast groups into maximum number, performances can be improved.


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The wide adaptation of Internet Protocol (IP) as de facto protocol for most communication networks has established a need for developing IP capable data link layer protocol solutions for Machine to machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks. However, the wireless networks used for M2M and IoT applications usually lack the resources commonly associated with modern wireless communication networks. The existing IP capable data link layer solutions for wireless IoT networks provide the necessary overhead minimising and frame optimising features, but are often built to be compatible only with IPv6 and specific radio platforms. The objective of this thesis is to design IPv4 compatible data link layer for Netcontrol Oy's narrow band half-duplex packet data radio system. Based on extensive literature research, system modelling and solution concept testing, this thesis proposes the usage of tunslip protocol as the basis for the system data link layer protocol development. In addition to the functionality of tunslip, this thesis discusses the additional network, routing, compression, security and collision avoidance changes required to be made to the radio platform in order for it to be IP compatible while still being able to maintain the point-to-multipoint and multi-hop network characteristics. The data link layer design consists of the radio application, dynamic Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) optimisation daemon and the tunslip interface. The proposed design uses tunslip for creating an IP capable data link protocol interface. The radio application receives data from tunslip and compresses the packets and uses the IP addressing information for radio network addressing and routing before forwarding the message to radio network. The dynamic MTU size optimisation daemon controls the tunslip interface maximum MTU size according to the link quality assessment calculated from the radio network diagnostic data received from the radio application. For determining the usability of tunslip as the basis for data link layer protocol, testing of the tunslip interface is conducted with both IEEE 802.15.4 radios and packet data radios. The test cases measure the radio network usability for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) based applications without applying any header or content compression. The test results for the packet data radios reveal that the typical success rate for packet reception through a single-hop link is above 99% with a round-trip-delay of 0.315s for 63B packets.


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are the key enablers of the internet of things (IoT) paradigm. Traditionally, sensor network research has been to be unlike the internet, motivated by power and device constraints. The IETF 6LoWPAN draft standard changes this, defining how IPv6 packets can be efficiently transmitted over IEEE 802.15.4 radio links. Due to this 6LoWPAN technology, low power, low cost micro- controllers can be connected to the internet forming what is known as the wireless embedded internet. Another IETF recommendation, CoAP allows these devices to communicate interactively over the internet. The integration of such tiny, ubiquitous electronic devices to the internet enables interesting real-time applications. This thesis work attempts to evaluate the performance of a stack consisting of CoAP and 6LoWPAN over the IEEE 802.15.4 radio link using the Contiki OS and Cooja simulator, along with the CoAP framework Californium (Cf). Ultimately, the implementation of this stack on real hardware is carried out using a raspberry pi as a border router with T-mote sky sensors as slip radios and CoAP servers relaying temperature and humidity data. The reliability of the stack was also demonstrated during scalability analysis conducted on the physical deployment. The interoperability is ensured by connecting the WSN to the global internet using different hardware platforms supported by Contiki and without the use of specialized gateways commonly found in non IP based networks. This work therefore developed and demonstrated a heterogeneous wireless sensor network stack, which is IP based and conducted performance analysis of the stack, both in terms of simulations and real hardware.