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Beyond Centre and Margin: (Self-)translation and the Ecopoetics of Space in Geetanjali Shree's "Mai"
Croisant les concepts de traduction culturelle et une approche « queer » de l'identité, notre article propose une lecture de l'utilisation de tropes végétaux ou organiques dans le roman de Geetanjali Shree, Mai, comme critique de la logique binaire du centre et de la marge qui caractérise autant l'orientalisme que le système patriarcal. Ecrit à la première personne, le roman invente un nouvel espace d'énonciation en narrant l'enfance et la jeunesse d'une jeune femme et la constitution de son identité à travers la relation complexe qu'elle entretient avec sa mère, son milieu familial issu de la classe moyenne du Nord de l'Inde, et la société indienne contemporaine aux prises avec la globalisation. Toutefois, ce cercle ou centre est en constante évolution puisque le contexte postcolonial dans lequel ces identités féminines se situent nous amène à considérer d'autres modes d'intervention (agency) qui opèrent non seulement à travers la prise de parole mais aussi à travers l'usage stratégique du silence. Fleurissant entre l'anglais et le hindi, ces identités hybrides nous poussent à revoir nos cartographies critiques et à investiguer et investir des lieux liminaux dans lesquels des subjectivités traversent les frontières et transgressent les limites imposées par l'ordre patriarcal et les cartographies imposées par les centres de pouvoir.
Advanced stage follicular lymphoma is incurable by conventional treatment. Important progress has been observed with the development of new therapies based on monoclonal antibodies and on the use of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL). Rituximab in combination with chemotherapy in the upfront setting significantly improved treatment outcome as compared with chemotherapy alone. Different studies also indicate that RIT has an important role in the management of NHL and could be beneficial in combination with chemotherapy. These two new treatment options have clearly distinctive mechanisms of action, rituximab being an exclusively biological treatment and RIT adding targeted systemic radiation therapy. Both RIT and the unlabeled antibody treatments might be further improved by different strategies including repetition of RIT or combination of different antibodies. We present here our experience with RIT using 131I-tositumomab (Bexxar) and discuss different topics regarding RIT, like the use of different antibodies, the best choice of the radioisotope or the place of radio-imaging. From the therapeutic point of view, we argue that the debate should not be as to which one among antibody immunotherapy or RIT should be best added to chemotherapy, but that all three treatments might be optimally combined with the aim to get the highest chance of cure for advanced stage follicular lymphoma.
Autologous brain cell transplantation might be useful for repairing lesions and restoring function of the central nervous system. We have demonstrated that adult monkey brain cells, obtained from cortical biopsy and kept in culture for a few weeks, exhibit neural progenitor characteristics that make them useful for brain repair. Following MPTP treatment, primates were dopamine depleted but asymptomatic. Autologous cultured cells were reimplanted into the right caudate nucleus of the donor monkey. Four months after reimplantation, histological analysis by stereology and TH immunolabeling showed that the reimplanted cells successfully survived, bilaterally migrated in the whole striatum, and seemed to have a neuroprotection effect over time. These results may add a new strategy to the field of brain neuroprotection or regeneration and could possibly lead to future clinical applications.
Background/Purpose: Gout is a common and excruciatingly painful inflammatory arthritis caused by hyperuricemia. In addition to various lifestyle risk factors, a substantial genetic predisposition to gout has long been recognized. The Global Urate Genetics Consortium (GUGC) has aimed to comprehensively investigate the genetics of serum uric acid and gout using data from _ 140,000 individuals of European-ancestry, 8,340 individuals of Indian ancestry, 5,820 African-Americans, and 15,286 Japanese. Methods: We performed discovery GWAS meta-analyses of serum urate levels (n_110,347 individuals) followed by replication analyses (n_32,813 different individuals). Our gout analysis involved 3,151 cases and 68,350 controls, including 1,036 incident gout cases that met the American College of Rheumatology Criteria. We also examined the association of gout with fractional excretion of uric acid (n_6,799). A weighted genetic urate score was constructed based on the number of risk alleles across urate-associated loci, and their association with the risk of gout was evaluated. Furthermore, we examined implicated transcript expression in cis (expression quantitative trait loci databases) for potential insights into the gene underlying the association signal. Finally, in order to further identify urate-associated genomic regions, we performed functional network analyses that incorporated prior knowledge on molecular interactions in which the gene products of implicated genes operate. Results: We identified and replicated 28 genome-wide significant loci in association with serum urate (P 5_10_8), including all previously-reported loci as well as 18 novel genetic loci. Unlike the majority of previouslyidentified loci, none of the novel loci appeared to be obvious candidates for urate transport. Rather, they were mapped to genes that encode for purine production, transcription, or growth factors with broad downstream responses. Besides SLC2A9 and ABCG2, no additional regions contained SNPs that differed significantly (P _ 5_10_8) between sexes. Urateincreasing alleles were associated with an increased risk of gout for all loci. The urate genetic risk score (ranging from 10 to 45) was significantly associated with an increased odds of prevalent gout (OR per unit increase, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.09-1.14) and incident gout (OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.08-1.13). Associations for many of the loci were of similar magnitude in individuals of non-European ancestry. Detailed characterization of the loci revealed associations with transcript expression and the fractional excretion of urate. Network analyses implicated the inhibins-activins signaling pathways and glucose metabolism in systemic urate control. Conclusion: The novel genetic candidates identified in this urate/gout consortium study, the largest to date, highlight the importance of metabolic control of urate production and urate excretion. The modulation by signaling processes that influence metabolic pathways such as glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway appear to be central mechanisms underpinned by the novel GWAS candidates. These findings may have implications for further research into urate-lowering drugs to treat and prevent gout.
Purpose: Young cannabis users are at increased risk for cigarette initiation and later progression to nicotine dependence. The present study assesses to which extent cannabis users are exposed to nicotine through mulling, a widespread process consisting of mixing tobacco to cannabis for its consumption. Methods: Data are issued from an ongoing observational study taking place in Switzerland. A total of 267 eligible participants (mean age 19 years, 46.4% males) completed an anonymous self-administered questionnaire on their tobacco and cannabis intake in the previous 5 days. They also provided a urine sample that was blindly analyzed for cotinine (a key metabolite of nicotine) using liquid-chromatography coupled mass-spectrometry. After the exclusion of cannabis users not having smoked at least one joint/blunt in which tobacco had been mixed (n _ 2), and participants reporting other sources of nicotine exposition than cigarettes or mulling (n _37), four groups were created: cannabis and cigarette abstainers (ABS, n_ 69), cannabis only smokers (CAS; n _ 33), cigarette only smokers (CIS; n _ 62); and cannabis and cigarette smokers (CCS, n _ 64). Cotinine measures of CAS were compared to those of ABS, CIS and CCS. All comparisons were performed using ANCOVA, controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, BMI and environmental exposure to cigarette smoke in the past month (at home, in school/at work, in social settings). The number of mixed joints/blunts smoked in the previous 5 days was additionally taken into account when comparing CAS to CCS. Cotinine values (ng/ml) are reported as means with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Results: In the previous 5 days, CAS had smoked on average 10 mixed joints/blunts, CIS 30 cigarettes, and CCS 8 mixed joints/ blunts and 41 cigarettes. Cotinine levels of participants considerably differed between groups. The lowest measure was found among ABS (3.2 [0.5-5.9]), followed in growing order by CAS (294.6 [157.1-432.0]), CIS (362.8 [258.4-467.3]), and CCS (649.9 [500.7-799.2]). In the multivariate analysis, cotinine levels of CAS were significantly higher than those of ABS (p _.001), lower than those of CCS (p _ .003), but did not differ from levels of CIS (p _ .384). Conclusions: Our study reveals cannabis users to be significantly exposed to nicotine through mulling, even after controlling for several possible confounders such as environmental exposure to cigarette smoke. Utmost, mixing tobacco to Poster cannabis can result in a substantial nicotine exposition as cotinine levels from cannabis only smokers were as high as those of moderate cigarette smokers. Our findings also suggest that mulling is adding up to the already important nicotine exposition of cigarettes smokers. Because of the addictiveness of nicotine, mulling should be part of a comprehensive assessment of substance use among adolescents and young adults, especially when supporting their cannabis and cigarette quitting attempts. Sources of Support: This study was funded by the Public Health Service of the Canton de Vaud. Dr. BÊlanger's contribution was possible through grants from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the CHUQ/CMDP Foundation and the Laval University McLaughlin program, QuÊbec, Canada.
Objective.- The Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation is a specific questionnaire for the wrist [1]. It consists of 15 questions with a total score of 100. It was recently translated into French [2]. However, its validity has not been tested in this language. The Disabilities Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH), with well-established psychometric properties, is considered as the reference questionnaire for the evaluation of upper extremities. The objective of this study is to measure the construct validity of the PRWE-F with the DASH-F in patients with wrist pathology.Patients and methods.- Fifty-one patients (40 m, 11 w, mean age 42 years), 25 fractures of the radius and 26 lesions of the carpus.Questionnaires PRWE-F and DASH-F at entry and at discharge (0 to 100). Calculation of the construct validity of the PRWE-F comparing with the DASH-F with Pearson correlation coefficients (r) at entry and at discharge. Level of significance (alpha) was set at 5%.Results.- Correlation DASH/PRWE at entry: r = 0.799 (95% CI 0.671 to 0.881), P < 0.0001. Correlation DASH/PRWE at discharge: r = 0.847 (95% CI: 0.745 to 0.910), P < 0.0001.Discussion.- The construct validity of the two instruments indicates that they measure the same concept. Our correlation between DASH-F and PRWE-F, going from 0.799 to 0.847, are comparable to those published in different languages (0.71 to 0.84) [3,4]. The questionnaires PRWE-F can thus be used in rehabilitation patients presenting with wrist pathologies; it is comparable to the DASH but described by MacDermid [1] to be more specific. Compared to the DASH it has the advantage of consisting of two dimensions. Its construct validity is excellent. This questionnaire should be evaluated in other populations, and it should be compared with hand questionnaires more specific than the DASH.
PURPOSE: Exercise improves insulin resistance and is a first line for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. The extent, however, to which these responses are dose dependent is not known. The purpose of this study was to examine whether exercise dose was associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity after 4 months of exercise training in previously sedentary adults. METHODS: Fifty-five healthy volunteers participated in a 16-wk supervised endurance exercise intervention with a pre/postintervention design. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, peak oxygen uptake by a graded exercise test, and body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. The exercise intervention consisted of three to five sessions per week with a minimum of three sessions supervised. A ramped exercise prescription protocol was used to achieve 75% of peak HR for 45 min per session. Exercise dose, expressed as average kilocalories expended per week, was computed as the product of exercise intensity, duration and frequency. RESULTS: Improved insulin sensitivity was significantly related to exercise dose in a graded dose-response relationship. No evidence of threshold or maximal dose-response effect was observed. Age and gender did not influence this dose-response relationship. Exercise intensity was also significantly related to improvements in insulin sensitivity, whereas frequency was not. CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies a graded dose-response relationship between exercise dose and improvements in insulin sensitivity. The implication of this observation is of importance for the adaptation of exercise prescription in clinical situations.
Over the past years, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has proven its efficacy in large clinical trials, and consequently, the assessment of function, viability, and ischaemia by CMR is now an integrated part of the diagnostic armamentarium in cardiology. By combining these CMR applications, coronary artery disease (CAD) can be detected in its early stages and this allows for interventions with the goal to reduce complications of CAD such as infarcts and subsequently chronic heart failure (CHF). As the CMR examinations are robust and reproducible and do not expose patients to radiation, they are ideally suited for repetitive studies without harm to the patients. Since CAD is a chronic disease, the option to monitor CAD regularly by CMR over many decades is highly valuable. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance also progressed recently in the setting of acute coronary syndromes. In this situation, CMR allows for important differential diagnoses. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance also delineates precisely the different tissue components in acute myocardial infarction such as necrosis, microvascular obstruction (MVO), haemorrhage, and oedema, i.e. area at risk. With these features, CMR might also become the preferred tool to investigate novel treatment strategies in clinical research. Finally, in CHF patients, the versatility of CMR to assess function, flow, perfusion, and viability and to characterize tissue is helpful to narrow the differential diagnosis and to monitor treatment.
BACKGROUND: The contribution of nephrolithiasis-related end-stage renal disease (ESRD) to patients requiring renal replacement therapy has never been specifically evaluated. METHODS: Of the entire cohort of 1,391 consecutive patients who started maintenance dialysis therapy at our nephrology department between January 1989 and December 2000, a total of 45 patients (21 men) had renal stone disease as the cause of ESRD and constitute the study material. Type and cause of renal stone disease was determined in the 45 patients, as well as the change in prevalence of nephrolithiasis-related ESRD with time during this 12-year period. RESULTS: The overall proportion of nephrolithiasis-related ESRD was 3.2%. Infection (struvite) stones accounted for 42.2%; calcium stones, 26.7%; uric acid nephrolithiasis, 17.8%; and hereditary diseases (including primary hyperoxaluria type 1 and cystinuria), 13.3% of cases. Women were predominant among patients with infection and calcium stones, whereas men were predominant among patients with uric acid or hereditary stone disease. The proportion of patients with nephrolithiasis-related ESRD decreased from 4.7% in the triennial period 1989 to 1991 to 2.2% in the most recent period, 1998 to 2000 ( P = 0.07). This tendency to a decreasing prevalence mainly was caused by a rarefaction of infection and calcium stones with time, whereas frequencies of uric acid and hereditary stone disease remained essentially unchanged. CONCLUSION: Severe forms of nephrolithiasis remain an underestimated cause of potentially avoidable ESRD and need for renal replacement therapy. These findings highlight the crucial importance of accurate stone analysis and metabolic evaluation to provide early diagnosis and proper therapy for conditions that may lead to ESRD through recurrent stone formation and/or parenchymal crystal infiltration.
O trabalho foi conduzido na FCAV-UNESP, câmpus de Jaboticabal, com o objetivo de avaliar as características fisiológicas de crescimento, produção de matéria seca (MS) e teores de proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) de dois genótipos de milheto (Pennisetum americanum) cultivar Comum e CMS 02/EMBRAPA, semeados em duas épocas (23/11/94 e 10/3/95) e submetidos a quatro doses de N (0; 75; 150 e 225 kg ha-1). O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas, e três repetições. Na primeira época de semeadura, a cv. Comum apresentou produção de MS total significativamente superior (6.995 kg ha-1) à do genótipo CMS 02 (6.177 kg ha-1), e a aplicação de 150 kg ha-1 foi a dose mais adequada nesse período. Na segunda época de semeadura, a produção de MS total dos genótipos foi, em média, de 2.799 kg ha-1, e a adubação nitrogenada não revelou efeito significativo. Plantas da primeira época de semeadura apresentaram, nos dois primeiros cortes, alta produção de folhas, cujos teores de PB foram superiores a 20%, e os valores de DIVMS em torno de 70%.
We sequenced 998 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b and 799 bp of nuclear gene BRCA1 in the Lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) over its geographic range from Portugal to Japan. The aims of the study were to identify the main clades within the group and respective refugia resulting from Pleistocene glaciations. Analyses revealed the Asian lesser white-toothed shrew (C. shantungensis) as the basal clade, followed by a major branch of C. suaveolens, subdivided sensu stricto into six clades, which split-up in the Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene (1.9-0.9 Myr). The largest clade, occurring over a huge range from east Europe to Mongolia, shows evidence of population expansion after a bottleneck. West European clades originated from Iberian and Italo-Balkanic refugia. In the Near East, three clades evolved in an apparent hotspot of refugia (west Turkey, south-west and south-east of the Caucasus). Most clades include specimens of different morphotypes and the validity of many taxa in the C. suaveolens group has to be re-evaluated.