951 resultados para 770503 Living resources (flora and fauna)


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Reef-building corals contain host pigments, termed pocilloporins, that function to regulate the light environment of their resident microalgae by acting as a photoprotectant in excessive sunlight. We have determined the crystal structure of an intensely blue, non-fluorescent pocilloporin to 2.2 Angstrom resolution and a genetically engineered fluorescent variant to 2.4 Angstrom resolution. The pocilloporin chromophore structure adopts a markedly different conformation in comparison with the DsRed chromophore, despite the chromophore sequences (Gin-Tyr-Gly) being identical; the tyrosine ring of the pocilloporin chromophore is noncoplanar and in the trans configuration. Furthermore, the fluorescent variant adopted a noncoplanar chromophore conformation. The data presented here demonstrates that the conformation of the chromophore is highly dependent on its immediate environment.


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Known Early-Middle Miocene terrestrial strata of southern New Zealand are represented by alluvial plain and lacustrine sediments. A vertebrate fauna including fish, ducks, and crocodiles populated Lake Manuherikia, with abundant mussels, gastropods, and stromatolites occupying the near-shore areas of the lake. A diverse vegetation covered the surrounding broad fluvial plains that extended to the coastal margins. Initially this was largely rainforest, which varied according to habitat and to changing climate. In particular, the climate and ecology appear to have fluctuated across the two major thresholds of fire/no-fire and of peat accumulation and no-peat. A major climate change, possibly the sharp global deterioration in conditions at about 14 Ma, profoundly changed the vegetation. Rainforest continuity fragmented, and herblands became widespread. Leaf fossils effectively disappear from the record at this time.


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The molecular diversity of symbiotic dinoflagellates associated with the widespread western Pacific coral Plesiastrea versipora was explored in order to examine if associations between reef-building corals and symbiotic dinoflagellates change with environment. Several ribosomal DNA genes with different evolutionary rates were used.. including the large subunit (28S), the 5.8S region and the internal transcribed spacers (ITS). The phylogenetic analysis of the 28S and 5.8S rDNA regions indicated that a single endosymbiont species, highly related to one of the species of Symbiodinium in clade C (=Synbiodinium goreaui, Trench et Blank), associates with P. versipora along the Ryukyu Archipelago. The persistence of the same endosymbiont within P. versipora across this wide array of latitudes may be a result of such features as the Kuroshio Current, which brings tropical temperatures as far north as Honshu, Japan. Analysis of the faster evolving ITS rDNA region revealed significant genetic variability within endosymbionts from different populations. This variation was due to a high degree of interpopulation variability, based on the proportion of pairwise variation detected among the populations (0.95% approximately). By comparison with other studies, the results also indicate that some ITS1 haplotypes from P. versipora endosymbionts seem to be widely distributed within the western Pacific Ocean, ranging from the Great Barrier Reef to the northeast of the China Sea.


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Most scleractinian coral species are widely distributed across the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific. However, the genetic connectivity between populations of corals separated by large distances (thousands of kilometers) is not well known. We analyzed variability in the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) of the nuclear ribosomal gene unit in the ubiquitous coral Stylophora pistillata, across the western Pacific Ocean. Eight populations from Japan, Malaysia, and the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were studied. Phylogenetic analyses and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) clearly revealed that there is panmixia among these coral populations. AMOVA showed that ITS-1 sequence variability was greater within populations (78.37%) than among populations (12.06%). These patterns strongly suggest high levels of connectivity across the species' latitudinal distribution range in the western Pacific, as is seen in many marine invertebrates.


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This study analysed 21 translocations of the vulnerable black-faced impala (Aepyceros melampus petersi) to 20 Namibian game farms that occurred between 1970 and 2001, seeking characteristics of the translocated populations and the release sites that significantly correlated with the success of the translocations. Characteristics considered were: initial population size; presence of cheetah and leopard; area; habitat type; occurrence within the historical range of the subspecies and occurrence of trophy hunting. Success of translocations was described by whether the population had a positive growth rate. The success rate of translocations of black-faced impala (62%) was higher than shown in other studies of vertebrate translocations. Initial population size was paramount to the success of translocations. Releases of larger populations were more likely to lead to positive population growth rates than were releases of small populations. The presence of cheetah also influenced the success of translocated populations. In the presence of cheetah, small populations translocated to game farms were significantly less likely to be viable than larger populations. Recommendations for the management of this vulnerable antelope include introducing large initial populations, ideally more than 15 animals, rather than attempting to eliminate cheetah following translocations of impala. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experiments carried out to investigate the reproductive ecology of the Australian cycad Lepidozamia peroffskyana (Regal, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 1857, 1: 184) revealed that this species is pollinated exclusively by host-specific Tranes weevils (Pascoe 1875). The weevils carry out their life cycle within the tissues of the male cones but also visit the female cones in large numbers. Female cones from which insects ( but not wind) were excluded had a pollination rate that was essentially zero. In contrast, female cones from which wind ( but not insects) were excluded had a pollination rate comparable with naturally pollinated cones. Assessment of Tranes weevil pollen load indicated that they are effective pollen-carriers. No other potential insect pollinators were observed on cones of L. peroffskyana. Sampling of airborne loads of cycad pollen indicated that wind-dispersed grains were not consistently recorded beyond a 2-m radius surrounding pollen-shedding male cones. The airborne load of cycad pollen in the vicinity of pollination-receptive female cones was minimal, and the spatial distribution of the coning population indicated that receptive female cones did not usually occur close enough to pollen-shedding male cones for airborne transfer of pollen to explain observed natural rates of seed set. These multiple lines of evidence suggest that wind-once considered the only pollination vector for cycads and other gymnosperms-plays only a minimal role in the pollination of L. peroffskyana, if any at all. The global diversity of insects associated with cycads suggests that some lineages of pollinating beetles may have been associated with cycad cones since Mesozoic times.


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A new thelastomatid, Aoruroides queenslandensis, is described from two native Australian cockroaches, Panesthia tryoni tryoni Shaw and P. cribrata Saussure, from sub-tropical rainforest in south-eastern Queensland. Species of Aoruroides Travassos & Kloss, 1958 have previously been reported from cockroaches found in Brazil and the Philippines, but A. queenslandensis n. sp. is the first species of this genus found in Australia. The new species differs from the other members of Aoruroides principally in the position of the nerve-ring and egg morphology.


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Blood sampling is an essential technique in many herpetological studies. This paper describes a quick and humane technique to collect blood samples from three species of Australian chelid turtles ( Order Pleurodira): Chelodina expansa, Elseya latisternum, and Emydura macquarii signata.


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In wildlife management, the program of monitoring will depend on the management objective. If the objective is damage mitigation, then ideally it is damage that should be monitored. Alternatively, population size (N) can be used as a surrogate for damage, but the relationship between N and damage obviously needs to be known. If the management objective is a sustainable harvest, then the system of monitoring will depend on the harvesting strategy. In general, the harvest strategy in all states has been to offer a quota that is a constant proportion of population size. This strategy has a number of advantages over alternative strategies, including a low risk of over- or underharvest in a stochastic environment, simplicity, robustness to bias in population estimates and allowing harvest policy to be proactive rather than reactive. However, the strategy requires an estimate of absolute population size that needs to be made regularly for a fluctuating population. Trends in population size and in various harvest statistics, while of interest, are secondary. This explains the large research effort in further developing accurate estimation methods for kangaroo populations. Direct monitoring on a large scale is costly. Aerial surveys are conducted annually at best, and precision of population estimates declines with the area over which estimates are made. Management at a fine scale (temporal or spatial) therefore requires other monitoring tools. Indirect monitoring through harvest statistics and habitat models, that include rainfall or a greenness index from satellite imagery, may prove useful.


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Glaphyromorphus clandestinus, sp. nov., is described from granite-slab habitat on Mt Elliot, north-eastern Queensland. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: large size (SVL 72 mm), adpressed limbs of adult separated by noticeably more than the length of the forelimb, 26 mid-body scale rows, and flanks patterned with dark flecks forming a series of longitudinal lines. The distribution, habitat preferences and habits of this species are poorly known. Currently G. clandestinus is known from a single locality where individuals have been found in an exposed area of exfoliating granite, set in a mosaic of rainforest and eucalyptus woodland. The discovery of this species brings to three the number of vertebrate species known to be endemic to Mt Elliot and highlights the evolutionary significance of this southerly outlier to the mountainous rainforest of the Wet Tropics.


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The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been implicated in the decline and extinction of numerous frog species worldwide. In Queensland, Australia, it has been proposed as the cause of the decline or apparent extinction of at least 14 high-elevation rainforest frog species. One of these, Taudactylus eungellensis, disappeared from rainforest streams in Eungella National Park in 1985-1986, but a few remnant populations were subsequently discovered. Here, we report the analysis of B. dendrobatidis infections in toe tips of T. eungellensis and sympatric species collected in a mark-recapture study between 1994 and 1998. This longitudinal study of the fungus in individually marked frogs sheds new light on the effect of this threatening infectious process in field, as distinct from laboratory, conditions. We found a seasonal peak of infection in the cooler months, with no evidence of interannual variation. The overall prevalence of infection was 18% in T. eungellensis and 28% in Litoria wilcoxii/jungguy, a sympatric frog that appeared not to decline in 1985-1986. No infection was found in any of the other sympatric species. Most importantly, we found no consistent evidence of lower survival in T. eungellensis that were infected at the time of first capture, compared with uninfected individuals. These results refute the hypothesis that remnant populations of T. eungellensis recovered after a B. dendrobatidis epidemic because the pathogen had disappeared. They show that populations of T. eungellensis now persist with stable, endemic infections of B. dendrobatidis.


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We compared vegetation structure used by 14 bird species during the 1998 and 1999 breeding seasons to determine what habitat features best accounted for habitat division and community organization in Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) woodlands of southwestern Wyoming. Habitat use was quantified by measuring 24 habitat variables in 461 bird-centered quadrats, each 0.04 ha in size. Using discriminant function analysis, we differentiated between habitat used by 14 bird species along 3 habitat dimensions: (1) variation in shrub cover, overstory juniper cover, mature tree density, understory height, and decadent tree density; (2) a gradient composed of elevation and forb cover; and (3) variation in grass cover, tree height, seedling/sapling cover, and bare ground/rock cover. Of 14 species considered, 9 exhibited substantial habitat partitioning: Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), Bewick's Wren (Thryomanes bewickii), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea), Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides), Plumbeous Vireo (Vireo plumbeus), Green-tailed Towhee (Pipilo chlorurus), Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella breweri), Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis), and Cassin's Finch (Carpodacus cassinii). Our results indicate juniper bird communities of southwestern Wyoming are organized along a 3-dimensional habitat gradient composed of woodland maturity, elevation, and juniper recruitment. Because juniper birds partition habitat along successional and altitudinal gradients, indiscriminate woodland clearing as well as continued fire suppression will alter species composition. Restoration efforts should ensure that all successional stages of juniper woodland are present on the landscape.