995 resultados para 70-507A


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L’estudi que es presenta a continuació té l’objectiu de comprendre quina és la realitat ociosa de les persones de 50 a 70 anys als municipis de Malla (Catalunya, Espanya) i de San Juan la Laguna (Sololá, Guatemala) des de la perspectiva humanista en termes de concepció i pràctica, i veure quina és la influència i la força que prenen les característiques de la societat en la qual es desenvolupa. Per tal de dur-ho a terme, primerament s’ha realitzat un procés d’aproximació respecte el concepte de l’oci, i una recerca concreta vers l’oci humanista. A partir d’aquí, s’ha fet l’estudi amb una mostra formada per deu persones del municipi de Malla i deu membres de San Juan la Laguna que es troben entre els 50 i 70 anys, i amb unes condicions econòmiques i uns estils de vida diferents. Per tal de realitzar la recerca i l’anàlisi de l’oci humanista en els contexts de Malla i San Juan la Laguna s’ha emprat una metodologia qualitativa, i s’ha utilitzat l’instrument corresponent a l’entrevista. Aquesta ha estat elaborada prenent com a marc de referència la metodologia de la Grounded Theory (Glaser y Strauss, 1967). El projecte també compte amb una vessant d’etnografia. Els resultats que s’han obtingut demostren que hi ha una presència significativa de l’oci humanista en els contexts analitzats, però que en el cas de San Juan la Laguna aquest esdevé un element en construcció.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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Des Moines River Plat Maps.


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On July 1, 2005, the State of Iowa implemented a 70 mile per hour (mph) speed limit on most rural Interstates. This document reports on a study of the safety effect of this change. Changes in speeds, traffic volume on and off the rural Interstate system (diversion), and safety (crashes) for on- and off-system roads were studied. After the change, mean and 85th percentile speeds increased by about 2 mph on rural Interstates, but speeding was reduced (the number of drivers exceeding the speed limit by 10 mph decreased from 20 per cent to about 8 per cent). Daytime and nighttime serious crashes were studied for a period of 14 and a half years prior to the change and 2 and a half years afterwards. Simple descriptive statistics reveal increases in all crash severity categories for the 2 and a half year period following the speed limit increase when compared to the most recent comparable 2 and a half year period prior to the increase. When compared to longer term trends, the increases were less pronounced in some severity levels and types, and for a few severity levels the average crash frequencies were observed to decrease. However, fatal and other serious cross-median crashes increased by relatively larger amounts as compared to expected random variation. The study also analyzed crash frequencies grouped into six-month periods, revealing similar findings.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58294


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58296


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The proposed action consists of upgrading Mississippi Drive (Iowa Highway 92) through downtown Muscatine, Iowa. The Mississippi Drive Corridor Project begins south of the Main Street/Grandview Avenue intersection, continuing to the East 2nd Street/Norbert F. Beckey Bridge intersection, which marks the end of the project. It passes through a mix of commercial, residential, Central Business District and industrial land uses. The total length of the project is approximately 1.6 miles, including 19 intersections (6 with traffic signals). Refer to the vicinity map on Figure 1. The current roadway is a 3- to 4-lane, urban facility with both divided and undivided medians. The roadway, ranging from 40 to 64 feet wide, is considered difficult to cross for pedestrians, especially for small children or elderly. The width of this roadway is being considered to be narrowed to improve the accessibility to the downtown from the Mississippi River riverfront area by pedestrians. This project also includes accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians and measures to reduce flooding on the roadway.