993 resultados para 6.5 m above rooftop
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated trans fatty acid intake among the general population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003, on a representative sample of 2,298 male and female subjects, including 803 adolescents (12 to 19 years), 713 adults (20 to 59 years) and 782 elderly people (60 years or over). Food intake was measured using 24-hour recall. Mean trans fatty acid intake was described according to gender and age group. RESULTS: The mean trans fatty acid intake was 5.0 g/day (SE = 0.1), accounting for 2.4% (SE = 0.1) of total energy and 6.8% (SE = 0.1) of total lipids. The adolescents had the highest mean intake levels (7.4 g/day; 2.9% of energy) while the adults and the elderly had similar intake (2.2% of energy for both; 6.4% of lipids and 6.5% of lipids, respectively). The mean trans fatty acid intake among adult and elderly women (approximately 2.5% of energy and 7.0% of lipids) was higher than among men in the same age group. The food item with the highest contribution towards trans fatty acids was margarine, accounting for more than 30% of total intake, followed by filled cookies among adolescents and meat among adults and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The trans fatty acid intake is above the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Replacement of the trans fatty acids in manufactured food items may be an effective measure for reducing trans fatty acid intake in Brazil.
Lung hyperinflation up to vital capacity is used to re-expand collapsed lung areas and to improve gas exchange during general anesthesia. However, it may induce inflammation in normal lungs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of a lung hyperinflation maneuver (LHM) on plasma cytokine release in 10 healthy subjects (age: 26.1 ± 1.2 years, BMI: 23.8 ± 3.6 kg/m²). LHM was performed applying continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) with a face mask, increased by 3-cmH2O steps up to 20 cmH2O every 5 breaths. At CPAP 20 cmH2O, an inspiratory pressure of 20 cmH2O above CPAP was applied, reaching an airway pressure of 40 cmH2O for 10 breaths. CPAP was then decreased stepwise. Blood samples were collected before and 2 and 12 h after LHM. TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-12 were measured by flow cytometry. Lung hyperinflation significantly increased (P < 0.05) all measured cytokines (TNF-α: 1.2 ± 3.8 vs 6.4 ± 8.6 pg/mL; IL-1β: 4.9 ± 15.6 vs 22.4 ± 28.4 pg/mL; IL-6: 1.4 ± 3.3 vs 6.5 ± 5.6 pg/mL; IL-8: 13.2 ± 8.8 vs 33.4 ± 26.4 pg/mL; IL-10: 3.3 ± 3.3 vs 7.7 ± 6.5 pg/mL, and IL-12: 3.1 ± 7.9 vs 9 ± 11.4 pg/mL), which returned to basal levels 12 h later. A significant correlation was found between changes in pro- (IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines (r = 0.89, P = 0.004). LHM-induced lung stretching was associated with an early inflammatory response in healthy spontaneously breathing subjects.
Background: Identifying clusters of acute paracoccidioidomycosis cases could potentially help in identifying the environmental factors that influence the incidence of this mycosis. However, unlike other endemic mycoses, there are no published reports of clusters of paracoccidioidomycosis. Methodology/Principal Findings: A retrospective cluster detection test was applied to verify if an excess of acute form (AF) paracoccidioidomycosis cases in time and/or space occurred in Botucatu, an endemic area in Sao Paulo State. The scan-test SaTScan v7.0.3 was set to find clusters for the maximum temporal period of 1 year. The temporal test indicated a significant cluster in 1985 (P<0.005). This cluster comprised 10 cases, although 2.19 were expected for this year in this area. Age and clinical presentation of these cases were typical of AF paracccidioidomycosis. The space-time test confirmed the temporal cluster in 1985 and showed the localities where the risk was higher in that year. The cluster suggests that some particularities took place in the antecedent years in those localities. Analysis of climate variables showed that soil water storage was atypically high in 1982/83 (similar to 2.11/2.5 SD above mean), and the absolute air humidity in 1984, the year preceding the cluster, was much higher than normal (similar to 1.6 SD above mean), conditions that may have favored, respectively, antecedent fungal growth in the soil and conidia liberation in 1984, the probable year of exposure. These climatic anomalies in this area was due to the 1982/83 El Nino event, the strongest in the last 50 years. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the first cluster of AF paracoccidioidomycosis, which was potentially linked to a climatic anomaly caused by the 1982/83 El Nino Southern Oscillation. This finding is important because it may help to clarify the conditions that favor Paracoccidioides brasiliensis survival and growth in the environment and that enhance human exposure, thus allowing the development of preventive measures.
Aims. This work investigates the properties (metallicity and kinematics) and interfaces of the Galactic thick disc as a function of height above the Galactic plane. The main aim is to study the thick disc in a place where it is the main component of the sample. Methods. We take advantage of former astrometric work in two fields of several square degrees in which accurate proper motions were measured down to V-magnitudes of 18.5 in two directions, one near the north galactic pole and the other at a galactic latitude of 46 degrees and galactic longitude near 0 degrees. Spectroscopic observations have been acquired in these two fields for a total of about 400 stars down to magnitude 18.0, at spectral resolutions of 3.5 to 6.25 angstrom. The spectra have been analysed with the code ETOILE, comparing the target stellar spectra with a grid of 1400 reference stellar spectra. This comparison allowed us to derive the parameters effective temperature, gravity, [Fe/H] and absolute magnitude for each target star. Results. The Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) of the thin-thick-disc-halo system is derived for several height intervals between 0 and 5 kpc above the Galactic plane. The MDFs show a decrease of the ratio of the thin to thick disc stars between the first and second kilo-parsec. This is consistent with the classical modelling of the vertical density profile of the disc with 2 populations with different scale heights. A vertical metallicity gradient, partial derivative[Fe/H]/partial derivative z = -0.068 +/- 0.009 dex kpc(-1), is observed in the thick disc. It is discussed in terms of scenarios of formation of the thick disc.
The aim of this work is to study the reaction rate and the morphology of intermediate reaction products during iron ore reduction when iron ore and carbonaceous materials are agglomerated together with or without Portland cement. The reaction was performed at high temperatures, and used small size samples in order to minimise heat transfer constraints. Coke breeze and pure graphite were the carbonaceous materials employed. Portland cement was applied as a binder, and pellet diameters were in the range 5.6-6.5 mm. The experimental technique involved the measurement of the pellet weight loss, as well as the interruption of the reaction at different stages, in order to submit the partially reduced pellet to scanning electron microscopy. The experimental temperature was in the range 1423-1623 K, and the total reaction time varied from 240 to 1200 s. It was observed that above 1523 K the formation of liquid slag occurred inside the pellets, which partially dissolved iron oxides. The apparent activation energies obtained were 255 kJ mol(-1) for coke breeze containing pellets, and 230 kJ mol(-1) for those pellets containing graphite. It was possible to avoid heat transfer control of the reaction rate up to 1523 K by employing small composite pellets.
In stingless bees, recruitment of hive bees to food sources involves thoracic vibrations by foragers during trophallaxis. The temporal pattern of these vibrations correlates with the sugar concentration of the collected food. One possible pathway for transfering such information to nestmates is through airborne sound. In the present study, we investigated the transformation of thoracic vibrations into air particle velocity, sound pressure, and jet airflows in the stingless bee Melipona scutellaris. Whereas particle velocity and sound pressure were found all around and above vibrating individuals, there was no evidence for a jet airflow as with honey bees. The largest particle velocities were measured 5 mm above the wings (16.0 +/- 4.8 mm s(-1)). Around a vibrating individual, we found maximum particle velocities of 8.6 +/- 3.0 mm s(-1) (horizontal particle velocity) in front of the bee`s head and of 6.0 +/- 2.1 mm s(-1) (vertical particle velocity) behind its wings. Wing oscillations, which are mainly responsible for air particle movements in honey bees, significantly contributed to vertically oriented particle oscillations only close to the abdomen in M. scutellaris(distances <= 5 mm). Almost 80% of the hive bees attending trophallactic food transfers stayed within a range of 5 mm from the vibrating foragers. It remains to be shown, however, whether air particle velocity alone is strong enough to be detected by Johnston`s organ of the bee antenna. Taking the physiological properties of the honey bee`s Johnston`s organ as the reference, M. scutellaris hive bees are able to detect the forager vibrations through particle movements at distances of up to 2 cm.
The large number of wetlands treating mining wastewaters around the world have mostly been constructed in temperate environments. Wetlands have yet to be proven in low rainfall, high evaporation environments and such conditions are common in many parts of Australia. BHP Australia Coal is researching whether wetlands have potential in central Queensland to treat coal mining wastewaters. In this region, mean annual rainfall is < 650 mm and evaporation > 2 000 mm. A pilot-scale wetland system has been constructed at an open-cut coal mine. The system comprises six treatment cells, each 125 m long and 10 m wide. The system is described in the paper and some initial results presented. Results over the first fourteen months of operation have shown that although pH has not increased enough to enable reuse or release of the water, sulfate reduction has been observed in parts of the system, as shown by the characteristic black precipitate and smell of hydrogen sulfide emanating from the wetlands. These encouraging signs have led to experiments aimed at identifying the factors limiting sulfate reduction. The first experiment, described herein, included four treatments where straw was overlain by soil and the water level varied, being either at the top of the straw, at the top of the soil, or about 5 cm above the soil. The effect of inoculating with sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated. Two controls were included, one covered and one open, to enable the effect of evaporation to be determined. The final treatment consisted of combined straw/cattle manure overlain with soil. Results showed that sulfate reduction did occur, as demonstrated by pH increases and lowering of sulfate levels. Mean pH of the water was significantly higher after 19 days; in the controls, pH was < 3.3, whereas in the treatments, pH ranged from 5.4 to 6.7. The best improvement in sulfate levels occurred in the straw/cattle manure treatment. (C) 1997 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma may arise in patients with Barrett`s esophagus after fundoplication esophageal pH monitoring showing no acid in esophagus. This suggests the need to develop methodology to evaluate the occurrence of ultra-distal reflux (1 cm above the LES). The objective of the study was to compare acid exposition in three different levels: 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, 1 cm above the LES and in the intrasphincteric region. Eleven patients with Barrett`s esophagus after Nissen fundoplication with no clinical, endoscopic and radiologic evidence of reflux were selected. Four-channel pH monitoring took place: channel A, 5 cm above the upper border of the LES; channel B, 1 cm above the LES; channel C, intrasphincteric; channel D, intragastric. The results of channels A, B and C were compared. There was significant increase in number of reflux episodes and a higher fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel A. There was significant decrease in fraction of time with pH <4.0 in channel B compared to channel C. Two cases of esophageal adenocarcinoma were diagnosed in the studied patients. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is more exposed to acid than the region 5 cm above the upper border of the LES, although this exposure occurred in reduced levels. The region 1 cm above the upper border of the LES is less exposed to acid than the intrasphincteric region.
Objective: To verify whether preoperative respiratory muscle strength and ventilometric parameters, among other clinically relevant factors, are associated with the need for prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation (PIMV) due to cardiorespiratory complications following heart valve surgery. Methods: Demographics, preoperative ventilometric and manometric data, and the hospital course of 171 patients, who had undergone heart valve surgery at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto, were prospectively collected and subjected to univariate analysis for identifying the risk factors for PIMV. Results: The hospital mortality was 7%. About 6% of the patients, who had undergone heart valve surgery required PIMV because of postoperative cardiorespiratory dysfunction. Their hospital mortality was 60% (vs 4%, p < 0.001). Univariate analysis revealed that preoperative respiratory muscle dysfunction, characterized by maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure below 70% of the predicted values combined with respiratory rate above 15 rpm during ventilometry, was associated with postoperative PIMV (p = 0.030, odds ratio: 50, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.2-18). Postoperative PIMV was also associated with: (1) body mass index (BMI) < 18.5 (odds ratio: 7.2, 95% CI: 1.5-32), (2) body weight < 50 kg (odds ratio: 6.5, 95% CI: 1.6-25), (3) valve operation due to acute endocarditis (odds ratio: 5.5, 95% CI: 0.98-30), and (4) concomitant operation for mitral and tricuspid valve dysfunction (p = 0.047, odds ratio: 5.0, 95% CI: 1.1-22). Conclusion: Our results have demonstrated that respiratory muscle dysfunction, among other clinical factors, is associated with the need for PIMV due to cardiovascular or pulmonary dysfunction after heart valve surgery. (C) 2010 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated trans fatty acid intake among the general population. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003, on a representative sample of 2,298 male and female subjects, including 803 adolescents (12 to 19 years), 713 adults (20 to 59 years) and 782 elderly people (60 years or over). Food intake was measured using 24-hour recall. Mean trans fatty acid intake was described according to gender and age group. RESULTS: The mean trans fatty acid intake was 5.0 g/day (SE = 0.1), accounting for 2.4% (SE = 0.1) of total energy and 6.8% (SE = 0.1) of total lipids. The adolescents had the highest mean intake levels (7.4 g/day; 2.9% of energy) while the adults and the elderly had similar intake (2.2% of energy for both; 6.4% of lipids and 6.5% of lipids, respectively). The mean trans fatty acid intake among adult and elderly women (approximately 2.5% of energy and 7.0% of lipids) was higher than among men in the same age group. The food item with the highest contribution towards trans fatty acids was margarine, accounting for more than 30% of total intake, followed by filled cookies among adolescents and meat among adults and the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: The trans fatty acid intake is above the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Replacement of the trans fatty acids in manufactured food items may be an effective measure for reducing trans fatty acid intake in Brazil.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the biomarker of choice for screening prostate cancer throughout the population, with PSA values above 10 ng/mL pointing out a high probability of associated cancer1. According to the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) data, prostate cancer is the commonest form of cancer in men in Europe2. Early detection of prostate cancer is thus very important and is currently made by screening PSA in men over 45 years old, combined with other alterations in serum and urine parameters. PSA is a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of approximately 32 kDa consisting of one polypeptide chain, which is produced by the secretory epithelium of human prostate. Currently, the standard methods available for PSA screening are immunoassays like Enzyme-Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA). These methods are highly sensitive and specific for the detection of PSA, but they require expensive laboratory facilities and high qualify personal resources. Other highly sensitive and specific methods for the detection of PSA have also become available and are in its majority immunobiosensors1,3-5, relying on antibodies. Less expensive methods producing quicker responses are thus needed, which may be achieved by synthesizing artificial antibodies by means of molecular imprinting techniques. These should also be coupled to simple and low cost devices, such as those of the potentiometric kind, one approach that has been proven successful6. Potentiometric sensors offer the advantage of selectivity and portability for use in point-of-care and have been widely recognized as potential analytical tools in this field. The inherent method is simple, precise, accurate and inexpensive regarding reagent consumption and equipment involved. Thus, this work proposes a new plastic antibody for PSA, designed over the surface of graphene layers extracted from graphite. Charged monomers were used to enable an oriented tailoring of the PSA rebinding sites. Uncharged monomers were used as control. These materials were used as ionophores in conventional solid-contact graphite electrodes. The obtained results showed that the imprinted materials displayed a selective response to PSA. The electrodes with charged monomers showed a more stable and sensitive response, with an average slope of -44.2 mV/decade and a detection limit of 5.8X10-11 mol/L (2 ng/mL). The corresponding non-imprinted sensors showed smaller sensitivity, with average slopes of -24.8 mV/decade. The best sensors were successfully applied to the analysis of serum samples, with percentage recoveries of 106.5% and relatives errors of 6.5%.
The species composition of the seasonal várzea forest growing on a bank of the Ilha de Marchantaria / lower Solimões-Amazonas River, Brazil was studied in an area of slightly less than one hectare. Two biomass plots were harvested. Forty-seven arboreal species representing 46 genera in 25 families were recorded. Tree density was 1086 per hectare. Total basal area was 45 m2 ha1. Mean species density was 6.5 ± 1.98 per 100 m2. The most abundant species were Crataeva benthamii(Capparidaceae), Laetia corymbutosa(Flacourtiaceae) and Vitex cymosa(Verbenaceae). The highest basal area per species was 10.2 m2 for Pseudobombax munguba(Bombacaceae). The common species are known to be typical floristic elements of the seasonal varzea forest. Above ground dry biomass was equal to 97 and 255 t ha', respectively. Its chemical composition is characterized by comparatively high bioelement contents equal to 2.4 percent on the average. Calcium was the most important bioelement. Structure of the forest and age darings of trees allow the successional classification of the stands.
A search for the decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to J/ψγ and Υ(nS)γ (n=1,2,3) is performed with pp collision data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of up to 20.3fb−1 collected at s√=8TeV with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. No significant excess of events is observed above expected backgrounds and 95% CL upper limits are placed on the branching fractions. In the J/ψγ final state the limits are 1.5×10−3 and 2.6×10−6 for the Higgs and Z bosons, respectively, while in the Υ(1S,2S,3S)γ final states the limits are (1.3,1.9,1.3)×10−3 and (3.4,6.5,5.4)×10−6, respectively.
This paper deals with the estimation of milk production by means of weekly, biweekly, bimonthly observations and also by method known as 6-5-8, where one observation is taken at the 6th week of lactation, another at 5th month and a third one at the 8th month. The data studied were obtained from 72 lactations of the Holstein Friesian breed of the "Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" (Piracicaba), S. Paulo, Brazil), being 6 calvings on each month of year and also 12 first calvings, 12 second calvings, and so on, up to the sixth. The authors criticize the use of "maximum error" to be found in papers dealing with this subject, and also the use of mean deviation. The former is completely supersed and unadvisable and latter, although equivalent, to a certain extent, to the usual standard deviation, has only 87,6% of its efficiency, according to KENDALL (9, pp. 130-131, 10, pp. 6-7). The data obtained were compared with the actual production, obtained by daily control and the deviations observed were studied. Their means and standard deviations are given on the table IV. Inspite of BOX's recent results (11) showing that with equal numbers in all classes a certain inequality of varinces is not important, the autors separated the methods, before carrying out the analysis of variance, thus avoiding to put together methods with too different standard deviations. We compared the three first methods, to begin with (Table VI). Then we carried out the analysis with the four first methods. (Table VII). Finally we compared the two last methods. (Table VIII). These analysis of variance compare the arithmetic means of the deviations by the methods studied, and this is equivalent to compare their biases. So we conclude tht season of calving and order of calving do not effect the biases, and the methods themselves do not differ from this view point, with the exception of method 6-5-8. Another method of attack, maybe preferrable, would be to compare the estimates of the biases with their expected mean under the null hypothesis (zero) by the t-test. We have: 1) Weekley control: t = x - 0/c(x) = 8,59 - 0/ = 1,56 2) Biweekly control: t = 11,20 - 0/6,21= 1,80 3) Monthly control: t = 7,17 - 0/9,48 = 0,76 4) Bimonthly control: t = - 4,66 - 0/17,56 = -0,26 5) Method 6-5-8 t = 144,89 - 0/22,41 = 6,46*** We denote above by three asterisks, significance the 0,1% level of probability. In this way we should conclude that the weekly, biweekly, monthly and bimonthly methods of control may be assumed to be unbiased. The 6-5-8 method is proved to be positively biased, and here the bias equals 5,9% of the mean milk production. The precision of the methods studied may be judged by their standard deviations, or by intervals covering, with a certain probability (95% for example), the deviation x corresponding to an estimate obtained by cne of the methods studied. Since the difference x - x, where x is the mean of the 72 deviations obtained for each method, has a t distribution with mean zero and estimate of standard deviation. s(x - x) = √1+ 1/72 . s = 1.007. s , and the limit of t for the 5% probability, level with 71 degrees of freedom is 1.99, then the interval to be considered is given by x ± 1.99 x 1.007 s = x ± 2.00. s The intervals thus calculated are given on the table IX.