990 resultados para 554
Availability of producer gas engines at MW being limited necessitates to adapt engine from natural gas operation. The present work focus on the development of necessary kit for adapting a 12 cylinder lean burn turbo-charged natural gas engine rated at 900 kWe (Waukesha make VHP5904LTD) to operate on producer and set up an appropriate capacity biomass gasification system for grid linked power generation in Thailand. The overall plant configuration had fuel processing, drying, reactor, cooling and cleaning system, water treatment, engine generator and power evacuation. The overall project is designed for evacuation of 1.5 MWe power to the state grid and had 2 gasification system with the above configuration and 3 engines. Two gasification system each designed for about 1100 kg/hr of woody biomass was connected to the engine using a producer gas carburetor for the necessary Air to fuel ratio control. In the use of PG to fuel IC engines, it has been recognized that the engine response will differ as compared to the response with conventional fueled operation due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of PG. On fuelling a conventional engine with PG, power de-rating can be expected due to the lower calorific value (LCV), lower adiabatic flame temperature (AFT) and the lower than unity product to reactant more ratio. Further the A/F ratio for producer gas is about 1/10th that of natural gas and requires a different carburetor for engine operation. The research involved in developing a carburetor for varying load conditions. The patented carburetor is based on area ratio control, consisting of a zero pressure regulator and a separate gas and air line along with a mixing zone. The 95 litre engine at 1000 rpm has an electrical efficiency of 33.5 % with a heat input of 2.62 MW. Each engine had two carburetors designed for producer gas flow each capable of handling about 1200 m3/hr in order to provide similar engine heat input at a lower conversion efficiency. Cold flow studies simulating the engine carburetion system results showed that the A/F was maintained in the range of 1.3 +/- 0.1 over the entire flow range. Initially, the gasification system was tested using woody biomass and the gas composition was found to be CO 15 +/- 1.5 % H-2 22 +/- 2% CH4 2.2 +/- 0.5 CO2 11.25 +/- 1.4 % and rest N-2, with the calorific value in the range of 5.0 MJ/kg. After initial trials on the engine to fine tune the control system and adjust various engine operating parameter a peak load of 800 kWe was achieved, while a stable operating conditions was found to be at 750 kWe which is nearly 85 % of the natural gas rating. The specific fuel consumption was found to be 0.9 kg of biomass per kWh.
A theoretical analysis of instability of saturated soil is presented considering the simple shearing of a heat conducting thermo-visco-plastic material. It is shown that the instability is mainly the consequence of thermal softening which overcomes the strain hardening and the other type of instability is controlled by strain softening. The effects of other factors such as permeability to the instability are discussed in this paper.
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de harina de Marango (Moringa oleifera) en dietas para conejos de engorde y su efecto en el comportamiento productivo. Se utilizaron 36 conejos de camadas homogéneas con 37 d de edad, de las razas Neozelandés (18) y California (18) con pesos iniciales promedio de 554 g (133.8), los cuales fueron distribuidos en igual proporción de razas y sexos, en un Diseño Completamente al Azar con tres tratamientos: Tl: Concentrado Comercial, T2: Concentrado Isométrico, T3: Concentrado lsoprotéico. Las variables estudiadas fueron: consumo de alimento diario (CAD), ganancia media diaria (GMD), índice de conversión alimenticia (!CA), digestibilidad aparente de la materia seca (DMS), peso final (PF). Se realizó análisis de varianza y comparaciones de medias con la Prueba de Tukey utilizando el paquete estadístico MINITAB~:Ver. 12.0. Los resultados indican que para el CAD no se encontró diferencia significativa (P>0.05) siendo los valores promedio de 11 1.73g d"1 respectivamente. Sin embargo, para la GMD y la DMS se encontró diferencias (P
Durante los meses de Enero a Abril de 1989, bajo condiciones de riego por pivote central, en un suelo franco arenoso, con pH 7.0, se realizó un experimento con el propósito de evaluar el herbicida BENFURESATE, aplicado en pre-siembra incorporado en el cultivo de ajonjolí una semana antes de la siembra, en la localidad de la finca "Praga", los Brasiles, Managua. Se utilizó la variedad de ciclo corto "rama precoz", en un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con 4 repeticiones y 6 tratamientos: 0.85 Kg/Ha i.a., 1.28 Kg/ha i.a., 1.71 Kg/Ha i.a., 2.28 Kg/Ha i.a.., control mecánico durante 5 semanas consecutivas y el testigo absoluto siempre enmalezado. En cuanto a rendimiento, se encontró que e1 tratamiento mecánico obtuvo los mayores rendimientos con 480.2 Kg/Ha de ajonjolí. El porcentaje de reducción del rendimiento de los otros tratamientos con respecto al mecánico fue el siguiente: 1.71 Kg/Ha i.a. con 31.1%, 2.28 Kg/Ha i.a. con 38.3%, 1.28 Kg/Ha i.a. con 40.4%, 0.85 Kg/i.a. con 60.2% y el tratamiento siempre enmalezado con 77.8%. Con respecto al peso seco de Cyperus rotundus L. al final del ciclo del cultivo de ajonjolí (a los 86 días después de la aplicación), el tratamiento 0.85 Kg/Ha í.a. obtuvo 49.7% de control, el tratamiento 1.28 Kg/Ha i.a. con 57.5% de control, el control mecánico con 70.5% de control, el tratamiento 1.71 Kg/Ha i.a. con 75.5% de control y el tratamiento 2.28 Kg/Ha i.a. con 77.4% de control sobre C. rotundus L., todos con respecto al tratamiento siempre enmalezado el cual alcanzo un peso seco de 10,554.4 Kg/Ha a 20 cm de profundidad.
The acoustic response of conventional mechanical oscillators, such as a piezoelectric crystal, is predominantly harmonic at modest amplitudes. However, here, we observe from the electrical response that significant motional anharmonicity is introduced in the presence of attached analyte. Experiments were conducted with streptavidin-coated polystyrene microbeads of various sizes attached to a quartz crystal resonator via specific and nonspecific molecular tethers in liquid. Quantitative analysis reveals that the deviation of odd Fourier harmonics of the response caused by introduction of microbeads as a function of oscillation amplitude presents a unique signature of the molecular tether. Hence, the described anharmonic detection technique (ADT) based on this function allows screening of biomolecules and provides an additional level of selectivity in receptor-based detection that is often associated with nonspecific interactions. We also propose methods to extract mechanical force-extension characteristics of the molecular tether and activation energy using this technique.
One of the causes of lower artesian pressure, water waste and aquifer contamination is the misuse and insufficient care of artesian wells. In 1953, Senate Bill No. 57, entitled "An Act to Protect and Control the Artesian Waters of the State" (see Appendix) became a law. This law was passed through the efforts exerted by leading members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who understood the need for a wise and controlled expenditure of our most valuable natural resource. The State Geologist and his authorized representatives were designated by this law to enforce this conservation measure; however, no financial provision was included for the 1953-55 biennium. The proposed program of the Florida Geological Survey for this biennium did not include the funds nor provide any full-time personnel for the enforcement of this statute. As a result, little actual work was accomplished during these two years, although much time was given to planning and discussion of the problem. Realizing that this program could provide additional basic data needed in the analysis of the water-supply problem, the State Geologist sought and was granted by the 1955 Legislature adequate funds with which to activate the first phase of the enforcement of Florida Statute No. 370.051-054. Enumerated below is a summary of the progress made on this investigation as outlined previously: 1. Data have been collected on 967 wildly flowing wells in 22 counties. 2. Chloride determinations have been run on 850 of the 967 wells. 3. Of the 967 wells, 554 have chlorides in excess of the 250 ppm, the upper limit assigned by the State Board of Health for public consumption. 4. Water escapes at the rate of 37, 762 gallons per minute from these 967 wells. This amounts to 54, 377, 280 gallons per day. The investigation is incomplete at this time; therefore, no final conclusions can be reached. However, from data already collected, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. That the present inventory of wildly flowing wells be completed for the entire State. 2. That the current inventory of wildly flowing wells be expanded at the conclusion of the present inventory to include all flowing wells. 3. That a complete statewide inventory program be established and conducted in cooperation with the Ground Water Branchof the U.S. Geological Survey. 4. That the enforcement functions as set down in Sections 370.051/.054, Florida Statutes, be separated from the program to collect water-resource data and that these functions be given to the Water Resources Department, if such is created (to be recommended by the Water Resources Study Commission in a water policy law presented to the 1957 Legislature). 5. That the research phase (well inventory) of the program remain under the direction of the Florida Geological Survey. (PDF contains 204 pages.)
Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum), an endangered species, has experienced a several-fold increase in abundance in the Hudson River in recent decades. This population growth followed a substantial improvement in water quality during the 1970s to a large portion (c. 40%) of the species' summertime nursery area. Age structure and growth were investigated to evaluate the hypothesis that improvements in water quality stimulated population recovery through increased survival of young of the year juveniles. Specimens were captured using gill nets bi-monthly from November 2003 to November 2004 (n = 596). Annuli in fin spine sections were used to generate estimates of sturgeon age. Based upon a marginal increment analysis, annuli were determined to form at an annual rate. Age determinations yielded a catch composed of age 5-30 years for sizes 49-105cm Total Length (n = 554). Individual growth rate (von Bertalanffy coefficients: TL, = 1045mm, K = 0.07) for the population was similar to previous growth estimates within the Hudson River as well as proximal estuaries. Hindcast year-class strengths, based upon a recent stock assessment (Bain et al. 2000) and corrected for gill net mesh selectivity and cumulative mortality indicated high recruitments (28,000-43,000 yearlings)during 1986-1992, which were preceded and succeeded by c.5-year periods of lower recruitment (5,000-1 5,000 yearlings). Recruitment patterns were corroborated by trends in shortnose sturgeon bycatch from a Hudson utilities-sponsored monitoring program. Results indicated that Hudson River shortnose sturgeon abundance increased due to the formation of several strong year-classes occurring about five years subsequent to improved water quality in important nursery and forage habitats in the upper Hudson River estuary. (PDF contains 108 pages.)
128 p. Retirada a solicitud de la autora 03/03/2016