973 resultados para 44-392A


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Regional Overview Opinion. The Growth Cycle in the Region and Challenges to Competitiveness The External Sector Oil Bills of Some Central American Countries Have Doubled since 2002 New Trend in Latin America is to Issue Sovereign External Debt in Local Currencies Macroeconomic Policy Internal Performance Economic Growth Fuels Better Job Creation in Latin America and the Caribbean Statistical Appendix Recent Titles Calendar of Events


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Número especial sobre el "Balance preliminar de laseconomías de América Latina y el Caribe 2005" Panorama regional Columna de opinión: El ciclo expansivo regional y los desafíos para la competitividad. Por José Luis Machinea, Secretario Ejecutivo de la CEPAL El sector externo Factura petrolera se duplicó entre 2002 y 2005 en algunos países centroamericanos Nueva tendencia latinoamericana a emitir deuda soberana externa en moneda local Política macroeconómica El desempeño interno Mejora generación de empleo en América Latina y el Caribe con crecimiento económico Apéndice estadístico Publicaciones recientes Calendario


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Editorial .-- Discusión abierta: Nexo Agua, Energía y Alimentación. Conflictos por el agua en la región. Eficiencia energética y regulación. Políticas e institucionalidad en agua potable. Impactos y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático de los ríos de Mendoza y San Juan .-- Reuniones: − Políticas de Agua en el Contexto de la Agenda de Desarrollo Post-2015. Consulta Regional sobre Seguridad Hídrica. Latinosan 2016. -- Noticias de la Red: Bolivia: Ley de la Década del Riego. Chile: Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos. Costa Rica: Comité Nacional de Hidrología y Meteorología. Honduras: Comisión Presidencial de Coordinación del Sector Agua. Perú: Decreto que Regula el Régimen de Monitoreo y Gestión de Aguas Subterráneas. -- Cursos: Tópicos Técnicos en Materia de Evacuación y Disposición de Aguas Servidas Rurales.


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Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP


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Written by Helen Deane Chandler, the history describes the battle fought in York County, South Carolina on October 7, 1780, gives brief accounts of previous celebrations of the battle, contains illustrations showing the battlefield and monuments, and has information concerning the 150th anniversary celebration that took place in 1930.


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Aquaculture of filter-feeding bivalve mollusks involves the fruitful conversion of marine particulate organic matter into premium protein of high nutritive value. Culture performance of bivalves is largely dependent on hydrological conditions and directly affected by e. g. temperature and chlorophyll levels. Accordingly, these parameters may be related with seasonality but also with oceanographic features combined with climate events. Yields of Pacific cupped oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reared at commercial procedures in suspended structures (long-lines) in a sheltered bay in Southern Brazil (Santa Catarina State, 27S 43'; 48 W 30') were evaluated in relation to local environmental conditions: sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, and associate effects of cold fronts events and El Nino and La Nina periods. Outputs from four consecutive commercial crop years were analyzed (2005/06, 2006/07, 2007/08, 2008/09) in terms of oyster survival and development time during the following grow-out phases of the culture cycle: seed to juvenile, juvenile to adult, adult to marketable. Since culture management and genetics were standardized significant differences verified among crop performance could be mostly related to environmental effects. Time series of temperature and chlorophyll a (remote sensing data) from crop periods displayed significant seasonal and interannual variation. As expected, performance during initial grow-out stages (seed to juvenile) was critical for final crop yield. Temperature was the main factor affecting survival in these initial stages with a trend of negative correlation, though not statistically significant. On the other hand, oyster development rate was significantly and positively affected by chlorophyll a concentration. Chlorophyll a values could be increased by upwelled cold nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water (SACW, related to predominant Northern winds) though further dependent on occurrence of Southern winds (cold fronts) to assist seawater penetration into the sheltered farming area. Lower salinity nutrient-rich northward drifted waters from La Plata River discharge may also result in chlorophyll a rise in the farming area. The El Nino period (July 2006 to February 2007) coincided with lower chlorophyll a levels in the farming site that may be related to both decreased number of cold fronts as well as predominance of Northern winds that retain northward spreading of La Plata River discharge waters. In contrast, the La Nina period (August 2007 to June 2008) corresponded to higher chlorophyll a values in the farming area by both upwelling of SACW and penetration of La Plata River discharge water assisted by increased occurrence of Southern winds and cold fronts. The recognition of the potentially changing climate and effects upon the environment will be an important step in planning future development of bivalve aquaculture.