989 resultados para 3 BODY PROBLEM


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Maichen Depression lie between Leizhou Peninsula and Qiongzhou Strait. Oil and gas have been discovered in Weixinan Depression, Wushi Depression and Fushan Depression, which pertain to a same basin — North Sea Basin along with Maichen Depression.Jiangsu Oil started exploration at 2002. The first well began to drill at November, 2004 after gravity survey, electric method prospecting and 2D seismic exploration had been finished. Generating rock and hydrocarbon shows have been verified by the drilling. Low yield oil stream has been tested. And we started 3D seismic exploration at November, 2005. My thesis topic came from the actual needs of our exploration in the Maichen Depression. In the thesis, I give emphasis to analyse the own seismic geologic conditions of Maichen Depression. By real tests, we choosed the means to overcome or weaken the unfavorably impress owing to the own coditions in Maichen Depression. Finally, we obtained the usable seismic data. 1. Owing to the multiphase eruptive rock during the Quaternary Period, the near surface layers are very inhomogeneous. By simultaneous testing at same point with short refraction, uphole surveys of radial source and of surface source, the most appropriate method had been sorted out. Radial source uphole survey has been regarding the best practicable means in the complex area. Accurate surficial geology was very helpful to choosing of acquirement means and parameters. Basically the appropriate method of seismic acquirement has been built at Maichen area. 2. The seismic primary data has many, very strong and complex noise. By noise characteristic analysis in different domain, many means of denoising had been paralleled individual and joint application researched. As a result, the pre-stack multidomain joint denoise flow was the appropriate method. It can improve the seismic signal-to-noise ratio. 3. The problem of seismic static correction at Maichen Depression is very conspicuous. Many static correction methods had been tested individual and joint researched. The seismic data quality has been improved after choosing the appropriate combination of static correction flows. 4. Although the above-mentioned process are resultful, the seismic profile quality is just passable. Some reflector continuity and fault zone imagery are ambiguity. So it was the useful method to reduce the structural ambiguity during seismic interpretation that built-up geologic model in accord with real geologic character by areal structure study upon backbone seismic profiles. In the same way, traps have been assessed and drill targets have been selected.


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High order multistep methods, run at constant stepsize, are very effective for integrating the Newtonian solar system for extended periods of time. I have studied the stability and error growth of these methods when applied to harmonic oscillators and two-body systems like the Sun-Jupiter pair. I have also tried to design better multistep integrators than the traditional Stormer and Cowell methods, and I have found a few interesting ones.


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1. We compared resting metabolic rate (RMR) and non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) values between founder and F1-populations of winter-acclimatized Acomys cahirinus that originated from north- and south-facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, representing mesic and xeric habitats. 2. NST was measured by the increase in oxygen consumption (VO2) and body temperature (T-b) after a noradrenaline (NA) injection (VO2 NA, TbNA). 3. Body mass and TbNA values were higher in SFS F1-mice, while RMR and VO2 NA values were higher in NFS F1-mice. Differences were not apparent in founders. 4. Results are consistent with NFS and SFS mice being considered as


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El metabolismo estándar de la anchoveta es más alto que el de la sardina; en .las larvas por un factor promedio de 2.3 y por 2.1 en juveniles y adultos en el rango de temperaturas de 14-20ºC. Lo opuesto sucede en el metabolismo activo: para una velocidad de natación de un cuerpo por segundo( =metabolismo de rutina), la anchoveta adulta con un peso mayor de 20 g a 20ºC y mayor de 50 g a 14ºC gasta menos energía que la sardina de tamaños similares; incrementándose la velocidad a 3 c.p .seg a 17°C.todos los tamaños mayores de 1.5 g de Sardina necesitan más energía que las anchovetas de pesos similares (una sardina de 5 g 1.5 veces y una de 25 g 3.8 veces más). Un cambio de temperatura de 6ºc (de 14° C a 20°c) afecta a ambas especies en una forma diferente : asumiendo una velocidad de natación de 1 cuerpo por segundo, una larva de anchoveta( 0.1 g) tiene que incrementar sus gastos metabólicos dos veces más que la larva de sardina, pero una anchoveta adulta( 40 g)necesita solo un 60% de lo que requiere una sardina del mismo tamaño .


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Introduction: The prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) is ever increasing in western industrialized societies. An individuals overall risk for CAD may be quantified by integrating a number of factors including, but not limited to, cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, blood lipid profile and blood pressure. It might be expected that interventions aimed at improving any or all of these independent factors might improve an individual 's overall risk. To this end, the influence of standard endurance type exercise on cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, blood lipids and blood pressure, and by extension the reduction of coronary risk factors, is well documented. On the other hand, interval training (IT) has been shown to provide an extremely powerful stimulus for improving indices of cardiorespiratory function but the influence of this training type on coronary risk factors is unknown. Moreover, the vast majority of studies investigating the effects of IT on fitness have used laboratory type training protocols. As a result of this, the influence of participation in interval-type recreational sports on cardiorespiratory fitness and coronary risk factors is unknown. Aims: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of recreational ball hockey, a sport associated with interval-type activity patterns, on indices of aerobic function and coronary risk factors in sedentary men in the approximate age range of 30 - 60 years. Individual risk factors were compiled into an overall coronary risk factor score using the Framingham Point Scale (FPS). Methods: Twenty-four sedentary males (age range 30 - 60) participated in the study. Subject activity level was assessed apriori using questionnaire responses. All subjects (experimental and control) were assessed to have been inactive and sedentary prior to participation in the study. The experimental group (43 ± 3 years; 90 ± 3 kg) (n = 11) participated in one season of recreational ball hockey (our surrogate for IT). Member of this group played a total of 16 games during an 11 week span. During this time, the control group (43 ± 2 years; 89 ± 2 kg) (n = 11) performed no training and continued with their sedentary lifestyle. Prior to and following the ball hockey season, experimental and control subjects were tested for the following variables: 1) cardiorespiratory fitness (as V02 Max) 2) blood lipid profile 3) body composition 5) waist to hip ratio 6) blood glucose levels and 7) blood pressure. Subject V02 Max was assessed using the Rockport submaximal walking test on an indoor track. To assess body composition we determined body mass ratio (BMI), % body fat, % lean body mass and waist to hip ratio. The blood lipid profile included high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and total cholesterol levels; in addition, the ratio of total cholesterol to high density was calculated. Blood triglycerides were also assessed. All data were analyzed using independent t - tests and all data are expressed as mean ± standard error. Statistical significance was accepted at p :S 0.05. Results: Pre-test values for all variables were similar between the experimental and control group. Moreover, although the intervention used in this study was associated with changes in some variables for subjects in the experimental group, subjects in the control group did not exhibit any changes over the same time period. BODY COMPOSITION: The % body fat of experimental subjects decreased by 4.6 ± 0.5%, from 28.1 ± 2.6 to 26.9 ± 2.5 % while that of the control group was unchanged at 22.7 ± 1.4 and 22.2 ± 1.3 %. However, lean body mass of experimental and control subjects did not change at 64.3 ± 1.3 versus 66.1 ± 1.3 kg and 65.5 ± 0.8 versus 64.7 ± 0.8 kg, respectively. In terms of body mass index and waist to hip ratio, neither the experimental nor the control group showed any significant change. Respective values for the waist to hip ratio and body mass index (pre and post) were as follows: 1 ± 0.1 vs 0.9 ± 0.1 (experimental) and 0.9 ± 0.1 versus 0.9 ± 0.1 (controls) while for BMI they were 29 ± 1.4 versus 29 ± 1.2 (experimental) and 26 ± 0.7 vs. 26 ± 0.7 (controls). CARDIORESPIRATORY FITNESS: In the experimental group, predicted values for absolute V02 Max increased by 10 ± 3% (i.e. 3.3 ± 0.1 to 3.6 ± 0.1 liters min -1 while that of control subjects did not change (3.4 ± 0.2 and 3.4 ± 0.2 liters min-I). In terms of relative values for V02 Max, the experimental group increased by 11 ± 2% (37 ± 1.4 to 41 ± 1.4 ml kg-l min-I) while that of control subjects did not change (41 ± 1.4 and 40 ± 1.4 ml kg-l min-I). BLOOD LIPIDS: Compared to pre-test values, post-test values for HDL were decreased by 14 ± 5 % in the experiment group (from 52.4 ± 4.4 to 45.2 ± 4.3 mg dl-l) while HDL data for the control group was unchanged (49.7 ± 3.6 and 48.3 ± 4.1 mg dl-l, respectively. On the other hand, LDL levels did not change for either the experimental or control group (110.2 ± 10.4 versus 112.3 ± 7.1 mg dl-1 and 106.1 ± 11.3 versus 127 ± 15.1 mg dl-1, respectively). Further, total cholesterol did not change in either the experimental or control group (181.3 ± 8.7 mg dl-1 versus 178.7± 4.9 mg dl-l) and 190.7 ± 12.2 versus 197.1 ± 16.1 mg dl-1, respectively). Similarly, the ratio of TC/HDL did not change for either the experimental or control group (3.8 ± 0.4 versus 4.5 ± 0.5 and 4 ± 0.4 versus 4.2 ± 0.4, respectively). Blood triglyceride levels were also not altered in either the experimental or control group (100.3 ± 19.6 versus 114.8 ± 15.3 mg dl-1 and 140 ± 23.5 versus 137.3 ± 17.9 mg dl-l, respectively). BLOOD GLUCOSE: Fasted blood glucose levels did not change in either the experimental or control group. Pre- and post-values for experimental and control groups were 92.5 ± 4.8 versus 93.3 ± 4.3 mg dl-l and 92.3 ± 11.3 versus 93.2 ± 2.6 mg dl-1 , respectively. BLOOD PRESSURE: No aspect of blood pressure was altered in either the experimental or control group. For example, pre- and post-test systolic blood pressures were 131 ± 2 versus 129 ± 2 mmHg (experimental) and 123 ± 2 and 125 ± 2 mmHg (controls), respectively. Pre- and post-test diastolic blood pressures were 84 ± 2 and 83 ± 2 mmHg (experimental) and 81 ± 1 versus 82 ± 1 mmHg, respectively. Similarly, calculated pulse pressure was not altered in the experimental or control as pre- and post-test values were 47 ± 1 versus 47 ± 2 mmlHg and 42 ± 2 versus 43 ± 2 mmHg, respectively. FRAMINGHAM POINT SCORE: The concerted changes reported above produced an increased risk in the Framingham Point Score for the subjects in the experimental group. For example, the pre- and post-test FPS increased from 1.4 ± 0.9 to 2.7 ± 0.7. On the other hand, pre- and post-test scores for the control group were 1.8 ± 1 versus 1.8 ± 0.9. Conclusions: Our data confirms previous studies showing that interval-type exercise is a useful intervention for increasing aerobic fitness. Moreover, the increase in V02 Max we found in response to limited participation in ball hockey (i.e. 16 games) suggests that recreational sport may help reduce this aspect of coronary risk in previously sedentary individual. On the other hand, our results showing little or no positive change in body composition, blood lipids or blood pressures suggest that one season of recreational sport in not in of itself a powerful enough stimulus to reduce the overall risk of coronary artery disease. In light of this, it is recommended that, in addition to participation in recreational sport, the performance of regular physical activity is used as an adjunct to provide a more powerful overall stimulus for decreasing coronary risk factors. LIMITATIONS: The increase in the FPS we found for the experimental group, indicative of an increased risk for coronary disease, was largely due to the large decrease in HDL we observed after compared to above one season of ball hockey. In light of the fact that cardiorespiratory fitness was increased and % body fat was decreased, as well as the fact that other parameters such as blood pressure showed positive (but non statistically significant) trends, the possibility that the decrease in HDL showed by our data was anomalous should be considered. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: The results of this study suggesting that recreational sport may be a potentially useful intervention in the reduction of CAD require to be corroborated by future studies specifically employing 1) more rigorous assessment of fitness and fitness change and 2) more prolonged or frequent participants.


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Isotopic and isotonic chains of superheavy nuclei are analyzed to search for spherical double shell closures beyond Z=82 and N=126 within the new effective field theory model of Furnstahl, Serot, and Tang for the relativistic nuclear many-body problem. We take into account several indicators to identify the occurrence of possible shell closures, such as two-nucleon separation energies, two-nucleon shell gaps, average pairing gaps, and the shell correction energy. The effective Lagrangian model predicts N=172 and Z=120 and N=258 and Z=120 as spherical doubly magic superheavy nuclei, whereas N=184 and Z=114 show some magic character depending on the parameter set. The magicity of a particular neutron (proton) number in the analyzed mass region is found to depend on the number of protons (neutrons) present in the nucleus.


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This thesis presents there important results in visual object recognition based on shape. (1) A new algorithm (RAST; Recognition by Adaptive Sudivisions of Tranformation space) is presented that has lower average-case complexity than any known recognition algorithm. (2) It is shown, both theoretically and empirically, that representing 3D objects as collections of 2D views (the "View-Based Approximation") is feasible and affects the reliability of 3D recognition systems no more than other commonly made approximations. (3) The problem of recognition in cluttered scenes is considered from a Bayesian perspective; the commonly-used "bounded-error errorsmeasure" is demonstrated to correspond to an independence assumption. It is shown that by modeling the statistical properties of real-scenes better, objects can be recognized more reliably.


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Se trata de una totalidad que sólo es concebible cuando se han abordado todos los puntos de vista que la abarcan. Así, todo aquel que lleve a cabo una lectura comprometida de esta obra, deberá seguir una petición que hace su autor


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The formulation of four-dimensional variational data assimilation allows the incorporation of constraints into the cost function which need only be weakly satisfied. In this paper we investigate the value of imposing conservation properties as weak constraints. Using the example of the two-body problem of celestial mechanics we compare weak constraints based on conservation laws with a constraint on the background state.We show how the imposition of conservation-based weak constraints changes the nature of the gradient equation. Assimilation experiments demonstrate how this can add extra information to the assimilation process, even when the underlying numerical model is conserving.


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A potential energy function has been derived for the ground state surface of C2H2 as a many-body expansion. The 2- and 3-body terms have been obtained by preliminary investigation of the ground state surfaces of CH2( 3B1) and C2H( 2Σ+). A 4-body term has been derived which reproduces the energy, geometry and harmonic force field of C2H2. The potential has a secondary minimum corresponding to the vinylidene structure and the geometry and energy of this are in close agreement with predictions from ab initio calculations. The saddle point for the HCCH-H2CC rearrangement is predicted to lie 2•530 eV above the acetylene minimum.


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The perspex machine arose from the unification of projective geometry with the Turing machine. It uses a total arithmetic, called transreal arithmetic, that contains real arithmetic and allows division by zero. Transreal arithmetic is redefined here. The new arithmetic has both a positive and a negative infinity which lie at the extremes of the number line, and a number nullity that lies off the number line. We prove that nullity, 0/0, is a number. Hence a number may have one of four signs: negative, zero, positive, or nullity. It is, therefore, impossible to encode the sign of a number in one bit, as floating-, point arithmetic attempts to do, resulting in the difficulty of having both positive and negative zeros and NaNs. Transrational arithmetic is consistent with Cantor arithmetic. In an extension to real arithmetic, the product of zero, an infinity, or nullity with its reciprocal is nullity, not unity. This avoids the usual contradictions that follow from allowing division by zero. Transreal arithmetic has a fixed algebraic structure and does not admit options as IEEE, floating-point arithmetic does. Most significantly, nullity has a simple semantics that is related to zero. Zero means "no value" and nullity means "no information." We argue that nullity is as useful to a manufactured computer as zero is to a human computer. The perspex machine is intended to offer one solution to the mind-body problem by showing how the computable aspects of mind and. perhaps, the whole of mind relates to the geometrical aspects of body and, perhaps, the whole of body. We review some of Turing's writings and show that he held the view that his machine has spatial properties. In particular, that it has the property of being a 7D lattice of compact spaces. Thus, we read Turing as believing that his machine relates computation to geometrical bodies. We simplify the perspex machine by substituting an augmented Euclidean geometry for projective geometry. This leads to a general-linear perspex-machine which is very much easier to pro-ram than the original perspex-machine. We then show how to map the whole of perspex space into a unit cube. This allows us to construct a fractal of perspex machines with the cardinality of a real-numbered line or space. This fractal is the universal perspex machine. It can solve, in unit time, the halting problem for itself and for all perspex machines instantiated in real-numbered space, including all Turing machines. We cite an experiment that has been proposed to test the physical reality of the perspex machine's model of time, but we make no claim that the physical universe works this way or that it has the cardinality of the perspex machine. We leave it that the perspex machine provides an upper bound on the computational properties of physical things, including manufactured computers and biological organisms, that have a cardinality no greater than the real-number line.


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The ambitious scope, complexity, and difficulty of Gibson’s project in proposing the theory of affordances are captured nicely by the words of Gibson’s biographer, Ed Reed:
“Gibson was convinced that the theory of affordances, in
conjunction with the concepts of information, persistence, and
change, would enable him to transcend the ancient debate between
subjectivity and objectivity and to resolve the mind-body problem. …
[H]e was offering a new approach to problems of psychology, one
that he believed would not sink in the morass that have engulfed
previous psychologies.” (Reed, 1988, p. 280).
These characteristics of the theory of affordances are further evidenced in the debates about the nature of affordances presented in the suite of papers in Ecological Psychology, Volume 12(1). In this paper we propose an elaboration of the notion of affordance by suggesting that those persisting individual differences in behaviour described as temperamental differences (e.g., differences on a dimension of temperament anchored at one end by behaviour described as ‘outgoingness’ and at the other by behaviour described as ‘avoidance’) can be integrated into the theory of affordances. We argue that such integration is consistent with Gibson’s project as reflected in Reed’s words, and as part of our argument, draw parallels between the integration of temperament with the theory of affordances and the way in which individual differences in body dimensions are incorporated in the theory. We also outline some empirical tests of our proposition.


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Objective This study investigated the association of residential density with overweight among adolescents in an urban area of China.

Methods Using multistage proportional sampling methods, a population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Nanjing between September and November 2004 (n=2375; mean age=13.9+/-1.0 years old; 46.2% boys; survey response rate=89.3%). Body mass index was calculated from self-reported body weight and height. Overweight, the main outcome variable, was defined as a BMI >/=85 percentile value for age- and gender-specific reference data according to the recommendation for Chinese adolescents. The primary explanatory variable was the residential density of the urban districts. Mixed-effects logistic regression models were used for the analysis.

Results Students in the higher and middle tertiles of residential density had a 2.17-fold (95% CI 1.41 to 3.33) and 1.89-fold (95% CI 1.22 to 2.92) higher likelihood of being overweight, respectively, compared with those in the lower tertile. The associations were slightly attenuated but still significant after adjusting for time spent in recreational physical activity and sedentary behaviour (viewing TV and sitting for academic study).

Conclusions Residential density was positively associated with overweight among urban Chinese adolescents. Our findings warrant further research examining attributes of urban environments associated with adolescents' obesity in China and potential mechanisms between them.


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In terms of stability around the primary, it is widely known that the semimajor axis of the retrograde satellites is much larger than the corresponding semimajor axis of the prograde satellites. Usually this conclusion is obtained numerically, since precise analytical derivation is far from being easy, especially, in the case of two or more disturbers. Following the seminal idea that what is unstable in the restricted three-body problem is also unstable in the general N-body problem, we present a simplified model which allows us to derive interesting resonant configurations. These configurations are responsible for cumulative perturbations which can give birth to strong instability that may cause the ejection of the satellite. Then we obtain, analytically, approximate bounds of the stability of prograde and retrograde satellites. Although we recover quite well previous results of other authors, we comment very briefly some weakness of these bounds. Copyright (c) 2008 Tadashi Yokoyama et al.


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This work generates, through a sample of numerical simulations of the restricted three-body problem, diagrams of semimajor axis and eccentricity which defines stable and unstable zones for particles in S-type orbits around Pluto and Charon. Since we consider initial conditions with 0 <= e <= 0.99, we found several new stable regions. We also identified the nature of each one of these newly found stable regions. They are all associated to families of periodic orbits derived from the planar circular restricted three-body problem. We have shown that a possible eccentricity of the Pluto-Charon system slightly reduces, but does not destroy, any of the stable regions.