960 resultados para 280302 Software Engineering


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Established in 1986, ASWEC is the premier technical meeting for the Australian Software Engineering Community, and attracts a significant number of international participants. The conference is sponsored by both Engineers Australia and the Australian Computer Society. The major goal of the conference is to provide a forum for exchanging experience and new research results in software engineering. The technical program for ASWEC 2004 includes research papers from Australia and across the world. This year we received 79 submissions from 12 countries: 56 from Australia, 6 from New Zealand, 9 from Asia, 4 from Europe, and 4 from North America. All papers were fully refereed by three (two papers by only two) Program Committee members. We accepted 36 papers to be presented at the conference. We are grateful to all authors who contributed to ASWEC 2004. In addition to the technical papers, the conference program also includes two keynote speakers and one panel on Software Engineering accreditation. We are very pleased about being able to attract Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, and Ian Hayes, The University of Queensland, as the keynote speakers for this conference.


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Established in 1986, ASWEC is the premier technical meeting for the Australian software engineering community, and attracts a significant number of international participants. The major goal of the conference is to provide a forum for exchanging experience and new research results in software engineering. To increase the industry participation at ASWEC, we organized two separate paper tracks, which we have called Research Papers and Industry Experience Reports. These paper tracks had separate deadlines, separate program committees, separate review procedures, and separate proceedings. The Research Papers appear in these proceedings and the Industry Experience Reports will appear on a CD-Rom that will be distributed at the conference. The Research Papers track for ASWEC 2005 includes submissions from Australia and across the world. This year we received 79 submissions from 13 countries: 48 from Australia, 7 from New Zealand, 11 from Asia, 9 from Europe, and 2 each from North and South America. All papers were fully refereed by three Program Committee members. We accepted 34 papers to be presented at the conference. We are grateful to all authors who contributed to ASWEC.


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The following topics are dealt with: Requirements engineering; components; design; formal specification analysis; education; model checking; human computer interaction; software design and architecture; formal methods and components; software maintenance; software process; formal methods and design; server-based applications; review and testing; measurement; documentation; management and knowledge-based approaches.


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This paper investigates how existing software engineering techniques can be employed, adapted and integrated for the development of systems of systems. Starting from existing system-of-systems (SoS) studies, we identify computing paradigms and techniques that have the potential to help address the challenges associated with SoS development, and propose an SoS development framework that combines these techniques in a novel way. This framework addresses the development of a class of IT systems of systems characterised by high variability in the types of interactions between their component systems, and by relatively small numbers of such interactions. We describe how the framework supports the dynamic, automated generation of the system interfaces required to achieve these interactions, and present a case study illustrating the development of a data-centre SoS using the new framework.


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The goal of this roadmap paper is to summarize the state-of-the-art and to identify critical challenges for the systematic software engineering of self-adaptive systems. The paper is partitioned into four parts, one for each of the identified essential views of self-adaptation: modelling dimensions, requirements, engineering, and assurances. For each view, we present the state-of-the-art and the challenges that our community must address. This roadmap paper is a result of the Dagstuhl Seminar 08031 on "Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Systems," which took place in January 2008. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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The reasonable choice is a critical success factor for decision- making in the field of software engineering (SE). A case-driven comparative analysis has been introduced and a procedure for its systematic application has been suggested. The paper describes how the proposed method can be built in a general framework for SE activities. Some examples of experimental versions of the framework are brie y presented.


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In the area of Software Engineering, traceability is defined as the capability to track requirements, their evolution and transformation in different components related to engineering process, as well as the management of the relationships between those components. However the current state of the art in traceability does not keep in mind many of the elements that compose a product, specially those created before requirements arise, nor the appropriated use of traceability to manage the knowledge underlying in order to be handled by other organizational or engineering processes. In this work we describe the architecture of a reference model that establishes a set of definitions, processes and models which allow a proper management of traceability and further uses of it, in a wider context than the one related to software development.


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Whether distance learning spells the end of traditional campuses, as some maintain, or whether distance learning instead represents a powerful addition to a growing array of delivery options for higher education, its impact on higher education is great and growing. Distance learning is creating alternative models of teaching and learning, new job descriptions for faculty, and new types of higher education providers. The advent of Distance and Distributed Learning has raised numerous questions about quality and quality assurance: ² How do established distance learning institutions ensure quality? ² What more needs to be done? ² How do quality assurance agencies view the distinction between on- and off-campus teaching and learning? This talk discusses these issues from the viewpoints of funding organisa- tion, quality assurance agencies and the learners.


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Милослав A. Средков - Понятията модел и моделиране се използват толкова интензивно в много дисциплини, че е трудно да им се придаде конретно значение. Дори в Софтуерните технологии, разбирането на тези понятия силно зависи от контекста. Ние смятаме, че това допринася за неконсистентността между подходите за моделиране там. В тази статия посочваме някои от произтичащите проблеми, както и важността да има подходяща дефиниция, съчетана с подходящи инструменти. Преглеждаме по-общите дефиниции на модел отвъд границите на Софтуерните технологии. Минаваме през моделирането на различни вторични продукти на процесите от Софтуерните технологии. Накрая представяме нашата визия относно използването на такава обща основа за наша полза.


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This research examines evolving issues in applied computer science and applies economic and business analyses as well. There are two main areas. The first is internetwork communications as embodied by the Internet. The goal of the research is to devise an efficient pricing, prioritization, and incentivization plan that could be realistically implemented on the existing infrastructure. Criteria include practical and economic efficiency, and proper incentives for both users and providers. Background information on the evolution and functional operation of the Internet is given, and relevant literature is surveyed and analyzed. Economic analysis is performed on the incentive implications of the current pricing structure and organization. The problems are identified, and minimally disruptive solutions are proposed for all levels of implementation to the lowest level protocol. Practical issues are considered and performance analyses are done. The second area of research is mass market software engineering, and how this differs from classical software engineering. Software life-cycle revenues are analyzed and software pricing and timing implications are derived. A profit maximizing methodology is developed to select or defer the development of software features for inclusion in a given release. An iterative model of the stages of the software development process is developed, taking into account new communications capabilities as well as profitability. ^


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We present a review of the historical evolution of software engineering, intertwining it with the history of knowledge engineering because “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This retrospective represents a further step forward to understanding the current state of both types of engineerings; history has also positive experiences; some of them we would like to remember and to repeat. Two types of engineerings had parallel and divergent evolutions but following a similar pattern. We also define a set of milestones that represent a convergence or divergence of the software development methodologies. These milestones do not appear at the same time in software engineering and knowledge engineering, so lessons learned in one discipline can help in the evolution of the other one.


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Since the emergence of software engineering in the late 1960's as a response to the software crisis, researchers throughout the world are trying to give theoretical support to this discipline. Several points of view have to be reviewed in order to complete this task. In the middle 70's Frederick Brooks Jr. coined the term "silver bullet" suggesting the solution to several problems rela-ted to software engineering and, hence, we adopted such a metaphor as a symbol for this book. Methods, modeling, and teaching are the insights reviewed in this book. Some work related to these topies is presented by software engineering researchers, led by Ivar Jacobson, one of the most remarkable researchers in this area. We hope our work will contribute to advance in giving the theoretieal support that software engineering needs.


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Formal specifications can precisely and unambiguously define the required behavior of a software system or component. However, formal specifications are complex artifacts that need to be verified to ensure that they are consistent, complete, and validated against the requirements. Specification testing or animation tools exist to assist with this by allowing the specifier to interpret or execute the specification. However, currently little is known about how to do this effectively. This article presents a framework and tool support for the systematic testing of formal, model-based specifications. Several important generic properties that should be satisfied by model-based specifications are first identified. Following the idea of mutation analysis, we then use variants or mutants of the specification to check that these properties are satisfied. The framework also allows the specifier to test application-specific properties. All properties are tested for a range of states that are defined by the tester in the form of a testgraph, which is a directed graph that partially models the states and transitions of the specification being tested. Tool support is provided for the generation of the mutants, for automatically traversing the testgraph and executing the test cases, and for reporting any errors. The framework is demonstrated on a small specification and its application to three larger specifications is discussed. Experience indicates that the framework can be used effectively to test small to medium-sized specifications and that it can reveal a significant number of problems in these specifications.


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While object-oriented programming offers great solutions for today's software developers, this success has created difficult problems in class documentation and testing. In Java, two tools provide assistance: Javadoc allows class interface documentation to be embedded as code comments and JUnit supports unit testing by providing assert constructs and a test framework. This paper describes JUnitDoc, an integration of Javadoc and JUnit, which provides better support for class documentation and testing. With JUnitDoc, test cases are embedded in Javadoc comments and used as both examples for documentation and test cases for quality assurance. JUnitDoc extracts the test cases for use in HTML files serving as class documentation and in JUnit drivers for class testing. To address the difficult problem of testing inheritance hierarchies, JUnitDoc provides a novel solution in the form of a parallel test hierarchy. A small controlled experiment compares the readability of JUnitDoc documentation to formal documentation written in Object-Z. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.