200 resultados para 2117


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An excitation force that is not influenced by the system's states is said to be an ideal energy source. In real situations, a direct and feedback coupling between the excitation source and the system must always exist. This manifestation of the law of conversation of energy is known as Sommerfeld Effect. In the case of obtaining a mathematical model for such system, additional equations are usually necessary to describe the vibration sources and their coupling with the mechanical system. In this work, a cantilever beam and a non-ideal electric DC motor that is fixed to the beam free end is analyzed. The motor has an unbalanced mass that provides excitation to the system proportional to the current applied to the motor. During the motor's coast up operation, as the excitation frequency gets closer to the beam first natural frequency and if the drive power increases further, the DC motor speed remains constant until it suddenly jumps to a much higher value (simultaneously the vibration amplitude jumps to a much lower value) upon exceeding a critical input power. It was found that the Sommerfeld effect depends on some system parameters and the motor operational procedures. These parameters are explored to avoid the resonance capture in Sommerfeld effect. Numerical simulations and experimental tests are used to help insight this dynamic behavior.


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Currently many studies have highlighted the importance of development autonomy of teachers to improve the quality of education. Our study aimed to explore the concepts of autonomy presented that teachers working in kindergarten and first grades of elementary school. Our aim was to understand how these concepoes helped or hindered the development of the action of the teacher second Contreras (2002). The results showed that the conceptions, presented by the teacher, were high ly individualistic, demonstrate a professional focused only on matters relating to the didactic and pedagogic classroom.


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In this paper, we analyze the educational importance of teaching Physics in the early grades of elementary school from a teaching experience with students of 5th grade, using five experiments on electricity and magnetism. The theoretical framework used was the socio-historical psychology, especially Vigotski's studies on concept formation. It can be stated that the teaching of Physics and the use of experimental activities in the early grades cannot be simply associated to the teaching of certain scientific concepts, but should be explored bearing in mind the child's development.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study is to investigate aspects that influenced students of Physics at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) to choose that course and the influence that their own teachers had on their decision. In order to do that, a questionnaire was prepared and answered by forty-five students of Physics (bachelor's course or teacher's course). In the results we highlighted that those students developed affinities with physics knowledge before choosing the course. The analysis suggests that the teacher, although not predominant in these choices, is an important catalyst, thus influencing students to choose a career in science co-operating.


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A new species of Mesabolivar is described from Brazilian forests: Mesabolivar delclaroi. The mating behaviour, postembryonic development, number of egg sacs and eggs, birth rate, number of instars, developmental time until adulthood, sex ratio and size of cephalothorax (per instar) were recorded. The sexual behaviour was described and categorized into four steps: courtship, pre-copulation, copulation and post-copulation. After hatching, individuals presented five instars until maturity. The mean number of eggs (42 +/- 16.6) and live births (31.5 +/- 3.4) of the first egg sac were significantly greater than that of a second one (23.8 +/- 3.8, and 19.25 +/- 3.9, respectively). The developmental time from birth to adulthood (130.8 +/- 9.6 days) did not differ significantly between egg sacs produced (128.61 +/- 11.1). The size of the cephalothorax did not differ among adults or between sexes. The sex ratio revealed a shift in favour of females (4: 3).


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It has been previously shown that besides its classical role in blood pressure control the reninangiotensin system, mainly by action of angiotensin II on the AT1 receptor, exerts pro-inflammatory effects such as by inducing the production of cytokines. More recently, alternative pathways to this system were described, such as binding of angiotensin-(17) to receptor Mas, which was shown to counteract some of the effects evoked by activation of the angiotensin IIAT1 receptor axis. Here, by means of different molecular approaches we investigated the role of angiotensin-(17) in modulating inflammatory responses triggered in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Our results show that receptor Mas transcripts were up-regulated by eightfold in LPS-induced macrophages. Interestingly, macrophage stimulation with angiotensin-(17), following to LPS exposure, evoked an attenuation in expression of TNF-a and IL-6 pro-inflammatory cytokines; where this event was abolished when the receptor Mas selective antagonist A779 was also included. We then used heterologous expression of the receptor Mas in HEK293T cells to search for the molecular mechanisms underlying the angiotensin-(17)-mediated anti-inflammatory responses by a kinase array; what suggested the involvement of the Src kinase family. In LPS-induced macrophages, this finding was corroborated using the PP2 compound, a specific Src kinase inhibitor; and also by Western blotting when we observed that Ang-(17) attenuated the phosphorylation levels of Lyn, a member of the Src kinase family. Our findings bring evidence for an anti-inflammatory role for angiotensin-(17) at the cellular level, as well as show that its probable mechanism of action includes the modulation of Src kinases activities. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 21172122, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The admittance spectra and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics are reported of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors employing cross-linked poly(amide-imide) (c-PAI) as the insulator and poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as the active semiconductor. The capacitance of the MIM devices are constant in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 100 kHz, with tan delta values as low as 7 x 10(-3) over most of the range. Except at the lowest voltages, the I-V characteristics are well-described by the Schottky equation for thermal emission of electrons from the electrodes into the insulator. The admittance spectra of the MIS devices displayed a classic Maxwell-Wagner frequency response from which the transverse bulk hole mobility was estimated to be similar to 2 x 10(-5) cm(2) V(-1)s(-1) or similar to 5 x 10(-8) cm(2) V(-1)s(-1) depending on whether or not the surface of the insulator had been treated with hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) prior to deposition of the P3HT. From the maximum loss observed in admittance-voltage plots, the interface trap density was estimated to be similar to 5 x 10(10) cm(-2) eV(-1) or similar to 9 x 10(10) cm(-2) eV(-1) again depending whether or not the insulator was treated with HMDS. We conclude, therefore, that HMDS plays a useful role in promoting order in the P3HT film as well as reducing the density of interface trap states. Although interposing the P3HT layer between the insulator and the gold electrode degrades the insulating properties of the c-PAI, nevertheless, they remain sufficiently good for use in organic electronic devices. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Texto leído en la presentación de los libros premiados en la convocatoria del Premio de Poesía Tomás Morales 2004, en la Casa Tomás Morales de Moya el 21 de octubre de 2005


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La Rocca delle Caminate nella coscienza e nell’immaginario Ben volentieri mi sono occupato dell’ambizioso progetto di restauro e recupero funzionale della Rocca delle Caminate, perché se è vero che il complesso ha rivestito un’importanza rilevante sotto il profilo storico e politico di questa parte di Romagna, è pur vero che vive nei miei ricordi fin dall’epoca dell’infanzia, ed è venuto acquistando nel tempo un preciso valore nella mia coscienza e nel mio immaginario. Questa rocca, questa fortificazione, questa torre che si staglia all’orizzonte dominando con austerità le amene vallate, l’ho sempre veduta e ha sempre sollevato in me suggestioni e interrogativi che però non mi ero mai preoccupato di chiarire: ero, per così dire, rimasto fedele alla mia emotività e mi erano bastati i racconti di nonna che andava spesso rammentando di quando, durante il ventennio fascista, insieme alle sorelle percorreva a piedi i sentieri che dalla vicina Dogheria conducevano alle Caminate, in occasione di una tal festa o di una tal funzione religiosa. Le sue parole e i suoi racconti continuano a donarmi un po’ del profumo dell’epoca, e fa specie notare come ancora oggi – in un tempo che fa dello sfavillio delle luci sfoggio di opulenza e miraggio di benessere – vengano puntualmente traditi dall’ammirazione per un faro che all’epoca ruotava emanando luce verde, bianca e rossa: quella del tricolore italiano. La Rocca delle Caminate – dicevo – è sempre stata una veduta familiare e fin troppo consuetudinaria, nei cui riguardi ero quasi giunto a una sorta d’indolenza intellettuale. Eppure, alla vigilia di decidere l’oggetto di questa tesi, ho volto lo sguardo ancora verso la “torre che domina a meraviglia il circostante paese”, ma in questa circostanza trovandomi cambiato: non più solo emozionato dal racconto nella memoria degli anziani, bensì spinto a una sfida anche per onorare il loro attaccamento verso questa fortificazione. È un popolo, quello che ho trovato, che mi ha stupito alquanto per la capacità di ricordare. Voglio dire ricordo, non trasognata visione; sottolineo fulgida testimonianza, non di rado animata dalla fierezza di chi sente fortemente il radicamento a una terra e rivendica il diritto di poter un giorno rivedere la ‘propria’ Rocca come l’ha veduta un tempo, poterla finalmente visitare e toccare, al di là di ogni colore politico, al di là di ogni vicenda passata, bella o brutta che sia. Poterla, in concreto, vivere. Così, un giorno ho varcato il limite dell’ingresso della Rocca e ho iniziato a camminare lungo il viale che conduce al castello; mi sono immerso nel parco e ho goduto della frescura dei pini, dei frassini e dei cipressi che fanno da contorno alla fortificazione. Certamente, ho avvertito un po’ di soggezione giunto ai piedi dell’arce, e mi è sorto spontaneo pormi alcune domande: quanti fanti e cavalieri saranno giunti a questa sommità in armi? Quanti ne saranno morti travolti nella furia della battaglia? Quanti uomini avranno provveduto alla sicurezza di questi bastioni oggi privati per sempre delle originarie mura difensive? Quanti castellani avranno presieduto alla difesa del castro? Ma più che a ogni altra cosa, il mio pensiero è andato a un protagonista della storia recente, a Benito Mussolini, che fra la fine degli anni venti e l’inizio degli anni trenta aveva eletto questo luogo a dimora estiva. Camminando lungo i corridoi della residenza e visitando le ampie stanze, nel rimbombo dei miei passi è stato pressoché impossibile non pensare a quest’uomo che si riconosceva in un duce e che qui ha passato le sue giornate, qui ha indetto feste, qui ha tenuto incontri politici e ha preso importanti decisioni. Come dimenticare quel mezzobusto, quella testa, quella postura impettita? Come dimenticare quello sguardo sempre un po’ accigliato e quei proclami che coglievano il plauso delle masse prima ancora di essere compiutamente formulati? In questo clima, fra castellani, capitani, cavalieri e duces di ogni epoca, sono entrato in punta di piedi, procedendo ai rilevamenti e ai calcoli per la realizzazione di questo progetto. È vero, non è stato facile muoversi nel silenzio che avvolge questo posto magico senza romperne l’incanto, e se a volte, maldestramente, ho fatto più rumore del solito, me ne rammarico. Sono sicuro che questi illustri signori sapranno scusarmene.


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In recent years, due to the rapid convergence of multimedia services, Internet and wireless communications, there has been a growing trend of heterogeneity (in terms of channel bandwidths, mobility levels of terminals, end-user quality-of-service (QoS) requirements) for emerging integrated wired/wireless networks. Moreover, in nowadays systems, a multitude of users coexists within the same network, each of them with his own QoS requirement and bandwidth availability. In this framework, embedded source coding allowing partial decoding at various resolution is an appealing technique for multimedia transmissions. This dissertation includes my PhD research, mainly devoted to the study of embedded multimedia bitstreams in heterogenous networks, developed at the University of Bologna, advised by Prof. O. Andrisano and Prof. A. Conti, and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I spent eighteen months as a visiting scholar, advised by Prof. L. B. Milstein and Prof. P. C. Cosman. In order to improve the multimedia transmission quality over wireless channels, joint source and channel coding optimization is investigated in a 2D time-frequency resource block for an OFDM system. We show that knowing the order of diversity in time and/or frequency domain can assist image (video) coding in selecting optimal channel code rates (source and channel code rates). Then, adaptive modulation techniques, aimed at maximizing the spectral efficiency, are investigated as another possible solution for improving multimedia transmissions. For both slow and fast adaptive modulations, the effects of imperfect channel estimation errors are evaluated, showing that the fast technique, optimal in ideal systems, might be outperformed by the slow adaptive modulation, when a real test case is considered. Finally, the effects of co-channel interference and approximated bit error probability (BEP) are evaluated in adaptive modulation techniques, providing new decision regions concepts, and showing how the widely used BEP approximations lead to a substantial loss in the overall performance.


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In this thesis the use of widefield imaging techniques and VLBI observations with a limited number of antennas are explored. I present techniques to efficiently and accurately image extremely large UV datasets. Very large VLBI datasets must be reduced into multiple, smaller datasets if today’s imaging algorithms are to be used to image them. I present a procedure for accurately shifting the phase centre of a visibility dataset. This procedure has been thoroughly tested and found to be almost two orders of magnitude more accurate than existing techniques. Errors have been found at the level of one part in 1.1 million. These are unlikely to be measurable except in the very largest UV datasets. Results of a four-station VLBI observation of a field containing multiple sources are presented. A 13 gigapixel image was constructed to search for sources across the entire primary beam of the array by generating over 700 smaller UV datasets. The source 1320+299A was detected and its astrometric position with respect to the calibrator J1329+3154 is presented. Various techniques for phase calibration and imaging across this field are explored including using the detected source as an in-beam calibrator and peeling of distant confusing sources from VLBI visibility datasets. A range of issues pertaining to wide-field VLBI have been explored including; parameterising the wide-field performance of VLBI arrays; estimating the sensitivity across the primary beam both for homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays; applying techniques such as mosaicing and primary beam correction to VLBI observations; quantifying the effects of time-average and bandwidth smearing; and calibration and imaging of wide-field VLBI datasets. The performance of a computer cluster at the Istituto di Radioastronomia in Bologna has been characterised with regard to its ability to correlate using the DiFX software correlator. Using existing software it was possible to characterise the network speed particularly for MPI applications. The capabilities of the DiFX software correlator, running on this cluster, were measured for a range of observation parameters and were shown to be commensurate with the generic performance parameters measured. The feasibility of an Italian VLBI array has been explored, with discussion of the infrastructure required, the performance of such an array, possible collaborations, and science which could be achieved. Results from a 22 GHz calibrator survey are also presented. 21 out of 33 sources were detected on a single baseline between two Italian antennas (Medicina to Noto). The results and discussions presented in this thesis suggest that wide-field VLBI is a technique whose time has finally come. Prospects for exciting new science are discussed in the final chapter.


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Das in den Jahren 2005/2006 in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Wiesbaden entwickelte, in zwei Wohngruppen eingeführte und erprobte Wohngruppenkonzept KonTrakt hat viele der Forderungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes aus dem Jahr 2006 an einen modernen Jugendstrafvollzug "vorweggenommen" und entspricht insbesondere auch den konkreten Vorgaben des Hessischen Jugendstrafvollzugsgesetzes. KonTrakt setzt insbesondere auf die aktive Mitgestaltung des Vollzugsalltages durch die Gefangenen, der im Sinne von Demokratisierung und Selbstverwaltung zu einem idealen sozialen Lernfeld für pro-soziales Verhalten, d. h. "soziale Verantwortung" werden kann.rnrnDa Erziehung immer ein Eingriff in die Grundrechte des Gefangenen und ggf. auch dessen Sorgeberechtigten ist, muß sich sowohl das Erziehungsziel als auch die konkrete Ausgestaltung des Vollzuges an kriminologischen Gesichtspunkten ausrichten, da eine "Gesamterziehung" unzulässig wäre, es also ausschließlich um künftiges Legalverhalten im Sinne sozialer Verantwortung gehen kann. KonTrakt richtet sich dementsprechend sowohl bzgl. der angestrebten Lernziele als auch der Methoden am derzeitigen Stand des kriminologischen Wissens aus und greift dabei vor allem auch auf den Ansatz und das Wissen der Angewandten Kriminologie zurück.rnrnGerade im Blick auf die Problematik einer Erziehung in Unfreiheit nutzt KonTrakt auf der gruppenpädagogischen Ebene die Konzepte der Positive Peer Culture und der Peer Education, auf der einzelpädagogischen Ebene die Konfrontative Pädagogik und den Ansatz RAP.rnrnKonTrakt nimmt auch Ideen und Methoden aus Modellprojekten auf, versteht sich aber ausdrücklich als Konzept für den Jugendstrafvollzug in der „Fläche“, ist also ohne „ausgelesene“ Gefangene und Bedienstete, ohne bestimmte bauliche Gegebenheiten umsetzbar und leicht an die jeweiligen Verhältnisse vor Ort anpaßbar.rn