999 resultados para 21-210


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Studies of Bi heteroepitaxy on Si(001) have shown that lines grow to lengths of up to 500nm if the substrate is heated to above the Bi desorption temperature (500°C) during or after Bi deposition. Unlike many other nanoline systems, the lines formed by this nonequilibrium growth process have no detectable width dispersion. Although much attention has been given to the atomic geometery of the line, in this paper, we focus on how the lines can be used to create a majority 2×1 domain orientation. It is demonstrated that the Bi lines can be used to produce a single-domain orientation on Si(001) if the lines are grown on Si(001) surfaces with a regular distribution of single height steps. This is a compelling example of how a nanoscale motif can be used to modify mesoscopic surface structure on Si(001).


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[Excerpt] These comments are in response to the “Request for Information Concerning Labor Rights in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua and their Laws Governing Exploitative Child Labor” published at 68 Fed. Reg. 19580 (April 21, 2003). This Request for Information was issued pursuant to Section 2102(c)(8) and (9) of the Trade Act of 2002, Pub. L. 107-210, which requires the President, with respect to any proposed trade agreement, to submit to Congress a “meaningful labor rights report” and a “report describing the extent to which the country or countries that are parties to the agreement have in effect laws governing exploitative child labor.”


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ac susceptibility and electrical resistivity studies on polycrystalline Fe80-xNixCr20 (21 \leq x \leq 30) alloys, with x=21, 23, 26, and 30, between 4.2 and 80 K, are reported. A previous dc magnetization study indicated the presence of ferro-spin-glass mixed-phase behavior in x=23 and 26 alloys while the alloys with x=21 and 30 were found to be spin-glass and ferromagnetic, respectively. The present ac susceptibility results support the above picture. In the electrical resistivity study, a low-temperature minimum in the resistivity-temperature curve is observed in all the alloys except the ferromagnetic one.


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We isolated and characterized 21 microsatellite loci in the vulnerable and iconic Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Loci were screened across eight individuals from the Burnett River and 40 individuals from the Pine River. Genetic diversity was low with between one and six alleles per locus within populations and a maximum expected heterozygosity of 0.774. These loci will now be available to assess effective population sizes and genetic structure in N. forsteri across its natural range in South East Queensland, Australia.


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- BACKGROUND Chronic diseases are increasing worldwide and have become a significant burden to those affected by those diseases. Disease-specific education programs have demonstrated improved outcomes, although people do forget information quickly or memorize it incorrectly. The teach-back method was introduced in an attempt to reinforce education to patients. To date, the evidence regarding the effectiveness of health education employing the teach-back method in improved care has not yet been reviewed systematically. - OBJECTIVES This systematic review examined the evidence on using the teach-back method in health education programs for improving adherence and self-management of people with chronic disease. - INCLUSION CRITERIA Types of participants: Adults aged 18 years and over with one or more than one chronic disease. Types of intervention: All types of interventions which included the teach-back method in an education program for people with chronic diseases. The comparator was chronic disease education programs that did not involve the teach-back method. Types of studies: Randomized and non-randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, before-after studies and case-control studies. Types of outcomes: The outcomes of interest were adherence, self-management, disease-specific knowledge, readmission, knowledge retention, self-efficacy and quality of life. - SEARCH STRATEGY Searches were conducted in CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane CENTRAL, Web of Science, ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source, and Google Scholar databases. Search terms were combined by AND or OR in search strings. Reference lists of included articles were also searched for further potential references. - METHODOLOGICAL QUALITY Two reviewers conducted quality appraisal of papers using the Joanna Briggs Institute Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument. - DATA EXTRACTION Data were extracted using the Joanna Briggs Institute Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument data extraction instruments. - DATA SYNTHESIS There was significant heterogeneity in selected studies, hence a meta-analysis was not possible and the results were presented in narrative form. - RESULTS Of the 21 articles retrieved in full, 12 on the use of the teach-back method met the inclusion criteria and were selected for analysis. Four studies confirmed improved disease-specific knowledge in intervention participants. One study showed a statistically significant improvement in adherence to medication and diet among type 2 diabetics patients in the intervention group compared to the control group (p < 0.001). Two studies found statistically significant improvements in self-efficacy (p = 0.0026 and p < 0.001) in the intervention groups. One study examined quality of life in heart failure patients but the results did not improve from the intervention (p = 0.59). Five studies found a reduction in readmission rates and hospitalization but these were not always statistically significant. Two studies showed improvement in daily weighing among heart failure participants, and in adherence to diet, exercise and foot care among those with type 2 diabetes. - CONCLUSION Overall, the teach-back method showed positive effects in a wide range of health care outcomes although these were not always statistically significant. Studies in this systematic review revealed improved outcomes in disease-specific knowledge, adherence, self-efficacy and the inhaler technique. There was a positive but inconsistent trend also seen in improved self-care and reduction of hospital readmission rates. There was limited evidence on improvement in quality of life or disease related knowledge retention.


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Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 21(4) -numeron liitteenä.


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Tämän maisterin tutkielman tarkoituksena oli testata eri maitohappobakteerien ja niiden annostustason vaikutusta säilörehun käymislaatuun ja aerobiseen stabiilisuuteen. Biologisilla säilöntäaineilla eli ympeillä säilöttyjen rehujen laatua verrattiin kontrolleina toimiviin painorehuun ja muurahaishapolla tehtyyn rehuun. Koerehut tehtiin Helsingin yliopiston Maataloustieteiden laitoksella 7.6.2010. Timotei (Phleum pratense) - nurminata (Festuca pratensis) kasvusto korjattiin tähkimisen alkuvaiheessa D-arvon ollessa 711 g/kg ka. Nurmikasvuston kuiva-ainepitoisuus oli 170 g/kg heti niiton jälkeen määritettäessä ja neljän tunnin esikuivauksen jälkeen 208 g/kg. Rehuraaka-aine jaettiin kuuteen erään, joihin lisättiin säilöntäaine. Säilöntäainekäsittelyt olivat: 1) ei säilöntäainetta (painorehu), 2) muurahaishappo (100 %:na 4 l/t), 3) Lactobacillus plantarum ja Pediococcus acidilactici 1x10? pmy/g sekä pektinaasi-, ksylanaasi- ja sellulaasientsyymi, 4) L. plantarum 1x10? pmy/g, 5) L. plantarum 1x10? pmy/g ja 6) L. plantarum ja L. buchneri 2x10? pmy/g. Rehut säilöttiin laboratoriosiiloissa kolmena rinnakkaisena. Laboratoriosiilojen lisäksi rehua säilöttiin jokaisesta säilöntäainekäsittelystä kuuteen rinnakkaiseen minisiiloon säilönnän alkuajan fermentaation ja rehujen pH:n muutoksen seuraamiseksi. Minisiiloista seurattiin kaasuntuotantoa 21 päivän ajan. Raaka-aineen koostumus ja rehujen säilönnällinen laatu sekä aerobinen stabiilisuus määritettiin. Säilörehujen kuiva-ainepitoisuus oli suhteellisen pieni (n. 210 g/kg), jotta voitiin testata biologisten säilöntäaineiden tehoa märässä rehussa. Kosteassa rehussa biologisten säilöntäaineiden toiminnan onnistuminen on haastavaa. Koska raaka-aineen sokeripitoisuus oli kuitenkin erittäin suuri (196 g/kg ka), onnistui ymppirehujen säilöntä hyvin. Kaikkien koerehujen pH oli alle 4:n. Painorehu ei täyttänyt hyvän rehun kriteerejä ammoniumtypen osalta. Muurahaishapporehu oli laadultaan tyydyttävää etikkahapon pitoisuuden osalta. Rehussa tapahtui epätyypillistä etanolikäymistä hiivojen toimesta, jonka johdosta rehussa muodostui suuri määrä kaasua säilönnän aikana. Muurahaishapporehu ei kuitenkaan lämmennyt aerobisen stabiilisuuden mittauksen aikana, johtuen todennäköisesti suuresta etikkahapon määrästä ja toisaalta pienestä sokerin määrästä. Maitohappobakteerisäilöntäaineilla saatiin käymislaadultaan parempaa säilörehua verrattuna painorehuun, lukuun ottamatta maitohappobakteeri-entsyymirehua. Entsyymilisäyksestä ei todennäköisesti ollut hyötyä rehun säilöntälaadun kannalta. Raaka-aineen suuren sokeripitoisuuden johdosta säilörehussa oli koko säilönnän ajan tarpeeksi sokeria maitohappobakteerien käytettäväksi ja sokeri toimi siten substraattina haitallisille mikrobeille tuottaen suuren etikkahappopitoisuuden. Maitohappobakteeri-entsyymiseoksella tehty rehu oli etikkahappopitoisuuden perusteella heikkolaatuista. Lactobacillus plantarumin molemmilla annostustasoilla (1x10? ja 1x10? pmy/g rehua) saatiin laadultaan hyvää rehua. Suuri sokeripitoisuus molemmissa rehuissa johtui todennäköisesti raaka-aineen tavallista suuremmasta sokerin määrästä. Molempien rehujen maitohappo-etikkahappo-suhde oli melko korkea, viitaten homofermentatiiviseen maitohappokäymiseen. Lactobacillus buchneri –lisäyksellä rehu oli säilönnälliseltä laadultaan hyvää. Heterofermentatiivisen ympin lisäys nosti tyypillisesti rehun pH:ta sekä pienensi maitohappoetikkahappo-suhdelukua verrattuna homofermentatiiviseen ymppiin. L. buchneri –lisäys paransi hieman säilörehun aerobista stabiilisuutta verrattuna homofermentatiivisella maitohappobakteerilla säilöttyyn rehuun, mutta tulos ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä.