976 resultados para 1973-1976
Catchability and activity of Perca fluviatilis in relation to temperature is examined. The number of fish caught and water temperature during the 3 summer months was used the assess the numbers of hours of activity of perch. Parallel to the research on activity, large-scale marking was carried out to establish the periods of growth during the year.
Species of Pithophora occasionally appear in Europe and are associated mostly with the tropical, higher water plants, cultivated in numerous botanical gardens. In June 1973 pale green, branched threads were discovered in the pond of the Wroclaw Botanical Garden, amongst filaments of Spirogyra crassa (Kutz.) Czurda emend. and Cladophora glomerata (L.) Kutz. floating on the water surface. They were maintained for several weeks in crude cultures and produced numerous, dark akinetes tightly packed with reserve material. This collected material was found to be a member of the family Pithophora, Wittr. Further examinations identified the material as Pithophora oedogonia. The findings point out that it is probable, that species of Pithophora Wittr. can become acclimatized in Europe, primarily in ponds of botanical gardens, where consequently they are able to tangle easily with higher tropical plants.
The investigations described in this report were carried out to fulfill three distinct but interrelated objectives. In 1973 the Thames Conservancy were making plans for a second stage of their groundwater scheme which would take water from the chalk aquifers in the valley of the Kennet and they wanted basic information on the ecological state of this river and its upper tributaries. Little appeared to be known about limestone streams and a preliminary study of one of the streams in this area was desirable as a basis for planning more detailed studies if these were needed later. At a progress meeting held in March 1976 the problems and opportunities presented by the developing drought conditions were considered. It was concluded that the ecological effects of the exceptionally low natural flows should be studied and that it would be important to assess the ecological impact of the groundwater scheme if it was brought into operation that year. This could only be done on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne and it was decided that considerable effort should be diverted there for this purpose and that the field observations should be extended to cover any recovery period after the end of the drought. To make this possible it was agreed that the studies of invertebrates and detritus on the Kennet should be reduced considerably and that the proposed study of the limestone stream should be abandoned. The revised objectives were as follows: A detailed ecological study of several sites on the Kennet and its tributaries above Kintbury, extending over at least two years and involving observations on wate r weeds , invertebrates, fish, detritus and the trophic relationships within the river community. Quantitativ e and qualitative sampling of water weeds and invertebrates during one year at a number of sites on several chalk streams to determine whether the patterns and relationships found in the Lambourn are also found at the other sites. Observations on the Lambourn at Bagnor were to continue for most of the period to look for long-term fluctuations and to enable these sites to act as controls with which the other sites could be compared. Further detailed studies on the Lambourn and the Winterbourne to assess the impact of low flows, trial pumping and the operation of the groundwater scheme.
Several study areas were investigated at two Port Colborne terneries during the summers of 1973 and 1974 in an attempt to determine the influence of clutch size, time of clutch initiation, position in the colony, proximity to Ring-billed Gulls, vegetation and nesting substrate on the reproductive performance of the Common Tern. Hatching success and reproductive success (the number of chicks fledged per egg laid) were generally higher for 3-egg than 2-egg clutches but fledging (the number of chicks fledged per egg hatched) success was usually independant of clutch size. Hatching, fledging and reproductive success declined as a function of time of clutch initiation. Mean clutch sizes also generally declined as a function of time. Nests located in the center of the colony exhibited higher fledging success than those on the periphery. Rock-based clutches had a lower hatching success than clutches initiated on sand or dried vegetation. Reproductive performance did not appear to be related to proximity to Ring-billed Gulls or vegetation within the study area.
Analizando las políticas económicas del régimen de Pinochet, se determina en qué sentido permitieron la construcción de legitimidad. Sin desconocer el uso de la fuerza, se sostiene que gracias a las políticas económicas, sus resultados y la nueva lógica económica en ellas incorporada, Pinochet llegó a ser legítimo para una importante porción de la población.
El presente documento realiza una descripción de como estaban estructuradas las juntas directivas de las principales empresas del país para el periodo de 1956 a 1957. De manera simultánea, se lleva a cabo un cuidadoso análisis, junto con un ejercicio comparativo, de si estas estructuras estaban en acorde a lo que sugiere la literatura acerca de la Gobernanza Corporativa.
Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.
Se transcribe el texto de una carta que se hizo llegar a los rectores, inspectores de departamento, directores de centros y directores de IDEN de Francia, en donde se exponían las razones por las que se imponía la necesidad de impartir una educación sexual desde la naturalidad y la responsabilidad, para que las familias en colaboración con la escuela, pudieran contribuir a prevenir a los jóvenes contra los problemas que pudiera acarrear la ignorancia en el terreno de la educación sexual. De este modo, se analiza la información que debían comunicar; la transmisión de la educación sexual y el inicio de la responsabilidad en este campo y la actitud que debiera adoptar el profesor ante las preguntas de sus alumnos.
This paper is an analysis of Chart Stories made by teachers at CID and their effectiveness as a language development tool.
This study aims to analyze the income differentials by gender in Brazil, in the years 1976, 1987, 1996 and 2009. Specifically, there are two objectives. First, attempt to analyze the importance of the effects of composition and wage structure in the job market. In the second, to verify which socioeconomic variables explain the effects of composition and wage structure in the job market. The information in this study was obtained from the microdata of Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD) regarding the respective years. In the first stage of the methodology we used: the index of income distribution Theil-T; the income gap decompositions proposed by Oaxaca (1973) and Blinder (1973); and Firpo et al. (2007). In the second stage we applied the RIF regression method (Recentered Influence Function) of Firpo et al. (2007). The results show that income inequality is higher among men than among women in the country. It was observed that the component of inequality between people of the same gender represented the largest share in the decomposition of income inequality between genders. It was found, in the decomposition of the average income, a downward trend of income gap, but the differential remains favorable to the men. We noticed that the impact of the composition effect in reducing the gap was offset by the positive effect of wage structure. Regarding the distribution quantis, income differential between genres appeared greater at the bottom, in the years 1976, 1987 and 2009; and at the top of the distribution, in 1996 featuring, respectively, the sticky floor and glass ceiling effects in Brazil. As for the decomposition of the RIF, it turns out that the composition effect assisted in the downfall of the income gap between 1976 and 2009, but was offset by the positive effect of the wage structure in quantis 10th, 50th, and 90th. The main socioeconomic variables influenced the drop in income gap were: the composition effect, the manual labor occupations, service sector and low-grade and high school, and the wage structure effect, schooling low and high experience professional and technical occupations and urban centers
Revisión de documento presentado a la Reunión Latinoamericana Preparatoria de la Conferencia Mundial de Población, San José, 15-19 abril 1974
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