656 resultados para 1548


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Gene transfer in eukaryotic cells and organisms suffers from epigenetic effects that result in low or unstable transgene expression and high clonal variability. Use of epigenetic regulators such as matrix attachment regions (MARs) is a promising approach to alleviate such unwanted effects. Dissection of a known MAR allowed the identification of sequence motifs that mediate elevated transgene expression. Bioinformatics analysis implied that these motifs adopt a curved DNA structure that positions nucleosomes and binds specific transcription factors. From these observations, we computed putative MARs from the human genome. Cloning of several predicted MARs indicated that they are much more potent than the previously known element, boosting the expression of recombinant proteins from cultured cells as well as mediating high and sustained expression in mice. Thus we computationally identified potent epigenetic regulators, opening new strategies toward high and stable transgene expression for research, therapeutic production or gene-based therapies.


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Cell-to-cell communication is a process necessary for physiological tissue homeostasis and appears often altered during disease. Gap junction channels, formed by connexins, allow the direct intercellular communication between adjacent cells. After a brief review of the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis, we will discuss the role of connexins throughout the different stages of the disease.


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Despite effective treatment, HIV is not completely eliminated from the infected organism because of the existence of viral reservoirs. A major reservoir consists of infected resting CD4+ T cells, mostly of memory type, that persist over time due to the stable proviral insertion and a long cellular lifespan. Resting cells do not produce viral particles and are protected from viral-induced cytotoxicity or immune killing. However, these latently infected cells can be reactivated by stochastic events or by external stimuli. The present review focuses on novel genome-wide technologies applied to the study of integration, transcriptome, and proteome characteristics and their recent contribution to the understanding of HIV latency.


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Strömsholm 1840


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Strömsholm 1840


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Stockholm 1548


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Mapping perturbed molecular circuits that underlie complex diseases remains a great challenge. We developed a comprehensive resource of 394 cell type- and tissue-specific gene regulatory networks for human, each specifying the genome-wide connectivity among transcription factors, enhancers, promoters and genes. Integration with 37 genome-wide association studies (GWASs) showed that disease-associated genetic variants-including variants that do not reach genome-wide significance-often perturb regulatory modules that are highly specific to disease-relevant cell types or tissues. Our resource opens the door to systematic analysis of regulatory programs across hundreds of human cell types and tissues (http://regulatorycircuits.org).


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Uuden testamentin suomennos on Agricolan kirjallisen työn pääteos. Sen esikuvana ovat Lutherin käännöstyöt, ja se sisältää raamatun kirjojen lisäksi 22 Lutherin omaan Uuden testamentin käännökseensä kirjoittamaa esipuhetta saksasta suomennettuna. Wsi Testamenti oli ensi sijassa pappien jumalanpalvelustoimituksissa käyttämä kirja. Wsi Testamenti oli painettu Tukholmassa Amund Laurentssonin kirjapainossa, jossa myös Agricolan koko muu tuotanto painettiin. Nimiösivun puupiirroksessa on kuvattuna Pietari ja Paavali, kussakin nurkassa on symbolisesti esitetty neljä evankelistaa, alhaalla pyhä kolminaisuus.


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Invocatio: D.D.


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1871/09/10 (Numéro 1548).


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My dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between the Swiss peasants and nobles in Friedrich Schiller’s play Wilhelm Tell (1804). Changes to this relationship are of particular interest. Communication in the play is examined via a micro-analysis based on Penelope Brown’s and Stephen C. Levinson’s theoretical framework Politeness: Some universals in language usage. (1978, 1987). Brown and Levinson distinguish between positivepoliteness and negative-politeness strategies and their distinction is useful for my argument, since they claim that the use of positive-politeness strategies reflects the speaker’s intention to minimize the distance between the interlocutors (Brown and Levinson 1987: 103). Negative-politeness strategies, by contrast, result in social distancing (Brown and Levinson 1987: 130). In accordance with Brown’s and Levinson’s theory, it can be argued that the distribution of positive-politeness and negative-politeness strategies reflects changes in the distance between the fictional interlocutors as representatives of their social classes in Wilhelm Tell. The analysis of the communication in the play highlights that existing conflicts within the social groups are resolved and replaced with solidarity (cf. ‘Claim ’common ground’ and ‘Claim in-group membership with H’) before the peasants and noblemen appear on stage simultaneously in III, 3. In the scene in question, Geßler forces Tell to shoot the apple off his son’s head. Although both nobles and peasants are present, they do not communicate with each other. Thus, communication between the social classes occurs for the first time in IV, 2. This scene is crucial with regard to the changes in the relationship between the social classes in the play. The younger generation, with Rudenz as a representative of the nobility and Melchthal as a representative of the peasants, break with the prevailing conventions and initiate a new type of cooperation based on mutual helping and equality in the right and the duty to protect the country from the violent oppressors representing Habsburg (cf. ‘Convey that S and H are cooperators’, ‘Claim reflexivity’ and ‘Claim reciprocity’). The linguistic analysis reveals the crucial role of the Swiss nobility in the development of the social utopia, as well as the non-contribution of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, Tell never communicates with the Swiss noblemen. The role of the nobility and the role of Wilhelm Tell are further investigated in a comparison between Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and four of Schiller’s historical sources. These sources, which contain earlier, non-dramatic versions of the establishment of the Swiss Confederation, are the following: Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft compiled by Petermann Etterlin (1507), Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten Landen vnd Völckeren Chronik wirdiger thaaten beschreybung (1548) written by Johann Stumpf, Chronicon Helveticum of Aegidius Tschudi (the publication of Iselin from 1734 and 1736) and Johannes von Müller’s Geschichten schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1786). Thecomparison sheds light on the fact that both Tschudi and von Müller emphasize unity among the Swiss and cooperation in their attempt to defeat the enemy. However, Schiller has reinforced the role of the nobility in the cooperation. In addition, the comparison between Schiller’s play and the historical sources reveals profound differences with regard to the role of Wilhelm Tell. In all of Schiller’s sources, Tell is present at Rütli, whereas he is absent from Rütli in Schiller’s play. In the play in general, Tell is conspicuously separated from the other peasants. Explanations of my linguistic results, which correspond to the above mentioned differences between the roles of the figures in Wilhelm Tell and the depictions in Schiller’s sources, are found by comparing the path of Schiller’s Swiss towards an egalitarian perspective with the kind of social evolution depicted by the German philosopher Johann Benjamin Erhard in his essay Über das Recht des Volks zu einer Revolution (1795). Aiming at considering Schiller’s social utopia within the larger cultural framework of the German response to the French Revolution, the comparison suggests that both authors depict the need for social change in terms of a change in social hierarchies (Erhard 1970: 95-96, cf. Foi 2005: 225). Erhard’s essay thus helps explain the political intention of Schiller’s play to keep the ideals of the French Revolution as crucial aims but profoundly change the means towards freedom and equality. In his attempt to claim the political resistance of the nobles and peasants as just, however, Schiller sacrificed the figure of Wilhelm Tell. Guilty of the murder of Geßler, Tell was no longer suitable for the righteous revolution imagined by Schiller (cf. Bloch 2008: 215 and Schulz 2005: 228). This explains Tell’s absence in the Rütli scene, his isolation in the plot, as well as his non-contribution to the social utopia. Together, the linguistic analysis and contextualisation of Schiller’s play support my hypothesis that Wilhelm Tell describes a process of change in the relationship between peasants and nobles. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic proved to be fruitful for all areas of the research involved.


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Foi realizado um levantamento da vegetação arbutivo-arbórea (indivíduos com diâmetro a 30 cm do solo > 5 cm), em 1,0 hectare de cerrado rupestre (dez parcelas de 20 × 50 m), localizado em Cocalzinho de Goiás, Goiás, Brasil (15º48' S e 48º45' W). O objetivo foi avaliar e comparar as relações florísticas e as características estruturais deste cerrado sobre afloramentos rochosos com aquelas encontradas nos estudos já realizados em áreas de cerrado sentido restrito sobre solos profundos, localizados no Brasil Central. A composição florística do cerrado rupestre estudado é formada predominantemente por espécies das fitofisionomias do cerrado sentido restrito e em menor contribuição por espécies das formações florestais do bioma e espécies endêmicas de ambientes rupestres. A riqueza e a diversidade de espécies estão dentro dos limites normalmente encontrados para as áreas de cerrado sentido restrito do Brasil Central. Em termos estruturais, a densidade e área basal se assemelham aos valores registrados na subdivisão fitofisionômica de cerrado ralo. As condições ambientais limitantes, principalmente edáficas, não resultaram em mudanças expressivas na composição florística, riqueza e diversidade de espécies, mas refletiram em redução da densidade e área basal da vegetação arbustivo-arbórea do cerrado rupestre estudado.


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(Diversidade e estrutura comunitária de cerrado sensu stricto em afloramentos rochosos no Parque Estadual dos Pireneus, Goiás). Este estudo foi realizado no Parque Estadual dos Pireneus e tem como objetivo analisar a composição florística e a estrutura comunitária do componente lenhoso do cerrado sensu stricto sobre afloramentos de rochas e comparar os resultados com outros locais. A área localiza-se entre as coordenadas 15°48'42"-47" S e 48°52'40"-63" W, a 1.310 m de altitude média. Dez parcelas de 20 m × 50 m (1.000 m²) foram alocadas aleatoriamente onde mediu-se todos os indivíduos lenhosos com diâmetro do tronco igual ou superior a 5 cm, tomado a 30 cm do solo. O estudo registrou 65 espécies, pertencentes a 51 gêneros e 35 famílias. As famílias mais representativas quanto ao número de espécies foram: Myrtaceae (oito spp.), Fabaceae (sete spp.) e Melastomataceae (seis spp.). As doze primeiras espécies em VI foram responsáveis por mais de 50% da dominância e densidade totais. A densidade foi de 1.105 indivíduos ha-1 e a área basal 11,03 m² ha-1. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi de 3,65 nats ind-1e encontra-se dentro da faixa de variação de estudos em cerrado sensu stricto. Os agrupamentos das parcelas do parque gerados pela análise de classificação mostraram que este cerrado é composto por espécies características do local como Schwartzia adamantium (Cambess.) Bedell ex Giraldo-Cañas, Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. e Clusia burchellii Engl., espécies generalistas das fisionomias de cerrado e também espécies mais comuns em mata de galeria, e apresenta estrutura similar a esta vegetação em outras condições edáficas.