987 resultados para 059
The prevalence of unhealthy drinking at all levels in Irish society poses serious issues in terms of the consequence to individuals concerned, as well as to society as a whole. The workplace offers a useful setting for early identification and intervention with new employees who may have pre-existing alcohol use disorder issues. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness within the workplace of a brief Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) intervention in reducing participants binge and risky drinking behaviours. Twenty-six Irish Naval recruits volunteered to participate in this randomised controlled trial. The intervention was conducted over four consecutive one and a half hour weekly sessions. Participants completed four principle outcome measures at intake, termination of the intervention and at the two-month follow-up assessment. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (Babor, Higginis-Biddle, Saunders & Monterio, 2001) was used to measures participants’ consumption levels and frequency of binge or risky drinking. A Readiness Ruler (Miller, Zweben, Diclemente, & Rychtarik, 1992) was used to measure participants’ readiness to change drinking, while the Drinking Expectancy Questionnaire (Young & Oei, 1996) was used to measure participants’ beliefs pertaining to alcohol, and their ability to refuse alcohol in high-risk social surroundings. There were preliminary data in support of the intervention. There were interaction effects that approached statistical significance for both a reduction in participants’ binge drinking (p =. 064) and an increase in participants’ ability to refuse alcohol in high-risk social settings (p = .059). There was also a significant interaction effect (pThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
A new member of the phlebovirus genus, tentatively named Granada virus, was detected in sandflies collected in Spain. By showing the presence of specific neutralizing antibodies in human serum collected in Granada, we show that Granada virus infects humans. The analysis of the complete genome of Granada virus revealed that this agent is likely to be a natural reassortant of the recently described Massilia virus (donor of the long and short segments) with ayet unidentified phlebovirus (donor of the medium segment)
Toscana virus (TOSV, Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae) infection is one of the most prevalent arboviruses in Spain. Within the objectives of a multidisciplinary network, a study on the epidemiology of TOSV was conducted in Granada, in southern Spain. The overall seroprevalence rate was 24.9%, significantly increasing with age. TOSV was detected in 3 of 103 sandfly pools by viral culture or reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction from a region of the L gene. Nucleotide sequence homology was 99%-100% in TOSV from vectors and patients and 80%-81% compared to the Italian strain ISS Phl.3. Sequencing of the N gene of TOSV isolates from patients and vectors indicated 87%-88% and 100% homology at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively, compared to the Italian strain. These findings demonstrate the circulation of at least 2 different lineages of TOSV in the Mediterranean basin, the Italian lineage and the Spanish lineage.
Distribution of Toscana virus (TOSV) is evolving with climate change, and pathogenicity may be higher in nonexposed populations outside areas of current prevalence (Mediterranean Basin). To characterize genetic diversity of TOSV, we determined the coding sequences of isolates from Spain and France. TOSV is more diverse than other well-studied phleboviruses (e.g.,Rift Valley fever virus).
La recerca es proposa conèixer el temps objectiu que triga el sistema penal juvenil a donar resposta a les conductes presumptament delictives dels joves que hi arriben. L’interès per comptabilitzar i analitzar aquest temps de resposta del sistema penal juvenil es basa en dos motius: el primer és conèixer la incidència que té el temps en l’eficiència del sistema, eficiència que se sol associar al fet que es resolguin els assumptes amb agilitat. El segon motiu té a veure amb l’eficàcia de la pena o de la resposta que l’infractor pugui rebre. Des de l’àmbit penal i criminològic diversos autors, citats en la recerca, assenyalen que una resposta més ràpida fa la pena més eficaç. La recerca ha estudiat 8.059 procediments oberts a Catalunya l’any 2008 a joves infractors i en dona dades de la durada segons algunes variables (referides a les característiques dels joves, als fets delictius, al tipus de resolució, al territori que l’ha gestionat, als casos en els que s’ha fet mediació i reparació de menors, etc.). En els casos que ha estat possible, també s’ha fet una comparació entre l’any d’estudi (2008) i un any de control (2005) per saber quines han estat les diferències. Aquesta és la primera recerca que es publica a Catalunya sobre el total de temps que triga la justícia penal a donar resposta a una infracció presumptament comesa per un menor.
Este estudio aporta datos sobre el tiempo objetivo que tarda el sistema penal juvenil en dar respuesta a las conductas presuntamente delictivas de los jóvenes que llegan al sistema. El interés por contar y analizar este tiempo de respuesta del sistema penal juvenil se basa en dos justificaciones: la primera es conocer la incidencia que tiene el paso del tiempo en la eficiencia del sistema, eficiencia que se suele asociar al hecho que se resuelvan los casos con rapidez. El segundo motivo tiene que ver con la eficacia de la pena o de la respuesta que el infractor pueda recibir. Desde el ámbito penal y criminológico diversos autores, citados en la investigación, señalan que una respuesta más rápida hace la pena más eficaz. La investigación ha estudiado 8.059 procedimientos abiertos en Catalunya el año 2008 a jóvenes infractores y da datos respecto la duración según algunas variables (referidas a las características de los jóvenes, los hechos delictivos, el tipo de resolución, el territorio que la ha gestionado, los casos en los que se ha realizado una mediación y reparación de menores, etc.). En los casos que ha sido posible, también se ha realizado una comparación entre el año de estudio (2008) y un año de control (2005), para conocer cuales han sido estas diferencias. Es la primera investigación que se publica en Catalunya sobre el total de tiempo que tarda la justicia penal en dar respuesta a una infracción presuntamente cometida por un menor.
Background: Previous studies have shown that immigrant workers face relatively worse working and employment conditions, as well as lower rates of sickness absence than native-born workers. This study aims to assess rates of sickness presenteeism in a sample of Spanish-born and foreign-born workers according to different characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a convenience sample of workers (Spanish-born and foreign-born), living in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia (2008-2009). Sickness presenteeism information was collected through two items in the questionnaire ("Have you had health problems in the last year?" and "Have you ever had to miss work for any health problem?") and was defined as worker who had a health problem (answered yes, first item) and had not missed work (answered no, second item). For the analysis, the sample of 2,059 workers (1,617 foreign-born) who answered yes to health problems was included. After descriptives, logistic regressions were used to establish the association between origin country and sickness presenteeism (adjusted odds ratios aOR; 95% confidence interval 95%CI). Analyses were stratified per time spent in Spain among foreign-born workers. Results: All of the results refer to the comparison between foreign-born and Spanish-born workers as a whole, and in some categories relating to personal and occupational conditions. Foreign-born workers were more likely to report sickness presenteeism compared with their Spanish-born counterparts, especially those living in Spain for under 2 years [Prevalence: 42% in Spanish-born and 56.3% in Foreign-born; aOR 1.77 95%CI 1.24-2.53]. In case of foreign-born workers (with time in Spain < 2 years), men [aOR 2.31 95%CI 1.40-3.80], those with university studies [aOR 3.01 95%CI 1.04-8.69], temporary contracts [aOR 2.26 95%CI 1.29-3.98] and salaries between 751-1,200€ per month [aOR 1.74 95% CI 1.04-2.92] were more likely to report sickness presenteeism. Also, recent immigrants with good self-perceived health and good mental health were more likely to report presenteeism than Spanish-born workers with the same good health indicators. Conclusions: Immigrant workers report more sickness presenteeism than their Spanish-born counterparts. These results could be related to precarious work and employment conditions of immigrants. Immigrant workers should benefit from the same standards of social security, and of health and safety in the workplace that are enjoyed by Spanish workers.
Échelle(s) : Scala de Passi Geometrici, 150 [= 8,7 cm]
Port-a-Cath© (PAC) are totally implantable devices that offer an easy and long term access to venous circulation. They have been extensively used for intravenous therapy administration and are particularly well suited for chemotherapy in oncologic patients. Previous comparative studies have shown that these devices have the lowest catheter-related bloodstream infection rates among all intravascular access systems. However, bloodstream infection (BSI) still remains a major issue of port use and epidemiology data for PAC-associated BSI (PABSI) rates differ strongly depending on studies. Also, current literature about PABSI risk factors is scarce and sometimes controversial. Such heterogeneity may depend on type of studied population and local factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe local epidemiology and risk factors for PABSI in adult patients in our tertiary- care university hospital. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in order to describe local epidemiology. We also performed a nested case-control study to identify local risk factors of PABSI. We analyzed medical files of adult patients who had a PAC implanted between January 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2009 and looked for PABSI occurrence before May 1st, 2011 to define cases. Thirty nine PABSI occurred in this population with an attack rate of 5.8%. We estimated an incidence rate of 0.08/1000 PAC-days using the case-control study. PABSI causative agents were mainly Gram positive cocci (62%). We identified three predictive factors of PABSI by multivariate statistical analysis: neutropenia on outcome date (Odds Ratio [OR]: 4.05; 95% confidence interval [CI]:1.05- 15.66; p=0.042), diabetes (OR: 11.53; 95% CI: 1.07-124.70; p=0.044) and having another infection than PABSI on outcome date (OR: 6.35; 95% CI: 1.50-26.86; p=0.012). Patients suffering from acute or renal failure (OR: 4.26; 95% CI: 0.94-19.21; p=0.059) or wearing another invasive device (OR: 2.99; 95%CI:0.96-9.31; p=0.059) did not have a statistically increased risk for developing a PABSI according to classical threshold (p<0.05) but nevertheless remained close to significance. Our study demonstrated that local epidemiology and microbiology of PABSI in our institution was similar to previous reports. A larger prospective study is required to confirm our results or to test preventive measures.
PURPOSE: The severity and most appropriate treatment of diverticulitis in young patients are still controversial. The aim of this study is to compare young patients (<or=50 years) with older patients (>50 years) regarding clinical and radiologic parameters of acute left colonic diverticulitis and to determine whether differences exist in presentation and treatment. METHODS: We reviewed medical records of 271 consecutive patients with left colonic acute diverticulitis admitted to our institution from 2001 through 2004: 71 patients were aged 50 years or younger and 200 patients were older than 50. Clinical and radiologic parameters were analyzed. Conservative treatment was standardized, and included antibiotic therapy and bowel rest. Criteria for emergency surgical treatment were diffuse peritonitis, pneumoperitoneum, and septic shock. RESULTS: Conservative treatment alone was successful in 64 patients (90.1%) in the younger group and in 152 patients (76%) in the older group (P = .017). The percentage of patients requiring surgery at admission or during the hospital stay was significantly lower in younger than in older patients (5.6% vs 20.5%, P = .007), and the percentage of patients requiring emergency end colostomy was higher (although not significantly) in the older group (1.4% vs 9.0%, P = .059). No differences in rate of successful conservative treatment were observed between patients with a first episode and those with recurrence in either age group (P = .941 in the younger group; P = .227 in the older group). CONCLUSION: Young age is not a predictive factor of poor outcome in the management of first or recurrent episodes of acute diverticulitis. Patients older than 50 years more frequently need emergency surgical treatment.
The presence of three water channels (aquaporins, AQP), AQP1, AQP4 and AQP9 were observed in normal brain and several rodent models of brain pathologies. Little is known about AQP distribution in the primate brain and its knowledge will be useful for future testing of drugs aimed at preventing brain edema formation. We studied the expression and cellular distribution of AQP1, 4 and 9 in the non-human primate brain. The distribution of AQP4 in the non-human primate brain was observed in perivascular astrocytes, comparable to the observation made in the rodent brain. In contrast with rodent, primate AQP1 is expressed in the processes and perivascular endfeet of a subtype of astrocytes mainly located in the white matter and the glia limitans, possibly involved in water homeostasis. AQP1 was also observed in neurons innervating the pial blood vessels, suggesting a possible role in cerebral blood flow regulation. As described in rodent, AQP9 mRNA and protein were detected in astrocytes and in catecholaminergic neurons. However additional locations were observed for AQP9 in populations of neurons located in several cortical areas of primate brains. This report describes a detailed study of AQP1, 4 and 9 distributions in the non-human primate brain, which adds to the data already published in rodent brains. This relevant species differences have to be considered carefully to assess potential drugs acting on AQPs non-human primate models before entering human clinical trials.
Detecting local differences between groups of connectomes is a great challenge in neuroimaging, because the large number of tests that have to be performed and the impact on multiplicity correction. Any available information should be exploited to increase the power of detecting true between-group effects. We present an adaptive strategy that exploits the data structure and the prior information concerning positive dependence between nodes and connections, without relying on strong assumptions. As a first step, we decompose the brain network, i.e., the connectome, into subnetworks and we apply a screening at the subnetwork level. The subnetworks are defined either according to prior knowledge or by applying a data driven algorithm. Given the results of the screening step, a filtering is performed to seek real differences at the node/connection level. The proposed strategy could be used to strongly control either the family-wise error rate or the false discovery rate. We show by means of different simulations the benefit of the proposed strategy, and we present a real application of comparing connectomes of preschool children and adolescents.
Over the last decades, a decline in motor skills and in physical activity and an increase in obesity has been observed in children. However, there is a lack of data in young children. We tested if differences in motor skills and in physical activity according to weight or gender were already present in 2- to 4-year-old children. Fifty-eight child care centers in the French part of Switzerland were randomly selected for the Youp'là bouge study. Motor skills were assessed by an obstacle course including 5 motor skills, derived from the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment test. Physical activity was measured with accelerometers (GT1M, Actigraph, Florida, USA) using age-adapted cut-offs. Weight status was assessed using the International Obesity Task Force criteria (healthy weight vs overweight) for body mass index (BMI). Of the 529 children (49% girls, 3.4 ± 0.6 years, BMI 16.2 ± 1.2 kg/m2), 13% were overweight. There were no significant weight status-related differences in the single skills of the obstacle course, but there was a trend (p = 0.059) for a lower performance of overweight children in the overall motor skills score. No significant weight status-related differences in child care-based physical activity were observed. No gender-related differences were found in the overall motor skills score, but boys performed better than girls in 2 of the 5 motor skills (p ≤ 0.04). Total physical activity as well as time spent in moderate-vigorous and in vigorous activity during child care were 12-25% higher and sedentary activity 5% lower in boys compared to girls (all p < 0.01). At this early age, there were no significant weight status- or gender-related differences in global motor skills. However, in accordance to data in older children, child care-based physical activity was higher in boys compared to girls. These results are important to consider when establishing physical activity recommendations or targeting health promotion interventions in young children.
La evolución de peso en los períodos de lactación y transición de 583 lechones fue estudiada mediante un análisis estadístico, evaluando el efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos de cadena media (AGCM) en lechones con poco peso al nacimiento. 188 de los 375 lechones que nacieron con un peso al nacimiento (PN) &1250 g recibieron 3mL de AGCM cada 24 h durante los primeros 3 días de vida; su peso medio al destete (día 28) fue inferior respecto al grupo control (lechones no suplementados) (-114,17 g). No obstante, 106 de los 180 lechones nacidos con un PN &1000 g fueron suplementados, y su peso medio al destete y a finales de transición (día 63) fue superior respecto al grupo control (destete: +315,16 g; día 63: +775,47 g). Finalmente, los lechones suplementados con PN&800 g tuvieron los peores resultados: su diferencia de peso medio al destete fue de -177,58 g respecto al grupo control. Por lo tanto, en esta prueba fueron estudiados los lechones con un PN entre 800 y 999 g porque el grupo suplementado al destete tuvo una diferencia de peso medio considerable respecto al grupo control:+511,58 g. Asimismo, considerando una probabilidad de error inferior a 0,05, no hubieron diferencias significativas en las diferentes categorías de PN analizadas. De todas maneras, es importante destacar el alto grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999g (P=0,059). Por otra parte, el PN del grupo suplementado con PN&1000 g fue inferior que el del grupo no suplementado con PN&1000 g; esta diferencia de PN fue significativa (P=0,004) y como consecuencia el grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999 g fue inferior al esperado. Además, en esta prueba se incluyeron algunos resultados generales y también un análisis simple de supervivencia, aunque no era el objetivo principal