988 resultados para ß-cell regeneration


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It has been already demonstrated that thyroid hormone (T3) is one of the most important stimulating factors in peripheral nerve regeneration. We have recently shown that local administration of T3 in silicon tubes at the level of the transected rat sciatic nerve enhanced axonal regeneration and improved functional recovery. Silicon, however, cannot be used in humans because it causes a chronic inflammatory reaction. Therefore, in order to provide future clinical applications of thyroid hormone in human peripheral nerve lesions, we carried out comparative studies on the regeneration of transected rat sciatic nerve bridged either by biodegradable P(DLLA-(-CL) or by silicon nerve guides, both guides filled with either T3 or phosphate buffer. Our macroscopic observation revealed that 85% of the biodegradable guides allowed the expected regeneration of the transected sciatic nerve. The morphological, morphometric and electrophysiological analysis showed that T3 in biodegradable guides induces a significant increase in the number of myelinated regenerated axons (6862 +/- 1831 in control vs. 11799 +/- 1163 in T3-treated). Also, T3 skewed the diameter of myelinated axons toward larger values than in controls. Moreover, T3 increases the compound muscle action potential amplitude of the flexor and extensor muscles of the treated rats. This T3 stimulation in biodegradable guides was equally well to that obtained by using silicone guides. In conclusion, the administration of T3 in biodegradable guides significantly improves sciatic nerve regeneration, confirming the feasibility of our technique to provide a serious step towards future clinical application of T3 in human peripheral nerve injuries.


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Smad3 is a key intracellular signaling mediator for both transforming growth factor-β and myostatin, two major regulators of skeletal muscle growth. Previous published work has revealed pronounced muscle atrophy together with impaired satellite cell functionality in Smad3-null muscles. In the present study, we have further validated a role for Smad3 signaling in skeletal muscle regeneration. Here, we show that Smad3-null mice had incomplete recovery of muscle weight and myofiber size after muscle injury. Histological/immunohistochemical analysis suggested impaired inflammatory response and reduced number of activated myoblasts during the early stages of muscle regeneration in the tibialis anterior muscle of Smad3-null mice. Nascent myofibers formed after muscle injury were also reduced in number. Moreover, Smad3-null regenerated muscle had decreased oxidative enzyme activity and impaired mitochondrial biogenesis, evident by the downregulation of the gene encoding mitochondrial transcription factor A, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. Consistent with known Smad3 function, reduced fibrotic tissue formation was also seen in regenerated Smad3-null muscle. In conclusion, Smad3 deficiency leads to impaired muscle regeneration, which underscores an essential role of Smad3 in postnatal myogenesis. Given the negative role of myostatin during muscle regeneration, the increased expression of myostatin observed in Smad3-null muscle may contribute to the regeneration defects.


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Few biopharmaceutical preparations developed from biologicals are available for tissue regeneration and scar management. When developing biological treatments with cellular therapy, selection of cell types and establishment of consistent cell banks are crucial steps in whole-cell bioprocessing. Various cell types have been used in treatment of wounds to reduce scar to date including autolog and allogenic skin cells, platelets, placenta, and amniotic extracts. Experience with fetal cells show that they may provide an interesting cell choice due to facility of outscaling and known properties for wound healing without scar. Differential gene profiling has helped to point to potential indicators of repair which include cell adhesion, extracellular matrix, cytokines, growth factors, and development. Safety has been evidenced in Phase I and II clinical fetal cell use for burn and wound treatments with different cell delivery systems. We present herein that fetal cells present technical and therapeutic advantages compared to other cell types for effective cell-based therapy for wound and scar management.


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Scaffold materials should favor cell attachment and proliferation, and provide designable 3D structures with appropriate mechanical strength. Collagen matrices have proven to be beneficial scaffolds for tissue regeneration. However, apart from small intestinal submucosa, they offer a limited mechanical strength even if crosslinking can enhance their mechanical properties. A more cell-friendly way to increase material strength is to combine synthetic polymer meshes with plastic compressed collagen gels. This work describes the potential of plastic compressed collagen-poly(lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) (PLAC) hybrids as scaffolds for bladder tissue regeneration. Human bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were cultured on and inside collagen-PLAC hybrids in vitro. Scaffolds were analyzed by electron microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, and AlamarBlue assay. Both cell types proliferated in and on the hybrid, forming dense cell layers on top after two weeks. Furthermore, hybrids were implanted subcutaneously in the backs of nude mice. Host cell infiltration, scaffold degradation, and the presence of the seeded bladder cells were analyzed. Hybrids showed a lower inflammatory reaction in vivo than PLAC meshes alone, and first signs of polymer degradation were visible at six months. Collagen-PLAC hybrids have potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as they show efficient cell seeding, proliferation, and good mechanical properties.


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Multiple lines of evidence show that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are involved in the peripheral neural system degenerative and regenerative processes. MMP-9 was suggested in particular to play a role in the peripheral nerve after injury or during Wallerian degeneration. Interestingly, our previous analysis of Lpin1 mutant mice (which present morphological signs of active demyelination and acute inflammatory cell migration, similar to processes present in the PNS undergoing Wallerian degeneration) revealed an accumulation of MMP-9 in the endoneurium of affected animals. We therefore generated a mouse line lacking both the Lpin1 and the MMP-9 genes in order to determine if MMP-9 plays a role in either inhibition or potentiation of the demyelinating phenotype present in Lpin1 knockout mice. The inactivation of MMP-9 alone did not lead to defects in PNS structure or function. Interestingly we observed that the double mutant animals showed reduced nerve conduction velocity, lower myelin protein mRNA expressions, and had more histological abnormalities as compared to the Lpin1 single mutants. In addition, based on immunohistochemical analysis and macrophage markers mRNA expression, we found a lower macrophage content in the sciatic nerve of the double mutant animals. Together our data indicate that MMP-9 plays a role in macrophage recruitment during postinjury PNS regeneration processes and suggest that slower macrophage infiltration delays regenerative processes in PNS.


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?  Introduction ?  Bone fracture healing and healing problems ?  Biomaterial scaffolds and tissue engineering in bone formation -  Bone tissue engineering -  Biomaterial scaffolds -  Synthetic scaffolds -  Micro- and nanostructural properties of scaffolds -  Conclusion ?  Mesenchymal stem cells and osteogenesis -  Bone tissue -  Origin of osteoblasts -  Isolation and characterization of bone marrow derived MSC -  In vitro differentiation of MSC into osteoblast lineage cells -  In vivo differentiation of MSC into bone -  Factors and pathways controlling osteoblast differentiation of hMSC -  Defining the relationship between osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation from MSC -  MSC and sex hormones -  Effect of aging on osteoblastogenesis -  Conclusion ?  Embryonic, foetal and adult stem cells in osteogenesis -  Cell-based therapies for bone -  Specific features of bone cells needed to be advantageous for clinical use -  Development of therapeutic biological agents -  Clinical application concerns -  Conclusion ?  Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), growth factors and osteogenesis -  PRP effects in vitro on the cells involved in bone repair -  PRP effects on osteoblasts -  PRP effects on osteoclasts -  PRP effects on endothelial cells -  PRP effects in vivo on experimental animals -  The clinical use of PRP for bone repair -  Non-union -  Distraction osteogenesis -  Spinal fusion -  Foot and ankle surgery -  Total knee arthroplasty -  Odontostomatology and maxillofacial surgery -  Conclusion ?  Molecular control of osteogenesis -  TGF-β signalling -  FGF signalling -  IGF signalling -  PDGF signalling -  MAPK signalling pathway -  Wnt signalling pathway -  Hedgehog signalling -  Notch signalling -  Ephrin signalling -  Transcription factors regulating osteoblast differentiation -  Conclusion ?  Summary This invited review covers research areas of central importance for orthopaedic and maxillofacial bone tissue repair, including normal fracture healing and healing problems, biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering, mesenchymal and foetal stem cells, effects of sex steroids on mesenchymal stem cells, use of platelet-rich plasma for tissue repair, osteogenesis and its molecular markers. A variety of cells in addition to stem cells, as well as advances in materials science to meet specific requirements for bone and soft tissue regeneration by addition of bioactive molecules, are discussed.


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Autologous brain cell transplantation might be useful for repairing lesions and restoring function of the central nervous system. We have demonstrated that adult monkey brain cells, obtained from cortical biopsy and kept in culture for a few weeks, exhibit neural progenitor characteristics that make them useful for brain repair. Following MPTP treatment, primates were dopamine depleted but asymptomatic. Autologous cultured cells were reimplanted into the right caudate nucleus of the donor monkey. Four months after reimplantation, histological analysis by stereology and TH immunolabeling showed that the reimplanted cells successfully survived, bilaterally migrated in the whole striatum, and seemed to have a neuroprotection effect over time. These results may add a new strategy to the field of brain neuroprotection or regeneration and could possibly lead to future clinical applications.


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We present a method for using long-term organotypic slice co-cultures of the entorhino-hippocampal formation to analyze the axon-regenerative properties of a determined compound. The culture method is based on the membrane interphase method, which is easy to perform and is generally reproducible. The degree of axonal regeneration after treatment in lesioned cultures can be seen directly using green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic mice or by axon tracing and histological methods. Possible changes in cell morphology after pharmacological treatment can be determined easily by focal in vitro electroporation. The well-preserved cytoarchitectonics in the co-culture facilitate the analysis of identified cells or regenerating axons. The protocol takes up to a month.


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We have compared by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting the expression and distribution of adhesion molecules participating in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions during embryonic development and regeneration of rat liver. Fibronectin and the fibronectin receptor, integrin alpha 5 beta 1, were distributed pericellularly and expressed at a steady level during development from the 16th day of gestation and in neonate and adult liver. AGp110, a nonintegrin fibronectin receptor was first detected on the 17th day of gestation in a similar, nonpolarized distribution on parenchymal cell surfaces. At that stage of development haemopoiesis is at a peak in rat liver and fibronectin and receptors alpha 5 beta 1 and AGp110 were prominent on the surface of blood cell precursors. During the last 2 d of gestation (20th and 21st day) hepatocytes assembled around lumina. AGp110 was initially depolarized on the surface of these acinar cells but then confined to the lumen and to newly-formed bile canaliculi. At birth, a marked increase occurred in the canalicular expression of AGp110 and in the branching of the canalicular network. Simultaneously, there was enhanced expression of ZO-1, a protein component of tight junctions. On the second day postpartum, presence of AGp110 and of protein constituents of desmosomes and intermediate junctions, DGI and E-cadherin, respectively, was notably enhanced in cellular fractions insoluble in nonionic detergents, presumably signifying linkage of AGp110 with the cytoskeleton and assembly of desmosomal and intermediate junctions. During liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, AGp110 remained confined to apical surfaces, indicating a preservation of basic polarity in parenchymal cells. A decrease in the extent and continuity of the canalicular network occurred in proliferating parenchyma, starting 24 h after resection in areas close to the terminal afferent blood supply of portal veins and spreading to the rest of the liver within the next 24 h. Distinct acinar structures, similar to the ones in prenatal liver, appeared at 72 h after hepatectomy. Restoration of the normal branching of the biliary tree commenced at 72 h. At 7 d postoperatively acinar formation declined and one-cell-thick hepatic plates, as in normal liver, were observed.


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Although tissue engineering and cell therapies are becoming realistic approaches for medical therapeutics, it is likely that musculoskeletal applications will be among the first to benefit on a large scale. Cell sources for tissue engineering and cell therapies for tendon pathologies are reviewed with an emphasis on small defect tendon injuries as seen in the hand which could adapt well to injectable cell administration. Specifically, cell sources including tenocytes, tendon sheath fibroblasts, bone marrow or adipose-derived stem cells, amniotic cells, placenta cells and platelet-derivatives have been proposed to enhance tendon regeneration. The associated advantages and disadvantages for these different strategies will be discussed and evolving regulatory requirements for cellular therapies will also be addressed. Human progenitor tenocytes, along with their clinical cell banking potential, will be presented as an alternative cell source solution. Similar cell banking techniques have already been described with other progenitor cell types in the 1950's for vaccine production, and these "old" cell types incite potentially interesting therapeutic options that could be improved with modern innovation for tendon regeneration and repair.


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Many cell types are currently being studied as potential sources of cardiomyocytes for cell transplantation therapy to repair and regenerate damaged myocardium. The question remains as to which progenitor cell represents the best candidate. Bone marrow-derived cells and endothelial progenitor cells have been tested in clinical studies. These cells are safe, but their cardiogenic potential is controversial. The functional benefits observed are probably due to enhanced angiogenesis, reduced ventricular remodeling, or to cytokine-mediated effects that promote the survival of endogenous cells. Human embryonic stem cells represent an unlimited source of cardiomyocytes due to their great differentiation potential, but each step of differentiation must be tightly controlled due to the high risk of teratoma formation. These cells, however, confront ethical barriers and there is a risk of graft rejection. These last two problems can be avoided by using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), which can be autologously derived, but the high risk of teratoma formation remains. Cardiac progenitor cells have the advantage of being cardiac committed, but important questions remain unanswered, such as what is the best marker to identify and isolate these cells? To date the different markers used to identify adult cardiac progenitor cells also recognize progenitor cells that are outside the heart. Thus, it cannot be determined whether the cardiac progenitor cells identified in the adult heart represent resident cells present since fetal life or extracardiac cells that colonized the heart after cardiac injury. Developmental studies have identified markers of multipotent progenitors, but it is unknown whether these markers are specific for adult progenitors when expressed in the adult myocardium. Cardiac regeneration is dependent on the stability of the cells transplanted into the host myocardium and on the electromechanical coupling with the endogenous cells. Finally, the promotion of endogenous regenerative processes by mobilizing endogenous progenitors represents a complementary approach to cell transplantation therapy.


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Thyroid hormones, which play an important role in the development and regeneration of the nervous system, require the presence of specific nuclear T3 receptors (NT3R). In this study we provide evidence that NT3R expression by Schwann cells was up-regulated in response to a loss of axonal contact in vitro and in vivo. In dorsal root ganglia explant cultures, Schwann cells which accompanied axons (nerve fibres) were devoid of NT3R. When Schwann cells were orphaned from axon contact by axon transection, all the nuclei of these cells displayed NT3R immunoreactivity. Similar results were obtained in situ; in adult rat sciatic nerve, Schwann cells which ensheathed healthy axons never expressed NT3R immunoreactivity. After sciatic nerve transection in vivo the nuclei of Schwann cells deprived of axonal contact displayed a clear NT3R immunoreaction.


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Planarians have been established as an ideal model organism for stem cell research and regeneration. Planarian regeneration and homeostasis require an exquisite balancing act between cell death and cell proliferation as new tissues are made (epimorphosis) and existing tissues remodeled (morphallaxis). Some of the genes and mechanisms that control cell proliferation and pattern formation are known. However, studies about cell death during remodeling are few and far between. We have studied the gene Gtdap-1, the planarian ortholog of human death-associated protein-1 or DAP-1. DAP-1 together with DAP-kinase has been identified as a positive mediator of programmed cell death induced by gamma-interferon in HeLa cells. We have found that the gene functions at the interface between autophagy and cell death in the remodeling of the organism that occurs during regeneration and starvation in sexual and asexual races of planarians. Our data suggest that autophagy of existing cells may be essential to fuel the continued proliferation and differentiation of stem cells by providing the necessary energy and building blocks to neoblasts.


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Peripheral nerve regeneration following injury occurs spontaneously, but many of the processes require metabolic energy. The mechanism of energy supply to axons has not previously been determined. In the central nervous system, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1), expressed in oligodendroglia, is critical for supplying lactate or other energy metabolites to axons. In the current study, MCT1 is shown to localize within the peripheral nervous system to perineurial cells, dorsal root ganglion neurons, and Schwann cells by MCT1 immunofluorescence in wild-type mice and tdTomato fluorescence in MCT1 BAC reporter mice. To investigate whether MCT1 is necessary for peripheral nerve regeneration, sciatic nerves of MCT1 heterozygous null mice are crushed and peripheral nerve regeneration was quantified electrophysiologically and anatomically. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) recovery is delayed from a median of 21days in wild-type mice to greater than 38days in MCT1 heterozygote null mice. In fact, half of the MCT1 heterozygote null mice have no recovery of CMAP at 42days, while all of the wild-type mice recovered. In addition, muscle fibers remain 40% more atrophic and neuromuscular junctions 40% more denervated at 42days post-crush in the MCT1 heterozygote null mice than wild-type mice. The delay in nerve regeneration is not only in motor axons, as the number of regenerated axons in the sural sensory nerve of MCT1 heterozygote null mice at 4weeks and tibial mixed sensory and motor nerve at 3weeks is also significantly reduced compared to wild-type mice. This delay in regeneration may be partly due to failed Schwann cell function, as there is reduced early phagocytosis of myelin debris and remyelination of axon segments. These data for the first time demonstrate that MCT1 is critical for regeneration of both sensory and motor axons in mice following sciatic nerve crush.


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Collectively, research aimed to understand the regeneration of certain tissues has unveiled the existence of common key regulators. Knockout studies of the murine Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) transcription factor revealed a misregulation of growth factor signaling, in particular that of transforming growth factor ß-1 (TGF-ßl), which led to alterations of skin wound healing and the growth of its appendages, suggesting it may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. We sought to investigate this further by determining whether NFI-C played a role in liver regeneration. Liver regeneration following two-thirds removal of the liver by partial hepatectomy (PH) is a well-established regenerative model whereby changes elicited in hepatocytes following injury lead to a rapid, phased proliferation. However, mechanisms controlling the action of liver proliferative factors such as transforming growth factor-ßl (TGF-ß1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) remain largely unknown. We show that the absence of NFI-C impaired hepatocyte proliferation due to an overexpression of PAI-1 and the subsequent suppression of urokinase plasminogen (uPA) activity and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) signaling, a potent hepatocyte mitogen. This indicated that NFI-C first acts to promote hepatocyte proliferation at the onset of liver regeneration in wildtype mice. The subsequent transient down regulation of NFI-C, as can be explained by a self- regulatory feedback loop with TGF-ßl, may limit the number of hepatocytes entering the first wave of cell division and/or prevent late initiations of mitosis. Overall, we conclude that NFI-C acts as a regulator of the phased hepatocyte proliferation during liver regeneration. Taken together with NFI-C's actions in other in vivo models of (re)generation, it is plausible that NFI-C may be a general regulator of regenerative processes. - L'ensemble des recherches visant à comprendre la régénération de certains tissus a permis de mettre en évidence l'existence de régulateurs-clés communs. L'étude des souris, dépourvues du gène codant pour le facteur de transcription NFI-C (Nuclear Factor I-C), a montré des dérèglements dans la signalisation de certains facteurs croissance, en particulier du TGF-ßl (transforming growth factor-ßl), ce qui conduit à des altérations de la cicatrisation de la peau et de la croissance des poils et des dents chez ces souris, suggérant que NFI-C pourrait être un régulateur général du processus de régénération. Nous avons cherché à approfondir cette question en déterminant si NFI-C joue un rôle dans la régénération du foie. La régénération du foie, induite par une hépatectomie partielle correspondant à l'ablation des deux-tiers du foie, constitue un modèle de régénération bien établi dans lequel la lésion induite conduit à la prolifération rapide des hépatocytes de façon synchronisée. Cependant, les mécanismes contrôlant l'action de facteurs de prolifération du foie, comme le facteur de croissance TGF-ßl et l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1), restent encore très méconnus. Nous avons pu montrer que l'absence de NFI-C affecte la prolifération des hépatocytes, occasionnée par la surexpression de PAI-1 et par la subséquente suppression de l'activité de la protéine uPA (urokinase plasminogen) et de la signalisation du facteur de croissance des hépatocytes HGF (hepatocyte growth factor), un mitogène puissant des hépatocytes. Cela indique que NFI-C agit en premier lieu pour promouvoir la prolifération des hépatocytes au début de la régénération du foie chez les souris de type sauvage. La subséquente baisse transitoire de NFI-C, pouvant s'expliquer par une boucle rétroactive d'autorégulation avec le facteur TGF-ßl, pourrait limiter le nombre d'hépatocytes qui entrent dans la première vague de division cellulaire et/ou inhiber l'initiation de la mitose tardive. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de conclure que NFI-C agit comme un régulateur de la prolifération des hépatocytes synchrones au cours de la régénération du foie.