997 resultados para Épica medieval castellana


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We present a paleoparasitological analysis of the medieval Zeleniy Yar burial ground of the XII-XII centuries AD located in the northern part of Western Siberia. Parasite eggs, identified as eggs of Opisthorchis felineus, were found in the samples from the pelvic area of a one year old infant buried at the site. Presence of these eggs in the soil samples from the infant’s abdomen suggests that he/she was infected with opisthorchiasis and imply consumption of undercooked fish. Ethnographic records collected among the population of the northern part of Western Siberia reveal numerous cases of feeding raw fish to their children. Zeleniy Yar case of opisthorchiasis suggests that this dietary custom has persisted from at least medieval times.


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Estudi sobre la negació en el castellà antic des d'un punt de vista sincrònic i dins el marc de la gramàtica generativa


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The Minutarium Majus, a register dating from the 13th and 14th centuries, was transferred by the paleographers responsible for its transcription to the Institute of Forensic Science of the University of Lausanne with the aim of enhancing portions of text that had become worn away and illegible. The manuscript had suffered from deterioration and damage for different unknown reasons, but most likely because of the colour instability of the ink, contaminations, storage conditions and repeated human manipulation. A total of 69 areas of text, ranging in size from just a few words to full pages, were photographically recorded under both white and ultraviolet (UV) light illumination. UV illumination observed in the visible range proved to be efficient in detecting the writings. Most of the texts could thus be successfully transcribed by the paleographers. The technique proved to be extremely useful for the exposure of damaged medieval writings.


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Breu estudi comparatiu dels contes La serp que atemoreix, La pedra preciosa i La rata transformada en dona, de la versió àrab d'Ibn al-Muqaffa', la verió catalana de Ramon Llull a Llibre de meravelles i Llibre de les bèsties i la versió castellana de Calila e Dimna del 1252.


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Aquest treball estudia els fenòmens de contacte de llengües que apareixen a la llengua oral catalana d'una mostra d'adolescents de primera llengua castellana de Manlleu en dos punts temporals (6è de primària i 1r d'ESO) i compara els resultats obtinguts amb dos estudis precedents (Vila, 1996; Galindo, 2006)


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La novel·la de Günter Grass Unkenrufe, que presenta una visió negativa de la reunificació alemanya en el marc dels conflictes ancestrals entre polonesos i alemanys, ofereix una gran quantitat de dades per a l’estudi del tractament traductor de la dimensió emocional d’un text. Partint d’una anàlisi exhaustiva de tota l’obra, el treball se centra en vint microsegments representatius d’un sentiment i una actitud que guarden correlació: l’enuig i la ironia del narrador envers la història fictícia de la novel·la i la real de l’Alemanya de finals dels vuitanta. L’objectiu és estudiar aquests dos aspectes centrals de l’obra a les versions catalana i castellana d’Unkenrufe i determinar, per mitjà de la detecció i anàlisi de les divergències d’intensitat, si les traduccions reforcen, atenuen o mantenen l’enuig i la ironia del narrador. Els resultats de l’anàlisi, que aplica eines lexicogràfiques i corpus d’ús de la llengua, apunten cap a una tendència del narrador de la traducció castellana a mostrar-se menys irònic.


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How persistent are cultural traits? This paper uses data on anti-Semitism in Germany and finds continuity at the local level over more than half a millennium. When the Black Death hit Europe in 1348-50, killing between one third and one half of the population, its cause was unknown. Many contemporaries blamed the Jews. Cities all over Germany witnessed mass killings of their Jewish population. At the same time, numerous Jewish communities were spared these horrors. We use plague pogroms as an indicator for medieval anti-Semitism. Pogroms during the Black Death are a strong and robust predictor of violence against Jews in the 1920s, and of votes for the Nazi Party. In addition, cities that saw medieval anti-Semitic violence also had higher deportation rates for Jews after 1933, were more likely to see synagogues damaged or destroyed in the Night of Broken Glass in 1938, and their inhabitants wrote more anti-Jewish letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer.


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Descripció de la muralla medieval del segle XIV del Mercadal a la ciutat de Girona


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This volume reflects a variegated and fruitful dialogue between classical and medieval philologists and historians of science, philosophy, literature and language as well as of medicine - the diverse range of interests that the history of medicine in the Graeco-Roman world and the medieval West continues to stimulate and draw on. A recurrent theme is the transformation of medical knowledge in different languages, literary forms and cultural milieux. Several papers concern editorial work in progress on unpublished texts, available only in manuscript or early printed editions. Ce recueil met en dialogue des spécialistes des textes médicaux latins de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge. Certaines analyses adoptent une approche sociolinguistique, d'autres s'intéressent à des questions de transmission et de réception, d'autres enfin livrent des études sur le lexique médical. Mais toutes concourent à éclairer une histoire culturelle de la médecine qui s'inscrit dans un monde en mutation. With a preface by D. R. Langslow, and contributions by M. Baldin, J. P. Barragán Nieto, P. P. Conde Parrado, D. Crismani, M. Cronier, C. de la Rosa Cubo, A. Ferraces Rodríguez, K.-D. Fischer, P. Gaillard-Seux, A. García González, V. Gitton-Ripoll, G. Haverling, F. Le Blay, B. Maire, G. Marasco, A. I. Martín Ferreira, I. Mazzini, F. Messina, Ph. Mudry, V. Nutton, M. Pardon-Labonnelie, R. Passarella, M. J. Pérez Ibáñez, S. Sconocchia, A. M. Urso, M. E. Vázquez Buján, and H. von Staden.


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Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 71


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Référence bibliographique : Weigert, 82