947 resultados para  adsorption


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The objective of this work was to assess the effects of pH and ionic strength upon zinc adsorption, in three highly weathered variable charge soils. Adsorption isotherms were elaborated from batch adsorption experiments, with increasing Zn concentrations (0-80 mg L-1), and adsorption envelopes were constructed through soil samples reactions with 0.01, 0.1 and 1 mol L-1 Ca(NO3)2 solutions containing 5 mg L-1 of Zn, with an increasing pH value from 3 to 8. Driving force of reaction was quantified by Gibbs free energy and separation factor. Isotherms were C-, H- and L-type and experimental results were fitted to nonlinear Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption ranged from 59-810 mg kg-1, and Zn affinity was greater in subsoil (0.13-0.81 L kg-1) than in the topsoil samples (0.01-0.34 L kg-1). Zinc adsorption was favorable and spontaneous, and showed sharply increase (20-90%) in the 4-6 pH range. No effect of ionic strength was observed at pH values below 5, because specific adsorption mechanisms predominated in the 3-5 pH range. Above pH 5, and in subsoil samples, Zn was adsorbed by electrostatic mechanisms, since ionic strength effect was observed. Despite depth and ionic strength effects, Zn adsorption depends mainly on the pH.


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It is now well accepted that cellular responses to materials in a biological medium reflect greatly the adsorbed biomolecular layer, rather than the material itself. Here, we study by molecular dynamics simulations the competitive protein adsorption on a surface (Vroman effect), i.e. the non-monotonic behavior of the amount of protein adsorbed on a surface in contact with plasma as functions of contact time and plasma concentration. We find a complex behavior, with regimes during which small and large proteins are not necessarily competing between them, but are both competing with others in solution ("cooperative" adsorption). We show how the Vroman effect can be understood, controlled and inverted.


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In this work the adsorption mechanisms of atomic and molecular oxygen on Cu(100) surface are studied using ab initio simulation methods. Through the atomistic scale under-standing of the elementary oxidation processes we can further understand the large-scale oxidation. Copper is a material widely used in industry which makes it an interesting subject, and also understanding the oxidation of copper helps us understand the oxidation mechanism of other metals. First we have a look on some theory on surface alloys in general and behaviour of Ag on Cu(100) surface. After that the physical background there is behind the methods of density functional calculations are discussed, and some methods, namely potential energy surfaces and molecular dynamics, are introduced. Then there is a brief look on the numerical details used in the calculations, and after that, the results of the simulations are exhibited.


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Tässä työssä on tutkittu kuparin (510)-askelpinnan reaktiivisuutta käyttäen apuna kvanttimekaanisia ab initio laskentamenetelmiä. Tutkimus on toteutettu laskemalla happiatomin adsorptioenergia ja tilatiheys erilaisissa potentiaalisissa adsorptiopaikoissa pinnalla. Myös happimolekyylin adsorptiota ja hajoamista ontarkasteltu laskemalla pintaa lähestyvälle molekyylille potentiaalienergiapintoja. Energiapintojen tuloksia on myös täydennetty kvanttimekaanisilla molekyylidynamiikkalaskuilla. Metallisia askelpintoja pidetään yleisesti sileitä pintoja reaktiivisempina happea kohtaan, johtuen askeleen reunan pienentävästä vaikutuksesta molekyylin hajoamisen tiellä olevaan energiavaliin. On kuitenkin olemassa myös tuloksia, jotka osoittavat hapen tarttumisprosessin olevan hallitseva juuri terassialueella, askeleen reunan sijasta. Tässä työssä on todettu hapen adsorboituvan Cu(510)-pinnalla tehokkaimmin juuri terassilla olevaan hollow-paikkaan. Myös adsorptioenergiat ovat tällä pinnalla pienempiä kuin sileällä (100)-pinnalla. Potentiaalienergiapintojen perusteella Cu(510)-pinnan todetaan myös olevan vähemmän reaktiivinen kuin askelpintojen yleisesti odotetaan olevan, vaikka askeleen reunan todetaankin pienentävän happiatominhajoamisen esteenä olevaa energiavallia.


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Kuparipinnan hapettuminen on viimevuosina ollut suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteissä kuparin laajan teollisuuskäytön vuoksi. Teollisuussovellusten, kuten suojaavien pintaoksidien kehittäminen vaatii kuitenkin syvällistä tuntemusta hapettumisprosessista ja toisaalta myös normaaliolosuhteissa materiaalissa esiintyvien hilavirheiden vaikutuksesta siihen. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin tutkimaan juuri niitä mekanismeja, joilla erilaiset pintavirheet ja porrastettu pintarakenne vaikuttavathapen adsorptioprosessiin kuparipinnalla. Tutkimus on tehty käyttämällä laskennallisia menetelmiä sekä VASP- ja SIESTA-ohjelmistoja. Työssätutkittiin kemiallisia ja rakenteellisia virheitä Cu(100)-pinnalla, joka on reaktiivisin matalanMillerin indeksin pinta ja porrastetun pinnan tutkimuksessa käytettiin Cu(211)-pintaa, joka puolestaan on yksinkertainen, stabiili ja aiemmissa tutkimuksissa usein käytetty pintarakenne. Työssä tutkitut hilavirheet, adatomit, vähentävät molekyylin dissosiaatiota kuparipinnalla, kun taas vakanssit toimivat dissosiaation keskuksina. Kemiallisena epäpuhtautena käytetty hopeakerros ei estä kuparin hapettumista, sillä happi aiheuttaa mielenkiintoisen segregaatioilmiön, jossa hopeatyöntyy syvemmälle pinnassa jättäen kuparipinnan suojaamattomaksi. Porrastetulla pinnalla (100)-hollow on todennäköisin paikka molekyylin dissosiaatiolle, kun taas portaan bridge-paikka on suotuisin molekulaariselle adsorptiolle. Lisäksi kuparin steppipinnan todettiin olevan reaktiivisempi kuin tasaiset kuparipinnat.


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The concept of conditional stability constant is extended to the competitive binding of small molecules to heterogeneous surfaces or macromolecules via the introduction of the conditional affinity spectrum (CAS). The CAS describes the distribution of effective binding energies experienced by one complexing agent at a fixed concentration of the rest. We show that, when the multicomponent system can be described in terms of an underlying affinity spectrum [integral equation (IE) approach], the system can always be characterized by means of a CAS. The thermodynamic properties of the CAS and its dependence on the concentration of the rest of components are discussed. In the context of metal/proton competition, analytical expressions for the mean (conditional average affinity) and the variance (conditional heterogeneity) of the CAS as functions of pH are reported and their physical interpretation discussed. Furthermore, we show that the dependence of the CAS variance on pH allows for the analytical determination of the correlation coefficient between the binding energies of the metal and the proton. Nonideal competitive adsorption isotherm and Frumkin isotherms are used to illustrate the results of this work. Finally, the possibility of using CAS when the IE approach does not apply (for instance, when multidentate binding is present) is explored. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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An analytical approach for the interpretation of multicomponent heterogeneous adsorption or complexation isotherms in terms of multidimensional affinity spectra is presented. Fourier transform, applied to analyze the corresponding integral equation, leads to an inversion formula which allows the computation of the multicomponent affinity spectrum underlying a given competitive isotherm. Although a different mathematical methodology is used, this procedure can be seen as the extension to multicomponent systems of the classical Sips’s work devoted to monocomponent systems. Furthermore, a methodology which yields analytical expressions for the main statistical properties (mean free energies of binding and covariance matrix) of multidimensional affinity spectra is reported. Thus, the level of binding correlation between the different components can be quantified. It has to be highlighted that the reported methodology does not require the knowledge of the affinity spectrum to calculate the means, variances, and covariance of the binding energies of the different components. Nonideal competitive consistent adsorption isotherm, widely used in metal/proton competitive complexation to environmental macromolecules, and Frumkin competitive isotherms are selected to illustrate the application of the reported results. Explicit analytical expressions for the affinity spectrum as well as for the matrix correlation are obtained for the NICCA case. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Tässä työssä on tutkittu ammoniakin ja hiilidioksidin erottamista adsorptio prosessilla ja suunniteltiin paineen muunteluun perustuvan adsorptioprosessin (PSA) käyttöä. Työn tarkoituksena oli laskea adsorptioon perustuvan prosessin kannattavuus melamiinitehtaan poistokaasujen erotuksessa. Tätä varten työssä suunniteltiin tehdasmitta-kaavainen prosessi ja arvioitiin sen kannattavuus. Työssä mitattiin adsorptiotasapainot, joiden perusteella sovitettiin sopiva kokeellinen adsorptioisotermi. Adsorptioisotermi lisättiin simulointiohjelmaan, jonka avulla suunniteltiin kaksi vaihtoehtoista pilot laitteistoa kaasujen erottamiseksi. Toisella pilot laitteistolla saadaan mitattua vain läpäisykäyrät, mutta paremmalla versiolla saadaan myös tietoa erotettujen komponenttien puhtaudesta. Suunnittelun tärkeimpiä lähtökohtia on molempien komponenttien mahdollisimman korkea puhtaus ja talteenottoaste. Täysimittakaavainen tehdas suunniteltiin simulointiohjelmiston avulla kahdelle eri kapasiteetille ja arvioitiin niiden kustannukset ja kannattavuus. Adsorptioprosessit osoittautuivat kannattaviksi kaasuseoksen erottamisessa kummassakin tapauksessa


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Kuparipinnan hapettumisen alkuvaiheet ovat vielä nykyisin tutkijoille epäselviä. Kuitenkin, jotta hapettumisprosessia voitaisiin säädellä, on sangen tärkeää ymmärtää mistä varsinainen hapettuminen lähtee liikkeelle ja mitkä ovat hapettumisen seuraavat vaiheet. Tähän kysymykseen haetaan vastauksia tässä työssä käyttäen puhtaasti teoreettisia menetelmiä pinnan käsittelyssä. Aikaisempien teoreettisten ja kokeellisten tutkimusten välillä on pieni ristiriita liittyen hapen tarttumistodennäköisyyteen. Teoreettisten tutkimusten mukaan happi ei puhtaalle pinnalle tullessaan näe potentiaalivallia, mutta kokeelliset tutkimukset osoittavat sellaisen kuitenkin olevan. Tuohon ristiriitaan pureudutaan käyttäen aikaisemmista laskuista poikkeavaa kvanttimekaaniseen molekyylidynamiikkaan perustuvaa lähestymistapaa. Työssä havaitaan, että aikaisemmin yleisesti käytetty menetelmä hukkaa huomattavan määrän tietoa ja siten tutkijat eivät voi ainoastaan tyytyä tarkastelemaan kyseisellä menetelmällä saatuja tuloksia. Kuparipinnalle havaittiin, että korkeilla molekyylin kineettisen energian arvolla aikaisemmin suoritetut laskut hajottavista trajektoreista pitävät paikkansa, mutta matalilla kineettisen energian arvoilla molekyyli kohtaa erittäin voimakkaan ``steering'' vaikutuksen ja trajektorit joiden piti olla hajottavia johtavatkin molekulaariseen adsorptioon. Kun hapen konsentraatio pinnalla on suurempi kuin 0.5 ML, pinta rekonstruoituu. Myös rekonstruktion jälkeistä pintaa on tutkittu samanlaisilla menetelmillä kuin puhdasta pintaa. Rekonstruoituneelle pinnalle ei löydetty hajottavia trajektoreita ja havaittiin, että hapelle annetun kineettisen energian matalilla arvoilla myös tässä tapauksessa on erittäin voimakas ``steering'' vaikutus.


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Slab and cluster model spin-polarized calculations have been carried out to study various properties of isolated first-row transition metal atoms adsorbed on the anionic sites of the regular MgO(100) surface. The calculated adsorption energies follow the trend of the metal cohesive energies, indicating that the changes in the metal-support and metal-metal interactions along the series are dominated by atomic properties. In all cases, except for Ni at the generalized gradient approximation level, the number of unpaired electron is maintained as in the isolated metal atom. The energy required to change the atomic state from high to low spin has been computed using the PW91 and B3LYP density-functional-theory-based methods. PW91 fails to predict the proper ground state of V and Ni, but the results for the isolated and adsorbed atom are consistent within the method. B3LYP properly predicts the ground state of all first-row transition atom the high- to low-spin transition considered is comparable to experiment. In all cases, the interaction with the surface results in a reduced high- to low-spin transition energy.


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We report a Lattice-Boltzmann scheme that accounts for adsorption and desorption in the calculation of mesoscale dynamical properties of tracers in media of arbitrary complexity. Lattice Boltzmann simulations made it possible to solve numerically the coupled Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics and Nernst-Planck equations of electrokinetics in complex, heterogeneous media. With the moment propagation scheme, it became possible to extract the effective diffusion and dispersion coefficients of tracers, or solutes, of any charge, e.g., in porous media. Nevertheless, the dynamical properties of tracers depend on the tracer-surface affinity, which is not purely electrostatic and also includes a species-specific contribution. In order to capture this important feature, we introduce specific adsorption and desorption processes in a lattice Boltzmann scheme through a modified moment propagation algorithm, in which tracers may adsorb and desorb from surfaces through kinetic reaction rates. The method is validated on exact results for pure diffusion and diffusion-advection in Poiseuille flows in a simple geometry. We finally illustrate the importance of taking such processes into account in the time-dependent diffusion coefficient in a more complex porous medium.


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Mercury (II) adsorption studies in top soils (top 10 cm) from the Rio Negro basin show this process depends strongly on some selected parameters of the aqueous phase in contact with the soils. Maximum adsorption occurred in the pH range 3.0-5.0 (>90%). Dissolved organic matter shows an inhibitory effect on the availability of Hg (II) to be adsorbed by the soils, whereas a higher chloride content of the solution resulted in a lower adsorption of Hg (II) at pH 5.0. Soils with higher organic matter content were less affected by changes in the salinity. An increase in the initial Hg (II) concentration increased the amount of Hg (II) adsorbed by the soil and decreased the time needed to reach equilibrium. A Freundlich isotherm provided a good model for Hg (II) adsorption in the two types of soil studied. The kinetics of Hg (II) adsorption on Amazonian soils showed to be very fast and followed pseudo-second order kinetics. An environmental implication of these results is discussed under the real scenario present in the Negro River basin, where acidic waters are in contact with a soil naturally rich in mercury.


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We studied the adsorption of glyphosate (GPS) onto soil mineral particles, using FT-IR and Mössbauer spectroscopy. From IR measurements for samples collected under native vegetation of a forest reserve, bands at 1632 and 1407 cm-1 could be attributed to the interaction between the carboxylic group of GPS and structural Al3+ and Fe3+ on the surface of mineral particles; bands at 1075 and 1000 cm-1 were observed only for cultivated soil. Mössbauer spectra for these soils were definitely fitted using a broad central doublet in addition to the magnetic component. This multiple quadrupolar component may be attributed to all non-magnetic Fe3+ contributions, including that of the GPS/Fe3+ complex.


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In this study Ucides cordatus crab shells were utilized as Fe (II) sorbent as material of low cost and simple preparation. Values of pH of standard solution, biosorbent mass, particles size, contact time (t c) and initial concentration of the standard solution were optimized. The best conditions were pH = 2.00, t c = 840 min and Mc = 0.25 g. The kinetic pseudo first-order model displayed the best description of the adsorption process and the equilibrium study showed that the Langmuir model better describes the adsorption of the Fe (II). There is great affinity between the Fe (II) and the biosorbent.