896 resultados para <2 cm
飞播是毛乌素沙地植被恢复与重建的重要手段。但此项技术仍存在一些问题,如飞播后成苗率较低等。柠条(Caragana korshinskii)、羊柴(Hedysarum laeve)、籽蒿(Artimisia sphaerocephala)与油蒿(Artimisia ordosica)是毛乌素沙地广泛分布的物种,也是飞播的主要物种。本文以飞播植被恢复技术为突破口,研究沙埋和土壤水分对种子萌发,幼苗出土和生长的影响,探讨幼苗出土和生长对沙生环境的适应对策。对采用合适的物种进行生态工程建设,提高生态工程的稳定性及可持续性具有重要意义。同时,本项研究有助于加深半干旱区植物对沙生环境适应机理的认识。 以上述4种植物为研究对象,设定7个沙埋深度和9个水分梯度,研究种子萌发和幼苗出土对沙埋和单次供水的响应。设定7个沙埋深度,选择3个沙丘部位,研究沙丘不同部位对植物种子萌发的影响。设定6个沙埋深度、4个水分梯度,研究两种蒿属植物幼苗生长对不同沙埋和供水的响应。得出如下主要结论: (1) 对于种子质量相对较大的柠条和羊柴而言,在一次性10-20 mm供水量条件下,幼苗主要在0.5-2 cm埋藏深度之间出土,但在埋藏深度为5 cm时这两个物种仍有少部分幼苗能够出土;对于种子质量相对较轻的油蒿和籽蒿而言,在一次性10-20 mm供水量时,幼苗主要在0.5 cm埋藏深度出土,油蒿和籽蒿幼苗在埋藏深度为1.5和2 cm时不能出苗。沙埋深度为0.5 cm时,4个物种出苗率较高、出苗时间较短、出苗速率较快。 (2) 实验期内(30天)在一次性供水量分别为5、7.5和7.5mm时,柠条、羊柴和油蒿出土幼苗全部死亡;在一次性供水量高于15-20 mm时,出土幼苗死亡率低于50%;籽蒿在供水量高于10 mm时出土幼苗死亡率低于50%;随供水量的增加4个物种出土幼苗的死亡率降低。 (3) 结合毛乌素沙地降雨特点与本文实验结果,0.5 cm的沙埋及7.5 mm以上的单次降雨量是上述4种植物自然条件下出苗较高的重要条件。 (4) 在沙丘顶部,2-7 cm沙埋深度之内各个物种不同沙埋深度的种子萌发率差异不显著。沙丘背风坡中部和底部,4个物种在沙埋深度为1 cm时的种子萌发率均显著高于5、7 cm时的萌发率。当沙埋深度为1-5 cm时,柠条和羊柴种子在坡面不同位置的萌发率均高于20%,且显著高于7 cm沙埋深度时的萌发率。在背风坡底部时,柠条、羊柴、油蒿和籽蒿的种子萌发率达到最大值,分别为45.2±3.27%、48.4±5.21%、20.8±4.63%和22.4±4.83%。4个物种的种子萌发率从沙丘顶部到背风坡中部到底部呈递增趋势,表明背风坡中部和底部的环境条件要比顶部更适合种子萌 发。 (5) 部分沙埋促进幼苗生长。2种蒿属植物幼苗在沙埋深度为0.25、0.5 H时比在0、0.75 H时具有更高的生物量、叶面积、相对生长速率(RGR)和净同化速率(NAR)。在75 mm/月供水量时,油蒿幼苗具有较高的生物量和叶面积,但当供水量达到100 mm/月时其幼苗生长受到抑制。油蒿幼苗在遭遇较深(0.5、0.75 H)沙埋时的根冠比要显著高于未沙埋幼苗的根冠比;籽蒿幼苗根冠比在不同沙埋条件下没有显著变化。籽蒿幼苗在50 mm供水量时具有较高的RGR。油蒿幼苗在75 mm供水量时具有较高的RGR和NAR。
Cultured Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Scampi; 30-40 g) in headless shell-on form was stored in ice (Prawn:ice=1:2) in a plywood box insulated with 2 cm thick expanded polystyrene and subjected to detailed examination of quality by chemical, microbiological and organoleptic evaluation at regular intervals to assess the storage life. The prime quality life of prawns in ice was found to be 8 days followed by a phase of lowered quality, but still acceptable till the end of 13 days.
A complete optical system model has been developed and used to assess chirped fibre Bragg grating dispersion compensators. Gratings suitable for dispersion compensation in both laser based and modulator based optical communications systems have been modelled. A grating 10 cm in length has been shown to permit virtually dispersion free transmission over 425 km, when used in an externally modulated system. Long haul dispersion compensation using several 2 cm gratings spaced at intervals along the fibre is also modelled, illustrating viable 10Gbit/s transmission over a distance in excess of 168 km.
A brief description is given of experimental rearing of the red alga G. lichenoides using a coir net frame method. Frames of 1x1 m were made and tied to bamboo poles which were planted in water; the frame was fixed at a level about 1 ft below the water level. 2 cm fragments were used as propagating material. Plants were found to grow more luxuriantly and were more greenish than using other methods, and in addition were free from extraneous matter such as sand. The regeneration time of the plant is low, and it reaches marketable size in 3-4 months.
Predatory behaviour of Nandus nandus was studied by offering Cyprinus carpio as prey. The study was conducted with six N. namdus (8.2 ±0.2 cm and 7.60 ±0.3g) represented as P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4, P 5 and P 6. Three size categories of prey (C. carpio) such as small (2.0 ±0.1 cm and 0.23 ±0.01g), large (3.6 ±0.1 cm and 0.57 ±O.O.lg) and mixed group consisting of both small and large prey were used for 14 days of trial. Predatory behavior was classified as targeting, driving, catching, handling, resting and next attempt of catching prey. After introduction of prey into the aquarium predators followed the movement of preys by eye movements and tried to target smaller one first. The predator grasped the head of the prey by its jaws by a drive and engulfed it wholly into the mouth. The average handling time (time taken to manipulate and swallow prey from capture to ceasation of pharyngeal movement) was 42±2 sec and 47±2 sec for small and large prey respectively. N. nandus were ingested more small prey than large prey though the size classes were equally available in case of mixed prey used. Although the prey consumption was higher in number when small prey were ingested but in weight the consumption was higher when ingested large size of prey. The study indicated that N. nandus, ingested more small prey and grasped the headfirst.
Terapon jarbua is a widely distributed species in Pakistani inshore waters. It is well cherished by local coastal population. Present study is an attempt to determine some parameters of the population dynamics of the species in Pakistani waters. Analysis of data shows that the species attains asymptotic length (Loo) at 33.2 cm and have growth curve (K) of 0.62. Total mortality coefficient (Z) comes to 1. 67 per year, natural mortality coefficient (M) is estimated as 1.23 per year. The fishing mortality (F) is about 0.44 per year; whereas exploitation rate E=0.26.
The reproductive biology of Catla catla (Hamilton-Buchanan) in the Udawalawe reservoir was studied from June 2007 to December 2008. Samples of eggs from Indian major carp C. catla were collected from fish landed in the reservoir and analysed in the laboratory to assess the reproductive characteristics. C. catla. Cirrhinus mrigala, exotic Cichlids and Labeo rohita accounted for 62.2%, 21.0%, 12% and 1.0% respectively of the total landings in the Udawalawe reservoir during the study period. Gonads of C. catla were collected in the field and examined in the laboratory to determine the stage of maturity and fecundity. Data on fish length and gonad weight were collected to estimate the gonado-somatic indices (OSI). Landed catches were also examined in the field to determine the sex ratio of C. catla in the catch and was found to be 1:5.6 male to female. Results of fecundity estimates revealed that C. catla females in the Udawalwe reservoir were fully mature in June and October of the year. From the monthly variation of OSI, two recruitment pulses per year were evident. The length of the body at first maturity in female C. catla in the Udawalwe reservoir was estimated to be 74.2 cm.
本文以宁夏银川二代林网中林分和害虫调查资料为基础 ,研究了二代林网主要蛀干害虫——光肩星天牛 (Anoplophora glabripennis Mostch)和木蠹蛾 [Cossus cossus ori-entalis Gaede &H olcocerus vicarius(Walker) ]分别在新疆杨林和刺槐林中因不同的树龄、径粗、林向、郁闭度、林地类型 (林缘和林内 )而呈现出的相应发生特点和为害特性。结果显示 ,新疆杨大于 6年生、胸径超过 1 2 cm径阶受光肩星天牛危害频率高 ;实验用片林林缘到林内 2 m范围内新疆杨受光肩星天牛危害显著高于林内 ,而东、西、南、北 4个方向 ,以东边受害最轻 ;与其它树种组成的混交林林缘同样重于林内。刺槐易受木蠹蛾危害的树龄和径节分别是 6 a~ 1 2 a和 1 2 cm~ 2 0 cm;刺槐片林无论是纯林还是混交林均为林缘重于林内。以上蛀干害虫对树龄和径粗均有较强的一致性选择
Reducing excessive light harvesting in photosynthetic organisms may increase biomass yields by limiting photoinhibition and increasing light penetration in dense cultures. The cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 harvests light via the phycobilisome, which consists of an allophycocyanin core and six radiating rods, each with three phycocyanin (PC) discs. Via targeted gene disruption and alterations to the promoter region, three mutants with two (pcpcT→C) and one (ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C) PC discs per rod or lacking PC (olive) were generated. Photoinhibition and chlorophyll levels decreased upon phycobilisome reduction, although greater penetration of white light was observed only in the PC-deficient mutant. In all strains cultured at high cell densities, most light was absorbed by the first 2 cm of the culture. Photosynthesis and respiration rates were also reduced in the ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C and olive mutants. Cell size was smaller in the pcpcT→C and olive strains. Growth and biomass accumulation were similar between the wild-type and pcpcT→C under a variety of conditions. Growth and biomass accumulation of the olive mutant were poorer in carbon-saturated cultures but improved in carbon-limited cultures at higher light intensities, as they did in the ΔCpcC1C2:pcpcT→C mutant. This study shows that one PC disc per rod is sufficient for maximal light harvesting and biomass accumulation, except under conditions of high light and carbon limitation, and two or more are sufficient for maximal oxygen evolution. To our knowledge, this study is the first to measure light penetration in bulk cultures of cyanobacteria and offers important insights into photobioreactor design.
Raman scattering study on Ga1-xMnxAs prepared by Mn ions implantation, deposition and post-annealing
Raman scattering measurements have been performed in Ga1-xMnxAs crystals prepared by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing. The Raman spectrum measured from the implanted surface of the sample shows some weak phonon modes in addition to GaAs-like phonon modes, where the GaAs-like LO and TO phonons are found to be shifted by approximately 4 and 2 cm(-1), respectively, in the lower frequency direction compared to those observed from the unimplanted surface of the sample. The weak vibrational modes observed are assigned to hausmannite Mn3O4 like. The coupled LO-phonon plasmon mode (CLOPM), and defects and As related vibrational modes caused by Mn ions implantation, deposition, and post-annealing are also observed. The compositional dependence of GaAs-like LO phonon frequency is developed for strained and unstrained conditions and then using the observed LOGaAs peak, the Mn composition is evaluated to be 0.034. Furthermore, by analyzing the intensity of CLOPM and unscreened LOGaAs phonon mode, the hole density is evaluated to be 1.84 x 10(18) cm(-3). (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
ZnO thin films were grown by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition using methanol as oxidant. Rapid thermal annealing (RTA) was performed in an ambient of one atmosphere oxygen at 900 degrees C for 60 s. The RTA properties of the films have been characterized using scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, photoluminescence spectra and Hall measurement. The grains of the film were well coalesced and the surface became denser after RTA. The full-width at half maximum of rocking curves was only 496 arcsec. The ZnO films were also proved to have good optical quality. The Hall mobility increased to 43.2 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) while the electron concentration decreased to 6.6 x 10(16) cm(-3). It is found that methanol is a potential oxidant for ZnO growth and the quality of ZnO film can be improved substantially through RTA.
Transport phenomena in radial flow metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor with three concentric vertical inlets are studied by two-dimensional numerical modeling. By varying the parameters such as gas pressure, flow rates combination of multi-inlets, geometric shapes and sizes of reactor and flow distributor, temperatures of susceptor and ceiling, and susceptor rotation, the corresponding velocity, temperature, and concentration fields inside the reactor are obtained; the onset and change of flow recirculation cells under influences of those parameters are determined. It is found that recirculation cells, originated from flow separation near the bend of reactor inlets, are affected mainly by the reactor height and shape, the operating pressure, the flow rates combination of multi-inlets, and the mean temperature between susceptor and ceiling. By increasing the flow rate of mid-inlet and the mean temperature, decreasing the pressure, maintaining the reactor height below certain criteria, and trimming the bends of reactor wall and flow distributor to streamlined shape, the recirculation cells can be minimized so that smooth and rectilinear flow prevails in the susceptor region, which corresponds to smooth and rectilinear isotherms and larger reactant concentration near the susceptor. For the optimized reactor shape, the reactor size can be enlarged to diameter D = 40 cm and height H = 2 cm without flow recirculation. The susceptor rotation over a few hundred rpm around the reactor central axis will induce the recirculation cell near the exit and deflect the streamlines near the susceptor, which is not the case for vertical reactors. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper reports the study on a field-aided collection in p-on-n GaInP2 top cells. The cells were produced by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy at a low gas pressure. In order to optimize the device configuration, numerical simulations have been performed for the impacts of field-aided collection on the performance of the top cells. On the basis of the modeling results, a modified p(+)-p(-)-n(-)-n(+) configuration is introduced for GaInP2 top cells. This modification has brought out improved photovoltaic performance of the top cells, with conversion efficiency EFF = 14.26% (AM0, 2 x 2 cm(2), 25degreesC). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
本论文研究了 SmVO_3、SmVO_4、Sm_2TiO_5、Sm_2Ti_2O_7、Sm_3Ti_2O_7复合氧化物的制备、结构、电学性质和光学性质。其中Sm_3Ti_2O_7是一种新型的,含有低价钐的复合氧化物。White等人曾试图利用金属钛还原Sm~(3+)为Sm~(2+),制备含有低价钐的钛的复合氧化物,但他们没有成功。我们考虑到钐的还原性比钛强,利用金属钐还原Ti~(4+)为Ti~(3+),制得了Sm_3Ti_2O_7。其反应式为:Sm_2O_3 + Sm + 2TiO_2 → Sm_3Ti_2O_7 (1) 利用X-ray衍射结构分析确定了它的结构为单斜晶系。其晶胞常数为a_0=3.968A,b_0=3.907A,c_0=20.456A,β_0=89.20。从反应式(1)可以看出,钐可以还原四价钛,又可还原三价钐,都能得到Sm_3Ti_2O_7复合氧化物。但钐和钛的价态不同,前者为Sm~(2+)Sm_2~(3+)Ti_2~(3+)O_7,后者为Sm_3~(2+)Ti_2~(4+)O_7。在结构上Sm_3Ti_2O_7与Eu_3~(2+)Ti_2~(4+)O_7不同,电学性质上,四价钛的复合氧化物有很高的电阻率,而三价钛的复合氧化物有较小电阻率的事实,及从光学性质测量存在Ti~(3+)的吸收,说明Sm_3Ti_2O_7是含有低价钐、钛的复合氧化物,其化学式为Sm~(2+)Sm_2~(3+)Ti_2~(3+)O_7。为了研究Sm-V-O、Sm-Ti-O复合物的输运性质,我们测量了它们的电阻率、禁带宽度、温差电动势率及从电阻对温度的依赖关系求出了它们的导电激活能。其中部分的实验结果在文献上未有报导。从实验结果来看,含有低价钒或钛的复合氧化物都有较小的电阻率,其值低于10~2Ω·cm,导电激活能在0.3ev以下;稳定价态的钡或钛复合氧化物有较大的电阻率,其值高于10~6 Ω·cm,导电激活能为2-2.5ev,禁带宽度在3.8ev附近。导电类型的测量表明它们都是p型半异体。对于Sm-V-O、Sm-Ti-O复合物的输运性质的研究,文献上仅仅对简单的钙钛矿结构的复合氧化物做了讨论,而对其它结构的复合氧化物则报导很少。因此我们从过渡元素的价态及配位体的结构、稀土钐的间接影响出发,并结合光学性质讨论了钐、钒、钛复合氧化物的输运过程。我们测量了SmVO_3、Sm_3Ti_2o_7薄膜的吸收光谱和SmVO_4、Sm_2TiO_5、Sm_2Ti_2O_7的粉末反射光谱。为了解释Sm_2TiO_5、Sm_2Ti_2O_7的反射光谱性质,利用EHMO方法,计算了TiO_5~(-6)、TiO_6~(-8)的分子轨道的能量。实验结果与计算值符合较好。
报导了用直流碳弧放电方法制备的多层碳纳米管的喇曼光谱。其红移范围分布在2 cm~(-1)~13 cm~(-1)范围内。