970 resultados para (14)C bomb peak dating


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The traditional method of total excreta collection was applied, using 30 to 40 day old male Ross 308 broiler chickens. One hundred and eight broiler chickens were used, randomly assigned to a 3x3 factorial experimental design. The room temperatures were 14 C (cold), 25 °C (thermoneutral) and 32 °C (hot) and the three diets were 100% maize, 100% sorghum with tannin and 100% sorghum without tannin, with four replicates of each. The digestibility coefficients for the dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, ether extract, mineral matter and nitrogen-free extract were determined. It was observed that all the digestibility coefficients were higher in the hot chamber and lower in the cold chamber, and that these values tended to be higher for maize.


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This investigation was carried out within the Parana sedimentary basin and involved the sampling of 78 pumped tubular wells for evaluating the hydrochemistry and radioactivity due to the nuclides (238)U, (234)U, (222)Ra, (226)Ra, and (228)Ra in the Brazilian part of Guarani aquifer. Several significant correlations were found involving the geostatic pressure, for instance, specific flow rate, CO(3)(2-), SO(4)(2-) temperature, dissolved O(2), free CO(2), pH, redox potential Eh, conductivity, Na, HCO(3)-, CO(3)(2-) , SI(calcite), Cl(-), F(-), SO(4)(2-), and B. Carbonates precipitation was evidenced by inverse correlation between CO(3)(2-) and Ca, Mg, Sr, and Ba, whereas Na exhibited an opposite trend, dissolving rather than precipitating with increasing CO(3)(2-) concentration. An inverse correlation between 3 and K was found, possibly related to the increasing tendency of K to recombine with the thickness of the clayey layers. HCO(3)-played an important role on Na, Ca, Mg, and Sr dissolution. The dissolved U content and (234)U/(238)U activity ratio data were plotted on a two-dimensional diagram that was successfully utilized on identifying an unreported zone of U accumulation, though not necessarily of economic size and grade. The variability in chemical and radionuclides data indicated an important influence of the underlying Paleozoic sediments in the composition of waters from Guarani aquifer. The available data allowed estimate the groundwater residence time by two U-isotopes disequilibrium methods. Values of 45-61 ka were initially calculated, depending on the adopted porosity (15-20%), but a longer residence time (- 640 ka) was also estimated, which is more compatible with the hydraulic conductivity data in Guarani aquifer and groundwater flow velocity occurring at Milk River aquifer, Alberta, Canada. Such time range agrees with previously reported (14)C ages exceeding 30 ka BP at the more central parts of the Parana sedimentary basin. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The performance of 36 models (22 ocean color models and 14 biogeochemical ocean circulation models (BOGCMs)) that estimate depth-integrated marine net primary productivity (NPP) was assessed by comparing their output to in situ (14)C data at the Bermuda Atlantic Time series Study (BATS) and the Hawaii Ocean Time series (HOT) over nearly two decades. Specifically, skill was assessed based on the models' ability to estimate the observed mean, variability, and trends of NPP. At both sites, more than 90% of the models underestimated mean NPP, with the average bias of the BOGCMs being nearly twice that of the ocean color models. However, the difference in overall skill between the best BOGCM and the best ocean color model at each site was not significant. Between 1989 and 2007, in situ NPP at BATS and HOT increased by an average of nearly 2% per year and was positively correlated to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index. The majority of ocean color models produced in situ NPP trends that were closer to the observed trends when chlorophyll-alpha was derived from high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), rather than fluorometric or SeaWiFS data. However, this was a function of time such that average trend magnitude was more accurately estimated over longer time periods. Among BOGCMs, only two individual models successfully produced an increasing NPP trend (one model at each site). We caution against the use of models to assess multiannual changes in NPP over short time periods. Ocean color model estimates of NPP trends could improve if more high quality HPLC chlorophyll-alpha time series were available.


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PURPOSE--To evaluate the effects of age on mechanical performance of rat myocardium. METHODS--Left ventricular papillary muscles were isolated from male Wistar rats at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months of age. Muscles were studied isometrically and isotonically, stimulated at 0.2 Hz, perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution having an external calcium concentration of 2.52 mM, and maintained at 28 degrees C. RESULTS--Peak isometric developed tension was significantly higher in 1 month than 3, 6 and 12 months. Peak rate of isometric tension rise decreased substantially between 1, 3 and 12 months. Time to peak isometric developed tension showed a significant increase of both 3 and 12 months of age. Time to half relaxation increased significantly from 3 to 6 and from 3 to 12 months. Maximum rate of tension decline decreased from 3 to 6 and from 3 to 12 months. No difference in resting tension was noted among any group. Isotonically, peak shortening and time to peak shortening increased from 1 to 3 months of age. Time to half re-lengthening increased from 3 to 6 and from 3 to 12 months of age. No difference in peak shortening velocity, peak relaxation velocity and relative change in muscle length was noted among any groups. CONCLUSION--The maturation affects the mechanical performance of cardiac muscle.


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The preferred temperature of the yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus was investigated since its dispersion is a matter of concern. Adult T. serrulatus, weighing 1.24 ± 0.20 g (mean + sd) and with a standard length of 59.3 ± 2.5 mm, were used. A metallic corridor (120 cm long, 5 cm large and 10 cm high) with thermal gradient ranging from 0°C to 40°C was used. Tityus serrulatus chose and stayed in temperatures ranging from 14° C to 38°C when safe conditions were offered (dark and thigmotactic stimuli). The number of animals that remained in the 11°C-20°C, 21°C-30°C, and 31°C-40°C temperature zones were 8, 8, and 9, respectively. The chi-square test (degree of freedom = 2) showed that differences were not significant (p>0.05). Some animals moved to lower temperature areas (less than 8°C) when the corridor was completely illuminated and thigmotactic stimuli were absent, which led the animals to present a torpor state. It is concluded that T. serrulatus does not select a specific environmental temperature. Associated with the capacity of temporally surviving at low temperatures, this species seems to be highly adaptable to different thermal zones.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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; High-resolution grain size analyses of three AMS (14)C-dated cores from the Southeastern Brazilian shelf provide a detailed record of mid- to late-Holocene environmental changes in the Southwestern Atlantic Margin. The cores exhibit millennial variability that we associate with the previously described southward shift of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) average latitudinal position over the South American continent during the Holocene climatic maximum. This generated changes in the wind-driven current system of the SW Atlantic margin and modified the grain size characteristics of the sediments deposited there. Centennial variations in the grain size are associated with a previously described late-Holocene enhancement of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) amplitude, which led to stronger NNE trade winds off eastern Brazil, favouring SW transport of sediments from the Paraiba do Sul River. This is recorded in a core from off Cabo Frio as a coarsening trend from 3000 cal. BP onwards. The ENSO enhancement also caused changes in precipitation and wind pattern in southern Brazil, allowing high discharge events and northward extensions of the low-saline water plume from Rio de la Plata. We propose that this resulted in a net increase in northward alongshore transport of fine sediments, seen as a prominent fine-shift at 2000 cal. BP in a core from similar to 24 degrees S on the Brazilian shelf. Wavelet-and spectral analysis of the sortable silt records show a significant similar to 1000-yr periodicity, which we attribute to solar forcing. If correct, this is one of the first indications of solar forcing of this timescale on the Southwestern Atlantic margin.


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OBJECTIVE: Glucose intolerance is frequently associated with an altered plasma lipid profile and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Nonetheless, lipid metabolism is scarcely studied in normolipidemic glucose-intolerant patients. The aim of this study was to investigate whether important lipid metabolic parameters, such as the kinetics of LDL free and esterified cholesterol and the transfer of lipids to HDL, are altered in glucose-intolerant patients with normal plasma lipids. METHODS: Fourteen glucose-intolerant patients and 15 control patients were studied; none of the patients had cardiovascular disease manifestations, and they were paired for age, sex, race and co-morbidities. A nanoemulsion resembling a LDL lipid composition (LDE) labeled with C-14-cholesteryl ester and H-3-free cholesterol was intravenously injected, and blood samples were collected over a 24-h period to determine the fractional clearance rate of the labels by compartmental analysis. The transfer of free and esterified cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids from the LDE to HDL was measured by the incubation of the LDE with plasma and radioactivity counting of the supernatant after chemical precipitation of non-HDL fractions. RESULTS: The levels of LDL, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apo A1 and apo B were equal in both groups. The 14 C-esterified cholesterol fractional clearance rate was not different between glucose-intolerant and control patients, but the H-3-free- cholesterol fractional clearance rate was greater in glucose-intolerant patients than in control patients. The lipid transfer to HDL was equal in both groups. CONCLUSION: In these glucose-intolerant patients with normal plasma lipids, a faster removal of LDE free cholesterol was the only lipid metabolic alteration detected in our study. This finding suggests that the dissociation of free cholesterol from lipoprotein particles occurs in normolipidemic glucose intolerance and may participate in atherogenic signaling.


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Intensity of the 150 degrees C thermoluminescence peak of beta-irradiated carbonated synthetic A-type hydroxyapatite is approximately 12 times higher than that of the noncarbonated material. Deconvolution of the glow curve showed that this peak is a result of a trap distribution. An attempt was made to relate this thermoluminescence peak enhanced by carbonation with the ESR signal of the CO2- radical in natural or synthetic hydroxyapatite. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Addition of salts, especially perchlorates, to zwitterionic micelles of SB3-14, C(14)H(29)NMe(2)(+)(CH(2))(3)SO(3)(-), induces anionic character and uptake of H(3)O(+) by SB3-14 micelles. Thus, the addition of alkali metal perchlorates accelerates the acid hydrolysis of 2-(p-heptoxypheny1)-1,3-dioxolane, HPD, in the presence of SB3-14 micelles, which depends on the local proton concentration at the micelle surface. The addition of metal chlorides to solutions of such perchlorate-modified SB3-14 micelles decreases both the negative zeta potential of the micelles and the observed rate constant for acid hydrolysis of HPD. The effect of the monovalent cations Li(+), Na(+), and K(+) is smaller than that of the divalent cations Be(2+), Mg(2+), and Ca(2+), and much smaller than that of the trivalent cations Al(3+), La(3+), and Er(3+). The major factor responsible for this cation valence dependence of these effects is shown to be electrostatic in nature, reflecting the strong dependence of the micellar surface potential on the cation valence. The fact that the salt effects are not identical after correction for the electrostatic effects indicates that additional secondary nonelectrostatic effects may contribute as well.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein neuer Eiskeimzähler FINCH (Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber) entwickelt und erste Messungen von verschiedenen Testaerosolen im Labor und atmosphärischem Aerosol durchgeführt. Die Aerosolpartikel bzw. Ice Nuclei IN werden bei Temperaturen unter dem Gefrierpunkt und Übersättigungen in Bezug auf Eis zum Anwachsen zu Eiskristallen gebracht, um sie mittels optischer Detektion zu erfassen. In FINCH ist dies durch das Prinzip der Mischung realisiert, wodurch eine kontinuierliche Messung der IN-Anzahlkonzentration gewährleistet ist. Hierbei kann mit sehr hohen Sammelflussraten von bis zu 10 l/min gemessen werden. Ebenso ist ein schnelles Abfahren von verschiedenen Sättigungsverhältnissen in Bezug auf Eis in einem weiten Bereich von 0.9 - 1.7 bei konstanten Temperaturen bis zu −23 °C möglich. Die Detektion der Eiskristalle und damit der Bestimmung der IN-Anzahlkonzentration erfolgt über einen neu entwickelten optischen Sensor basierend auf der unterschiedlichen Depolarisation des zurückgestreuten Lichtes von Eiskristallen und unterkühlten Tropfen. In Labermessungen wurden Aktivierungstemperatur und -sättigungsverhältnis von Silberjodid AgI und Kaolinit vermessen. Die Resultate zeigten gute Übereinstimmungen mit Ergebnissen aus der Literatur sowie Parallelmessungen mit FRIDGE (FRankfurt Ice Deposition freezinG Experiment). FRIDGE ist eine statische Diffusionskammer zur Aktivierung und Auszählung von Eiskeimen, die auf einem Filter gesammelt wurden. Bei atmosphärischen Messungen auf dem Jungfraujoch(Schweiz) lagen die IN-Anzahlkonzentrationen mit bis zu 4 l−1 im Rahmen der aus der Literatur bekannten Werte. Messungen der Eiskristallresiduen von Mischwolken zeigten hingegen, dass nur jedes tausendste als Eiskeim im Depositionsmode aktiv ist. Hier scheinen andere Gefrierprozesse und sekundäre Eiskristallbildung von sehr großer Bedeutung für die Anzahlkonzentration der Eiskristallresiduen zu sein. Eine weitere Messung von atmosphärischem Aerosol in Frankfurt zeigte IN-Anzahlkonzentrationen bis zu 30 l−1 bei Aktivierungstemperaturen um −14 °C. Die parallele Probenahme auf Siliziumplättchen für die Messungen der IN-Anzahlkonzentration in FRIDGE ergaben Werte im gleichen Anzahlkonzentrationsbereich.


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The Ivrea Zone in northern Italy has been the focus of numerous petrological, geochemical and structural studies. It is commonly inferred to represent an almost complete section through the mid to lower continental crust, in which metamorphism and partial melting of the abundant metapelites was the result of magmatic underplating by a large volume of mantle-derived magma. This study concerns amphibolite and granulite facies metamorphism in the Ivrea Zone with focus on metapelites and metapsammites/metagreywackes from Val Strona di Omegna and metapelites from Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua, with the aim to better constrain their metamorphic evolution as well as their pressure and temperature conditions via phase equilibria modelling.rnrnIn Val Strona di Omegna, the metapelites show a structural and mineralogical change from mica-schists with the common assemblage bi-mu-sill-pl-q-ilm ± liq at the lowest grades, through metatexitic migmatites (g-sill-bi-ksp-pl-q-ilm-liq) at intermediate grades, to complex diatexitic migmatites (g-sill-ru-bi-ksp-pl-q-ilm-liq) at the highest grades. Within this section several mappable isograds occur, including the first appearance of K-feldspar in the metapelites, the first appearance of orthopyroxene in the metabasites and the disappearance of prograde biotite from the metapelites. The inferred onset of partial melting in the metapelites occurs around Massiola. The prograde suprasolidus evolution of the metapelites is consistent with melting via the breakdown of first muscovite then biotite. Maximum modelled melt fractions of 30–40 % are predicted at the highest grade. The regional metamorphic field gradient in Val Strona di Omegna is constrained to range from conditions of 3.5–6.5 kbar at T = 650–730 °C to P > 9 kbar at T > 900 °C. The peak P–T estimates, particularly for granulite facies conditions, are significantly higher (around 100 °C) than those of most previous studies. In Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua to the south the exposure is more restricted. P–T estimates for the metapelites are 750–850 °C and 5–6.5 kbar in Val Sesia and approximately 800–900 °C and 5.5–7 kbar in Val Strona di Postua. These results show similar temperatures but lower pressure than metapelites in Val Strona di Omegna. Metapelites in Val Sesia in contact with the Mafic Complex exhibit a metatexitic structure, while in Val Strona di Postua diatexitic structures occur. Further, metapelites at the contact with the Mafic Complex contain cordierite (± spinel) that overprint the regional metamorphic assemblages and are interpreted to have formed during contact metamorphism related to intrusion of the Mafic Complex. The lower pressures in the high-grade rocks in Val Sesia and Val Strona di Postua are consistent with some decompression from the regional metamorphic peak prior to the intrusion of the Mafic Complex, suggesting the rocks followed a clockwise P–T path. In contrast, the metapelites in Val Strona di Omegna, especially in the granulite facies, do not contain any cordierite or any evidence for a contact metamorphic overprint. The extrapolated granulite facies mineral isograds are cut by the rocks of the Mafic Complex to the south. Therefore, the Mafic Complex cannot have caused the regional metamorphism and it is unlikely that the Mafic Complex occurs in Val Strona di Omegna.