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PURPOSE: To elucidate the association of impaired pulmonary status (IPS) and diabetes mellitus (DM) with clinical outcome and the incidences of aortic neck dilatation and type I endoleak after elective endovascular infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR). METHODS: In 164 European institutions participating in the EUROSTAR registry, 6383 patients (5985 men; mean age 72.4+/-7.6 years) underwent EVAR. Patients were divided into patients without versus with IPS or with/without DM. Clinical assessment and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) were performed at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months and annually thereafter. Cumulative endpoint analysis comprised death, aortic rupture, type I endoleak, endovascular reintervention, and surgical conversion. RESULTS: Prevalence of IPS was 2733/6383 (43%) and prevalence of DM was 810/6383 (13%). Mean follow-up was 21.1+/-18.4 months. Thirty-day mortality, AAA rupture, and conversion rates did not differ between patients with versus without IPS and between patients with versus without DM. All-cause and AAA-related mortality, respectively, were significantly higher in patients with IPS compared to patients with normal pulmonary status (31.0% versus 19.0%, p<0.0001 and 6.8% versus 3.3%, p = 0.0057) throughout follow-up. In multivariate analysis adjusted for smoking, age, gender, comorbidities, fitness for open repair, co-existing common iliac aneurysm, neck and aneurysm size, arterial angulations, aneurysm classification, endograft oversizing >or=15%, and type of stent-graft, the presence of IPS was not associated with significantly higher rates of aortic neck dilatation (30.6% versus 38.0%, p>0.05) and did not influence cumulative rates of type I endoleak, endovascular reintervention, or conversion to open surgery (p>0.05). Similarly, the presence of DM did not influence the above-mentioned study endpoints. CONCLUSION: In contrast to observations regarding the natural course of AAAs, impaired pulmonary status does not negatively influence aortic neck dilatation, while the presence of diabetes does not protect from these dismal events after EVAR.
BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) and renal insufficiency (RI) were shown to be associated with an obstructive lesion pattern favouring distal lower limb arterial segments in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD). We hypothesized that presence of DM is associated with pronounced involvement of the tibioperoneal arteries, whereas RI predominantly affects the pedal arch. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of PAD patients (mean age 75 +/- 10 years, 40 women) with RI alone (n = 15), RI and DM (n = 25), DM alone (n = 25) and without RI or DM (n = 25) underwent diagnostic angiography. We analyzed the obstructive burden of different segments of the infrageniculate arterial tree using the Bollinger score as well as accessibility of pedal arteries for bypass surgery. RESULTS: In patients with DM and in patients with RI the mean total obstructive burden was higher in pedal as compared to tibioperoneal arteries (9.79 +/- 4.60 vs. 6.99 +/- 3.45, p = 0.03;10.50 +/- 5.53 vs. 6.88 +/- 4.12, p = 0.05, respectively). However, rates of patency of at least one pedal artery were significantly lower in patients with RI and RI/DM as compared to controls (47% and 48% vs. 80%, respectively; p = 0.007), whereas patency was comparable between patients with diabetes alone and controls (72% vs. 80%, ns). Rates of viability of pedal arteries as an attachment site for distal bypass was 80%, 68%, 47% and 44% in controls, patients with DM alone, RI alone and RI/DM, respectively (p = 0.0042). CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to previous anecdotal observations, both DM and RI are associated with a high atherosclerotic burden of the pedal arch in the present angiographic series. The presence of RI, however, is associated with a lower patency of the pedal arch as compared to the presence of DM alone, and more than fifty percent patients are unsuitable for distal bypass grafting.
Excitatory amino acids (EAA) and particularly glutamate toxicity have been implicated in the pathogenesis of neuronal injury occurring in bacterial meningitis by activating the N-methyl-d aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex. Here, we evaluated the effect of adjuvant treatment with the antitussive drug dextromethorphan (DM), a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist with neuroprotective potential, in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. The experiments were carried out in postnatal day 6 (P6) and 11 (P11) animals. Pharmacokinetics of DM and its major metabolite dextrorphan (DO) were performed for dose finding. In our study, DM did not alter clinical parameters (clinical score, motor activity, incidence of seizures, spontaneous mortality) and cortical neuronal injury but increased the occurrence of ataxia (P<0.0001). When DM treatment was started at the time of infection (DM i.p. 15 mg/kg at 0, 4, 8 and 16 hours (h) post infection) in P11 animals, an aggravation of apoptotic neuronal death in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was found (P<0.05). When treatment was initiated during acute pneumococcal meningitis (DM i.p. 15 mg/kg at 12 and 15 h and 7.5 mg/kg at 18 and 21 h after infection), DM had no effect on the extent of brain injury but reduced the occurrence of seizures (P<0.03). We conclude that in this infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis interference of the EEA and NMDA pathway using DM causes ataxia, attenuates epileptic seizures and increases hippocampal apoptosis, but is not effective in protecting the brain from injury.
Thirty-two multiparous Holstein cows were used to investigate the effects of chromium-l-methionine (Cr-Met) supplementation and dietary grain source on performance and lactation during the periparturient period. Cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of either a barley-based diet (BBD) or a corn-based diet (CBD) from 21 d before anticipated calving through 28 d after calving. The Cr-Met was supplemented at dosages of 0 or 0.08 mg of Cr/kg of metabolic body weight. The study was designed as a randomized complete block design with 2 (Cr-Met levels) x 2 (grain sources) factorial arrangement. There was no Cr effect on prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) or postpartum DMI, body weight (BW), net energy balance, and whole tract apparent digestibility of nutrients. Prepartum DMI as a percentage of BW tended to increase with Cr-Met. Supplemental Cr-Met tended to increase milk yield whereas milk protein percentage decreased. Pre- and postpartum DMI, BW, net energy balance, milk yield, and milk composition were not affected by substituting ground barley with ground corn. The addition of Cr-Met increased prepartum DMI and tended to increase postpartum DMI of the BBD but not the CBD. The change in prepartum DMI was smaller when the BBD was supplemented with Cr-Met but remained unchanged when the CBD was supplemented with Cr-Met. Yields of crude protein and total solids in milk and prepartum digestibility of DM and organic matter tended to increase when Cr-Met was added to the BBD but remained unchanged when added to the CBD. Periparturient cows failed to respond to the grain source of the diet, whereas they showed greater response in milk yield to diets supplemented with Cr-Met. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that the beneficial effect of Cr-Met supplementation during the periparturient period to improve feed intake may depend on the grain source of the diet.
Insufficient feed intake during early lactation results in elevated body fat mobilization to meet energy demands for milk production. Hepatic energy metabolism is involved by increasing endogenous glucose production and hepatic glucose output for milk synthesis and by adaptation of postcalving fuel oxidation. Given that cows differ in their degree of fat mobilization around parturition, indicated by variable total liver fat concentration (LFC), the study investigated the influence of peripartum fat mobilization on hepatic gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, ketogenesis, and cholesterol synthesis, as well as transcriptional factors referring to energy metabolism. German Holstein cows were grouped according to mean total LFC on d 1, 14, and 28 after parturition as low [<200mg of total fat/g of dry matter (DM); n=10], medium (200-300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=10), and high (>300 mg of total fat/g of DM; n=7), indicating fat mobilization during early lactation. Cows were fed total mixed rations ad libitum and held under equal conditions. Liver biopsies were taken at d 56 and 15 before and d 1, 14, 28, and 49 after parturition to measure mRNA abundances of pyruvate carboxylase (PC); phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; glucose-6-phosphatase; propionyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase α; carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1A (CPT1A); acyl-CoA synthetase, long chain 1 (ASCL1); acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain; 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 and 2; sterol regulatory element-binding factor 1; and peroxisome proliferator-activated factor α. Total LFC postpartum differed greatly among cows, and the mRNA abundance of most enzymes and transcription factors changed with time during the experimental period. Abundance of PC mRNA increased at parturition to a greater extent in high- and medium-LFC groups than in the low-LFC group. Significant LFC × time interactions for ACSL1 and CPT1A during the experimental period indicated variable gene expression depending on LFC after parturition. Correlations between hepatic gene expression and performance data and plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones showed time-specific relations during the transition period. Elevated body fat mobilization during early lactation affected gene expression involved in gluconeogenesis to a greater extent than gene expression involved in lipid metabolism, indicating the dependence of hepatic glucose metabolism on hepatic lipid status and fat mobilization during early lactation.
The lexical items like and well can serve as discourse markers (DMs), but can also play numerous other roles, such as verb or adverb. Identifying the occurrences that function as DMs is an important step for language understanding by computers. In this study, automatic classifiers using lexical, prosodic/positional and sociolinguistic features are trained over transcribed dialogues, manually annotated with DM information. The resulting classifiers improve state-of-the-art performance of DM identification, at about 90% recall and 79% precision for like (84.5% accuracy, κ = 0.69), and 99% recall and 98% precision for well (97.5% accuracy, κ = 0.88). Automatic feature analysis shows that lexical collocations are the most reliable indicators, followed by prosodic/positional features, while sociolinguistic features are marginally useful for the identification of DM like and not useful for well. The differentiated processing of each type of DM improves classification accuracy, suggesting that these types should be treated individually.
Racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) have been observed and explained by socioeconomic status (education level, income level, etc.), screening, early diagnosis, treatment, prognostic factors, and adherence to treatment regimens. To the author's knowledge, there are no studies addressing disparities in hypertension and diabetes mellitus utilizing Hispanics as the reference racial/ethnic group and adjusting for sociodemographics and prognostic factors. This present study examined racial/ethnic disparities in HTN and DM and assessed whether this disparity is explained by sociodemographics. To assess these associations, the study utilized a cross-sectional design and examined the distribution of the covariates for racial/ethnic group differences, using the Pearson Chi Square statistic. The study focused on Non-Hispanic Blacks since this ethnic group is associated with the worst health outcomes. Logistic regression was used to estimate the prevalence odds ratio (POR) and to adjust for the confounding effects of the covariates. Results indicated that except for insurance coverage, there were statistically significant differences between Non-Hispanic Blacks and Non-Hispanic Whites, as well as Hispanics with respect to study covariates. In the unadjusted logistic regression model, there was a statistically significant increased prevalence of hypertension among Non-Hispanic Blacks compared to Hispanics, POR 1.36, 95% CI 1.02-1.80. Low income was statistically significantly associated with increased prevalence of hypertension, POR 0.38, 95% CI 0.32-0.46. Insurance coverage, though not statistically significant, was associated with an increase in the prevalence of hypertension, p>0.05. Concerning DM, Non-Hispanic Blacks were more likely to be diabetic, POR 1.10, 95% CI 0.85-1.47. High income was statistically significantly associated with decreased prevalence of DM, POR 0.47, 95% CI 0.39-0.57. After adjustment for the relevant covariates, the racial disparities between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks in HTN was removed, adjusted prevalence odds (APOR) 1.21, 95% CI 0.88-1.67. In this sample, there was racial/ethnic disparity in hypertension but not in diabetes mellitus between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Blacks, with disparities in hypertension associated with socioeconomic status (family income, education, marital status) and also by alcohol, physical activity and age. However, race, education and BMI as class variables were statistically significantly associated with hypertension and diabetes mellitus p<0.0001. ^
Background. Vascular dementia (VaD) is the second most common of dementia. Multiple risk factors are associated with VaD, but the individual contribution of each to disease onset and progression is unclear. We examined the relationship between diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM) and the clinical variables of VaD.^ Methods. Data from 593 patients evaluated between June, 2003 and June, 2008 for cognitive impairment were prospectively entered into a database. We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 63 patients who fit the NINDS-AIREN criteria of VaD. The patients were divided into those with DM (VaD-DM, n=29) and those without DM (VaD, n=34). The groups were compared with regard to multiple variables.^ Results. Patients with DM had a significantly earlier onset of VaD (71.9±6.54 vs. 77.2±6.03, p<0.001), a faster rate of decline per year on the mini mental state examination (MMSE; 3.60±1.82 vs. 2.54±1.60 points, p=0.02), and a greater prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms (62% vs. 21%, p=0.02) at the time of diagnosis.^ Conclusions. This study shows that a history of pre-morbid DM is associated with an early onset and faster cognitive deterioration in VaD. Moreover, the presence of DM predicts the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with VaD. A larger study is needed to verify these associations. It will be important to investigate whether better glycemic control will mitigate the potential effects of DM on VaD.^
Accurate ascertainment of risk factors and disease status is vital in public health research for proper classification of research subjects. The two most common ways of obtaining this data is by self-report and review of medical records (MRs). South Texas Women’s Health Project was a case-control study looking at interrelationships between hormones, diet, and body size and breast cancer among Hispanic women 30-79 years of age. History of breast cancer, diabetes mellitus (DM) and use of DM medications was ascertained from a personal interview. At the time of interview, the subject identified her major health care providers and signed the medical records release form, which was sent to the designated providers. The MRs were reviewed to confirm information obtained from the interview.^ Aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity between MRs and personal interview in diagnosis of breast cancer, DM and DM treatment. We also wanted to assess how successful our low-cost approach was in obtaining pertinent MRs and what factors influenced the quality of MR or interview data. Study sample was 721 women with both self-report and MR data available by June 2007. Overall response rate for MR requests was 74.5%. MRs were 80.9% sensitive and 100% specific in confirming breast cancer status. Prevalence of DM was 22.7% from the interviews and 16% from MRs. MRs did not provide definite information about DM status of 53.6% subjects. Sensitivity and specificity of MRs for DM status was 88.9% and 90.4% respectively. Disagreement on DM status from the two sources was seen in 15.9% subjects. This discordance was more common among older subjects, those who were married and were predominantly Spanish speaking. Income and level of education did not have a statistically significantly association with this disagreement.^ Both self-report and MRs underestimate the prevalence of DM. Relying solely on MRs leads to greater misclassification than relying on self-report data. MRs have good to excellent specificity and thus serve as a good tool to confirm information obtained from self-report. Self-report and MRs should be used in a complementary manner for accurate assessment of DM and breast cancer status.^
Lipids of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum, collected from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard) in 2001, were analysed to investigate seasonal variability and fate of dietary lipids. Total lipids, lipid classes and fatty acid and alcohol compositions were determined in animals, which were selected according to age-group and season. Changes in lipids of age-group 0 animals were followed during growth from spring to autumn. Total lipids increased from May to September. Lipids as percentage of dry mass were lowest in August indicating their use for reproduction. Higher values occurred in September, which may be due to lipid storage for overwintering. Wax esters were the major lipid class accounting for about 50% of total lipids in age-group 0 animals from July and August. Phospholipids were the second largest lipid fraction with up to 46% in this age-group. The principal fatty acids of M. ovum from all age-groups were 22:6(n-3), 20:5(n-3) and 16:0. Wax ester fatty alcohols were dominated by 22:1(n-11) and 20:1(n-9) followed by moderate proportions of 16:0. The unique feature of M. ovum lipids was the high amount of free fatty alcohols originating probably from the dietary wax esters. In May, free alcohols exhibited the highest mean proportion with 14.6% in age-group 0 animals. We present the first data describing a detailed free fatty alcohol composition in zooplankton. This composition was very different from the alcohol composition of M. ovum wax esters because of the predominance of the long-chain monounsaturated 22:1 (n-11) alcohol accounting for almost 100% of total free alcohols in some samples. The detailed lipid composition clearly reflected feeding of M. ovum on the herbivorous calanoid species, Calanus glacialis and C. finmarchicus, the abundant members of the zooplankton community in Kongsfjorden. Other copepod species or prey items seem to be less important for M. ovum.
Effects of considering the particle comminution rate -kc- in addition to particle rumen outflow -kp- and the ruminal microbial contamination on estimates of by-pass and intestinal digestibility of DM, organic matter and crude protein were examined in perennial ryegrass and oat hays. By-pass kc-kp-based values of amino acids were also determined. This study was performed using particle transit, in situ and 15N techniques on three rumen and duodenum-cannulated wethers. The above estimates were determined using composite samples from rumen-incubated residues representative of feed by-pass. Considering the comminution rate, kc, modified the contribution of the incubated residues to these samples in both hays and revealed a higher microbial contamination, consistently in oat hay and only as a tendency for crude protein in ryegrass hay. Not considering kc or rumen microbial contamination overvalued by-pass and intestinal digestibility in both hays. Therefore, non-microbial-corrected kp-based values of intestinal digested crude protein were overestimated as compared with corrected and kc-kp-based values in ryegrass hay -17.4 vs 4.40%- and in oat hay -5.73 vs 0.19%-. Both factors should be considered to obtain accurate in situ estimates in grasses, as the protein value of grasses is very conditioned by the microbial synthesis derived from their ruminal fermentation. Consistent overvaluations of amino acid by-pass due to not correcting microbial contamination were detected in both hays, with large variable errors among amino acids. A similar degradation pattern of amino acids was recorded in both hays. Cysteine, methionine, leucine and valine were the most degradation-resistant amino acids.
The influence of source and level of inclusion of raw glycerin (GLYC) in the diet on growth performance, digestive traits, total tract apparent retention (TTAR), and apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients was studied in broilers from 1 to 21 d of age. There was a control diet based on corn and soybean meal and 8 additional diets that formed a 2 × 4 factorial with 2 sources of GLYC and 4 levels of inclusion (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10%). The GLYC used were obtained from the same original batch of soy oil that was dried under different processing conditions and contained 87.5 or 81.6% glycerol, respectively. Type of processing of the GLYC did not affect any of the variables studied except DM and organic matter retention (P < 0.05) that was higher for the 87.5% glycerol diet. From d 1 to 21, feed conversion ratio (FCR) improved linearly (L, P ≤ 0.01) as the GLYC content of the diet increased, but ADG was not affected. On d 21, the relative weight (% BW) of the liver and the digestive tract increased (L, P < 0.01) as the level of GLYC in the diet increased, but lipid concentration in the liver was not affected. The TTAR of DM and organic matter increased quadratically (Q, P < 0.05) and the AMEn content of the diet increased linearly (L, P < 0.01) with increases in dietary GLYC. Also, the apparent ileal digestibility of DM (L, P < 0.05; Q, P = 0.07) and gross energy (L, P < 0.01) increased as the GLYC content of the diet increased. It is concluded that raw GLYC from the biodiesel industry can be used efficiently, up to 10% of the diet, as a source of energy for broilers from 1 to 21 d of age and that the energy content of well-processed raw GLYC depends primarily on its glycerol content.
Antigenic peptide loading of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules is enhanced by lysosomal pH and catalyzed by the HLA-DM molecule. The physical mechanism behind the catalytic activity of DM was investigated by using time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy (TRFA) and fluorescence binding studies with the dye 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS). We demonstrate that the conformations of both HLA-DM and HLA-DR3, irrespective of the composition of bound peptide, are pH sensitive. Both complexes reversibly expose more nonpolar regions upon protonation. Interaction of DM with DR shields these hydrophobic domains from the aqueous environment, leading to stabilization of the DM and DR conformations. At lysosomal pH, the uncovering of additional hydrophobic patches leads to a more extensive DM–DR association. We propose that DM catalyzes class II peptide loading by stabilizing the low-pH conformation of DR, favoring peptide exchange. The DM–DR association involves a larger hydrophobic surface area with DR/class II-associated invariant chain peptides (CLIP) than with stable DR/peptide complexes, explaining the preferred association of DM with the former. The data support a release mechanism of DM from the DM–DR complex through reduction of the interactive surface, upon binding of class II molecules with antigenic peptide or upon neutralization of the DM–DR complex at the cell surface.
The center of our Galaxy hosts a supermassive black hole, Sagittarius (Sgr) A∗. Young, massive stars within 0.5 pc of Sgr A∗ are evidence of an episode of intense star formation near the black hole a few million years ago, which might have left behind a young neutron star traveling deep into Sgr A∗’s gravitational potential. On 2013 April 25, a short X-ray burst was observed from the direction of the Galactic center. With a series of observations with the Chandra and the Swift satellites, we pinpoint the associated magnetar at an angular distance of 2.4±0.3 arcsec from Sgr A∗, and refine the source spin period and its derivative (P = 3.7635537(2) s and ˙ P = 6.61(4) × 10−12 s s−1), confirmed by quasi simultaneous radio observations performed with the Green Bank Telescope and Parkes Radio Telescope, which also constrain a dispersion measure of DM = 1750 ± 50 pc cm−3, the highest ever observed for a radio pulsar. We have found that this X-ray source is a young magnetar at ≈0.07–2 pc from Sgr A∗. Simulations of its possible motion around Sgr A∗ show that it is likely (∼90% probability) in a bound orbit around the black hole. The radiation front produced by the past activity from the magnetar passing through the molecular clouds surrounding the Galactic center region might be responsible for a large fraction of the light echoes observed in the Fe fluorescence features.
AIMS Hyperinsulinism of infancy (HI) is characterized by unregulated insulin secretion in the presence of hypoglycaemia, often resulting in brain damage. Pancreatic resection for control of hypoglycaemia is frequently resisted because of the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM). We investigated retrospectively 62 children with HI from nine Australian treatment centres born between 1972 and 1998, comparing endocrine and neurological outcome in 28 patients receiving medical therapy alone with 34 who required pancreatic resection to control their hypoglycaemia. METHODS History, treatment and clinical course were ascertained from file audit and interview. Risk of DM (hazard ratio) attributable to age at surgery (< vs. greater than or equal to 100 days at last pancreatectomy) and extent of resection (< vs. greater than or equal to 95%) were calculated using Cox proportional hazards regression and categorical variables compared by the chi(2) -test. Neurological outcome (normal, mild deficit or severe deficit) was derived from the most authoritative source. RESULTS Surgically treated patients had a greater birthweight, earlier presentation and higher plasma insulin levels. Of 18 infants < 100 days and 16 greater than or equal to 100 days of age at surgery, four (all greater than or equal to 100 days) became diabetic as an immediate consequence of surgery and five (two < 100 days and three greater than or equal to 100 days) became diabetic 7-18 years later. Surgery greater than or equal to 100 days and pancreatectomy greater than or equal to 95% were associated with development of diabetes (HR = 12.61, CI 1.53-104.07 and HR = 7.03, CI 1.43-34.58, respectively). Neurodevelopmental outcome was no different between the surgical and medical groups with 44% overall with neurological deficits. Patients euglycaemic within 35 days of the first symptom of hypoglycaemia (Group A) had a better neurodevelopmental outcome than those still hypoglycaemic > 35 days from first presentation (Group B) (P = 0.007). Prolonged hypoglycaemia in Group B was due either to delayed diagnosis or to need for repeat surgery because of continued hypoglycaemia. Within Group A, medically treated patients (who presented later with apparently milder disease) had a higher incidence of neurodevelopmental deficit (n = 15, four mild, three severe deficit) compared with surgically treated patients (n = 18, two mild, none severe deficit) (P < 0.025). CONCLUSIONS Poor neurodevelopmental outcome remains a major problem in hyperinsulinism of infancy. Risk of diabetes mellitus with pancreatectomy varies according to age at surgery and extent of resection. Patients presenting early with severe disease have a better neurodevelopmental outcome and lower risk of diabetes if they are treated with early extensive surgery.