964 resultados para white spot syndrome virus


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White-nose syndrome (WNS) has caused recent catastrophic declines among multiple species of bats in eastern North America1, 2. The disease’s name derives from a visually apparent white growth of the newly discovered fungus Geomyces destructans on the skin (including the muzzle) of hibernating bats1, 3. Colonization of skin by this fungus is associated with characteristic cutaneous lesions that are the only consistent pathological finding related to WNS4. However, the role of G. destructans in WNS remains controversial because evidence to implicate the fungus as the primary cause of this disease is lacking. The debate is fuelled, in part, by the assumption that fungal infections in mammals are most commonly associated with immune system dysfunction5, 6, 7. Additionally, the recent discovery that G. destructans commonly colonizes the skin of bats of Europe, where no unusual bat mortality events have been reported8, 9, 10, has generated further speculation that the fungus is an opportunistic pathogen and that other unidentified factors are the primary cause of WNS11, 12. Here we demonstrate that exposure of healthy little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) to pure cultures of G. destructans causes WNS. Live G. destructans was subsequently cultured from diseased bats, successfully fulfilling established criteria for the determination ofG. destructans as a primary pathogen13. We also confirmed that WNS can be transmitted from infected bats to healthy bats through direct contact. Our results provide the first direct evidence that G. destructans is the causal agent of WNS and that the recent emergence of WNS in North America may represent translocation of the fungus to a region with a naive population of animals8. Demonstration of causality is an instrumental step in elucidating the pathogenesis14 and epidemiology15 of WNS and in guiding management actions to preserve bat populations against the novel threat posed by this devastating infectious disease.


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White-nose syndrome (WNS), an emerging infectious disease that has killed over 5.5 million hibernating bats, is named for the causative agent, a white fungus (Geomyces destructans (Gd)) that invades the skin of torpid bats. During hibernation, arousals to warm (euthermic) body temperatures are normal but deplete fat stores. Temperature-sensitive dataloggers were attached to the backs of 504 free-ranging little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in hibernacula located throughout the northeastern USA. Dataloggers were retrieved at the end of the hibernation season and complete profiles of skin temperature data were available from 83 bats, which were categorized as: (1) unaffected, (2) WNS-affected but alive at time of datalogger removal, or (3) WNS-affected but found dead at time of datalogger removal. Histological confirmation of WNS severity (as indexed by degree of fungal infection) as well as confirmation of presence/absence of DNA from Gd by PCR was determined for 26 animals. We demonstrated that WNS-affected bats aroused to euthermic body temperatures more frequently than unaffected bats, likely contributing to subsequent mortality. Within the subset of WNS-affected bats that were found dead at the time of datalogger removal, the number of arousal bouts since datalogger attachment significantly predicted date of death. Additionally, the severity of cutaneous Gd infection correlated with the number of arousal episodes from torpor during hibernation. Thus, increased frequency of arousal from torpor likely contributes to WNS-associated mortality, but the question of how Gd infection induces increased arousals remains unanswered.


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White-nose syndrome (WNS) is an emerging infectious disease of hibernating bats linked to the death of an estimated 5.7 million or more bats in the northeastern United States and Canada. White-nose syndrome is caused by the cold-loving fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd), which invades the skin of the muzzles, ears, and wings of hibernating bats. Previous work has shown that WNS-affected bats arouse to euthermic or near euthermic temperatures during hibernation significantly more frequently than normal and that these too-frequent arousals are tied to severity of infection and death date. We quantified the behavior of bats during these arousal bouts to understand better the causes and consequences of these arousals. We hypothesized that WNS-affected bats would display increased levels of activity (especially grooming) during their arousal bouts from hibernation compared to WNS-unaffected bats. Behavior of both affected and unaffected hibernating bats in captivity was monitored from December 2010 to March 2011 using temperature-sensitive dataloggers attached to the backs of bats and infrared motion-sensitive cameras. The WNS-affected bats exhibited significantly higher rates of grooming, relative to unaffected bats, at the expense of time that would otherwise be spent inactive. Increased self-grooming may be related to the presence of the fungus. Elevated activity levels in affected bats likely increase energetic stress, whereas the loss of rest (inactive periods when aroused from torpor) may jeopardize the ability of a bat to reestablish homeostasis in a number of physiologic systems.


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The emerging wildlife disease white-nose syndrome is causing widespread mortality in hibernating North American bats. White-nose syndrome occurs when the fungus Geomyces destructans infects the living skin of bats during hibernation, but links between infection and mortality are underexplored. We analyzed blood from hibernating bats and compared blood electrolyte levels to wing damage caused by the fungus. Sodium and chloride tended to decrease as wing damage increased in severity. Depletion of these electrolytes suggests that infected bats may become hypotonically dehydrated during winter. Although bats regularly arouse from hibernation to drink during winter, water available in hibernacula may not contain sufficient electrolytes to offset winter losses caused by disease. Damage to bat wings from G. destructans may cause life-threatening electrolyte imbalances.


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The objective of this project was to determine the relationship between hibernacula microclimate and White-nose Syndrome (WNS), an emerging infectious disease in bats. Microclimate was examined on a species scale and at the level of the individual bat to determine if there was a difference in microclimate preference between healthy and WNS-affected little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) and to determine the role of microclimate in disease progression. There is anecdotal evidence that colder, drier hibernacula are less affected by WNS. This was tested by placing rugged temperature and humidity dataloggers in field sites throughout the eastern USA, experimentally determining the response to microclimate differences in captive bats, and testing microclimate roosting preference. This study found that microclimate significantly differed from the entrance of a hibernaculum versus where bats traditionally roost. It also found hibernaculum temperature and sex had significant impacts on survival in WNS-affected bats. Male bats with WNS had increased survivability over WNS-affected female bats and WNS bats housed below the ideal growth range of the fungus that causes WNS, Geomyces destructans, had increased survival over those housed at warmer temperatures. The results from this study are immediately applicable to (1) predict which hibernacula are more likely to be infected next winter, (2) further our understanding of WNS, and (3) determine if direct mitigation strategies, such as altering the microclimate of mines, will be effective ways to combat the spread of the fungus.


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WNS-affected bats did so over similar time frames as WNSunaffected bats. The behaviors of bats with WNS did not change as drastically as expected. Thereseems to be little to no effect on their ability to fly/forage until much later stages of the disease when they are likely near death. WNS-affected bats are grooming more which could be altering the way they use energy reserves during hibernation possibly leading tostarvation and eventually death. The decreased likelihood of arousals in response to external cues may be the result of spending more energy during previous and increasingly frequent arousals. While it is clear that WNS does result in changes in behavior whether these changes are directly in response to fungal skin infection or to some other component of the syndrome such as decreased energy availability or loss of homeostasis is unknown. bat behavior, white-nose syndrome, behavior, video surveillance, arousal patterns White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) is a disease of hibernating bats caused by the fungal pathogen Geomyces destructans. The fungus, which was first noted in 2006, invades bats wings and other exposed membranes, eventually resulting in death. Researchers have yet to understand many aspects of this disease, including basic etiology and epidemiology. There is also a lack of information on how fungal infection may change the behavior of healthy bats during hibernation or how changes in behavior may influence disease progression. Based upon the physiological changes that are known to occur in affected bats, and upon anecdotal observations of aberrant behavior in these bats, I hypothesized that WNS would significantly change the behavior of the little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus). My research examined the behavior of hibernating bats during arousals from torpor. I compared WNS-affected and unaffected bats, in the field and incaptivity, using motion-sensitive infrared cameras. Flight maneuverability and echolocation were also tested between WNS-affected and unaffected bats during arousalsfrom hibernation to detect changes in the bats' ability to perform basic locomotion or potentially catch insect prey. Lastly, hibernating bats were artificially disturbed and theirarousal patterns were monitored to examine changes in the response to external stimuli between WNS-affected and unaffected bats.Bats with WNS groomed for longer periods of time after arousing from torpor, both in the field and in captivity. They also engaged in longer periods of any sort of activity during these arousals. There were no changes in acoustical signaling during flight tests and changes in flight maneuverability were only found in bats were seen staging" near the entrance of the mine which is itself a unique behavior exhibited by affected bats. At this point these bats were likely near death and could barely fly at all. In response toexternal stimuli bats with WNS were less likely to arouse than unaffected bats. However when they did arouse WNS-affected bats did so over similar time frames as WNSunaffected bats. The behaviors of bats with WNS did not change as drastically as expected. Thereseems to be little to no effect on their ability to fly/forage until much later stages of the disease when they are likely near death. WNS-affected bats are grooming more which could be altering the way they use energy reserves during hibernation possibly leading tostarvation and eventually death. The decreased likelihood of arousals in response to external cues may be the result of spending more energy during previous and increasingly frequent arousals. While it is clear that WNS does result in changes in behavior whetherthese changes are directly in response to fungal skin infection or to some other component of the syndrome such as decreased energy availability or loss of homeostasis is unknown."


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White-nose syndrome (WNS) is a disease that has caused the mass mortality of hibernating bat species. Since its first discovery in the winter of 2006-2007, an estimated five million bats or more have been killed. Although infection with Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd, the causative agent of WNS) does not always result in death, bats that survive Pd infection may experience fitness consequences. To understand the physiological consequences of WNS, I measured reproductive rates of free-ranging hibernating bat species of the Northeastern United States. In addition, captive little brown myotis (Myotis lucifugus) bats that were infected by Pd but survived (¿WNS survivors¿) and uninfected bats were studied in order to understand the potential consequences (e.g., lower reproductive rates, decreased ability to heal wounds, degradation of wing tissue, and altered metabolic rates) of surviving WNS. No differences in reproductive rates were found between WNS-survivors and uninfected bats in either the field or in captivity. In addition, wound healing was not affected by Pd infection. However, wing tissue degradation was worse for little brown myotis 19 days post-hibernation, and mass specific metabolic rate (MSMR) was significantly higher for those infected with Pd 22 days post-hibernation. While it is clear that these consequences are a direct result of Pd infection, further research investigating the long-term consequences for both mothers and pups is necessary.


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The widespread mortality of hibernating bats is associated with the emerging infectious disease white-nose syndrome (WNS), and has provoked a strong interest in understanding which bats will survive, and why? The ability of infected bats to resist WNS may depend upon variation in the expression of different characteristics. In a captive colony of big brown bats, I sought to characterize the phenotypic variability, repeatability, and survivability for several key ¿survival¿ traits, including: torpor patterns, microclimate preferences, and wound healing capacity. Torpor patterns were profiled using temperature sensitive dataloggers throughout the hibernation season, while microclimate preferences were quantified by using temperature-graded boxes and thermal imaging. In order to assess wound healing capacity, small wing biopsies were obtained from each bat and healing progress was tracked for one month. Individuals exhibited a wide range of phenotypes that were significantly influenced by sex and body condition. Repeatability estimates suggest that there is not a strong genetic basis for the observed variation in torpor patterns or microclimate preferences. Certain phenotypes (e.g., BMI) were associated with an increased probability of overwinter survivorship, which suggests a basis for intra-species differences in WNS susceptibility. The results from this project provide novel insight into what we know about ¿who will survive,¿ and will influence the direction and implementation of future conservation and mitigation strategies.


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Definitive diagnosis of the bat disease white-nose syndrome (WNS) requires histologic analysis to identify the cutaneous erosions caused by the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus [formerly Geomyces] destructans (Pd). Gross visual inspection does not distinguish bats with or without WNS, and no nonlethal, on-site, preliminary screening methods are available for WNS in bats. We demonstrate that long-wave ultraviolet (UV) light (wavelength 366-385 nm) elicits a distinct orange yellow fluorescence in bat-wing membranes (skin) that corresponds directly with the fungal cupping erosions in histologic sections of skin that are the current gold standard for diagnosis of WNS. Between March 2009 and April 2012, wing membranes from 168 North American bat carcasses submitted to the US Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center were examined with the use of both UV light and histology. Comparison of these techniques showed that 98.8% of the bats with foci of orange yellow wing fluorescence (n=80) were WNS-positive based on histologic diagnosis; bat wings that did not fluoresce under UV light (n=88) were all histologically negative for WNS lesions. Punch biopsy samples as small as 3 mm taken from areas of wing with UV fluorescence were effective for identifying lesions diagnostic for WNS by histopathology. In a nonlethal biopsy-based study of 62 bats sampled (4-mm diameter) in hibernacula of the Czech Republic during 2012, 95.5% of fluorescent (n=22) and 100% of nonfluorescent (n=40) wing samples were confirmed by histopathology to be WNS positive and negative, respectively. This evidence supports use of long-wave UV light as a nonlethal and field-applicable method to screen bats for lesions indicative of WNS. Further, UV fluorescence can be used to guide targeted, nonlethal biopsy sampling for follow-up molecular testing, fungal culture analysis, and histologic confirmation of WNS.


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OBJECTIVE: To test the null hypotheses: (1) there is no difference in the caries protective effect of ozone and Cervitec/Fluor Protector during multibracket (MB) appliance therapy, and (2) DIAGNOdent and quantitative light-induced fluorescence (QLF) are not superior to a visual evaluation of initial caries lesions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty right-handed patients with a very poor oral hygiene who required full MB appliance therapy were analyzed during 26 months. In a split-mouth-design, the four quadrants of each patient were either treated with ozone, a combination of Cervitec and Fluor Protector, or served as untreated controls. The visible plaque index (VPI) and white spot formation were analyzed clinically. DIAGNOdent and QLF were used for a quantitative assessment of white spot formation. RESULTS: The average VPI in all four dental arch quadrants amounted to 55.6% and was independent of the preventive measure undertaken. In the quadrants treated with Cervitec/Fluor Protector, only 0.7% of the areas developed new, clinically visible white spots. This was significantly (P < .05) less than in the quadrants treated with ozone (3.2%). The lesions detected with QLF only partially corresponded to the clinically detected white spots, while DIAGNOdent proved to be unable to detect any changes at all. CONCLUSIONS: The caries protective effect of Cervitec/Fluor Protector during MB therapy was superior to ozone, and a visual evaluation of initial caries lesions was superior to both DIAGNOdent and QLF.


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Switzerland is currently porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) free, but semen imports from PRRSV-infected European countries are increasing. As the virus can be transmitted via semen, for example, when a free boar stud becomes infected, and the risk of its import in terms of PRRSV introduction is unknown, the annual probability to accidentally import the virus into Switzerland was estimated in a risk assessment. A quantitative stochastic model was set up with data comprised by import figures of 2010, interviews with boar stud owners and expert opinion. It resulted in an annual median number of 0.18 imported ejaculates (= imported semen doses from one collection from one donor) from PRRSV-infected boars. Hence, one infected ejaculate would be imported every 6 years and infect a mean of 10 sows. These results suggest that under current circumstances, there is a substantial risk of PRRSV introduction into Switzerland via imported boar semen and that measures to enhance safety of imports should be taken. The time from infection of a previously negative boar stud to its detection had the highest impact on the number of imported 'positive' ejaculates. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on PRRSV monitoring protocols in boar studs. Results indicated that a substantial increase in safety could only be achieved with much tighter sampling protocols than currently performed. Generally, the model could easily be customized for other applications like other countries or regions or even sow farms that want to estimate their risk when purchasing semen from a particular boar stud.


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An outbreak of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) occurred in November 2012 in Switzerland (CH), traditionally PRRSV-free. It was detected after a German boar stud informed a semen importer about the detection of PRRSV during routine monitoring. Tracing of semen deliveries revealed 26 Swiss sow herds that had used semen from this stud after its last negative routine monitoring and 62 further contact herds. All herds were put under movement restrictions and examined serologically and virologically. As a first measure, 59 sows from five herds that had previously been inseminated with suspicious semen were slaughtered and tested immediately. Investigations in the stud resulted in 8 positive boars with recent semen deliveries to CH (Seven with antibodies and virus, one with antibodies only). In one boar out of six tested, virus was detected in semen. Of the 59 slaughtered sows, five from three herds were virus-positive. In one herd, the virus had spread, and all pigs were slaughtered or non-marketable animals euthanized. In the remaining herds, no further infections were detected. After confirmatory testings in all herds 3 weeks after the first examination gave negative results, restrictions were lifted in January 2013, and Switzerland regained its PRRSV-free status. The events demonstrate that import of semen from non-PRRS-free countries - even from negative studs - poses a risk, because monitoring protocols in boar studs are often insufficient to timely detect an infection, and infections of sows/herds occur even with low numbers of semen doses. The outbreak was eradicated successfully mainly due to the high disease awareness of the importer and because immediate actions were taken before clinical or laboratory diagnosis of a single case in the country was made. To minimize the risk of an introduction of PRRSV in the future, stricter import guidelines for boar semen have been implemented.


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Coronaviruses raise serious concerns as emerging zoonotic viruses without specific antiviral drugs available. Here we screened a collection of 16671 diverse compounds for anti-human coronavirus 229E activity and identified an inhibitor, designated K22, that specifically targets membrane-bound coronaviral RNA synthesis. K22 exerts most potent antiviral activity after virus entry during an early step of the viral life cycle. Specifically, the formation of double membrane vesicles (DMVs), a hallmark of coronavirus replication, was greatly impaired upon K22 treatment accompanied by near-complete inhibition of viral RNA synthesis. K22-resistant viruses contained substitutions in non-structural protein 6 (nsp6), a membrane-spanning integral component of the viral replication complex implicated in DMV formation, corroborating that K22 targets membrane bound viral RNA synthesis. Besides K22 resistance, the nsp6 mutants induced a reduced number of DMVs, displayed decreased specific infectivity, while RNA synthesis was not affected. Importantly, K22 inhibits a broad range of coronaviruses, including Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and efficient inhibition was achieved in primary human epithelia cultures representing the entry port of human coronavirus infection. Collectively, this study proposes an evolutionary conserved step in the life cycle of positive-stranded RNA viruses, the recruitment of cellular membranes for viral replication, as vulnerable and, most importantly, druggable target for antiviral intervention. We expect this mode of action to serve as a paradigm for the development of potent antiviral drugs to combat many animal and human virus infections.


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The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is a rapidly evolving and diversifying pathogen necessitating the development of improved vaccines. Immunity to PRRSV is not well understood although there are data suggesting that virus-specific T cell IFN-γ responses play an important role. We therefore aimed to better characterise the T cell response to genotype 1 (European) PRRSV by utilising a synthetic peptide library spanning the entire proteome and a small cohort of pigs rendered immune to PRRSV-1 Olot/91 by repeated experimental infection. Using an IFN-γ ELISpot assay as a read-out, we were able to identify 9 antigenic regions on 5 of the viral proteins and determine the corresponding responder T cell phenotype. The diversity of the IFN-γ response to PRRSV proteins suggests that antigenic regions are scattered throughout the proteome and no one single antigen dominates the T cell response. To address the identification of well-conserved T cell antigens, we subsequently screened groups of pigs infected with a closely related avirulent PRRSV-1 strain (Lelystad) and a divergent virulent subtype 3 strain (SU1-Bel). Whilst T cell responses from both groups were observed against many of the antigens identified in the first study, animals infected with the SU1-Bel strain showed the greatest response against peptides representing the non-structural protein 5. The proteome-wide peptide library screening method used here, as well as the antigens identified, warrant further evaluation in the context of next generation vaccine development.