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This study investigated non-specific immune functions of the F-2 generation of "all-fish" growth hormone transgenic carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Lysozyme activity was 145.0 (+/- 30.7) U ml(-1) in the transgenic fish serum and 105.0 (+/- 38.7) U ml(-1) in age-matched non-transgenic control fish serum, a significant difference (P < 0.01). The serum bactericidal activity in the transgenics was significantly higher than that in the controls (P < 0.05), with the percentage serum killing of 59.5% (6.83%) and 50.8% (8.67%), respectively. Values for leukocrit and phagocytic percent of macrophages in head kidney were higher in transgenics than controls (P < 0.05). However, the phagocytic indices in the transgenics and the controls were not different. In addition, the mean body weight of the transgenics was 63.4 (6.65) g, much higher than that of the controls [39.2 (+/- 3.30) g, P < 0.01]. The absolute weight of spleen of the transgenics [0.13 (+/- 0.03) g] was higher than that of the controls [0.08 (+/- 0.02) g, P < 0.01]. However, there was no difference in the relative weight of spleen between the transgenics and the controls, with the spleen mass index being 0.21% (+/- 0.02%) and 0.20% (+/- 0.03%), respectively. This study suggests that the "all-fish" growth hormone transgene expression could stimulate not only the growth but also the non-specific immune functions of carp. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Using non-identical quantum wells as the active material, a new distributed-feed back laser is fabricated with period varied Bragg grating. The full width at half maximum of 115 nm is observed in the amplified spontaneous emission spectrum of this material, which is flatter and wider than that of the identical quantum wells. Two wavelengths of 1.51 mu m and 1.53 mu m are realized under different work conditions. The side-mode suppression ratios of both wavelengths reach 40 dB. This device can be used as the light source of coarse wavelength division multiplexer communication systems.


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Macrokinetic models, namly the modified Avrami, Ozawa and Zibicki models, were applied to study the non-isothermal melt crystallization process of PET/PEN/DBS blends by DSC measurement. The modified Avrami model was found to describe the experimental data fairly well. With the cooling rates in the range from 5 to 20 K/min, Ozawa model could be well used to describe the early stages of crystallization. However, Ozawa model did not fit the polymer blends during the late stages of crystallization, because it ignored the influence of secondary crystallization. The crystallization ability of the blends decreases with increasing the DBS content from analysis by using Ziabicki kinetic model, which is similar to the results based on calculation of the effective energy barrier of the blends.


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The structure of phenylalanine transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA(Phe)) in solution was explored by H-1 NMR spectroscopy to evaluate the effect of lanthanide ion on the structural and conformational change. It was found that La3+ ions possess specific effects on the imino proton region of the H-1 NMR spectra for yeast tRNA(Phe). The dependence of the imino proton spectra of yeast tRNA(Phe) as a function of La3+ concentration was examined, and the results suggest that the tertiary base pair G(15). C-48, which is located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by La3+ (shifted to downfield by as much as 0.35). Base pair U-8. A(14) in yeast tRNA(Phe), which are stacked on G(15). C-48, was also affected by added La3+ when 1 similar to 2 Mg2+ were also present. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in yeast tRNA(Phe) is that of the tertiary base pair G(19). C-56. The assignment of this resonance in yeast tRNA(Phe) is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances beween 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T Psi C loop. The binding of La3+ caused conformational change of tRNA, which is responsible for shifts to upfield or downfield in H-1 NMR spectra.


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The simulation of subsonic aeroacoustic problems such as the flow-generated sound of wind instruments is well suited for parallel computing on a cluster of non-dedicated workstations. Simulations are demonstrated which employ 20 non-dedicated Hewlett-Packard workstations (HP9000/715), and achieve comparable performance on this problem as a 64-node CM-5 dedicated supercomputer with vector units. The success of the present approach depends on the low communication requirements of the problem (low communication to computation ratio) which arise from the coarse-grain decomposition of the problem and the use of local-interaction methods. Many important problems may be suitable for this type of parallel computing including computer vision, circuit simulation, and other subsonic flow problems.


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Anthropogenic changes to climate and extreme weather events have already led to the introduction of non-native species (NNS) to the North Atlantic. Regional climate models predict that there will be a continuation of the current trend of warming throughout the 21st century providing enhanced opportunities for NNS at each stage of the invasion process. Increasing evidence is now available to show that climate change has led to the northwards range expansion of a number of NNS in the UK and Ireland, such as the Asian club tunicate Styela clava and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Providing definitive evidence though of the direct linkage between climate change and the spread of the majority of NNS is extremely challenging, due to other confounding factors, such as anthropogenic activity. Localised patterns of water movement and food supply may also be complicating the overall pattern of northwards range expansion, by preventing the expansion of some NNS, such as the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata and the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis, from a particular region. A greater understanding of the other aspects of climate change and increased atmospheric CO2, such as increased rainfall, heat waves, frequency of storm events, and ocean acidification may aid in increasing the confidence that scientists have in predicting the long term influence of climate change on the introduction, spread and establishment of NNS.


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Abstract: The UK Government funded, GB Non-Native Species Information Portal (GBNNSIP) collects and collates data on non-native species in Great Britain making information available online. Resources include a comprehensive register of non-native species and detailed fact sheets for a sub-set, significant to humans or the environment. Reporting of species records are linked to risk analyses, rapid responses and horizon scanning to support the early recognition of threats (Figure 12). The portal has improved flow of new and existing distributional data to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) to generate distribution maps for the portal. The project is led by the Biological Records Centre and the Marine Biological Association is responsible for marine non-native species within this scheme. The INTERREG IV funded project Marinexus has included professional research and citizen science work, which has fed directly into the portal. The portal outputs and the work of Marinexus have a range of marine governance applications, including supporting work towards MSFD compliance.


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Every aerobic organism expresses cytochrome c oxidase to catalyze reduction of molecular oxygen to water, and takes advantage of this energy releasing reaction to produce an electrochemical gradient used in cellular energy production. The protein SCO (Synthesis of cytochrome c oxidase) is a required assembly factor for the oxidase, conserved across many species. SCO is implicated in the assembly of one of two copper centres (ie., CuA) of cytochrome oxidase. The exact mechanism of SCO’s participation in CuA assembly is not known. SCO has been proposed to bind and deliver copper, or alternatively to act in reductive preparation of the CuA site within the oxidase. In this body of work, the strength and stability of Cu(II) binding to Bacillus subtilis SCO is explored via electronic absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by calorimetric methods. An equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.5x10-12 M was determined as an upper limit for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction, via differential scanning calorimetry. In the first reported case for a SCO homolog, dissociation kinetics of Cu(II) from BsSCO were characterized, and found to be dependent on both ionic strength and the presence of free Cu(II) in solution. Further differential scanning calorimetry experiments performed at high ionic strength support a two-step model of BsSCO and Cu(II) binding. The implications of this model for the BsSCO-Cu(II) interaction are presented in relation to the mechanism of interaction between SCO and the CuA site of cytochrome c oxidase.