995 resultados para wheat quality


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Gnocchi is a typical Italian potato-based fresh pasta that can be either homemade or industrially manufactured. The homemade traditional product is consumed fresh on the day it is produced, whereas the industrially manufactured one is vacuum-packed in polyethylene and usually stored at refrigerated conditions. At industrial level, most kinds of gnocchi are usually produced by using some potato derivatives (i.e. flakes, dehydrated products or flour) to which soft wheat flour, salt, some emulsifiers and aromas are added. Recently, a novel type of gnocchi emerged on the Italian pasta market, since it would be as much similar as possible to the traditional homemade one. It is industrially produced from fresh potatoes as main ingredient and soft wheat flour, pasteurized liquid eggs and salt, moreover this product undergoes steam cooking and mashing industrial treatments. Neither preservatives nor emulsifiers are included in the recipe. The main aim of this work was to get inside the industrial manufacture of gnocchi, in order to improve the quality characteristics of the final product, by the study of the main steps of the production, starting from the raw and steam cooked tubers, through the semi-finished materials, such as the potato puree and the formulated dough. For this purpose the investigation of the enzymatic activity of the raw and steam cooked potatoes, the main characteristics of the puree (colour, texture and starch), the interaction among ingredients of differently formulated doughs and the basic quality aspects of the final product have been performed. Results obtained in this work indicated that steam cooking influenced the analysed enzymes (Pectin methylesterase and α- and β-amylases) in different tissues of the tuber. PME resulted still active in the cortex, it therefore may affect the texture of cooked potatoes to be used as main ingredient in the production of gnocchi. Starch degrading enzymes (α- and β-amylases) were inactivated both in the cortex and in the pith of the tuber. The study performed on the potato puree showed that, between the two analysed samples, the product which employed dual lower pressure treatments seemed to be the most suitable to the production of gnocchi, in terms of its better physicochemical and textural properties. It did not evidence aggregation phenomena responsible of hard lumps, which may occur in this kind of semi-finished product. The textural properties of gnocchi doughs were not influenced by the different formulation as expected. Among the ingredients involved in the preparation of the different samples, soft wheat flour seemed to be the most crucial in affecting the quality features of gnocchi doughs. As a consequence of the interactive effect of the ingredients on the physicochemical and textural characteristics of the different doughs, a uniform and well-defined split-up among samples was not obtained. In the comparison of different kinds of gnocchi, the optimal physicochemical and textural properties were detected in the sample made with fresh tubers. This was probably caused not only by the use of fresh steam cooked potatoes, but also by the pasteurized liquid eggs and by the absence of any kind of emulsifier, additive or preserving substance.


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The PhD project was focused on the study of the poultry welfare conditions and improvements. The project work was divided into 3 main research activities. A) Field evaluation of chicken meat rearing conditions kept in intensive farms. Considering the lack of published reports concerning the overall Italian rearing conditions of broiler chickens, a survey was carried out to assess the welfare conditions of broiler reared in the most important poultry companies in Italy to verify if they are in accordance with the advices given in the European proposal COM (2005) 221 final. Chicken farm conditions, carcass lesions and meat quality were investigated. 1. The densities currently used in Italy are in accordance with the European proposal COM 221 final (2005) which suggests to keep broilers at a density lower than 30-32 kg live weight/m2 and to not exceed 38-40 kg live weight/m2. 2. The mortality rates in summer and winter agree with the mortality score calculated following the formula reported in the EU Proposal COM 221 final (2005). 3. The incidence of damaged carcasses was very low and did not seem related to the stocking density. 4. The FPD scores were generally above the maximum limit advised by the EU proposal COM 221 final (2005), although the stocking densities were lower than 30-32 kg live weight per m2. 5. It can be stated that the control of the environmental conditions, particularly litter quality, appears a key issue to control the onset of foot dermatitis. B) Manipulation of several farm parameters, such litter material and depth, stocking density and light regimen to improve the chicken welfare conditions, in winter season. 1. Even though 2 different stocking densities were established in this study, the performances achieved from the chickens were almost identical among groups. 2. The FCR was significantly better in Standard conditions contrarily to birds reared in Welfare conditions with lower stocking density, more litter material and with a light program of 16 hours light and 8 hours dark. 3. In our trial, in Standard groups we observed a higher content of moisture, nitrogen and ammonia released from the litter. Therefore it can be assumed that the environmental characteristics have been positively changed by the improvements of the rearing conditions adopted for Welfare groups. 4. In Welfare groups the exhausted litters of the pens were dryer and broilers showed a lower occurrence of FPD. 5. The prevalence of hock burn lesions, like FPD, is high with poor litter quality conditions. 6. The combined effect of a lower stocking density, a greater amount of litter material and a photoperiod similar to the natural one, have positively influenced the chickens welfare status, as a matter of fact the occurrence of FPD in Welfare groups was the lowest keeping the score under the European threshold of the proposal COM 221 final(2005). C) The purpose of the third research was to study the effect of high or low stocking density of broiler chickens, different types of litter and the adoption of short or long lighting regimen on broiler welfare through the evaluation of their productivity and incidence of foot pad dermatitis during the hot season. 1. The feed efficiency was better for the Low Density than for High Density broilers. 2. The appearance of FPD was not influenced by stocking density. 3. The foot examination revealed that the lesions occurred more in birds maintained on chopped wheat straw than on wood shaving. 4. In conclusion, the adoptions of a short light regimen similar to that occurring in nature during summer reduces the feed intake without modify the growth rate thus improving the feed efficiency. Foot pad lesion were not affected neither by stocking densities nor by light regimens whereas wood shavings exerted a favourable effect in preserving foot pad in good condition. D) A study was carried out to investigate more widely the possible role of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplemented in the diet of a laying hen commercial strain (Lohmann brown) in comparison of diets supplemented with D3 or with D3 + 25- hydroxycholecalciferol. Egg traits during a productive cycle as well as the bone characteristics of the layers have been as well evaluated to determine if there the vitamin D3 may enhance the welfare status of the birds. 1. The weight of the egg and of its components is often greater in hens fed a diet enriched with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol. 2. Since eggs of treated groups are heavier and a larger amount of shell is needed, a direct effect on shell strength is observed. 3. At 30 and at 50 wk of age hens fed 25 hydroxycholecalciferol exhibited greater values of bone breaking force. 4. Radiographic density values obtained in the trial are always higher in hens fed with 25-hydroxycholecalciferol of both treatments: supplemented for the whole laying cycle (25D3) or from 40 weeks of age onward (D3+25D3).


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Lipids are important components that contribute very significantly to nutritional and technological quality of foods because they are the least stable macro-components in foods, due to high susceptibility to oxidation. When rancidity take place, it makes food unhealthy and unacceptable for consumers. Thus, the presence of antioxidants, naturally present of added to foods, is required to enhance shelf life of foods. Moreover, antioxidant like phenolic compounds play an important role in human health enhancing the functionality of foods. The aim of this PhD project was the study of lipid quality and lipid oxidation in different vegetable foods focusing on analytical and technological aspects in order to figure out the effects of lipid composition and bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds, omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber) addition on their shelf life. In addition, bioavailability and antioxidant effects of phenolic compounds in human and animals, respectively, were evaluated after consumption of vegetable foods. The first section of the work was focused on the evaluation of lipid quality impact on technological behaviour of vegetable foods. Because of that, cocoa butter with different melting point were evaluated by chromatographic techniques (GC, TLC) and the sample with the higher melting point showed the presence of fatty acids, triglycerides, 2-monoglycerides and FT-IR profile different from genuine cocoa butter, meaning an adding of foreign fat (lauric-fat) not allowed by the law. Looking at lipid quality of other vegetable foods, an accelerated shelf life test (OXITEST®), was used to evaluate of lipid stability to oxidation in tarallini snacks made up using different lipid matrices (sunflower oil, extravirgin olive oil and a blend of extravirgin olive oil and lard). The results showed a good ability of OXITEST® to discriminate between lipid unsaturation and different cooking times, without any samples fat extraction. In the second section, the role of bioactive compounds on cereal based food shelf life was studied in different bakeries by GC, spectrophotometric methods and capillary electrophoresis. It was examined the relationships between phenolic compounds, added with flour, and lipid oxidation of tarallini and frollini. Both products showed an increase in lipid oxidation during storage and antioxidant effects on lipid oxidation were not as expected. Furthermore, the influence of enrichment in polyunsaturated fatty acids on lipid oxidation of pasta was evaluated. The results proved that LC n-3 PUFA were not significantly implicated in the onset of oxidation in spaghetti stored under daylight and accelerated oxidation in a laboratory heater. The importance of phenolic compounds as antioxidant in humans and rats was also studied, by HPLC/MS in the latter section. For this purpose, apigenin and apigenin glycosides excretion was investigated in six women’s urine in a 24 hours study. After a single dose of steamed artichokes, both aglicone and glucuronide metabolites were recovered in 24 h urine. Moreover, the effect of whole grain durum wheat bread and whole grain Kamut® khorasan bread in rats were evaluated. Both cereals were good sources of antioxidants but Kamut® bread fed animals had a better response to stress than wheat durum fed, especially when a sourdough bread was supplied.


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Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) is a worldwide cereal disease responsible of significant yield reduction, inferior grain quality, and mycotoxin accumulation. Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum are the prevalent causal agents. FHB has been endemic in Italy since 1995, while there are no records about its presence in Syria. Forty-eight and forty-six wheat kernel samples were collected from different localities and analyzed for fungal presence and mycotoxin contamination. Fusarium strains were identified morphologically but the molecular confirmation was performed only for some species. Further differentiation of the chemotypes for trichothecene synthesis by F. graminearum and F. culmorum strains was conducted by PCR assays. Fusarium spp. were present in 62.5% of Syrian samples. 3Acetyl-Deoxynivalenol and nivalenol chemotypes were found in F. culmorum whilst all F. graminearum strains belonged to NIV chemotype. Italian samples were infected with Fusarium spp for 67.4%. 15Ac-DON was the prevalent chemotype in F. graminearum, while 3Ac-DON chemotype was detected in F. culmorum. The 60 Syrian Fusarium strains tested for mycotoxin production by HPLC-MS/MS have shown the prevalence of zearalenone while the emerging mycotoxins were almost absent. The analysis of the different Syrian and Italian samples of wheat kernels for their mycotoxin content showed that Syrian kernels were mainly contaminated with storage mycotoxins, aflatoxins and ochratoxin whilst Italian grains with mainly Fusarium mycotoxins. The aggressiveness of several Syrian F. culmorum isolates was estimated using three different assays: floret inoculation in growth chamber, ear inoculation in the field and a validated new Petri-dish test. The study of the behaviour of different Syrian wheat cultivars, grown under different conditions, has revealed that Jory is a FHB Syrian tolerant cultivar. This is the first study in Syria on Fusarium spp. associated to FHB, Fusarium mycotoxin producers and grain quality.


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Soil is a critically important component of the earth’s biosphere. Developing agricultural production systems able to conserve soil quality is essential to guarantee the current and future capacity of soil to provide goods and services. This study investigates the potential of microbial and biochemical parameters to be used as early and sensitive soil quality indicators. Their ability to differentiate plots under contrasting fertilization regimes is evaluated based also on their sensitivity to seasonal fluctuations of environmental conditions and on their relationship with soil chemical parameters. Further, the study addresses some of the critical methodological aspects of microplate-based fluorimetric enzyme assays, in order to optimize assay conditions and evaluate their suitability to be used as a toll to asses soil quality. The study was based on a long-term field experiment established in 1966 in the Po valley (Italy). The soil was cropped with maize (Z. mays L.) and winter wheat (T. aestivum L.) and received no organic fertilization, crop residue or manure, in combination with increasing levels of mineral N fertilizer. The soil microbiota responded to manure amendment increasing it biomass and activity and changing its community composition. Crop residue effect was much more limited. Mineral N fertilization stimulated crop residue mineralization, shifted microbial community composition and influenced N and P cycling enzyme activities. Seasonal fluctuations of environmental factors affected the soil microbiota. However microbial and biochemical parameters seasonality did not hamper the identification of fertilization-induced effects. Soil microbial community abundance, function and composition appeared to be strongly related to soil organic matter content and composition, confirming the close link existing between these soil quality indicators. Microplate-based fluorimetric enzyme assays showed potential to be used as fast and throughput toll to asses soil quality, but required proper optimization of the assay conditions for a precise estimation of enzymes maximum potential activity.


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Multiparental cross designs for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) in crops are efficient alternatives to conventional biparental experimental populations because they exploit a broader genetic basis and higher mapping resolution. We describe the development and deployment of a multiparental recombinant inbred line (RIL) population in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) obtained by crossing four elite cultivars characterized by different traits of agronomic value. A linkage map spanning 2,663 cM and including 7,594 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was produced by genotyping 338 RILs with a wheat-dedicated 90k SNP chip. A cluster file was developed for correct allele calling in the framework of the tetraploid durum wheat genome. Based on phenotypic data collected over four field experiments, a multi-trait quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was carried out for 18 traits of agronomic relevance (including yield, yield-components, morpho-physiological and seed quality traits). Across environments, a total of 63 QTL were identified and characterized in terms of the four founder haplotypes. We mapped two QTL for grain yield across environments and 23 QTL for grain yield components. A novel major QTL for number of grain per spikelet/ear was mapped on chr 2A and shown to control up to 39% of phenotypic variance in this cross. Functionally different QTL alleles, in terms of direction and size of genetic effect, were distributed among the four parents. Based on the occurrence of QTL-clusters, we characterized the breeding values (in terms of effects on yield) of most of QTL for heading and maturity as well as yield component and quality QTL. This multiparental RIL population provides the wheat community with a highly informative QTL mapping resource enabling the dissection of the genetic architecture of multiple agronomic relevant traits in durum wheat.


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As part of the ESA-funded MELiSSA program, the suitability, the growth and the development of four bread wheat cultivars were investigated in hydroponic culture with the aim to incorporate such a cultivation system in an Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS). Wheat plants can fulfill three major functions in space: (a) fixation of CO2 and production of O2, (b) production of grains for human nutrition and (c) production of cleaned water after condensation of the water vapor released from the plants by transpiration. Four spring wheat cultivars (Aletsch, Fiorina, Greina and CH Rubli) were grown hydroponically and compared with respect to growth and grain maturation properties. The height of the plants, the culture duration from germination to harvest, the quantity of water used, the number of fertile and non-fertile tillers as well as the quantity and quality of the grains harvested were considered. Mature grains could be harvested after around 160 days depending on the varieties. It became evident that the nutrient supply is crucial in this context and strongly affects leaf senescence and grain maturation. After a first experiment, the culture conditions were improved for the second experiment (stepwise decrease of EC after flowering, pH adjusted twice a week, less plants per m2) leading to a more favorable harvest (higher grain yield and harvest index). Considerably less green tillers without mature grains were present at harvest time in experiment 2 than in experiment 1. The harvest index for dry matter (including roots) ranged from 0.13 to 0.35 in experiment 1 and from 0.23 to 0.41 in experiment 2 with modified culture conditions. The thousand-grain weight for the four varieties ranged from 30.4 to 36.7 g in experiment 1 and from 33.2 to 39.1 g in experiment 2, while market samples were in the range of 39.4–46.9 g. Calcium levels in grains of the hydroponically grown wheat were similar to those from field-grown wheat, while potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and nickel levels tended to be higher in the grains of experimental plants. It remains a challenge for future experiments to further adapt the nutrient supply in order to improve senescence of vegetative plant parts, harvest index and the composition of bread wheat grains.


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• Background and Aims The uptake, translocation and redistribution of the heavy metals zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt and cadmium are relevant for plant nutrition as well as for the quality of harvested plant products. The long-distance transport of these heavy metals within the root system and the release to the shoot in young wheat (Triticum aestivum ‘Arina’) plants were investigated. • Methods After the application of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd for 24 h to one seminal root (the other seminal roots being excised) of 54-h-old wheat seedlings, the labelled plants were incubated for several days in hydroponic culture on a medium without radionuclides. • Key Results The content of 65Zn decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root. After the transfer of 65Zn from the roots to the shoot, a further redistribution in the phloem from older to younger leaves was observed. In contrast to 65Zn, 109Cd was released more slowly from the roots to the leaves and was subsequently redistributed in the phloem to the youngest leaves only at trace levels. The content of 63Ni decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root, moving to the newly formed parts of the root system and also accumulating transiently in the expanding leaves. The 54Mn content decreased quickly in the labelled part of the root and increased simultaneously in leaf 1. A strong retention in the labelled part of the root was observed after supplying 57Co. • Conclusions The dynamics of redistribution of 65Zn, 54Mn, 63Ni, 57Co and 109Cd differed considerably. The rapid redistribution of 63Ni from older to younger leaves throughout the experiment indicated a high mobility in the phloem, while 54Mn was mobile only in the xylem and 57Co was retained in the labelled root without being loaded into the xylem.


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The phloem mobility of heavy metals is relevant to the redistribution of micronutrients and pollutants and, ultimately, to the quality of harvested plant parts. The relative mobility in wheat may vary considerably between different cations. In the study reported here, radio-labeled nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) were introduced into either intact young winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) via a leaf flap, or detached maturing shoots via the cut stem. Elements fed into the lamina of the second leaf of 21-day-old plants were translocated to the younger (expanding) leaves and to the roots but not or only in trace amounts to the first (already fully expanded) leaf. The 63Ni and 65Zn were exported more rapidly compared with the other heavy metals. Most of 54Mn was retained in the originally labeled leaf. The peduncle of some maturing shoots was steam-girdled below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. This phloem interruption reduced the content of 63Ni in the ear to about 25%. Intermediate effects were observed for 65Zn, 57Co, and 109Cd. Total 54Mn accumulation in the ear was hardly affected by steam-girdling, indicating a transport of this element within the xylem to the ear. These results suggest that the relative phloem mobility of Ni and Zn in young wheat plants and in maturing wheat shoots is higher than the mobility of Co and Cd, whereas the mobility of Mn is very low.


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The dynamics of the two alkali metals sodium and cesium in crop plants are relevant in an ecological context. Redistribution processes for these elements in young wheat plants were investigated in the work reported here. Two days old wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) were fed for 24 h with sodium‐22 (22Na) and cesium‐134 (134Cs) via the main root and incubated afterwards in a culture room. Cesium‐134 accumulated in newly formed parts of the main root and in the expanding leaves during the first 20 days after labeling, while 22Na accumulated transiently in these plant parts, reached a peak and declined after a few days. A high percentage of 22Na was released from the roots to the medium. Total Na in leaves also accumulated transiently, but its highest accumulation appeared later than the peak of 22Na. Therefore, the distribution and retranslocation processes differ considerably for sodium and cesium in wheat plants. Such differences must be considered for the evaluation of environmental effects (e.g., release of pollutants into the environment) on the quality of harvested cereal products.


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Investigations were focused on light effects on allocation of root-borne macronutrients (calcium, magnesium and potassium) and micronutrients (iron, manganese, zinc and copper) in roots, shoots and harvested grains of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Plants were exposed to low (100 μmol photons m−2 s−1) or high light (380 μmol photons m−2 s−1). High light stimulated both root and shoot growth. While the total contents per plant of some nutrients were markedly higher (calcium and potassium) or lower (copper) under high light, no major differences were observed for other nutrients. The distribution of nutrients and the further redistribution within the shoot were influenced by the light intensity in an element-specific manner. Nutrients were selectively directed to the leaves of the main shoot (low light) or to the tillers (high light). The quality of the harvested grains was also affected by the light intensity.


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Reducing duplication in ex-situ collections is complicated and requires good quality genetic markers. This study was conducted to assess the value of endosperm proteins and SSRs for validation of potential duplicates and monitoring intra-accession variability. Fifty durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum) accessions grouped in 23 potential duplicates, and previously characterised for 30 agro-morphological traits, were analysed for gliadin and high molecular weight glutenin (HMWG) subunit alleles, total protein, and 24 SSRs, covering a wide genome area. Similarity and dissimilarity matrices were generated based on protein and SSRs alleles. For heterogeneous accessions at gliadins the percent pattern homology (PH) between gliadin patterns and the Nei’s coefficient of genetic identity (I) were computed. Eighteen duplicates identical for proteins showed none or less than 3 unshared SSRs alleles. For heterogeneous accessions PH and I values lower than 80 identified clearly off-types with more than 3 SSRs unshared. Only those biotypes differing in no more than one protein-coding locus were confirmed with SSRs. A good concordance among proteins, morphological traits, and SSR were detected. However, the discrepancy in similarity detected in some cases showed that it is advisable to evaluate redundancy through distinct approaches. The analysis in proteins together with SSRs data are very useful to identify duplicates, biotypes, close related genotypes, and contaminations


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In this work gliadin proteins were used to analyse the genetic variability in a sample of the durum wheat Spanish collection conserved at the CRF-INIA. In total 38 different alleles were identified at the loci Gli-A1, Gli-A3, Gli-B5, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. All the gliadin loci were polymorphic, possessed large genetic diversity and small and large differentiation within and between varieties, respectively. The Gli-A2 and Gli-B2 loci were the most polymorphic, the most fixed within varieties and the most useful to distinguish among varieties. Alternatively, Gli-B1 locus presented the least genetic variability out of the four main loci Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-A2 and Gli-B2. The Gli-B1 alleles coding for the gliadin γ-45, associated with good quality, had an accumulated frequency of 69.7%, showing that the Spanish germplasm could be a good source for breeding quality. The Spanish landraces studied showed new gliadin alleles not catalogued so far. These new alleles might be associated with specific Spanish environment factors. The large number of new alleles identified also indicates that durum wheat Spanish germplasm is rather unique.


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Incorporation of fiber in cereals may lead to quality issues, thus decreasing consumer acceptance. This is partially due to deterioration of the microstructure, one of the primary quality attributes of cereals. The objective of this study was to better understand the mechanisms by which dietary fibers affect the quality of cereal products during extrusioncooking. The study quantified the effect of amount and type of fiber and whole grain on (i) texture, (ii) structure, and (iii) rehydration properties of extruded cereals. New innovative methods were applied and combined with traditional techniques to characterize both the structure and the rehydration properties. Extruded cereals were produced using a starch-based recipe (whole and wheat flours) and two sources of fibers (oat bran concentrate and wheat bran). The oat and wheat bran levels used in this study were 0, 10, and 20%. The different mixtures were extruded in a pilot twinscrew extruder BC21 (Clextral) and then sugar coated after drying. Mechanical properties of extruded cereals were investigated by compression test. The cellular structure was observed by X-ray tomography. The quality of coating (thickness, homogeneity) was analyzed by optical coherence tomography. The rehydration properties of such cereals in milk were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging and optical coherence tomography. This work revealed that structure assessment of extruded cereals may lead to a better understanding of the effect of fiber addition on texture and rehydration properties. The application of innovative methods, such as optical coherence tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, was found to be useful to quantify the structural properties.


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Background Gliadins are a major component of gluten proteins but their role in the mixing of dough is not well understood because their contribution to wheat flour functional properties are not as clear as for the glutenin fraction. Methodology/Principal Findings Transgenic lines of bread wheat with γ-gliadins suppressed by RNAi are reported. The effects on the gluten protein composition and on technological properties of flour were analyzed by RP-HPLC, by sodium dodecyl sulfate sedimentation (SDSS) test and by Mixograph analysis. The silencing of γ-gliadins by RNAi in wheat lines results in an increase in content of all other gluten proteins. Despite the gluten proteins compensation, in silico analysis of amino acid content showed no difference in the γ-gliadins silenced lines. The SDSS test and Mixograph parameters were slightly affected by the suppression of γ-gliadins. Conclusions/Significance Therefore, it is concluded that γ-gliadins do not have an essential functional contribution to the bread-making quality of wheat dough, and their role can be replaced by other gluten proteins