950 resultados para wearable, computing, body, area, network, bluetooth, android, wristOx2


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Wireless Personal Area Networks provide a pivotal role in local area network technology complementing traditional Wireless Local Area Network technologies. Bluetooth, ZigBee and NFC (Near Field Communications) have emerged as key WPAN technologies with UWB (Ultra Wide Band) standards currently evolving. They are however subject to the usual range of security vulnerabilities found in wireless LANs such as spoofing, snooping, man-in-the-middle, denial of service and other attacks. However security in WPANs is not as mature as it is in Wireless LANs and further work is needed in order to provide comparable protection. This paper examines a range of WPAN technologies and security issues and proposes protection mechanisms that can mitigate risk in each case. © 2012 IEEE.


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 This thesis has developed a sensor-Cloud system that integrates WBANs with Cloud computing to enable real-time sensor data collection, storage, processing, sharing and management. As the main contribution of this study, a congestion detection and control protocol is proposed to ensure acceptable data flows are maintained during the network lifetime.


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Progress in miniaturization of electronic components and design of wireless systems paved the way towards ubiquitous and pervasive communications, enabling anywhere and anytime connectivity. Wireless devices present on, inside, around the human body are becoming commonly used, leading to the class of body-centric communications. The presence of the body with all its peculiar characteristics has to be properly taken into account in the development and design of wireless networks in this context. This thesis addresses various aspects of body-centric communications, with the aim of investigating network performance achievable in different scenarios. The main original contributions pertain to the performance evaluation for Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) at the Medium Access Control layer: the application of Link Adaptation to these networks is proposed, Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance algorithms used for WBAN are extensively investigated, coexistence with other wireless systems is examined. Then, an analytical model for interference in wireless access network is developed, which can be applied to the study of communication between devices located on humans and fixed nodes of an external infrastructure. Finally, results on experimental activities regarding the investigation of human mobility and sociality are presented.


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Scopo primario della tesi è studiare e progettare un sistema informatico che proponga un buon livello di innovazione tecnologica in relazione al contesto applicativo di riferimento, ovvero relativamente al supporto al lavoro cooperativo di operatori in scenari d'emergenza. In particolare, la tesi si concentra sul'ecosistema software che ruota attorno al singolo operatore con l'obiettivo di dotarlo di uno strumento informatico che gli consenta di avvalersi di un efficace ed efficiente supporto per l'esecuzione delle proprie azioni sul campo (in generale, per la prima assistenza ai pazienti, triage e monitoraggio di parametri vitali). A tal proposito, l'ambito tecnologico di riferimento è quello del Pervasive Mobile Computing, con specifico riferimento ai sistemi context-aware e a quelli con comportamenti fortemente autonomi. Inoltre, al fine di dotare l'operatore di un supporto per l'interazione con il sistema stesso in modalità hands-free, sono stati analizzati i dispositivi wearable di tipo "see-through"; in particolare, i recenti glasses per realtà aumentata. La progettazione del sistema e il conseguente sviluppo del prototipo (che implementa le caratteristiche più significative ed innovative), è stata guidata da un'ispirazione basata sul modello ad agenti (integrato a quello ad oggetti), rivisitando opportunamente l'utilizzo dei componenti offerti dalla tecnologia Android, al fine di ottenere un prodotto software robusto e modulare facilmente manutenibile ed estendibile. Infine, per garantire a ciascun operatore rapida fruibilità del sistema sono state sfruttate le potenzialità offerte dall'uso di smartcard NFC ed inoltre è stato progettato un protocollo di comunicazione ad hoc, basato su stack Bluetooth, per l'integrazione degli AR-Glasses all'intero sistema.


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La tesi sviluppa, attraverso un processo definito e gestito, una libreria Android che permette di far comunicare diversi dispositivi mobili tramite Bluetooth. Inoltre gestisce: • le richieste di connessione sia che esse provengano dall’esterno, sia che partano dal dispositivo stesso; • la dinamicità del sistema utilizzando dispositivi mobili, cioè capaci di muoversi in diverse direzioni costantemente. In tal senso, la lista dei dispositivi vicini è costantemente aggiornata. • la comunicazione in stile Peer-to-Peer(P2P). In questo caso si viene a formare un gap in quanto la libreria Android di Bluetooth usa lo stile Master-Slave per i suoi dispositivi. Per colmare questo gap, la libreria sviluppata crea un layer soprastante la libreria Bluetooth di Android e maschera lo stile di comunicazione di quest’ultima a favo- re di una comunicazione paritaria, nella quale un dispositivo può sia accettare le richieste di connessione, sia connettersi ad altri dispositivi.


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Lo scopo della tesi e quello di giungere alla realizzazione di un prototipo, che si basi su tecnologie specifiche quali GPS, Android e Bluetooth, per l'infrastruttura di un sistema che può essere visto come l'unione di tre macro parti distinte, centrale di controllo, dispositivo mobile e pulsossimetro. Concentrandosi in particolare sugli ultimi due componenti citati e realizzando un sistema di comunicazione che si basa su un Web Service ispirato al modello REST, si giungerà, attraverso un attento processo logico dettato dai canoni dell'ingegneria del software, al prototipo finale. Il prototipo che sarà realizzato rappresenterà oltre che un primo sistema funzionante e operativo, un punto di partenza per estensioni future, con lo scopo di perfezionare le funzionalità già esistenti o di fornirne di aggiuntive.


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La tesi tratta dell'esplorazione di una possibile interfaccia utente per Smart Glass in un contesto di utilizzo hands-free con elementi virtuali appartenenti ad un sistema di riferimento solidale all'utente e non al dispositivo, e la conseguente realizzazione di un Framework per lo sviluppo di applicazioni Andoid rispondenti a tale interfaccia e relativo test.


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In perceptual terms, the human body is a complex 3d shape which has to be interpreted by the observer to judge its attractiveness. Both body mass and shape have been suggested as strong predictors of female attractiveness. Normally body mass and shape co-vary, and it is difficult to differentiate their separate effects. A recent study suggested that altering body mass does not modulate activity in the reward mechanisms of the brain, but shape does. However, using computer generated female body-shaped greyscale images, based on a Principal Component Analysis of female bodies, we were able to construct images which covary with real female body mass (indexed with BMI) and not with body shape (indexed with WHR), and vice versa. Twelve observers (6 male and 6 female) rated these images for attractiveness during an fMRI study. The attractiveness ratings were correlated with changes in BMI and not WHR. Our primary fMRI results demonstrated that in addition to activation in higher visual areas (such as the extrastriate body area), changing BMI also modulated activity in the caudate nucleus, and other parts of the brain reward system. This shows that BMI, not WHR, modulates reward mechanisms in the brain and we infer that this may have important implications for judgements of ideal body size in eating disordered individuals.


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Many studies have attempted to identify the different cognitive components of body representation (BR). Due to methodological issues, the data reported in these studies are often confusing. Here we summarize the fMRI data from previous studies and explore the possibility of a neural segregation between BR supporting actions (body-schema, BS) or not (non-oriented-to-action-body-representation, NA). We performed a general activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of 59 fMRI experiments and two individual meta-analyses to identify the neural substrates of different BR. Body processing involves a wide network of areas in occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal lobes. NA selectively activates the somatosensory primary cortex and the supramarginal gyrus. BS involves the primary motor area and the right extrastriate body area. Our data suggest that motor information and recognition of body parts are fundamental to build BS. Instead, sensory information and processing of the egocentric perspective are more important for NA. In conclusion, our results strongly support the idea that different and segregated neural substrates are involved in body representations orient or not to actions.


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La tesi tratta l'esplorazione dell'idea per una nuova tipologia di interfacce utente, progettate specificatamente per dispositivi wearable hands free (più nel dettaglio per un'accoppiata smart glass Android based e gesture recognizer). Per facilitare lo sviluppo di applicazioni basate su questi dispositivi è stato realizzato un framework che permetta di costruire, in maniera relativamente semplice, interfacce utente innovative, che consentano all'utente di interagire con i contenuti digitali senza interrompere il suo contatto con la realtà e senza costringerlo a utilizzare le mani.


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The recent development of indoor wireless local area network (WLAN) standards at 2.45 GHz and 5 GHz has led to increased interest in propagation studies at these frequency bands. Within the indoor environment, human body effects can strongly reduce the quality of wireless communication systems. Human body effects can cause temporal variations and shadowing due to pedestrian movement and antenna- body interaction with portable terminals. This book presents a statistical characterisation, based on measurements, of human body effects on indoor narrowband channels at 2.45 GHz and at 5.2 GHz. A novel cumulative distribution function (CDF) that models the 5 GHz narrowband channel in populated indoor environments is proposed. This novel CDF describes the received envelope in terms of pedestrian traffic. In addition, a novel channel model for the populated indoor environment is proposed for the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) narrowband channel in presence of pedestrians at 2.45 GHz. Results suggest that practical MIMO systems must be sufficiently adaptive if they are to benefit from the capacity enhancement caused by pedestrian movement.


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This paper reports on a large, long-term mobile wireless sensor network deployment. The trial was part of an animal study involving 45 animals. During the trial, 15 animals were equipped with wireless sensor nodes for a week. The paper discusses various issues with such a deployment including electronic design, software design, animal ethics clearance, logistics, and wearable computing equipment for animals. The paper also presents some preliminary analysis of the data obtained from the deployment, both from the perspective of network parameters and animal movement behavior.


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There are a number of large networks which occur in many problems dealing with the flow of power, communication signals, water, gas, transportable goods, etc. Both design and planning of these networks involve optimization problems. The first part of this paper introduces the common characteristics of a nonlinear network (the network may be linear, the objective function may be non linear, or both may be nonlinear). The second part develops a mathematical model trying to put together some important constraints based on the abstraction for a general network. The third part deals with solution procedures; it converts the network to a matrix based system of equations, gives the characteristics of the matrix and suggests two solution procedures, one of them being a new one. The fourth part handles spatially distributed networks and evolves a number of decomposition techniques so that we can solve the problem with the help of a distributed computer system. Algorithms for parallel processors and spatially distributed systems have been described.There are a number of common features that pertain to networks. A network consists of a set of nodes and arcs. In addition at every node, there is a possibility of an input (like power, water, message, goods etc) or an output or none. Normally, the network equations describe the flows amoungst nodes through the arcs. These network equations couple variables associated with nodes. Invariably, variables pertaining to arcs are constants; the result required will be flows through the arcs. To solve the normal base problem, we are given input flows at nodes, output flows at nodes and certain physical constraints on other variables at nodes and we should find out the flows through the network (variables at nodes will be referred to as across variables).The optimization problem involves in selecting inputs at nodes so as to optimise an objective function; the objective may be a cost function based on the inputs to be minimised or a loss function or an efficiency function. The above mathematical model can be solved using Lagrange Multiplier technique since the equalities are strong compared to inequalities. The Lagrange multiplier technique divides the solution procedure into two stages per iteration. Stage one calculates the problem variables % and stage two the multipliers lambda. It is shown that the Jacobian matrix used in stage one (for solving a nonlinear system of necessary conditions) occurs in the stage two also.A second solution procedure has also been imbedded into the first one. This is called total residue approach. It changes the equality constraints so that we can get faster convergence of the iterations.Both solution procedures are found to coverge in 3 to 7 iterations for a sample network.The availability of distributed computer systems — both LAN and WAN — suggest the need for algorithms to solve the optimization problems. Two types of algorithms have been proposed — one based on the physics of the network and the other on the property of the Jacobian matrix. Three algorithms have been deviced, one of them for the local area case. These algorithms are called as regional distributed algorithm, hierarchical regional distributed algorithm (both using the physics properties of the network), and locally distributed algorithm (a multiprocessor based approach with a local area network configuration). The approach used was to define an algorithm that is faster and uses minimum communications. These algorithms are found to converge at the same rate as the non distributed (unitary) case.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of association of wireless stations (STAs) with an access network served by a wireless local area network (WLAN) and a 3G cellular network. There is a set of WLAN Access Points (APs) and a set of 3G Base Stations (BSs) and a number of STAs each of which needs to be associated with one of the APs or one of the BSs. We concentrate on downlink bulk elastic transfers. Each association provides each ST with a certain transfer rate. We evaluate an association on the basis of the sum log utility of the transfer rates and seek the utility maximizing association. We also obtain the optimal time scheduling of service from a 3G BS to the associated STAs. We propose a fast iterative heuristic algorithm to compute an association. Numerical results show that our algorithm converges in a few steps yielding an association that is within 1% (in objective value) of the optimal (obtained through exhaustive search); in most cases the algorithm yields an optimal solution.