455 resultados para wax


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15 Artists 2014 was a group exhibition of 2D and 3D works held at the Redcliffe City Art Gallery between October 23 - December 6, 2014. My contribution to the group show was a collective series of 10 soft sculptures entitled Organs Without Bodies. These works were composed of latex, plaster, wool, thread, wax and rosin. I seek through my art practice to transform bodily affect into concrete knowledge. My primary motivation can be described as a relational and ethical attempt to find balance between the erotic and the aggressive. These objects are outcomes from an ongoing creative meditation of the simultaneity of dichotomies: inside and outside, cognition and emotion, past and present, connection and differentiation, the erotic and the aggressive. Each of these can be perceived separately with a penetrating focus of attention, yet all are contained within the 'space' of an expansive bodily-felt sense of awareness.


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Emulsiokalvolla tarkoitetaan kalvoa, joka on valmistettu haihduttamalla ylimääräinen vesi pois emulsiosta. Polysakkaridipohjainen emulsiokalvo koostuu kalvonmuodostuspolysakkaridista, rasvasta, emulgointiaineesta ja pehmittimestä. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin, mitä raaka-aineita polysakkaridipohjaisissa emulsiokalvoissa käytetään ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat emulsiokalvojen vesihöyrynläpäisevyyteen ja mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Tutkimuksen kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten konjac-glukomannaani (KGM) ja kuusen galaktoglukomannaani (GGM) soveltuvat emulsiokalvon raaka-aineiksi. Lisäksi selvitettiin, miten rasvan tyyppi ja rasvapitoisuus vaikuttavat GGM-KGM-pohjaisten emulsiokalvojen mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin ja vesihöyrynläpäisevyyteen. Mehiläisvahasta, mäntyöljystä ja rypsiöljystä valmistettiin emulsiokalvot, joissa oli 30 %:n (paino-% GGM:sta) rasvapitoisuudet. Lisäksi mehiläisvahasta valmistettiin emulsiokalvot, joissa oli 10 ja 50 % mehiläisvahaa. Emulsiokalvoja verrattiin vertailukalvoon, jossa ei ollut rasvaa. Kalvoissa käytetty KGM:n ja GGM:n suhde oli 1:1. Kalvoista mitattiin vesihöyrynläpäisevyys ja -läpäisynopeus, vetolujuus, Youngin moduuli ja murtovenymä. Näiden lisäksi kalvojen poikkileikkaus kuvattiin pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla. GGM ja KGM soveltuvat emulsiokalvon raaka-aineiksi. Huoneenlämpötilassa kuivatuista kalvoista saatiin tasaisemman näköisiä kuin lämpökaapissa kuivatuista. Pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskooppikuvissa vahapisarat olivat öljypisaroita pienempiä, mikä mahdollisesti vaikutti siihen, että vahapisarat pysyivät paremmin kiinnittyneenä kalvomatriisissa. Öljypisaroiden koko oli kalvoissa noin 10 ?m ja vahapisaroiden 2–6 ?m. Vesihöyrynläpäisynopeus oli pienin 50 %:n mehiläisvahakalvolla (p < 0,05). Vesihöyrynläpäisevyys laski lineaarisesti mehiläisvahapitoisuuden suurentuessa. Öljykalvot ja 10 %:n mehiläisvahakalvo eivät eronneet tilastollisesti merkitsevästi vesihöyrynläpäisevyyden suhteen vertailukalvosta. Pienin vetolujuus ja Youngin moduuli oli 50 %:n mehiläisvahakalvolla. Vertailukalvo oli kestävin ja jäykin. Murtovenymän suhteen kalvot eivät eronneet toisistaan tilastollisesti merkitsevästi. Tutkimuksessa onnistuttiin valmistamaan GGM-KGM-pohjaisia emulsiokalvoja, jotka pidättivät vesihöyryä vertailukalvoa paremmin ja silti säilyttivät mekaaniset ominaisuutensa kohtuullisen hyvin.


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This paper describes the dielectric behavior of an insulator‐conductor composite, namely, the wax‐graphite composite. The variation of specific capacitance of these composites with parameters such as volume fraction and grain size of the conducting particles and temperature has been studied. These observed variations have been explained using the same model [C. Rajagopal and M. Satyam, J. Appl. Phys. 49, 5536 (1978)] which explains electrical conduction in composites. The specific capacitance of these materials appears to be governed by the contact capacitance between the conducting particles and the number of contacts each particle has with its neighbors. The variation of specific capacitance with temperature is attributed to the change in contact area.


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The 30,000 km2 province of Luristan is situated in western Iran and encompasses the upper valleys of the Zagros Mountains. Even today, local tribesmen inhabit Luristan with their settlement patterns similar to ancient times. Several scientific excavations in the Luristan region have uncovered evidence that this particular region was a major attraction for human settlements from the Paleolithic era onwards. In Ancient Iran, the existence of rich mines together with discoveries made by innovative and inventive artisans spurred the growth of the metalworking culture as an art and a skill among early human communities in Ancient Iran. The art of Luristan can be described as the art of nomadic herdsmen and horsemen with an emphasis on the crafting of small, easily portable objects, among these a number of bronze daggers, swords and other weapons. Throughout its history, Luristan was never an ethnic or political entity because Luristan has been occupied by various tribes and races, throughout its history. Next to Elamites, other tribes who inhabited Luristan were the Hurrians, Lullubians, Kutians, and Kassites. As local tribesmen of Luristan were illiterate, information about their history can only be partially reconstructed from the literature of their southern neighbors: the Elamites and Babylonians. Luristan smiths made weapons for both civilizations. The region was later invaded by Assyrians and finally the Iranians settled the area and absorbed the local tribes. Following an accidental find by the local inhabitants in Luristan in 1928 CE, a number of unlawful diggings reveal a number of metal objects made of bronze and iron that showed a high level of craftsmanship. These objects were offered for sale on the art market with fancy names to hide their origin. The subsequent scientific excavations several decades after the initial discovery provided fascinating information about the culture of Luristan. The metalworking art of Luristan spans a time period from the third millennium BC to the Iron Age. The artifacts from Luristan seem to possess many unique and distinctive qualities, and are especially noteworthy for the apparently endless, intricate diversity and detail that they characteristically depict. The bronze artifacts found in or attributed to Luristan can be each be classed under five separate heads: a) arms and armor, including swords, dirks, daggers, axes, mace heads, spearheads, shields, quiver plaques, protective bronze girdles, helmets; b) implements related to horsemanship, including decorative or ornamental objects for horses as well as bits and snaffles; c) items for personal adornment and hygiene, including anklets, bangles, bracelets, finger rings, earrings and tweezers; d) ceremonial and ritual objects, including talismans, idols, pins, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines; and e) utilitarian objects comprising various vessels and tools, including beakers, bowls and jugs. The scope of this article is limited to a discussion of the bronze and iron weapons made in Luristan. The techniques used for making bronze weapons in Luristan included: casting with open molds, casting with close molds, and casting with lost wax process. For metal sheets used for quiver plaques and bronze protective belts, the hammering technique was used. Edged weapons made in Luristan can be classified into: a) daggers, dirks, and swords with tangs; b) daggers, dirks, and swords with flanges; and c) daggers, dirks, and swords with cast-on hilts. Next to bronze, iron was also used for making weapons such as the characteristic weapon from this area, the iron mask sword.


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Detailed investigations on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the wing membrane of the dragonfly are carried out. It is found that in the direction of the thickness the membrane was divided into three layers rather than a single entity as traditionally considered, and on the surfaces the membrane displays a random distribution rough microstructure that is composed of numerous nanometer scale columns coated by the cuticle wax secreted. The characteristics of the surface structure are measured and described. The mechanical properties of the membranes taken separately from the wings of live and dead dragonflies are investigated by the nanoindentation technique. The Young's moduli obtained here are approximately two times greater than the previous result, and the reasons that yield the difference are discussed.


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Detailed investigations on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the wing membrane of the dragonfly were carried out. It was found that in the direction of the thickness the membrane was divided into three layers rather than as traditionally considered as a single entity, and on the surfaces the membrane displayed a random distribution rough microstructure that was composed of numerous nanometer scale columns coated by the cuticle wax secreted. The characteristics of the surfaces were accurately measured and a statistical radial distribution function of the columns was presented to describe the structural properties of the surfaces. Based on the surface microstructure, the mechanical properties of the membranes taken separately from the wings of living and dead dragonflies were investigated by the nanoindentation technique. The Young's moduli obtained here are approximately two times greater than the previous result, and the reasons that yield the difference are discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Um dos grandes desafios enfrentados pela indústria do petróleo é reduzir o impacto causado pela cristalização indesejável de hidrocarbonetos parafínicos de elevada massa molar em tubulações e equipamentos de produção. A cristalização de parafinas em petróleo é normalmente detectada através da determinação da temperatura inicial de aparecimento de cristais (TIAC), que pode ser estimada através de modelagem termodinâmica com base na composição do petróleo. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: estudar os principais modelos termodinâmicos adotados para descrever a precipitação de parafinas; verificar a validade desses modelos para os petróleos brasileiros e determinar qual modelo é o mais adequado para esses óleos. Para tanto, três formas de cálculo da razão entre as fugacidades das fases sólida e líquida e cinco modelos para calcular os coeficientes de atividade dos componentes em cada fase são aplicados aos dados de composição de vinte e três petróleos brasileiros. Os resultados mostram que o modelo ideal de múltiplas fases sólidas e o modelo de Escobar-Remolina geram valores bastante abaixo da TIAC experimental. Para os modelos de única fase sólida ideal, de Won e de Coutinho, foi possível observar que: a) a grande maioria dos erros é negativa; b) que estes se distribuem melhor em torno de zero quando se utiliza a correlação de Coutinho para o cálculo dos valores de i; c) os valores de erro médio para os modelos de Coutinho, de Won e ideal com única fase sólida se equivalem, qualquer que seja o modelo utilizado para o cálculo de i, exceto para o caso em que todos os compostos presentes na fase líquida podem precipitar; d) os valores obtidos através do modelo de Coutinho apresentam erro sistemático em relação ao modelo ideal de única fase sólida; e) as diferentes formas de se calcular a razão entre as fugacidades da fase sólida e líquida (i) influenciam fortemente a capacidade preditiva dos modelos, o que não era esperado; f) o perfil do primeiro cristal formado nos petróleos é influenciado pelas moléculas mais pesadas presentes nos resíduos, o que mostra a necessidade de se desenvolver metodologias precisas e robustas de caracterização de resíduos; g) a inclusão de uma estimativa para a composição dos resíduos efetivamente melhorou o desempenho dos modelos em petróleos médio; h) em petróleos pesados, houve um aumento do erro de previsão da TIAC devido à pouca ou nenhuma quantidade de parafinas nos resíduos desses óleos. A necessidade de uma melhor caracterização dos resíduos de petróleos é corroborada pelo fato da TIAC calculada pelos modelos ser, via de regra, mais baixa que a TIAC experimental e pela melhora no desempenho dos modelos quando se estimou a composição dos resíduos, em petróleos médios


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É crescente a preocupação com o desenvolvimento de materiais adequados a trabalharem interagindo com o corpo humano. Diversas pesquisas têm sido realizadas no desenvolvimento de biomateriais aplicáveis na odontologia, este empenho é justificável pelo grande número de intervenções cirúrgicas para extração de dentes realizadas em todo o mundo. Durante o processo de fabricação de reconstruções dentárias, que utilizam sistemas metalocerâmicos, é utilizado um tratamento térmico que tem a função de promover a adesão da porcelana ao metal. Entretanto, sabe-se que tratamentos térmicos podem alterar a microestrutura do material metálico, modificando suas propriedades. Este trabalho avaliou as modificações causadas em propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais da liga à base de níquel (FIT CAST-SB) utilizada para fins odontológicos, quando a mesma é submetida ao tratamento térmico para adesão da porcelana (denominado de queima). A liga foi inicialmente fundida através da técnica de centrifugação e cera perdida. Posteriormente, um grupo de amostras (grupo TT) foi submetido ao tratamento térmico de queima para adesão da porcelana e o outro grupo (grupo F), permaneceu apenas submetido ao processo de fundição. Os grupos F e TT foram submetidos a ensaio de tração. Nos grupos F e TT, e no material como recebido pelo fabricante (grupo CR), foram realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, esta ultima através da técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os grupos F e CR foram submetidos à análise química quantitativa (em um espectrômetro de emissão atômica) e semi-quantitativa por um sistema de Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) acoplado ao MEV, sendo que esta ultima técnica também foi aplicada ao grupo TT. A técnica de tratamento digital de imagem foi aplicada às micrografias dos grupos F e TT, para a determinação de possíveis modificações quantitativas nas fases presentes, antes e após o tratamento térmico. Todos os resultados dos ensaios foram submetidos ao teste de hipótese nula (H0), para a distribuição t de Student. Concluiu-se que, para as amostras testadas, o limite de resistência foi superior ao fornecido pelo fabricante, respectivamente 559,39 e 545,55 MPa para os grupos F e TT, contra 306 MPa do fabricante. Enquanto o limite de escoamento foi ligeiramente inferior, 218,71 e 240,58 MPa para os grupos F e TT, respectivamente, contra 258 MPa do fabricante. Os resultados de microdureza ficaram entorno de 70HV, superior aos 21HV fornecido pelo fabricante. Pode-se afirmar, com 95% de confiabilidade, que não houve variação nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura (quantidades de fases presentes e tamanho) antes e após a queima para adesão da porcelana, para os corpos de prova testados. A microestrutura da liga, quando observada em MEV no modo elétrons retroespalhados (modo BSE), é formada por uma matriz de estrutura dendrítica e coloração cinza, uma segunda fase interdendrítica de coloração branca e aspecto rendilhado, e precipitados de coloração preta, apresentando também porosidades.


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Cirurgias ortognáticas bimaxilares representam um desafio para os cirurgiões, especialmente para reproduzir o plano de tratamento na sala operatória. O uso de guias cirúrgicos permite uma melhor reprodução do planejamento, mas, para isto, uma técnica precisa de cirurgia de modelos é essencial. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar a precisão do reposicionamento mandibular obtido com dois diferentes métodos de cirurgia de modelos utilizados para o planejamento de cirurgias bimaxilares com a seqüência cirúrgica invertida. Neste estudo, um crânio de resina foi utilizado para simular um paciente. As moldagens foram tomadas e os modelos foram vazados e montados em um articulador semi-ajustável por meio da transferência do arco-facial e do registro de mordida em cera. Traçados de previsão de 10 planos de tratamento diferentes foram feitos no software Dolphin Imaging e, então, reproduzidos com o método padrão (CM I) e método modificado (CM II) de cirurgia de modelos (T1). Para aprimorar a avaliação do reposicionamento mandibular, as cirurgias de modelo foram repetidas após um mês (T2). Os modelos mandibulares foram medidos na Plataforma de Erickson antes e depois do reposicionamento para contrastar os resultados. As diferenças no tempo de reposicionamento também foram registradas. Estatística descritiva e teste t foram usados para análisar os dados e comparar os resultados. Este estudo sugere que o reposicionamento vertical e látero-lateral dos modelos mandibulares foram semelhantes com ambos os métodos, entretanto, houve uma maior imprecisão no sentido ântero-posterior quando o método padrão de cirurgia modelos foi utilizado para o planejamento de cirurgias ortognáticas com a seqüência invertida. O tempo necessário para reposicionar o modelo mandibular no articulador semi-ajustável com a abordagem modificada (CM II) foi significativamente menor do que para reposicionar o modelo maxilar na Plataforma de Erickson (CM I).


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Master cartons for fishery products collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for bursting strength, puncture resistance, waterproofness, combined weight of liners, basis weight of the corrugating medium, weight of the carton, dimensions of the carton, wax content and saponifiable matter and discussed in the light of the ISI standards.


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Waxed duplex cartons collected from different prawn freezing factories were evaluated for their physico-chemical properties such as bursting strength, puncture resistance, water proofness, tearing, strength, tensile strength, elongation, moisture content, thickness, weight of the carton, dimension, wax content and saponifiable matter. The results are discussed from the point of view of formulation of standards for this most widely employed packaging material for frozen fishery products in the country.


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Deteriorative changes in physical properties of corrugated fibre-board master cartons and waxed duplex cartons during frozen storage under commercial conditions were studied. Such changes due to prolonged exposure of these boards to moisture in the laboratory, effect of repeated wax-coating on the water resisting capacity of the boards and protection provided by increasing wax contents in the boards against water absorption and consequent deterioration in physical properties are reported.


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Because of the obvious importance of P as a nutrient that often accelerates growth of phytoplankton (including toxic cyanobacteria) and therefore worsens water quality, much interest has been devoted to P exchange across the sediment-water interface. Generally, the release mode of P from the sediment differed greatly between shallow and deep lakes, and much of the effort has been focused on iron and oxygen, and also on the relevant environmental factors, for example, turbulence and decomposition, but a large part of the P variation in shallow lakes remains unexplained. This paper reviews experimental and field studies on the mechanisms of P release from the sediment in the shallow temperate (in Europe) and subtropical (in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China) lakes, and it is suggested that pH rather than DO might be more important in driving the seasonal dynamics of internal P loading in these shallow lakes, i.e., intense photosynthesis of phytoplankton increases pH of the lake water and thus may increase pH of the surface sediment, leading to enhanced release of P (especially iron-bound P) from the sediment. Based on the selective pump of P (but not N) from the sediment by algal blooms, it is concluded that photosynthesis which is closely related to eutrophication level is the driving force for the seasonal variation of internal P loading in shallow lakes. This is a new finding. Additionally, the selective pump of P from the sediment by algal blooms not only explains satisfactorily why both TP and PO4-P in the hypereutrophic Lake Donghu declined significantly since the mid-1980s when heavy cyanobacterial blooms were eliminated by the nontraditional biomanipulation (massive stocking of the filter-feeding silver and bighead carps), but also explains why TP in European lakes decreased remarkably in the spring clear-water phase with less phytoplankton during the seasonal succession of aquatic communities or when phytoplankton biomass was decreased by traditional biomanipulation. Compared with deep lakes, wax and wane of phytoplankton due to alternations in the ecosystem structure is also able to exert significant influences on the P exchange at the sediment-water interface in shallow lakes. In other words, biological activities are also able to drive P release from sediments, and such a static P release process is especially more prominent in eutrophic shallow lakes with dense phytoplankton.


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Alpha olefins are mainly produced from paraffin cracking in China, but their quality is not good because of bad quality of cracking feed and outdated technology. The technology of paraffin once-through cracking, paraffin recycle cracking of removing the heavy fraction after wax vaporizing and that of removing the heavy fraction before wax vaporizing were investigated in this paper. It was found that the technology of paraffin recycle cracking of removing the heavy fraction before wax vaporizing is new and better under the same operating conditions. Using hard paraffin (mp 54-56 degrees C) as feed, the high-quality alpha olefins products (C-5-C-21) containing more than 97 wt% of olefins and more than 88 wt% of alpha olefins are produced under optimum process conditions, which are a steam to paraffin ratio of 15 wt%, process temperature of 600 degrees C, low hydrocarbon partial pressure and residence time of 2 s. In addition, with the technology of the second injecting steam in ethylene cracking used in paraffin cracking, producing coke in paraffin cracking furnace has been markedly reduced.