981 resultados para von Willebrand factor


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Snake venoms contain components that affect the prey either by neurotoxic or haemorrhagic effects. The latter category affect haemostasis either by inhibiting or activating platelets or coagulation factors. They fall into several types based upon structure and mode of action. A major class is the snake C-type lectins or C-type lectin-like family which shows a typical folding like that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Those in snake venoms are mostly based on a heterodimeric structure with two subunits alpha and beta, which are often oligomerized to form larger molecules. Simple heterodimeric members of this family have been shown to inhibit platelet functions by binding to GPIb but others activate platelets via the same receptor. Some that act via GPIb do so by inducing von Willebrand factor to bind to it. Another series of snake C-type lectins activate platelets by binding to GPVI while yet another series uses the integrin alpha(2)beta(1) to affect platelet function. The structure of more and more of these C-type lectins have now been, and are being, determined, often together with their ligands, casting light on binding sites and mechanisms. In addition, it is relatively easy to model the structure of the C-type lectins if the primary structure is known. These studies have shown that these proteins are quite a complex group, often with more than one platelet receptor as ligand and although superficially some appear to act as inhibitors, in fact most function by inducing thrombocytopenia by various routes. The relationship between structure and function in this group of venom proteins will be discussed.


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Collagen- and thrombin-activated (COAT) platelets were first described in 2000 and have attracted considerable interest, changing the interpretation of the way in which platelets contribute to thrombin generation and how their procoagulant activity is organized. Platelets activated by two agonists coming from glycoprotein VI or Fc gamma-receptor IIA agonists on the one hand and thrombin on the other produce a population of approximately 50% highly procoagulant active platelets. This subgroup is formed by tissue transglutaminase and factor XIIIa linking of serotonin to the procoagulant proteins from granules or plasma, and these serotonylated proteins bind to fibrinogen or thrombospondin on the platelet surface. Serotonylation in the platelet cytoplasm has recently been shown to be an important regulating mechanism governing the activation of small GTPases and their function in granule release. Recent studies with Tph-/- mice in which the peripheral serotonin, including that in platelets, is very strongly reduced, have shown a prolonged bleeding time, suggesting it has an important hemostatic role in the release of platelet von Willebrand factor. More knowledge about how COAT platelets are formed will be important for a better understanding of the physiology and pathology of hemostasis.


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Glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) is a platelet receptor with a critical role in mediating the arrest of platelets at sites of vascular damage. GPIb binds to the A1 domain of von Willebrand factor (vWF-A1) at high blood shear, initiating platelet adhesion and contributing to the formation of a thrombus. To investigate the molecular basis of GPIb regulation and ligand binding, we have determined the structure of the N-terminal domain of the GPIb(alpha) chain (residues 1-279). This structure is the first determined from the cell adhesion/signaling class of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins and reveals the topology of the characteristic disulfide-bonded flanking regions. The fold consists of an N-terminal beta-hairpin, eight leucine-rich repeats, a disulfide-bonded loop, and a C-terminal anionic region. The structure also demonstrates a novel LRR motif in the form of an M-shaped arrangement of three tandem beta-turns. Negatively charged binding surfaces on the LRR concave face and anionic region indicate two-step binding kinetics to vWF-A1, which can be regulated by an unmasking mechanism involving conformational change of a key loop. Using molecular docking of the GPIb and vWF-A1 crystal structures, we were also able to model the GPIb.vWF-A1 complex.


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Collagens are important platelet activators in the vascular subendothelium and vessel wall. Since the regulation of platelet activation is a key step in distinguishing normal haemostasis from pathological thrombosis, collagen interactions with platelets are important targets for pharmacological control. Platelets have two major receptors for collagens, the integrin alpha2beta1, with a major role in adhesion and platelet anchoring and the Ig superfamily member, GPVI, principally responsible for signalling and platelet activation. In addition, GPIb-V-IX, can be considered as an indirect collagen receptor acting via von Willebrand factor as bridging molecule and is essential for platelet interactions with collagen at high shear rates. There is some evidence for additional receptors, which may regulate the response to individual collagen types. This review discusses how these receptors work separately with specific agonists and proposes possible mechanisms for how they work together to regulate platelet activation by collagen, which remains controversial and poorly understood.


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Collagen is a major component of extracellular matrix and a wide variety of types exist. Cells recognise collagen in different ways depending on sequence and structure. They can recognise predominantly primary sequence, they may require triple-helical structure or they can require fibrillar structures. Since collagens are major constituents of the subendothelium that determine the thrombogenicity of the injured or pathological vessel wall, a major role is induction of platelet activation and aggregation as the start of repair processes. Platelets have at least two direct and one indirect (via von Willebrand factor) receptors for collagen, and collagen has specific recognition motifs for these receptors. These receptors and recognition motifs are under intensive investigation in the search for possible methods to control platelet activation in vivo. A wide range of proteins has been identified and, in part, characterised from both haematophageous insects and invertebrates but also from snake venoms that inhibit platelet activation by collagen or induce platelet activation via collagen receptors on platelets. These will provide model systems to test the effect of inhibition of specific collagen-platelet receptor interactions for both effectiveness as well as for side effects and should provide assay systems for the development of small molecule inhibitors. Since platelet inhibitors for long-term prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases are still in clinical trials there are many unanswered questions about long-term effects both positive and negative. The major problem which still has to be definitively solved about these alternative approaches to inhibition of platelet activation is whether they will show advantages in terms of dose-response curves while offering decreased risks of bleeding problems. Preliminary studies would seem to suggest that this is indeed the case.


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Specific inhibition of platelet function is a major target of anti-thrombotic drug research. Platelet receptors are both accessible and specific but have multiple functions often linked to a wide range of ligands. GPIb complex is best known as a major platelet receptor for von Willebrand factor essential for platelet adhesion under high shear conditions found in arteries and in thrombosis. Recent animal studies have supported inhibition of GPIb as a good candidate for anti-thrombotic drug development with several classes of proteins showing important specific effects and the required discrimination between roles in haemostasis and thrombosis is important to protect against bleeding complications. These include antibodies, several classes of snake venom proteins, mutant thrombin molecules and peptides affecting subunit interactions. However, due to the nature of its receptor-ligand interactions involving large protein-protein interfaces, the possibility of developing classic pharmaceutical inhibitors for long term (and perhaps oral) treatment is still unclear, and additional information about structural interactions and signalling mechanisms is essential.


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OBJECTIVE: Vasa vasorum (VV) have been implicated to play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This study was designed to describe the distribution of VV density in different vascular beds in humans and to investigate the association between VV density and the known distribution of atherosclerosis in human arteries. METHODS: Forty-two human arteries, harvested at autopsy or after explantation, were analyzed by three-dimensional microscopic-computed tomography (micro-CT). VV density, endothelial-surface-fraction (Sigma VV endothelial-surface-area/vessel-wall-volume) and vascular-area-fraction (Sigma VV area/vessel-wall-area) were calculated for coronary, renal and femoral arteries. Representatively five coronary, renal and femoral arteries were stained for endothelial cells (von Willebrand-Factor), macrophages (CD68), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and collagen (Sirius Red). RESULTS: Coronary arteries showed a higher VV density compared to renal and femoral arteries (2.12+/-0.26 n/mm(2) versus 0.61+/-0.06 n/mm(2) and 0.66+/-0.11 n/mm(2); P<0.05 for both) as well as a higher endothelial-surface-fraction and vascular-area-fraction. Histology showed a positive correlation between histologically derived VV density and CD68-positive cells/area (r=0.54, P<0.01), VEGF-immunoreactivity/area (r=0.55, P<0.01) and a negative correlation between VV density and collagen I content (r=0.66, P<0.05). CONCLUSION: This micro-CT study highlights a higher VV density in coronary than in peripheral arteries, supporting the relation between VV density and the susceptibility to atherosclerosis in different vascular beds in humans.


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Hereditary thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a rare disorder characterized by occlusive microvascular thrombosis, consumptive thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia. Homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations in the ADAMTS13 gene result in a congenital severe ADAMTS13 deficiency and subsequent accumulation of ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers, which tend to form platelet thrombi in the microcirculation. We report a first case of congenital TTP on the African continent with a new, homozygous mutation in the metalloprotease domain of ADAMTS13. An initially oligo-symptomatic presentation was followed by acute exacerbation with ischemic stroke and acute renal failure highlighting the severity of this syndrome.


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OBJECTIVE: Numerous studies have reported the technical aspects and results of surgical and/or endovascular treatment of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (cDAVF) and spinal dural arteriovenous fistulae (sDAVF). Only a few of them have addressed the question of thrombophilic conditions, which may be relevant as pathogenetic factors or can increase the risk for venous thromboembolic events. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare thrombophilic risk factors in patients with cDAVF and sDAVF with no history of trauma. METHODS: A total of 43 patients (25 with cDAVF and 18 with sDAVF) were included in this study. Blood samples were analyzed for G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene and factor V Leiden mutation. In all patients, prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, fibrinogen, antithrombin, protein C and S activity, von Willebrand factor antigen, ristocetin cofactor activity, D-dimer, coagulation factor VIII activity, and tissue factor pathway inhibitor were determined. Screening was performed for the occurrence of lupus antiphospholipid and cardiolipin antibodies. RESULTS: The prevalence of G20210A mutation of the prothrombin gene was significantly higher in patients with cDAVF (n = 6) compared with patients with sDAVF (n = 0; P < 0.05, Fisher's exact test). A factor V Leiden mutation was found in 3 patients with sDAVF and in 1 patient with cDAVF (P = 0.29, Fisher's exact test). No significant difference was found for other parameters, except for fibrinogen, but decreased protein C activity was more frequent in patients with cDAVF compared with patients with sDAVF (4 versus 1). Decreased protein S activity was encountered in 3 patients (2 with sDAVF and 1 with cDAVF). Cardiolipin antibodies were found in 2 patients with cDAVF but in none with sDAVF, whereas only 1 patient with sDAVF had lupus antiphospholipid antibodies. CONCLUSION: In both groups of patients with dural arteriovenous fistulae, genetic thrombophilic abnormalities occurred in a higher percentage than in the general population. The differences of the genetic abnormalities may be involved in different pathophysiological mechanism(s) in the development of these distinct neurovascular entities.


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We hypothesized that the 2 cardiovascular drugs aspirin and propranolol attenuate the prothrombotic response to acute psychosocial stress relative to placebo medication. We randomized 56 healthy subjects, double-blind, to 5-day treatment with an oral dose of either 100 mg of aspirin plus 80 mg of propranolol combined, single aspirin, single propranolol, or placebo medication. Thereafter, subjects underwent a 13-minute psychosocial stressor. Plasma levels of von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), fibrinogen, coagulation factor VII (FVII:C) and XII (FXII:C) activity, and D-dimer were determined in blood samples collected immediately pre- and post-stress and 45 minutes post-stress. The stress-induced changes in prothrombotic measures were adjusted for gender, age, body mass index, mean arterial blood pressure, smoking status, and sleep quality. There was an increase in VWF:Ag levels from immediately pre-stress to 45 minutes post-stress in the placebo group relative to the 3 subject groups with verum medication (P's


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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) confers an increased cardiovascular risk. In 14 otherwise healthy patients with PTSD and in 14 age- and gender-matched non-PTSD controls, we investigated whether the categorical diagnosis of PTSD and severity of PTSD symptom clusters (i.e. re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal, and overall score) would be associated with plasma concentrations of three markers of endothelial dysfunction [soluble tissue factor (sTF), von Willebrand factor (VWF), and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1]. Compared with controls, patients had significantly higher sTF; this difference became nonsignificant when controlling for psychological distress. VWF and sICAM-1 levels were not significantly different between patients and controls. In the entire sample virtually all PTSD symptom clusters correlated significantly and positively with sTF and VWF but not with sICAM-1. The correlation between symptoms of re-experiencing and sTF was significantly different between patients and controls. Controlling for symptoms of anxiety and depression (i.e. psychological distress) rendered most associations between PTSD symptom clusters and sTF nonsignificant, whereas controlling for age retained significance of associations with VWF. Posttraumatic stress showed a continuous relationship with sTF and VWF, with the former relationship being partly affected by psychological distress. This suggests one mechanism by which posttraumatic stress could contribute to atherosclerosis.


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BACKGROUND: Increased circulating cortisol levels have been associated with severity of atherosclerosis. Low-grade systemic thrombogenicity plays a major role in the initiation and progression of coronary disease. We hypothesized a direct relationship between cortisol and hemostasis factors related to a prothrombotic state in coronary artery disease. METHODS: We measured morning serum cortisol and activated clotting factor VII, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activity in 285 women (56 +/- 7 years) between 3 and 6 months after an acute coronary event. To test whether the relationship between cortisol and hemostasis factors would be independent, statistical adjustment was made for demographic, biomedical, life style, and psychosocial variables. RESULTS: Higher serum cortisol levels predicted higher fibrinogen (beta = .17, P = .001) and higher von Willebrand factor (beta = .16, P = .008), all independently of covariates, including C-reactive protein, which was also an independent predictor of fibrinogen (beta = .20, P = .001) and von Willebrand factor (beta = .16, P = .004). Higher levels of vital exhaustion were associated with higher levels of activated clotting factor VII independently of covariates and depression (beta = .18, P = .045). Cortisol showed crude correlations with vital exhaustion (r = .14, P = .022) and with depression (r = .13, P = .043) but did not mediate the relationship between psychosocial variables and hemostatic factors. CONCLUSIONS: Morning serum cortisol showed a modest but independent association with prothrombotic activity in women with coronary artery disease suggesting that increased cortisol levels might contribute to atherosclerosis via eliciting a hypercoagulable state.


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BACKGROUND: The link between decreased heart rate variability (HRV) and atherosclerosis progression is elusive. We hypothesized that reduced HRV relates to increased levels of prothrombotic factors previously shown to predict coronary risk. METHODS: We studied 257 women (aged 56 +/- 7 years) between 3 and 6 months after an acute coronary event and obtained very low frequency (VLF), low frequency (LF), and high frequency (HF) power, and LF/HF ratio from 24-hour ambulatory ECG recordings. Plasma levels of activated clotting factor VII (FVIIa), fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activity were determined, and their levels were aggregated into a standardized composite index of prothrombotic activity. RESULTS: In bivariate analyses, all HRV indices were inversely correlated with the prothrombotic index explaining between 6% and 14% of the variance (p < 0.001). After controlling for sociodemographic factors, index event, menopausal status, cardiac medication, lifestyle factors, self-rated health, metabolic variables, and heart rate, VLF power, LF power, and HF power explained 2%, 5%, and 3%, respectively, of the variance in the prothrombotic index (p < 0.012). There were also independent relationships between VLF power and PAI-1 activity, between LF power and fibrinogen, VWF:Ag, and PAI-1 activity, between HF power and FVIIa and fibrinogen, and between the LF/HF power ratio and PAI-1 activity, explaining between 2% and 3% of the respective variances (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Decreased HRV was associated with prothrombotic changes partially independent of covariates. Alteration in autonomic function might contribute to prothrombotic activity in women with coronary artery disease (CAD).


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Although chemotherapy for breast cancer can increase inflammation, few studies have examined predictors of this phenomenon. This study examined potential contributions of demographics, disease characteristics, and treatment regimens to markers of inflammation in response to chemotherapy for breast cancer. Thirty-five women with stage I-III-A breast cancer (mean age 50 years) were studied prior to cycle 1 and prior to cycle 4 of anthracycline-based chemotherapy. Circulating levels of inflammatory markers with high relevance to breast cancer were examined, including C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1-RA), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), Interleukin- (IL-6), soluble P-selectin (sP-selectin), and von Willebrand factor (vWf). Chemotherapy was associated with elevations in VEGF (p < or = 0.01), sICAM-1 (p < or = 0.01), sP-selectin (p < or = 0.02) and vWf (p < or = 0.05). Multiple regression analysis controlling for age and body mass index (BMI) showed that higher post-chemotherapy levels of inflammation were consistently related to higher pre-chemotherapy levels of inflammation (ps < or =0.05) as well as to certain disease characteristics. Post-chemotherapy IL-6 levels were higher in patients who had larger tumors (p < or = 0.05) while post-chemotherapy VEGF levels were higher in patients who had smaller tumors (p < or = 0.05). Post-chemotherapy sP-selectin levels were highest in women who had received epirubicin, cytoxan, 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy (p < or = 0.01). These findings indicate that chemotherapy treatment can be associated with elevations in certain markers of inflammation, particularly markers of endothelial and platelet activation. Inflammation in response to chemotherapy is most significantly related to inflammation that existed prior to chemotherapy but also potentially to treatment regimen and to certain disease characteristics.


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BACKGROUND: Autoantibodies directed towards ADAMTS13 are present in the majority of patients with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Analysis of a set of antibodies derived from two patients with acquired TTP revealed frequent use of the VH1-69 heavy chain gene segment for the assembly of anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies. OBJECTIVE: We explored the ability of two VH1-69 germline gene-encoded antibodies to inhibit the von Willebrand factor (VWF)-processing activity of ADAMTS13 under different experimental conditions. Furthermore, the presence of VH1-69 encoded anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies in 40 patients with acquired TTP was monitored using monoclonal antibody G8, which specifically reacts with an idiotype expressed on VH1-69 encoded antibodies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Binding of the two VH1-69 encoded monoclonal antibodies was dependent on the presence of the spacer domain. Both antibodies inhibited ADAMTS13 activity under static conditions, as measured by cleavage of FRETS-VWF73 substrate and cleavage of VWF multimers. The recombinant antibodies were also capable of inhibiting the processing of UL-VWF strings on the surface of endothelial cells. G8-reactive antibodies directed towards ADAMTS13 were present in plasma of all patients containing anti ADAMTS13 antibodies. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that VH1-69 derived antibodies directed towards ADAMTS13 develop in the majority of patients with acquired TTP.