799 resultados para voluntary internal control assurance (ICAR)
Atualmente, a Contabilidade Analítica é referida como uma ferramenta de gestão no apoio à tomada de decisão. Este tipo de contabilidade prevê uma série de diferentes métodos de custeio e objetivos a atingir de acordo com o setor económico e com as necessidades de informação que se pretendem ver satisfeitas. O presente trabalho versa sobre um estudo científico que assenta em reconhecer que a Contabilidade Analítica é um importante suporte de informação para um adequado e eficiente Controlo Interno e deve ser objeto de elevada atenção e análise pela Auditoria. O estudo realizado teve como objetivos a Contabilidade Analítica, o Controlo Interno e a sua relação com a Auditoria, como contributo para formação de uma opinião credível e sustentada sobre a influência que pode assumir a informação fornecida pela Contabilidade Analítica e o controlo que isto proporciona à gestão. No estudo empírico seguimos a metodologia de abordagem de estudo de caso de Yin (1994) e chegamos à ideia geral de que a Contabilidade de Custos é fundamental para o processo de tomada de decisão.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Professor Luís Rodrigues (Doutor)
The challenge the community college faces in helping meet the needs of the living open system of society is examined in this study. It is postulated that internalization student outcomes are required by society to reduce entropy and remain self-renewing. Such behavior is characterized as having an intrinsically motivated energy source and displays the seeking and conquering of challenge, the development of reflective knowledge and skill, full use of all capabilities, internal control, growth orientation, high self-esteem, relativistic thinking and competence. The development of a conceptual systems model that suggests how transactions among students, faculty and administration might occur to best meet the needs of internalization outcomes in students, and intrinsic motivation in faculty is a major purpose of this study. It is a speculative model that is based on a synthesis of a wide variety of variables. Empirical evidence, theoretical considerations, and speculative ideas are gathered together from researchers and theoretici.ans who are working on separate answers to questions of intrinsic motivation, internal control and environments that encourage their development. The model considers the effect administrators·have on faculty anq the corresponding effect faculty may have on students. The major concentration is on the administrator--teacher interface.For administrators the model may serve as a guide in planning effective transactions, and establishing system goals. The teacher is offered a means to coordinate actions toward a specific overall objective, and the administrator, teacher and researcher are invited to use the model to experiment, innovate, verify the assumptions on which the model is based, and raise additional hypotheses. Goals and history of the community colleges in Ontario are examined against current problems, previous progress and open system thinking. The nature of the person as a five part system is explored with emphasis on intrinsic motivation. The nature, operation, conceptualization, and value of this internal energy source is reviewed in detail. The current state of society, education and management theory are considered and the value of intrinsically motivating teaching tasks together with "system four" leadership style are featured. Evidence is reviewed that suggests intrinsically motivated faculty are needed, and "system four" leadership style is the kind of interaction-influence system needed to nurture intrinsic motivation in faculty.
This is a study on “Professional Services: Civil Liability for Deficiency”. This study is made with special reference to medical profession. The importance of qualitative professional services does not require any emphasis. It is a matter of great concern for the people as they are consumers.This study is divided into 12 chapters. The introductory chapter deals with characteristics of profession, basis of professional liability and international efforts to check abuse of position by professional men. Consumers as laymen can not perceive the intricacies of professional services. As a result professional men could misuse their superior position to expose consumers to hardship through deficient services. This is obvious from the fact that deficiency in professional services has assumed a menacing proportion. It is indicative of failure of internal control through self-regulation to check the abuse of position by the professional men. The professional bodies entrusted with the task of enforcing disciplinary measures show a very callous and indifferent attitude towards the repressive conduct of their members. These bodies are more concerned to protect the interest of their members. They are not free from institutional bias. They have put the interest of consumers into oblivion. In effect remedies through professional bodies has become a myth. All these factors make the external control of professional services mandatory to protect the consumers from the clutches of unscrupulous professional men, who abuse their superior position. The professional men who abuse their position are exposed to liability. Their liability arises under contract, tort and statutory law. The present study substantially concentrates on professional liability of medical men. The obvious reason is that of all professional services medical services are the frequently availed services by the consumers. Medical negligence cases account for bulk of the professional negligence cases. ln India also large number of cases are coming before consumer forae. The legal principles evolved in this sphere of professional service confers an insight into legal control of other professional services as well. The same principles are applied to other professions also, as by and large all the professions share common characteristics. Such principles are modified wherever necessary to make room for differential aspects of particular profession
Background: Transcriptomic techniques are now being applied in ecotoxicology and toxicology to measure the impact of stressors and develop understanding of mechanisms of toxicity. Microarray technology in particular offers the potential to measure thousands of gene responses simultaneously. However, it is important that microarrays responses should be validated, at least initially, using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). The accurate measurement of target gene expression requires normalisation to an invariant internal control e. g., total RNA or reference genes. Reference genes are preferable, as they control for variation inherent in the cDNA synthesis and PCR. However, reference gene expression can vary between tissues and experimental conditions, which makes it crucial to validate them prior to application. Results: We evaluated 10 candidate reference genes for QPCR in Daphnia magna following a 24 h exposure to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) ibuprofen (IB) at 0, 20, 40 and 80 mg IB l(-1). Six of the 10 candidates appeared suitable for use as reference genes. As a robust approach, we used a combination normalisation factor (NF), calculated using the geNorm application, based on the geometric mean of three selected reference genes: glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and actin. The effects of normalisation are illustrated using as target gene leukotriene B4 12-hydroxydehydrogenase (Ltb4dh), which was upregulated following 24 h exposure to 63-81 mg IB l(-1). Conclusions: As anticipated, use of the NF clarified the response of Ltb4dh in daphnids exposed to sublethal levels of ibuprofen. Our findings emphasise the importance in toxicogenomics of finding and applying invariant internal QPCR control(s) relevant to the study conditions.
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the specific detection of the gene sequence, sefA, encoded by all isolates of Salmonella enteritidis, was developed. The PCR could detect as few as four S enteritidis washed bacterial cells but egg contents inhibited the PCR. Eggs spiked with 50 S enteritidis bacterial cells were homogenised, inoculated into buffered peptone water and grown at 37 degrees C for 16 hours, when the PCR was successful. A positive internal control was developed to differentiate between true and false negative PCR results for the detection of S enteritidis. In a limited trial of the egg handling procedures and the PCR, one of 250 chickens' eggs from retail outlets was found to be contaminated with S enteritidis.
This paper seeks to discuss EU policies relating to securities markets, created in the wake of the financial crisis and how ICT and specifically e-Government can be utilised within this context. This study utilises the UK as a basis for our discussion. The recent financial crisis has caused a change of perspective in relation to government services and polices. The regulation of the financial sector has been heavily criticised and so is undergoing radical change in the UK and the rest of Europe. New regulatory bodies are being defined with more focus on taking a risk-based system-wide approach to regulating the financial sector. This approach aims to prevent financial institutions becoming too big to fail and thus require massive government bail outs. In addition, a new wave of EU regulation is in the wind to update risk management practices and to further protect investors. This paper discusses the reasons for the financial crisis and the UK’s past and future regulatory landscape. The current and future approach and strategies adopted by the UK’s financial regulators are reviewed as is the lifecycle of EU Directives. The regulatory responses to the crisis are discussed and upcoming regulatory hotspots identified. Discussion of these issues provides the context for our evaluation of the role e-Government and ICT in improving the regulatory system. We identify several processes, which are elementary for regulatory compliance and discuss how ICT is elementary in their implementation. The processes considered include those required for internal control and monitoring, risk management, record keeping and disclosure to regulatory bodies. We find these processes offer an excellent opportunity to adopt an e-Government approach to improve services to both regulated businesses and individual investors through the benefits derived from a more effective and efficient regulatory system.
O Comitê de Supervisão Bancária da Basiléia, um dos organismos mais respeitados no mundo em normatização da indústria bancária, emitiu, em setembro de 1998, o documento: Framework for Internal Control Systems in Banking Organizations, que trata da necessidade da manutenção de controles internos adequados para a natureza e para a escala dos negócios das instituições financeiras. O documento originou-se a partir de pressões internacionais por controles internos mais eficientes e eficazes. De acordo com o documento, os instrumentos de controle devem incluir disposições claras para a delegação de competência e responsabilidade; a separação de funções que envolvam a assunção de compromissos pelos bancos, a utilização de seus recursos financeiros e a responsabilidade por seus ativos e passivos; a reconciliação de tais processos; a proteção de seus ativos; e as funções apropriadas de auditoria e de conformidades independentes, internas ou externas, para verificar a adesão a tais controles, assim como às leis e regulamentos aplicáveis. O Comitê de Supervisão Bancária da Basiléia verificou que diversos problemas ocorridos em grandes organizações bancárias poderiam ser evitados com um sistema eficiente de controles internos. Vários casos estudados demonstraram que controles internos inadequados resultaram em perdas significativas para os bancos. Assim, esta dissertação apresenta, com base no documento acima citado, os tipos de perdas e a análise dos princípios de controles internos recomendados pelo Comitê de Supervisão Bancária da Basiléia e adotados no Brasil a partir da publicação pelo Conselho Monetário Nacional da Resolução 2.554, de 24 de setembro de 1998.
The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.
The crisis that affected the capitalist states during the last decade of the 20th century, put an end to the period of greatest expansion of the state, demanding alterations that brought, especially in economic terms, the ideals of the liberal state. The main goal of these changes was to optimize the administration of the public service by introducing into it more efficiency, transparency, and morality because the state had shown to be incapable of attending the demands of the society and its way of doing was inefficient and did not reach out to the public interest. In Brazil, like in other part of the world, recent scandals of corruption and misuse of public funds put in doubt the efficiency of the financial control system. Like any other political system Brazil has a complex set of external and internal control, institutions that work to prevent misuse of public funds and identify responsibilities if bad use occurred. All these elements highlight the mechanisms of control of the public administration, which came to be seen as essential instruments for the improvement of the management of the public resources, targeting the collective interest. Therefore, along with the traditional mechanisms of power suppression, such as the system of checks and balances, social control arises. This, when used together with the monitoring exercised by public inspection agencies, is defined as horizontal accountability activated by civil society, in which citizens and institutions gather efforts in order to promote a more effective charge of responsibility from public agents and politicians in case of misconducts. This study aimed to identify the opportunities and limitations of social control exercised by the complaint under the TCE-RJ. The results point to the need to develop measures to guarantee the anonymity of denouncers, to simplify the forms of access the TCE-RJ and to improve information spread to the citizen.
Esta tese é um estudo de caso sobre a criação da Secretaria Federal de Controle Interno (SFC) do Executivo federal e das suas atividades como órgão de monitoramento da execução das políticas públicas. Através da análise de depoimentos e de documentos oficiais foi possível demonstrar que: a) a atividade de monitoramento sobre a execução das políticas federais existe, b) que ela é desempenhada por um órgão ¿ a SFC - criado recentemente e que é fruto de uma ampla reforma do sistema de controle interno do Executivo federal, e c) que essa atividade representa um recurso de poder do governo federal para controlar a direção da burocracia federal e a distribuição de poder na coalizão de governo. As principais contribuições desta tese são: 1) demonstrou como e em quais condições o monitoramento das políticas públicas se caracteriza como uma das formas do controle político sobre a burocracia, 2) analisou a construção institucional da SFC enquanto um recurso de poder do governo federal em face da burocracia e da coalizão de governo, 3) realizou um estudo inédito do órgão de monitoramento da execução das políticas públicas no Executivo federal, e 4) apontou os desdobramentos da atuação da SFC do ponto de vista do funcionamento do sistema político, levantando novas hipóteses e perspectivas de trabalho.
Diante da importância do tema relacionado à atividade de controle interno governamental, no cenário nacional e internacional, tendo em vista o aumento da corrupção e a ineficiência administrativa no alcance dos resultados voltados para os cidadãos e ainda, da escassez de pesquisas exploratórias acerca da atividade de controle com enfoque na efetividade em busca da melhoria do gasto público, este estudo procurou identificar práticas da gestão do controle interno governamental que repercutem efetivamente na melhoria da qualidade do gasto público. Para isso procurou conceituar a qualidade do gasto relacionada à atuação do controle interno governamental e avaliar o modelo gerencial de controle interno adotado pelo Estado de Pernambuco, diagnosticando as práticas que estão diretamente relacionadas à melhoria da qualidade na aplicação do recurso público. A escolha do órgão de controle interno governamental do Estado de Pernambuco para o objeto deste estudo deve-se ao fato deste órgão ter sido palco de grandes mudanças na sua gestão com vistas à renovação e adaptação à nova demanda da sociedade que clama pela transparência e qualidade na aplicação do recurso público. Dos resultados apresentados foi possível identificar práticas decorrentes da ação do órgão de controle interno na gestão pública que indicaram um ganho financeiro para o Estado, ficando assim o recurso disponível para a ampliação de benefícios destinados à sociedade. Salientou-se, ainda, o custo da estrutura organizacional do órgão de controle, fato que apontou para um resultado econômico positivo decorrente das ações do órgão de controle interno. O estudo concluiu pela existência de alinhamento do órgão de controle de Pernambuco com os princípios mais modernos de gestão a partir do enfoque no resultado das ações. No entanto, apesar de estar na direção certa, ficou evidente a necessidade de grandes avanços com o fim de potencializar as ações de controle na gestão pública estadual.
O presente trabalho objetiva discutir a importância da implantação do Sistema de Controle Interno – SCI na administração pública municipal, expondo a necessidade de sua adoção no âmbito da região do Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco, com o intuito de obter eficiência e eficácia na gestão dos recursos públicos. Ressalta-se, ainda, que para obtenção do sucesso do Sistema de Controle Interno - SCI é indispensável o cumprimento dos procedimentos legais. Pode-se afirmar que, a implantação do SCI é uma ferramenta que possibilita, ao ente público, suporte, apoio e assessoria, uma vez que oferece condições de governar de maneira eficiente, eficaz e efetiva, através da disponibilização de informações confiáveis em tempo hábil, respeitando os programas governamentais e resultando numa excelente conduta de gestão. Consequentemente, o gestor terá uma condição mais privilegiada, no sentido de que poderá auferir entendimentos conclusivos sobre questões específicas relacionadas à sua administração, propiciando, assim, efeitos qualitativos para a sociedade. O estudo revela também os procedimentos que foram adotados pelas administrações municipais a partir da Resolução TC nº 001/2009, instituída pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco, que disciplina sobre a criação, a implantação, a manutenção e a coordenação de Sistemas de Controle Interno nos Poderes Municipais, fazendo valer o prescrito nos artigos 31 e 74 da Carta Magna.
o objetivo desta pesquisa foi explorar a relação existente entre a literatura sobre as técnicas de auditoria analítica e as técnicas efetivamente utilizadas pelas empresas de auditoria independente com sede ou escritório no Brasil. Buscou-se analisar quais os principais problemas encontrados na utilização dessas técnicas, além de verificar se havia diferença quanto ao uso de técnicas de auditoria analítica mais sofisticadas, pelo fato de serem essas empresas de origem nacional e/ ou estrangeira (capítulo 1). Na revisão de literatura, procurou-se resumir e sumariar a evolução das técnicas de auditoria analítica em face do crescimento, em tamanho e complexidade, da empresa moderna, e sofisticação dos sistemas contábeis e dos controles internos respectivos, de modo a evidenciar as vantagens de sua utilização por parte das empresas de auditoria independente (capítulo 2). A seguir, evidenciou-se a metodologia utilizada na_ pesquisa e a respectiva , razão de seu emprego, desenvolvendo-se um plano de referência sobre as técnicas de auditoria analítica para ser testada neste trabalho (capítulo 3). A descrição dos casos, realizada através da aplicação do questionário em oito empresas, está reunida neste capítulo, onde cada caso é descrito individualmente (capítulo 4). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados de acordo com cada item do questionário e possibilitaram uma análise abrangente das técnicas de auditoria analítica utilizadas pelas firmas de auditoria independente no Brasil (capítulo 5). Finalmente, são apresentados o resumo e as conclusões da pesquisa à luz dos fundamentos teóricos, apresentando-se recomendações e sugestões para novas pesquisas (capítulo 6).