773 resultados para university architecture students
The purpose of this research is to study the portable or reassemblable architectures, which, different from conventional architecture (whose designs are of permanent buildings), corresponds to the designing of spaces with temporary purposes. The focus of the study is the architectural design of spaces that are produced from building systems that can to be moved to different places (process of assembly / disassembly / reassembly) in order to identify the types of spaces generated and the processes used in their design / projecting. The aim is to investigate relationships between the initial project conceived based on a Reassemblable Construction System (RCS) and its application in the architectural design of professionals and students in order to contribute to the understanding of the specificities of this type of design activity. To this end it was developed the exploratory research based on multimedia methods, which includes: documentary analysis, technical visits, interviews, surveys, academic exercise and documentation by images. Although the study is not conclusive, the results indicate significant differences between the point of view of the RCS´s designers and its users (architects and architecture students) since the users demonstrated to have some difficulty to access the features provided for the first group, in particular the students. It is also demonstrated that the use of RCSs seems to change the appreciation / hierarchization of the conditions of project design, since, unlike what happens in traditional architectural design, the designers who use them seem to be more concerned with constructive issues, especially the structural elements (support and covering), instead of functionality, aesthetics and even physical characteristics of the site
OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns entre estudantes de medicina e respectivos fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 551 universitários de um curso de medicina de Botucatu, SP. Utilizou-se questionário auto-aplicável investigando aspectos sócio demográficos, relacionados ao curso e o Self Reporting Questionnaire. Para análise dos dados empregaram-se os testes de qui-quadrado e regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Participaram 82,6% dos alunos matriculados no curso, predominando mulheres (61%), jovens (60% 20-23 anos), procedentes de outros municípios (99%). A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns foi de 44,7% associando-se independentemente a: dificuldade para fazer amigos (RC=2,0), avaliação ruim sobre desempenho escolar (RC=1,7), pensar em abandonar o curso (RC=5,0), não receber o apoio emocional de que necessita (RC=4,6). Embora na primeira análise a prevalência tenha se mostrado associada ao ano do curso, esta associação não se manteve na análise multivariada. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns mostrou-se elevada entre os estudantes de medicina, associando-se a variáveis relacionadas à rede de apoio. As experiências emocionalmente tensas como o contato com pacientes graves, formação de grupos, entre outras, vividas nos últimos anos do curso, são provavelmente potentes estressores, especialmente para sujeitos com uma rede de apoio considerada deficiente. Sugere-se que instituições formadoras estejam atentas a esse fato, estabelecendo intervenções voltadas ao acolhimento e ao cuidado com o sofrimento dos estudantes.
Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE
In 2002, the Ministry of Education (MEC) published the Curriculum Guidelines for Engineering courses in the country. The Guidelines contain subjects like the profile of graduates, the course structure, curriculum, internships and skills and abilities, all geared to guide the training of engineers in Brazil. The objective of this study is to evaluate together with teachers of the Production Department of this University and students of the fifth year of Production Engineering is how student learning of Production Engineering for the development and importance of skills within the course and skills for engineers who are present in the Curriculum Guidelines for engineering courses developed by MEC
The College of Arts and Sciences proudly presents Undergraduate Scholarship in the College of Arts and Sciences, the third issue in our annual book of abstracts, containing the work conducted by students in collaboration with faculty mentors. As you will see by the depth and variety of the projects, these students successfully used their research, critical thinking, and writing skills to produce scholarship that has been recognized by the larger scholarly community. In fact, these collected works illustrate the students’ ability to communicate at a professional level; in many cases, these students have presented and defended their scholarship to the greater academic community at regional, national, and international meetings. We congratulate all the students and faculty mentors who are represented in this collection for their dedication to learning. This book is also the first designed and edited by Winthrop University undergraduate students. For their good work, we thank Kristen Jeffords for editing the abstracts, Paul Jones for creating the cover art, and Stephanie Sheldon for the book design and layout.
O artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a gestão do processo de projeto paramétrico, com superfícies complexas, baseado em duas experiências realizadas no Instituto de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da USP de São Carlos, pelo grupo de pesquisa Nomads.usp. SLICE é o resultado parcial de um pavilhão temporário, com superfícies complexas, desenvolvido por meio de projeto paramétrico e técnicas de fabricação digital. Utilizou-se o procedimento de uma pesquisa-ação2 com alunos de graduação e recém-formados em arquitetura, arquitetos do Nomads.usp e a indústria. Os experimentos apontaram para reflexões sobre algumas mudanças na gestão destes processos, para facilitar a viabilidade técnico-construtiva e gerar conhecimento nas áreas de projeto paramétrico, fabricação digital e gestão. O artigo tem caráter exploratório e o desafio é entender e avaliar a gestão do projeto paramétrico em relação a restrição de material, custo de execução e tempo de produção.
En los últimos años se ha revalorizado la combinación del estudio de una lengua y la enseñanza de temas vinculados con la cultura, la sociedad, la historia. Desde diferentes ángulos, se ha sostenido que una lengua no puede ser concebida en abstracto, en sus formalidades ajenas a cualquier referencia externa, contextual, situacional o cultural. En ese marco, la incorporación de aspectos que involucran una mirada desde las Ciencias Sociales en la enseñanza de una lengua, parece ser cada vez más relevante. Analizaremos en esta ponencia las experiencias producidas por alumnos de la Universidad de Leiden (Holanda) en su estadía de estudios en Argentina en 2012, 2013 y 2015, las cuales permiten indagar en las particularidades de los conocimientos y representaciones acerca del país y reflejan la importancia del acercamiento a la dinámica cultural, social e histórica de la comunidad hablante de la lengua-objetivo. En la práctica de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera se juega también el posible encuentro e interacción entre dos culturas, la interculturalidad. Esta se basa en la necesidad de comprender lo diferente de cada cultura y asumir la posibilidad de la convivencia democrática en tanto el "otro" representa una alteridad no asimilable, ni unificable, sino inmersa en su propia condición histórica como sujeto de enunciación
In this document the results and the reflections brought about by the research for the standardization of the verbal comprehension index of Wechsler scale subtests for measuring adult intelligence, WAIS -III for the general population from 16 to 24 years for the city of La Plata , using the collective administration modality are reported In this opportunity, the performance of 229 students from secondary school from 16 to 18 years, both genders, is being analyzed in the information subtest, as well as that of 155 university and non-university tertiary students from 19 to 24 years, both genders in the same subtest The information subtest is of particular interest because of the implication of previous knowledges in the text comprehension and the personal transferable skills. Given the responses, the analysis allow to make some observations a) there are no statistically significant differences between the individual and the collective administration, by gender and b) the average of correct responses for both age groups is the same but the score distribution shows a greater homogeneity in the group from 16 to18 years.
In this document the results and the reflections brought about by the research for the standardization of the verbal comprehension index of Wechsler scale subtests for measuring adult intelligence, WAIS -III for the general population from 16 to 24 years for the city of La Plata , using the collective administration modality are reported In this opportunity, the performance of 229 students from secondary school from 16 to 18 years, both genders, is being analyzed in the information subtest, as well as that of 155 university and non-university tertiary students from 19 to 24 years, both genders in the same subtest The information subtest is of particular interest because of the implication of previous knowledges in the text comprehension and the personal transferable skills. Given the responses, the analysis allow to make some observations a) there are no statistically significant differences between the individual and the collective administration, by gender and b) the average of correct responses for both age groups is the same but the score distribution shows a greater homogeneity in the group from 16 to18 years.
En los últimos años se ha revalorizado la combinación del estudio de una lengua y la enseñanza de temas vinculados con la cultura, la sociedad, la historia. Desde diferentes ángulos, se ha sostenido que una lengua no puede ser concebida en abstracto, en sus formalidades ajenas a cualquier referencia externa, contextual, situacional o cultural. En ese marco, la incorporación de aspectos que involucran una mirada desde las Ciencias Sociales en la enseñanza de una lengua, parece ser cada vez más relevante. Analizaremos en esta ponencia las experiencias producidas por alumnos de la Universidad de Leiden (Holanda) en su estadía de estudios en Argentina en 2012, 2013 y 2015, las cuales permiten indagar en las particularidades de los conocimientos y representaciones acerca del país y reflejan la importancia del acercamiento a la dinámica cultural, social e histórica de la comunidad hablante de la lengua-objetivo. En la práctica de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera se juega también el posible encuentro e interacción entre dos culturas, la interculturalidad. Esta se basa en la necesidad de comprender lo diferente de cada cultura y asumir la posibilidad de la convivencia democrática en tanto el "otro" representa una alteridad no asimilable, ni unificable, sino inmersa en su propia condición histórica como sujeto de enunciación
En los últimos años se ha revalorizado la combinación del estudio de una lengua y la enseñanza de temas vinculados con la cultura, la sociedad, la historia. Desde diferentes ángulos, se ha sostenido que una lengua no puede ser concebida en abstracto, en sus formalidades ajenas a cualquier referencia externa, contextual, situacional o cultural. En ese marco, la incorporación de aspectos que involucran una mirada desde las Ciencias Sociales en la enseñanza de una lengua, parece ser cada vez más relevante. Analizaremos en esta ponencia las experiencias producidas por alumnos de la Universidad de Leiden (Holanda) en su estadía de estudios en Argentina en 2012, 2013 y 2015, las cuales permiten indagar en las particularidades de los conocimientos y representaciones acerca del país y reflejan la importancia del acercamiento a la dinámica cultural, social e histórica de la comunidad hablante de la lengua-objetivo. En la práctica de la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera se juega también el posible encuentro e interacción entre dos culturas, la interculturalidad. Esta se basa en la necesidad de comprender lo diferente de cada cultura y asumir la posibilidad de la convivencia democrática en tanto el "otro" representa una alteridad no asimilable, ni unificable, sino inmersa en su propia condición histórica como sujeto de enunciación
In this document the results and the reflections brought about by the research for the standardization of the verbal comprehension index of Wechsler scale subtests for measuring adult intelligence, WAIS -III for the general population from 16 to 24 years for the city of La Plata , using the collective administration modality are reported In this opportunity, the performance of 229 students from secondary school from 16 to 18 years, both genders, is being analyzed in the information subtest, as well as that of 155 university and non-university tertiary students from 19 to 24 years, both genders in the same subtest The information subtest is of particular interest because of the implication of previous knowledges in the text comprehension and the personal transferable skills. Given the responses, the analysis allow to make some observations a) there are no statistically significant differences between the individual and the collective administration, by gender and b) the average of correct responses for both age groups is the same but the score distribution shows a greater homogeneity in the group from 16 to18 years.
Este trabajo constituye una propuesta didáctica para incluir en los procesos de enseñanza de la arquitectura y del dibujo y la teoría del proyecto arquitectónico en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de la República del Uruguay. Se parte de la afirmación ya demostrada de que el cine de ficción resulta un medio adecuado y complementario de otros procedimientos para enseñar y estudiar arquitectura. El trabajo establece una ejercitación alternativa a las tradicionales basada en el método de la comparación que permite establecer relaciones entre diferentes realidades: entre la realidad y la ficción o entre diferentes mundos de ficción. Si se hace referencia concreta a la ejercitación desarrollada en los cursos de proyecto y dibujo arquitectónicos de la Facultad de Arquitectura, no es novedad que las prácticas del dibujo de observación directa del objeto real o mediatizado –croquis de observación directa y restitución (pasaje de un sistema de representación codificada a otro) – o del manejo de referentes paradigmáticos durante los procesos creativos, se basan todas en la comparación entre dos cosas. Toda comparación nos induce a fijar la atención en dos o más objetos para descubrir sus relaciones y estimar sus semejanzas lo que nos permite conocer con mayor precisión sus atributos. El ejercicio de ideación de un objeto –propio del proceso proyectual– se sustenta en el cotejo sucesivo y alternativo de la observación del objeto imaginado y de su representación gráfica progresiva. En ese proceso son puestos en juego mecanismos que activan y relacionan nuestras sensaciones con nuestra memoria inconsciente y con redes de conceptos adquiridos a través de la enseñanza y la reflexión. Por un lado, este trabajo busca –mediante el planteo de hipótesis– poner en juego diferentes recursos de análisis de filmes para su debida demostración y, al extraer conclusiones, aportar al conocimiento científico sobre un tema. Por otra parte procura mostrar un camino alternativo para el manejo del recurso cine en los procesos de enseñanza del estudiante de arquitectura. Un camino que estructure diferentes procedimientos de análisis –que por sí mismos implican un ejercicio de la percepción y de la sensibilización– para verificar los contenidos y el alcance de las hipótesis planteadas. This work emerges from a reflection based on the capacity of the cinematographic resource in architecture teaching. The proposal consists in alternative exercises different from the traditional ones, specially designed for architecture students. The exercises handle the potential value of the cinema, especially fictional film or narrative film, as a tool for developing our perception and reflection, thus stimulating the rational and emotional aspects of each person. It is based on the comparative method which allows the establishment of relations among different realities: between fiction and reality and between different fiction worlds. It has been structured into three modules of increasing difficulty. Each one initiates its discourse with a hypothesis formulation which must be demonstrated and triggers a research process where the student’s knowledge, reasoning and ability to evaluate are put into play through a set of exercises. These involve the graphic survey of film spaces, cinematic languages and significance perception systems in order to detect archetypical architectural spaces common to different films. In this particular case, the proposal is addressed to the analysis of interior domestic spaces and its furnishings.
Leather hardcover notebook with unruled pages containing the handwritten mathematical exercises of William Emerson Faulkner, begun in 1795 while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The volume contains rules, definitions, problems, drawings, and tables on geometry, trigonometry, surveying, calculating distances, sailing, and dialing. Some of the exercises are illustrated by unrefined hand-drawn diagrams, including some of buildings and trees.
These two handwritten letters by Timothy Pickering were written on February 14, 1797 and June 14, 1798 to his brother John Pickering and his father Timothy Pickering, respectively. The letter to his brother, John, discusses mutual friends, classmate Thomas Lee, and John’s recent attendance at a sermon by Dr. Joseph Priestley. The letter from Timothy to his father includes a discussion of Timothy’s expenses and the amount of money needed to pay his debts, a request for new shoes for commencement, the news of Timothy’s invitation to join honor society Phi Beta Kappa, and a few comments on his forensics course at Harvard.