949 resultados para uniformity of deposition
The development of new procedures for quickly obtaining accurate information on the physiological potential of seed lots is essential for developing quality control programs for the seed industry. In this study, the effectiveness of an automated system of seedling image analysis (Seed Vigor Imaging System - SVIS) in determining the physiological potential of sun hemp seeds and its relationship with electrical conductivity tests, were evaluated. SVIS evaluations were performed three and four days after sowing and data on the vigor index and the length and uniformity of seedling growth were collected. The electrical conductivity test was made on 50 seed replicates placed in containers with 75 mL of deionised water at 25 ºC and readings were taken after 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 hours of imbibition. Electrical conductivity measurements at 4 or 8 hours and the use of the SVIS on 3-day old seedlings can effectively detect differences in vigor between different sun hemp seed lots.
The Upper Cambrian Pika Formation in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains forms a complete lithologic Grand Cycle. The overall pattern of deposition is one of shallowing upwards from a subtidal, muddy, storm-influenced basin to a shallow carbonate bank. The Pika passes gradationally into the overlying inter- to supratidal siliciclastics of the Arctomys Formation. This transition probably reflects a fall in relative sea level. 2 Twenty seven collections from three sections yielded trilobites. The faunas are assigned to two low-diversity biofacies: the Marjumia - Spencella Biofacies and the GZyphaspis - menomoniid Biofacies. In contrast to biofacies of deeper, open-shelf environments, such as the Wheeler and Marjum formations of Utah, the Pika biofacies lack agnostid trilobites. Consequently, agnostid-based zonations defined elsewhere in North America cannot be applied to the Pika and a new sequence of three zones and one informal fauna is proposed for use in inner shelf facies. Eleven species belonging to six genera are described and illustrated. The species Marjumia bagginsi is new. Other genera present are: Bolaspidella, Knechtelia, GZyphaspis and Spencella, in addition to a number of indeterminate forms
Surficial sediments east of Dunnville, Ontario representing a limited deltaic/lacustrine/aeolian system are investigated with the aim of defining and interpreting their geological history by means of exarrrrning their sedimentology and interrelationships. The Folk and \oJard grain size statistics of samples fran the area were calculated. These sample parameters were e1en plotted on maps to detennine regional patterns. The strongest pattern observed was one of distinct fining to the east, away fran the sand source. Aeolian deposits were fourrl to be better sorted than the surrcunding sediments. The grain size parameter values were also plotted on bivariate graphs in an attempt to separate the samples according to depositional environment. This exercise met with little success, as rrost of the sediments sampled in the area have similar grain size parameters. This is believed to be because the sediment sources for the different environments (delta, distal delta, aeolian dune) are intimately related, to the point that nnst dunes appear to have been sourcErl fran immediately local sediments. It is FOstulated that in such a srrall sedimentological sub-system, sediments were not involved in active transport for a length of time sufficient for the rraterial to cane to equilibritnn with its transporting medium. Thus, fe..v distinctive patterns of parameters were developed that would enable one to differentiate between various environments of neposition. The i.rnTaturity of rrany dune forms and the i.Imaturity of mineralogical composition of all deposits support the above hyt:XJthesis of limited transport time. Another hypothesis proposen is that eadh geologically or geographically distinct area or "sub-system" rray have its o,.m "signature" of grain size relationships as plotted on bivariate graphs. Thus, the emphasis, concerning graphs of this type, should not be placErl on attempting to nifferentiate between various environnents of deposition, hut raB1er on investigating the interrelationships between sanples am environments within that "sub-system". Through the course of this investigation, the existence of nelta plain distributary Channels in the thesis area is SUG0ested, and the mscovery of significantly mfferent sub-units within the TUnnville dune sediments is documented. It is inferred by reference to other authors interpretations of the glacial history of the area, that the tirre of effective aeolian acti vi ty in the Dunnville area was between 12,300 to 12,100 years R.p.
In the present investigation, an attempt is made to document various episodes of transgression and regression during the late Quaternary period from the study of coastal and shelf sequences extending from the inland across the beach to the shelf domain. Shore parallel beach ridges with alternating swales and occurrence of strand line deposits on the shelf make the northern Kerala coast an ideal natural laboratory for documenting the morpho-dynamic response of the coast to the changing sea level. The objectives of the study are lithographic reconstruction of environments of deposition from the coastal plain and shelf sequences; documentation of episodes of transgression and regression by studying different coastal plain sequences and shelf deposits and evolve a comprehensive picture of late Quaternary coastal evolution and sea level changes along the northern Kerala coast by collating morphological, lithological and geochronological evidences from the coastal plain and shelf sequences. The present study is confined to two shore-normal east-west trending transects, Viz. Punjavi and Onakkunnu, in the northern Kerala coast.
A fairly rigorous analytical treatment of the power characteristics of dielectric optical waveguides with Piet Hein core-cross sectional geometry is presented in this paper. This kind of wareguide structure would be advantageous owing to the absence of corners, which are found in rectangular guides, resulting in undesirable loss (hit to the scattering of light. In order to simplify this theoretical approach. em approximation of vanishing refractive index difference between the guiding and the non-guiding sections is implemented. The variation eJ logarithmic power is shown for different dimensions of the core, corresponding to different azimuthal modal indices. It is found that the nutlet with higher index values carry less logaritlunic power in the lower tail of the propagation 's constant range, and this feature affects the higher tail. A better kind of uniformity of the power distribution is observed near the higher tail of the range of propagation Constants
A new method for the fabrication of high uniformity monolithic 1 x 4 single mode fused coupler is described together with details of its performance in terms of coupling ratio, spectral response and uniformity. The fabricated device exhibits ultra-broadband performance with a port-to-port uniformity of 0.4 dB. The reliability of such couplers is also evaluated and found to have good stability. Moreover, by controlling the process parameters it is possible to control the power remaining in the through put port of the device, which can be used for dedicated non-intrusive network health monitoring.
A new method for the fabrication of high uniformity monolithic 1 x4 single-mode fused coupler is described together with details of its performance in terms of coupling ratio, spectral response and uniformity. The fabricated device exhibits ultra-broadband performance with a port-to-port uniformity of 0.4 dB. The reliability of such couplers is also evaluated and found to have good stability. Moreover, by controlling the process parameters it is possible to control the power remaining in the through put port of the device, which can be used for dedicated non-intrusive network health monitoring
The main challenges in the deposition of cathode materials in thin film form are the reproduction of stoichiometry close to the bulk material and attaining higher rates of deposition and excellent crystallinity at comparatively lower annealing temperatures. There are several methods available to develop stoichiometric thin film cathode materials including pulsed laser deposition; plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, electron beam evaporation, electrostatic spray deposition and RF magnetron sputtering. Among them the most versatile method is the sputtering technique, owing to its suitability for micro-fabricating the thin film batteries directly on chips in any shape or size, and on flexible substrates, with good capacity and cycle life. The main drawback of the conventional sputtering technique using RF frequency of 13.56MHz is its lower rate of deposition, compared to other deposition techniques A typical cathode layer for a thin film battery requires a thickness around one micron. To deposit such thick layers using convention RF sputtering, longer time of deposition is required, since the deposition rate is very low, which is typically 10-20 Å/min. This makes the conventional RF sputtering technique a less viable option for mass production in an economical way. There exists a host of theoretical and experimental evidences and results that higher excitation frequency can be efficiently used to deposit good quality films at higher deposition rates with glow discharge plasma. The effect of frequencies higher than the conventional one (13.56MHz) on the RF magnetron sputtering process has not been subjected to detailed investigations. Attempts have been made in the present work, to sputter deposit spinel oxide cathode films, using high frequency RF excitation source. Most importantly, the major challenge faced by the thin film battery based on the LiMn2O4 cathode material is the poor capacity retention during charge discharge cycling. The major causes for the capacity fading reported in LiMn2O4cathode materials are due to, Jahn-Teller distortion, Mn2+ dissolution into the electrolyte and oxygen loss in cathode material during cycling. The work discussed in this thesis is an attempt on overcoming the above said challenges and developing a high capacity thin film cathode material.
This study enfolds the environment of deposition and the lateral variation in texture, mineralogy and geochemistry of the Ashtamudy lake sediments. While the heavy mineral and clay mineral investigations enable us to decipher the nature, texture and source of sediments; organic matter and carbonate contents and the geochemical analysis of major and minor elements help establish the distribution and concentration of the same in regard to the various physico-chemical processes operating in the lake. Study of trace elements holds prime importance in this work, since their concentrations can be used to outline the extent of contaminated bottom area, as well as the source and dispersal paths of discharged_pollutants. In short, this study brings out a vivid picture of the mineralogy and geochemistry of the lake sediments in different environments, viz., the freshwater, brackish water and marine environments that are confined to the eastern, central and western parts of the lake respectively. For the better understanding and expression of the results of the analysis, the lake has been divided into 3 zones namely: eastern part, central part and western part.
Study objectives: There is a possibility that lower air, moisture and light protection could impact on physico-chemical stability of medicines inside multi-compartment compliance aids (MCCAs), although this has not yet been proved. The objectives of the study were to examine the physico-chemical stability of atenolol tablets stored in a compliance aid at room temperature, and at elevated temperature and humidity to simulate practice conditions. Methods: Atenolol 100 mg tablets in 28-chamber, plastic compliance aids with transparent lids were stored for four weeks at room temperature and at 40°C with 75% relative humidity. Tablets were also stored at room temperature in original packaging and Petri dishes. Physical tests were conducted to standards as laid down in the British Pharmacopoeia 2005, and dissolution to those of the United States Pharmacopoeia volume 24. Chemical stability was assessed by a validated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Results: Tablets at room temperature in original packaging, in compliance aids and Petri dishes remained the same in appearance and passed physico-chemical tests. Tablets exposed to 40°C with 75% relative humidity in compliance aids passed tests for uniformity of weight, friability and chemical stability but became pale and moist, softer (82 newtons ± 4; p< 0.0001) than tablets in the original packaging (118 newtons ± 6), more friable (0.14% loss of mass) compared with other tablets (0.005%), and failed the tests for disintegration (>15 minutes) and dissolution (only 15% atenolol released at 30 minutes). Conclusion: Although chemical stability was unaffected, storage in compliance aids at 40°C with 75% relative humidity softened atenolol tablets, prolonged disintegration time and hindered dissolution which could significantly reduce bioavailability. This formulation could be suitable for storage in compliance aids at 25°C, but not in hotter, humid weather.
The kilogram, the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI), is defined as the mass m(K) of the international prototype of the kilogram. Clearly, this definition has the effect of fixing the value of m(K) to be one kilogram exactly. In this paper, we review the benefits that would accrue if the kilogram were redefined so as to fix the value of either the Planck constant h or the Avogadro constant NA instead of m(K), without waiting for the experiments to determine h or NA currently underway to reach their desired relative standard uncertainty of about 10−8. A significant reduction in the uncertainties of the SI values of many other fundamental constants would result from either of these new definitions, at the expense of making the mass m(K) of the international prototype a quantity whose value would have to be determined by experiment. However, by assigning a conventional value to m(K), the present highly precise worldwide uniformity of mass standards could still be retained. The advantages of redefining the kilogram immediately outweigh any apparent disadvantages, and we review the alternative forms that a new definition might take.
Background and Aims: Using two parental clones of outcrossing Trifolium ambiguum as a potential model system, we examined how during seed development the maternal parent, number of seeds per pod, seed position within the pod, and pod position within the inflorescence influenced individual seed fresh weight, dry weight, water content, germinability, desiccation tolerance, hardseededness, and subsequent longevity of individual seeds. Methods: Near simultaneous, manual reciprocal crosses were carried out between clonal lines for two experiments. Infructescences were harvested at intervals during seed development. Each individual seed was weighed and then used to determine dry weight or one of the physiological behaviour traits. Key Results: Whilst population mass maturity was reached at 33–36 days after pollination (DAP), seed-to-seed variation in maximum seed dry weight, when it was achieved, and when maturation drying commenced, was considerable. Individual seeds acquired germinability between 14 and 44 DAP, desiccation tolerance between 30 and 40 DAP, and the capability to become hardseeded between 30 and 47 DAP. The time for viability to fall to 50 % (p50) at 60 % relative humidity and 45 °C increased between 36 and 56 DAP, when the seed coats of most individuals had become dark orange, but declined thereafter. Individual seed f. wt at harvest did not correlate with air-dry storage survival period. Analysing survival data for cohorts of seeds reduced the standard deviation of the normal distribution of seed deaths in time, but no sub-population showed complete uniformity of survival period. Conclusions: Variation in individual seed behaviours within a developing population is inherent and inevitable. In this outbreeder, there is significant variation in seed longevity which appears dependent on embryo genotype with little effect of maternal genotype or architectural factors.
Poly(acrylic acid) forms insoluble hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes with methylcellulose in aqueous solutions under acidic conditions. In this work the reaction heats and binding constants were determined for the complexation between poly(acrylic acid) and methylcellulose by isothermal titration calorimetry at different pH and findings are correlated with the aggregation processes occurring in this system. The principal contribution to the complexation heat results from primary polycomplex particle aggregation. Transmission electron microscopy of nanoparticles produced at pH 1.4 and 2.4 demonstrated that they are spherical and dense structures. The nanoparticles ranged from 80 to 200 nm, whereas particles formed at pH 3.2 were 20-30 nm and were stabilized against aggregation by a network of uncomplexed macromolecules. For the first time, multilayered materials were developed on the basis of hydrogen-bonded complexes of poly(acrylic acid) and methylcellulose using layer-by-layer deposition on a glass surface. The thickness of these films was a linear function of the number of deposition cycles. The materials were subsequently cross-linked by thermal treatment, resulting in ultrathin hydrogels which detached from the glass substrate upon swelling. The swelling capacity of ultrathin hydrogels differed from the swelling of the thicker films of a similar chemical composition.
The health risks associated with the inhalation or ingestion of cadmium are well documented([1,2]). During the past 18 years, EU legislation has steadily been introduced to restrict its use, leaving a requirement for the development of replacement materials. This paper looks at possible alternatives to various cadmium II-VI dielectric compounds used in the deposition of optical thin-films for various opto-electronic devices. Application areas of particular interest are for infrared multilayer interference filter fabrication and solar cell industries, where cadmium-based coatings currently find widespread use. The results of single and multilayer designs comprising CdTe, CdS, CdSe and PbTe deposited onto group IV and II-VI materials as interference filters for the mid-IR region are presented. Thin films of SnN, SnO2, SnS and SnSe are fabricated by plasma assisted CVD, reactive RF sputtering and thermal evaporation. Examination of these films using FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, EDX analysis and optical characterisation methods provide details of material dispersion, absorption, composition, refractive index, energy band gap and layer thicknesses. The optimisation of deposition parameters in order to synthesise coatings with similar optical and semiconductor properties as those containing cadmium has been investigated. Results of environmental, durability and stability trials are also presented.
Residual stress having been further reduced, selected infrared coatings composed of thin films of (PbTe/ ZnS (or ZnSe) can now be made which comply with the durability requirements of MIL-48616 whilst retaining transparency. Such improved durability is due to the sequence:- i) controlled deposition, followed by ii) immediate exposure to air, followed by iii) annealing in vacuo to relieve stress. (At the time of writing we assume the empiric procedure "exposure to air/annealing in vacuo" acts to relieve the inherent stresses of deposition). As part of their testing, representative sample filters prepared by the procedure are being assembled for the shuttle's 1st Long Duration Exposure Facility (to be placed in earth orbit for a considerable period and then recovered for analysis). The sample filters comprise various narrowband-designs to permit deduction of the constituent thin film optical properties. The Reading assembly also contains representative sample of the infrared crystals, glasses, thin-film absorbers and bulk absorbers, and samples of shorter-wavelength filters prepared similarly but made with Ge/SiO. Findings on durability and transparency after exposure will be reported.