998 resultados para type-locality


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Novos táxons e novos registros sobre Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) Neotropicais. Novos táxons descritos em Cerambycinae, Eligmodermini: Eligmoderma lara sp. nov. da Venezuela; Elaphidiini: Cratericus gen. nov., espécie-tipo, C. divaricatus sp. nov., da Jamaica. Em Lamiinae, Desmiphorini: Capillicornis gen. nov., espécie-tipo, C. basilaris sp. nov. do Equador; Cotycicuiara acuminata sp. nov. do Panamá; C. guiana sp. nov. da Guiana Francesa; Eupromerini: Puanama skillmani sp. nov. do Brasil (Rondônia). Novos registros são feitos para Temnopis martinezi Martins, 1995 (Oemini) e Estoloides (E.) aurantius Martins & Galileo, 2010 (Desmiphorini). A localidade-tipo de Hovorelus adiectus Galileo & Martins, 2010 (Prioninae, Anacolini) é corrigida e novos dados são acrescentados.


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Morphological and molecular studies were carried out on Laurencia oliveirana from the type locality (Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). This species is easily recognized by its small size, sub-erect habit forming intricate cushion-like tufts and unilateral pectinate branching. The species displays all the typical characters of the genus Laurencia, such as the production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast, tetrasporangia produced from particular pericentral cells, with the third and fourth pericentral cells becoming fertile, without production of additional pericentral cells, spermatangial branches produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of trichoblasts, and procarp-bearing segment with five pericentral cells. Details of tetrasporangial plants and development of procarp and male plants are described for the first time for the species. The phylogenetic position of L. oliveirana was inferred by analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 57 taxa. In all phylogenetic analyses, L. oliveirana grouped with L. caraibica, L. caduciramulosa, L. venusta and L. natalensis, forming a monophyletic clade within the Laurencia sensu stricto. The genetic divergence between L. oliveirana and the molecularly closest species, L. caraiba collected in Brazil, was 2.3%.


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Detrital zircon and metamorphic monazite ages from the Picuris Mountains, north central New Mexico, were used to confirm the depositional age of the Marquenas Formation, to document the depositional age of the Vadito Group, and to constrain the timing of metamorphism and deformation in the region. Detrital zircon 207Pb/206Pb ages were obtained with the LA-MC-ICPMS from quartzites collected from the type locality of the Marquenas Formation exposed at Cerro de las Marquenas, and from the lower Vadito Group in the southern and eastern Picuris Mountains. The Marquenas Formation sample yields 113 concordant ages including a Mesoproterozoic age population with four grains ca. 1470 Ga, a broad Paleoproterozoic age peak at 1695 Ma, and minor Archean age populations. Data confirm recent findings of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons reported by Jones et al. (2011), and show that the Marquenas Formation is the youngest lithostratigraphic unit in the Picuris Mountains. Paleoproterozoic and Archean detrital grains in the Marquenas Formation are likely derived from local recycled Vadito Group rocks and ca. 1.75 Ga plutonic complexes, and ca. 1.46 detrital zircons were most likely derived from exposed Mesoproterozoic plutons south of the Picuris. Ninety-five concordant grains from each of two Vadito Group quartzites yield relatively identical unimodal Paleoproterozoic age distributions, with peaks at 1713-1707 Ma. Eastern exposures of quartzite mapped as Marquenas Formation yield detrital zircon age patterns and metamorphic mineral assemblages that are nearly identical to the Vadito Group. On this basis, I tentatively assigned the easternmost quartzite to the Vadito Group. Zircon grains in all samples show low U/Th ratios, welldeveloped concentric zoning, and no evidence of metamorphic overgrowth events, consistent with an igneous origin. North-directed paleocurrent indicators, such as tangential crossbeds (Soegaard & Eriksson, 1986) and other primary sedimentary structures, are preserved in the Marquenas Formation quartzite. Together with pebble-toboulder metaconglomerates in the Marquenas, these observations suggest that this formation was deposited in a braided alluvial plain environment in response to syntectonic uplift to the south of the Picuris Mountains. Metamorphic monazite from two Vadito Group quartzite samples were analyzed with an electron microprobe (EMP). Elemental compositional variation with respect to Th and Y define core and rim domains in monazite grains, and show lower concentrations of Th (1.46-1.52 wt%) and Y (0.67 wt%) in the cores, and higher concentrations of Th (1.98 wt%) and Y (1.06 wt%) in the rims. Results show that Mesoproterozoic core and rim ages from five grains overlap within uncertainty, ranging from 1395-1469 Ma with an average age of 1444 Ma. This 1.44 Ga average age is the dominant timing of metamorphic monazite growth in the region, and represents the timing of metamorphism experienced by the region. An older 1630 Ma core observed in sample CD10-12 may be interpreted as a result of low temperature metamorphism in lower Vadito Group rocks due to heat from ca. 1.65 Ga granitic intrusions. Core ages ca. 1.5 Ga are likely due to a mixing age of two different age domains during analyses. Confirmed sedimentation at 1.48-1.45 Ga and documented mid-crustal regional metamorphism in northern New Mexico ca. 1.44-1.40 are likely associated with a Mesoproterozoic orogenic event.


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Vorlanite (CaU6+)O4 Fm3̄m, a = 5.3647(9) Å, V = 154.40(4) Å3, Z = 2 was found in larnite pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim formation at the Jabel Harmun locality, Judean Desert, Palestinian Autonomy. Vorlanite crystals from these larnite rocks are dark-gray with greenish hue in transmitted light. This color in transmitted light is in contrast to dark-red vorlanite Fm3̄m, a = 5.3813(2) Å, V = 155.834(10)Å3, Z = 2 from the type locality Upper Chegem caldera, Northern Caucasus. Heating above 750 °C of dark-gray vorlanite from the Jabel Harmun, as well as dark-red vorlanite from Caucasus, led to formation of yellow trigonal uranate CaUO4. The unusual color of vorlanite from Jabel Harmun is assumed to be related to small impurities of tetravalent uranium.


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Electron and ion microprobe data on two samples of welshite from the type locality of Langban, Sweden, gave analytical totals of 99.38-99.57 wt.% and BeO contents of 4.82-5.11 wt.%, corresponding to 1.692-1.773 Be/20 O. Mossbauer and optical spectra of one of these samples gave Fe-[iv](3+)/Sigma Fe = 0.91, Fe-[iv](2+)/Sigma Fe = 0.09, and no evidence of Mn3+. The resulting formula for this sample is Ca2Mg3.8Mn0.62+Fe0.12+Sb1.55+O2[Si2.8Be1.7Fe0.653+Al0.7As0.17O18], and that for the second sample, Ca2Mg3.8Mn0.12+Fe0.12+F0.83+Sb1.25+O2[Si2.8Be1.8F0.653+Al0.25As0.25O18], is related by the substitution involving tetrahedral and octahedral sites: 0.59([vi,iv])(Fe,Al)(3+) approximate to 0.42([vi])(Mg,Mn,Fe)(2+) + 0.21(Sb-[vi],As-[iv])(5+), i.e. 3([vi,iv]) M3+ = 2([vi])M(2+) + M-[vi,iv](5+). WelShite is distinctive among aenigmatite-group minerals in the high proportion of Fe 3+ in tetrahedral coordination and is unique in its Be content, substantially exceeding 1Be per formula unit. Given the cation distributions in other minerals related to aenigmatite, we think it is reasonable to assume that at least one tetrahedral site is >50% occupied by Be and that one octahedral site is >50% occupied by Sb, so that welshite should be retained as a distinct species with its own name in the aenigmatite group.


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Electron and ion microprobe data on two samples of welshite from the type locality of Langban, Sweden, gave analytical totals of 99.38-99.57 wt.% and BeO contents of 4.82-5.11 wt.%, corresponding to 1.692-1.773 Be/20 O. Mossbauer and optical spectra of on


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We report a trace element - Pb isotope analytical (LIA) database on the "Singen Copper", a peculiar type of copper found in the North Alpine realm, from its type locality, the Early Bronze Age Singen Cemetery (Germany). What distinguishes “Singen Copper” from other coeval copper types? (i) is it a discrete metal lot with a uniform provenance (if so, can its provenance be constrained)? (ii) was it manufactured by a special, unique metallurgical process that can be discriminated from others? Trace element concentrations can give clues on the ore types that were mined, but they can be modified (more or less intentionally) by metallurgical operations. A more robust indicator are the ratios of chemically similar elements (e.g. Co/Ni, Bi/Sb, etc.), since they should remain nearly constant during metallurgical operations, and are expected to behave homogeneously in each mineral of a given mining area, but their partition amongst the different mineral species is known to cause strong inter-element fractionations. We tested the trace element ratio pattern predicted by geochemical arguments on the Brixlegg mining area. Brixlegg itself is not compatible with the Singen Copper objects, and we only report it because it is a rare instance of a mining area for which sufficient trace element analyses are available in the literature. We observe that As/Sb in fahlerz varies by a factor 1.8 above/below median; As/Sb in enargite varies by a factor of 2.5 with a 10 times higher median. Most of the 102 analyzed metal objects from Singen are Sb-Ni-rich, corresponding to “antimony-nickel copper” of the literature. Other trace element concentrations vary by > 100 times, ratios by factors > 50. Pb isotopic compositions are all significantly different from each other. They do not form a single linear array and require > 3 ore batches that certainly do not derive from one single mining area. Our data suggest a heterogeneous provenance of “Singen copper”. Archaeological information limits the scope to Central European sources. LIA requires a diverse supply network from many mining localities, including possibly Brittany. Trace element ratios show more heterogeneity than LIA; this can be explained either by deliberate selection of one particular ore mineral (from very many sources) or by processing of assorted ore minerals from a smaller number of sources, with the unintentional effect that the quality of the copper would not be constant, as the metallurgical properties of alloys would vary with trace element concentrations.


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Large serpentinite seamounts are common in the forearc regions between the trench axis and the active volcanic fronts of the Mariana and Izu-Bonin intraoceanic arcs. The seamounts apparently form both as mud volcanoes, composed of unconsolidated serpentine mud flows that have entrained metamorphosed ultramafic and mafic rocks, and as horst blocks, possibly diapirically emplaced, of serpentinized ultramafics partially draped with unconsolidated serpentine slump deposits and mud flows. The clayand silt-sized serpentine recovered from three sites on Conical Seamount on the Mariana forearc region and from two sites on Torishima Forearc Seamount on the Izu-Bonin forearc region is composed predominantly of chrysotile, brucite, chlorite, and clays. A variety of accessory minerals attest to the presence of unusual pore fluids in some of the samples. Aragonite, unstable at the depths at which the serpentine deposits were drilled, is present in many of the surficial cores from Conical Seamount. Sjogrenite minerals, commonly found as weathering products of serpentine resulting from interaction with groundwater, are found in most of the samples. The presence of aragonite and carbonate-hydroxide hydrate minerals argues for interaction of the serpentine deposits with fluids other than seawater. There are numerous examples of sedimentary serpentinite deposits exposed on land that are very similar to the deposits recovered from the serpentine seamounts drilled on ODP Leg 125. We suggest that Conical Seamount may be a type locality for the study of in situ formation of many of these sedimentary serpentinite bodies. Further, we suggest that both the deposits drilled on Conical Seamount and on Torishima Forearc Seamount demonstrate that serpentinization can continue in situ within the seamounts through interaction of the serpentine deposits with both seawater and subduction-related fluids.


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The proposed origins for the Enriched Mantle I component are many and various and some require an arbitrary addition of an exotic component, be it pure sediment or an enriched melt from the subcontinental lithosphere. With Pitcairn, Walvis Ridge is the 'type-locality' for the Enriched Mantle I (EMI) component. We analyzed basalts from DSDP Site 525A, Site 527 and Site 528 on the Walvis Ridge with the aim to constrain the history of its source. The isotopic compositions we measured for the three sites overlap with the values obtained by Richardson et al. (1982a) and extend towards less radiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Pb and Nd isotopic compositions. We used our new trace element and radiogenic isotope (Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr) characterization in combination with the literature data to produce the simplest possible model that satisfies the trace element and isotopic constraints. Although the elevated 207Pb/204Pb with respect to 206Pb/204Pb predicts an ancient origin for EMI, none of the proposed origins had modeled it as such. The data is consistent with the EMI composition being formed by the addition of a melt to a mantle with bulk Earth-like composition followed by melt extraction of a low degree melt. The timing of these two events is such that the metasomatism has to have taken place prior to 4 Ga and the subsequent melt removal before 3.5 Ga. This confirms the expectation of an ancient character for the EMI component. The Walvis Ridge data shows two distinct two component mixing trends: one formed by the less enriched Site 527 and Site 528 basalts and one formed by the Site 525A basalts. The two trends have the EMI endmember in common. The less depleted end of the Site 527-Site 528 basalts is FOZO-like and can be explained by the addition of a recycled component (basaltic oceanic crust plus sediment). This recycled component was altered during subduction. The sense and magnitude of the chemical fractionation resulting from the subduction alteration are in agreement with dehydration experiments on basalts and sediment. Compared to other EMI like basalts the Walvis Ridge basalts have flatter REE patterns and show less fractionation between large ion lithophile and heavy REE elements. Using the isotopic compositions as constrains for the parent-daughter ratios we were able to model the trace element patterns of the basalts as melting between 5 and 10% for Site 525A and between 10 and 15% for the depleted end of the Site 528-Site 527 array. In all cases a significant portion of melting takes place in the garnet stability field.


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Barremian through uppermost Aptian strata from ODP Hole 641C, located upslope of a tilted fault block on the Galicia margin (northwest Spain), are syn-rift sediments deposited in the bathyal realm and are characterized by rapid sedimentation from turbidity currents and debris flows. Calcarenite and calcirudite turbidites contain shallow-water carbonate, terrigenous, and pelagic debris, in complete or partial Bouma sequences. These deposits contain abraded micritized bioclasts of reefal debris, including rudist fragments. The youngest turbidite containing shallow-water carbonate debris at Site 641 defines the boundary between syn-rift and post-rift sediments; this is also the boundary between Aptian and Albian sediments. Some Aptian turbidites are partially silicified, with pore-filling chalcedony and megaquartz. Adjacent layers of length-fast and -slow chalcedony are succeeded by megaquartz as the final pore-filling stage within carbonate reef debris. Temperatures of formation, calculated from the oxygen isotopic composition of the authigenic quartz, are relatively low for formation of quartz but are relatively warm for shallow burial depths. This quartz cement may be interpreted as a rift-associated precipitate from seawater-derived epithermal fluids that migrated along a fault associated with the tilted block and were injected into the porous turbidite beds. These warm fluids may have cooled rapidly and precipitated silica at the boundaries of the turbidite beds as a result of contact with cooler pore waters. The color pattern in the quartz cement, observed by cathodoluminescence and fluorescence techniques, and changes in the trace lement geochemistry mimic the textural change of the different quartz layers and indicates growth synchronism of the different quartz phases. Fluorescence petrography of neomorphosed low-Mg-calcite bioclasts in the silicified turbidites shows extensive zonation and details of replacive crystal growth in the bioclasts that are not observed by cathodoluminescence. Fluorescence microscopy also reveals a competitive growth history during neomorphism of the adjacent crystals in an altered carbonate bioclast. Barremian-Aptian background pelagic sediments from Hole 641C have characteristics similar to pelagic sediments from the Blake-Bahama Formation described by Jansa et al. (1979) from the western North Atlantic. Sediments at this site differ from the Blake-Bahama Formation type locality in that the Barremian-Aptian pelagic sediments have a higher percentage of dark calcareous claystone and some turbidites are silicified at Site 641. The stable isotopic composition of the pelagic marlstones from Site 641 is similar to those of other Berriasian-Aptian pelagic sediments from the Atlantic.


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We performed the field-work during the dry (March 2014) and reainy season (May and June 2014) at the species type locality: Cerro Socopó, located at central-west region between Falcón, Lara and Zulia states, Venezuela. Socopó is a small and isolated mountain (1.571 m) belonging to the Ziruma mountains, and represents a relict of tropical mountain forest surrounded by semi-arid vegetation and grassland. This area is home to 312 species of vertebrates, including endangered and endemic amphibians species like Mannophryne lamarcai, Leptodactylus magistris and Dendropsophus amicorum. These forest and species are severely threatened by cattle ranch and illegal timber extraction, with forest formations only above 1000 meters. Despite this, no legal protected figure has been established in the area. We identified a 2.5 km secondary road transect within the study area based on the following criteria: 1) it cover different habitat types (streams and lagoons); and 2) it within the altitudinal gradient described for the specie (1,040 to 1,363 m). We identified three sampling points throughout the transect located in the vicinity of wetland habits: socopo1, socopo2 and socopo4. We did two types of recordings: 1) high quality recordings to characterize the advertisement call for M. lamarcai, non described to date (socopo4), and 2) recordings in different sampling points to evaluate call detectors performance in different acoustic scenarios (in all three localities).


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Allozyme and molecular sequence data from the malaria vector Anopheles flavirostris (Ludlow) (Diptera: Culicidae) were analysed from 34 sites throughout the Philippines, including the type locality, to test the hypothesis that this taxon is a single panmictic species. A finer-scaled allozyme study, of mainly Luzon samples, revealed no fixed genetic differences in sympatric sites and only low levels of variation. We obtained data from partial sequences for the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) (483 bp), the third domain (D3) (330 bp) of the 28S ribosomal DNA subunit and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA (261 bp). No sequence variation was observed for ITS2, only a one base pair difference was observed between Philippine and Indonesian D3 sequences and An. flavirostris sequences were unique, confirming their diagnostic value for this taxon. Sixteen COI haplotypes were identified, giving 25 parsimony informative sites. Neighbour-Joining, Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of COI sequences for An. flavirostris and outgroup taxa revealed strong branch support for the monophyly of An. flavirostris, thus confirming that Philippine populations of this taxon comprise a single separate species within the Minimus Subgroup of the Funestus Group. Variation in the behaviour of An. flavirostris is likely to be intraspecific rather than interspecific in origin. © 2006 The Royal Entomological Society.


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Envekadea metzeltinii sp. nov. is described from periphyton assemblages in the subtropical karstic wetlands of the Florida Everglades, U.S.A. The morphology of the new diatom species is documented by light and scanning electron micrographs and discussed in detail, including comparisons with related species in the genera Envekadea, Caloneis, andNavicula. The new species is characterized by a linear valve outline, a sigmoid raphe course, broad variability in areola shapes and sizes, and two clearly raised axial costae. Apart from the type locality in Florida, the species was observed from similar wetlands in the Yucatan, Mexico. Notes on its ecology and distribution are added. Based on the morphology of the most similar species, Navicula palestinae, the latter is transferred to the genus Envekadea.


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The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint Gérand le Pouy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.


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Coleodactylus natalensis Freire, 1999, an endemic species of Atlantic Forest fragments around the Natal municipality, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil, has as type locality the Parque Estadual Dunas de Natal (05º48 S to 05º53 S and 35º09 W to 35º12 W), one of the largest restinga (herb and shrub association on sand dunes along the Brazilian coastline) associate fragment, surrounded by urban zone, placed on setentrional Atlantic Forest limits. We made estimates on populational density, spatial distribution, habitat and microhabitat preferences and feeding ecological aspects like sazonal and sexual variations on diet, prey electivities and niche breadth. We randomly sampled ninety-six 50m2 quadrants in each of the four habitats identified in the study area. Were collected 49 specimens and their stomach contents were analyzed; prey items found were correlated with leaf-litter invertebrates from habitat samples. We found a 98,5 ± 75,5 individuals/ha density, in grouped distribution pattern on densest habitats and random distribution on others habitats. This species lives mostly on leaf-litter in forest habitats, in higher humidity points, with lower temperatures, deeper leaf litter and lower sea level elevations than the randomly chosen points in the study area. Isopoda and Aranae were the most important prey categories in numeric, frequency and volumetric terms. Niche breadth has an intermediate value and was variable in sexual and in habitat terms. There was no correlation between morfometric measures and prey size on diet. The C. natalensis population studied seems to be diet opportunist, although selects larger prey items. The Parque Estadual das Dunas do Natal has several indications of anthropic pressure from the surrounding urban area that may affects the local C. natalensis population. Thus, the fragility of this species calls for urgent conservation efforts