963 resultados para two-term control


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The paper describes an experimental and analytical study of the normal and scratch hardnesses of a model soft rigid-plastic solid. The material known as ‘Plasticine’, a mixture of dry particles and a mineral oil, has been deformed with a range of rigid conical indentors with included angles of between 30° and 170°. The sliding velocity dependence of the computed scratch hardness and friction has been examined in the velocity range 0.19 mm/s to 7.3 m/s. Data are also described for the time dependence of the normal hardness and also the estimated rate dependence of the intrinsic flow stress. The latter values were estimated from data obtained during the upsetting of right cylinders. Three major conclusions are drawn from these data and the associated analysis. (1) A first-order account of the scratching force may be provided by adopting a model which sums the computed plastic deformation and interfacial sliding contributions to the total sliding work. This is tantamount to the adoption of the two-term non-interacting model of friction. (2) For this system during sliding, at high sliding velocities at least, the interface shear stress which defines the boundary condition is not directly related to the bulk shear stress. The interface rheological characteristics indicate an appreciable dependence on the imposed strain or strain rate. In particular, the relative contributions of the slip and stick boundary conditions appear to be a function of the imposed sliding velocity. (3) The computed normal and scratch hardness values are not simply interrelated primarily because of the evolving boundary conditions which appear to exist in the scratching experiments.


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Effect of constraint (stress triaxiality) on void growth near a notch tip in a FCC single crystal is investigated. Finite element simulations within the modified boundary layer framework are conducted using crystal plasticity constitutive equations and neglecting elastic anisotropy. Displacement boundary conditions based on model, elastic, two term K-T field are applied on the outer boundary of a large circular domain. A pre-nucleated void is considered ahead of a stationary notch tip. The interaction between the notch tip and the void is studied under different constraints (T-stress levels) and crystal orientations. It is found that negative T-stress retards the mechanisms of ductile fracture. However, the extent of retardation depends on the crystal orientation. Further, it is found that there exists a particular orientation which delays the ductile fracture processes and hence can potentially improve ductility. This optimal orientation depends on the constraint level. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A steel ball was slid on aluminium-silicon alloys at different temperatures. After the coefficient of friction had been measured, the surface shear stress was deconvoluted using a two-term model of friction. The ratio of surface shear stress to bulk hardness was calculated as a function of temperature, silicon content and alloying additions. These results are qualitatively similar to those recorded for pre-seizure specimens slid against an En24 disc in a pin-on-disc machine. This similarity, when viewed in the context of the phenomenon of bulk shear, provides a model for seizure of these alloys.


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The soft clay of Ariake Bay, in western Kyushu, Japan covers several hundred square kilometers. Ariake clay consists of the principal clay minerals namely, smectite, illite, kaolinite and vermiculite, and other minerals in lesser quantity. The percentage of the principal clay, mineral can vary significantly. The percent clay, size fraction and the salt concentration can also vary significantly. In view of the importance of undrained shear strength in geotechnical engineering practice, its behavior has been studied with respect to variation in salt concentration. Basically, two mechanisms control the undrained strength in clays, namely (a) cohesion or undrained strength is due to the net interparticle attractive forces, or (b) cohesion is due to the viscous nature of the double layer water. Concept (a) operates primarily for kaolinitic soil, and concept (b) dominates primarily for montmorillonitic soils. In Ariake clay, different clay minerals with different exchangeable cations and varying ion concentration in the pore water and varying nonclay size fraction are present. In view of this while both concepts (a) and (b) can coexist and operate simultaneously, one of the mechanisms dominates. For Isahaya clay, concept (a), factors responsible for an increase in level of flocculation and attractive forces result in higher undrained strength. Increase in salt concentration increases the remolded undrained strength at any moisture content. For Kubota and Kawazoe clays, concept (b) factors responsible for an expansion of diffuse double layer thickness, resulting in higher viscous resistance, increase the undrained shear strength, that is, as concentration decreases, the undrained strength increases at any moisture content.The liquid limit of Isahaya,a clay increases with increase in ion concentration and a marginal decrease is seen for both Kubota and Kawazoe clays, and their behavior has been explained satisfactorily,.


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In this work, the effects of loading rate, material rate sensitivity and constraint level on quasi-static crack tip fields in a FCC single crystal are studied. Finite element simulations are performed within a mode I, plane strain modified boundary layer framework by prescribing the two term (K-T) elastic crack tip field as remote boundary conditions. The material is assumed to obey a rate-dependent crystal plasticity theory. The orientation of the single crystal is chosen so that the crack surface coincides with the crystallographic (010) plane and the crack front lies along 101] direction. Solutions corresponding to different stress intensity rates K., T-stress values and strain rate exponents m are obtained. The results show that the stress levels ahead of the crack tip increase with K. which is accompanied by gradual shrinking of the plastic zone size. However, the nature of the shear band patterns around the crack tip is not affected by the loading rate. Further, it is found that while positive T-stress enhances the opening and hydrostatic stress levels ahead of crack tip, they are considerably reduced with imposition of negative T-stress. Also, negative T-stress promotes formation of shear bands in the forward sector ahead of the crack tip and suppresses them behind the tip.


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Wrist pulse signals contain important information about the health of a person and hence diagnosis based on pulse signals has assumed great importance. In this paper we demonstrate the efficacy of a two term Gaussian model to extract information from pulse signals. Results have been obtained by conducting experiments on several subjects to record wrist pulse signals for the cases of before exercise and after exercise. Parameters have been extracted from the recorded signals using the model and a paired t-test is performed, which shows that the parameters are significantly different between the two groups. Further, a recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine is used to perform classification between the groups. An average classification accuracy of 99.46% is obtained, along with top classifiers. It is thus shown that the parameters of the Gaussian model show changes across groups and hence the model is effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to the two different recording conditions. The study has potential applications in healthcare.


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We present the results of a theoretical study of a four-level atomic system in vee + ladder configuration using a density matrix analysis. The absorption and dispersion profiles are derived for a weak probe field and for varying strengths of the two strong control fields. For specificity, we choose energy levels of Rb-87, and present results for both stationary atoms and moving atoms in room temperature vapor. An electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) peak with negative dispersion is observed at zero probe de-tuning when the control fields have equal strengths, which switches to electromagnetically induced transparency (ET) with positive dispersion (due to splitting of the EIA peak) when the control fields are unequal. There is significant linewidth narrowing in thermal vapor. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new collision model, called the generalized soft-sphere (GSS) model, is introduced. It has the same total cross section as the generalized hard-sphere model [Phys. Fluids A 5, 738 (1993)], whereas the deflection angle is calculated by the soft-sphere scattering model [Phys. Fluids A 3, 2459 (1991)]. In virtue of a two-term formula given to fit the numerical solutions of the collision integrals for the Lennard-Jones (6-12) potential and for the Stockmayer potential, the parameters involved in the GSS model are determined explicitly that may fully reproduce the transport coefficients under these potentials. Coefficients of viscosity, self-diffusion and diffusion for both polar and nonpolar molecules given by the GSS model and experiment are in excellent agreement over a wide range of temperature from low to high.


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An efficient method for solving the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation in a two-term approximation for low-pressure inductively coupled plasmas has been developed. The electron distribution function (EDF), a function of total electron energy and two spatial coordinates, is found self-consistently with the static space-charge potential which is computed from a 2D fluid model, and the rf electric field profile which is calculated from the Maxwell equations. The EDF and the spatial distributions of the electron density, potential, temperature, ionization rate, and the inductive electric field are calculated and discussed. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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Based upon the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation in two-term approximation coupled with electromagnetic and fluid model analysis for the recently developed inductively coupled plasma sources, a self-consistent electron kinetic model is developed. The electron distribution function, spatial distributions of the electron density and ionization rate are calculated and discussed.


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Background: A remarkable range of biological functions have been ascribed to resveratrol. Recently, this polyphenol has been shown to have body fat lowering effects. The aim of the present study was to assess some of the potential underlying mechanisms of action which take place in adipose tissue. Methods: Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: control and treated with 30 mg resveratrol/kg body weight/d. All rats were fed an obesogenic diet and after six weeks of treatment white adipose tissues were dissected. Lipoprotein lipase activity was assessed by fluorimetry, acetyl-CoA carboxylase by radiometry, and malic enzyme, glucose-6P-dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase by spectrophotometry. Gene expression levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, adipose triglyceride lipase, PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and perilipin were assessed by Real time RT-PCR. The amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was measured by chromatography. Results: There was no difference in the final body weight of the rats; however, adipose tissues were significantly decreased in the resveratrol-treated group. Resveratrol reduced the activity of lipogenic enzymes, as well as that of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase. Moreover, a significant reduction was induced by this polyphenol in hormone-sensitive lipase mRNA levels. No significant changes were observed in other genes. Total amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was 2.66 +/- 0.55 nmol/g tissue. Conclusions: It can be proposed that the body fat-lowering effect of resveratrol is mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in fatty acid uptake from circulating triacylglycerols and also in de novo lipogenesis.


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These studies explore how, where, and when representations of variables critical to decision-making are represented in the brain. In order to produce a decision, humans must first determine the relevant stimuli, actions, and possible outcomes before applying an algorithm that will select an action from those available. When choosing amongst alternative stimuli, the framework of value-based decision-making proposes that values are assigned to the stimuli and that these values are then compared in an abstract “value space” in order to produce a decision. Despite much progress, in particular regarding the pinpointing of ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) as a region that encodes the value, many basic questions remain. In Chapter 2, I show that distributed BOLD signaling in vmPFC represents the value of stimuli under consideration in a manner that is independent of the type of stimulus it is. Thus the open question of whether value is represented in abstraction, a key tenet of value-based decision-making, is confirmed. However, I also show that stimulus-dependent value representations are also present in the brain during decision-making and suggest a potential neural pathway for stimulus-to-value transformations that integrates these two results.

More broadly speaking, there is both neural and behavioral evidence that two distinct control systems are at work during action selection. These two systems compose the “goal-directed system”, which selects actions based on an internal model of the environment, and the “habitual” system, which generates responses based on antecedent stimuli only. Computational characterizations of these two systems imply that they have different informational requirements in terms of input stimuli, actions, and possible outcomes. Associative learning theory predicts that the habitual system should utilize stimulus and action information only, while goal-directed behavior requires that outcomes as well as stimuli and actions be processed. In Chapter 3, I test whether areas of the brain hypothesized to be involved in habitual versus goal-directed control represent the corresponding theorized variables.

The question of whether one or both of these neural systems drives Pavlovian conditioning is less well-studied. Chapter 4 describes an experiment in which subjects were scanned while engaged in a Pavlovian task with a simple non-trivial structure. After comparing a variety of model-based and model-free learning algorithms (thought to underpin goal-directed and habitual decision-making, respectively), it was found that subjects’ reaction times were better explained by a model-based system. In addition, neural signaling of precision, a variable based on a representation of a world model, was found in the amygdala. These data indicate that the influence of model-based representations of the environment can extend even to the most basic learning processes.

Knowledge of the state of hidden variables in an environment is required for optimal inference regarding the abstract decision structure of a given environment and therefore can be crucial to decision-making in a wide range of situations. Inferring the state of an abstract variable requires the generation and manipulation of an internal representation of beliefs over the values of the hidden variable. In Chapter 5, I describe behavioral and neural results regarding the learning strategies employed by human subjects in a hierarchical state-estimation task. In particular, a comprehensive model fit and comparison process pointed to the use of "belief thresholding". This implies that subjects tended to eliminate low-probability hypotheses regarding the state of the environment from their internal model and ceased to update the corresponding variables. Thus, in concert with incremental Bayesian learning, humans explicitly manipulate their internal model of the generative process during hierarchical inference consistent with a serial hypothesis testing strategy.


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Sufficient conditions are derived for the validity of approximate periodic solutions of a class of second order ordinary nonlinear differential equations. An approximate solution is defined to be valid if an exact solution exists in a neighborhood of the approximation.

Two classes of validity criteria are developed. Existence is obtained using the contraction mapping principle in one case, and the Schauder-Leray fixed point theorem in the other. Both classes of validity criteria make use of symmetry properties of periodic functions, and both classes yield an upper bound on a norm of the difference between the approximate and exact solution. This bound is used in a procedure which establishes sufficient stability conditions for the approximated solution.

Application to a system with piecewise linear restoring force (bilinear system) reveals that the approximate solution obtained by the method of averaging is valid away from regions where the response exhibits vertical tangents. A narrow instability region is obtained near one-half the natural frequency of the equivalent linear system. Sufficient conditions for the validity of resonant solutions are also derived, and two term harmonic balance approximate solutions which exhibit ultraharmonic and subharmonic resonances are studied.


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Tastes and odours are amongst the few water quality standards immediately apparent to a consumer and, as a result, account for most consumer complaints about water quality. Although taste and odour problems can arise from a great many sources, from an operational point of view they are either ”predictable” or ”unpredictable”. The former - which include problems related to actinomycete and algal growth - have a tendency to occur in certain types of water under certain combinations of conditions, whereas the latter - typically chemical spills - can occur anywhere. Long-term control is one option for predictable problems, although biomanipulation on a large scale has had utile success. Detection and avoidance is a more practicable option for both predictable and unpredictable problems, particularly if the distribution network can be serviced from other sources. Where these are not feasible, then water treatment, typically using activated carbon, is possible. In general there is a reasonable understanding of what compounds cause taste and odour problems, and how to treat these. An efficient taste and odour control programme therefore relies ultimately on good management of existing resources. However, a number of problems lie outside the remit of water supply companies and will require more fundamental regulation of activities in the catchment.


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O aumento de doenças cardiovasculares possui como fator primordial e, mais comum, o aumento da pressão arterial (PA). Esta, pode gerar complicações em outros órgãos e acarretar diversas patologias, podendo levar a morte. A hipertensão é uma síndrome multifatorial, cuja maior incidência ocorre em indivíduos obesos, sedentários e consumidores em excesso de bebidas alcoólicas e sal. O corpo carotídeo (CC) é um órgão quimiorreceptor localizado na bifurcação da artéria carótida, formado de estruturas básicas chamadas glomus. Cada glomus carotídeo é constituído de células tipo 1 envoltas por células tipo 2 ou sustentaculares. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as alterações morfofuncionais que ocorrem no CC, causada por hipertensão arterial induzida pelo L-NAME, um inibidor da enzima óxido nítrico sintase. Para isso, o estudo utilizou 20 ratos Wistar divididos em dois grupos: controle (C) e L-NAME (LN). Após a administração de 40mg/kg/dia de L-NAME por 45 dias, o CC foi coletado. Observou-se aumento significativo da pressão arterial a partir da segunda semana de administração de L-NAME. Análise quantitativa mostrou uma redução no número de núcleos do glomus carotídeo e o aumento na área total do órgão no grupo LN. Não foi encontrado diferença significativa no número de núcleos totais do corpo carotídeo entre os grupos. Na análise morfológica do grupo LN, observamos a formação de vacúolos nas células tipo 1 do glomus, bem como uma redução do número total de núcleos das células de cada glomus carotídeo. A análise qualitativa sugeriu um aumento no número de fibras colágenas e fibras do sistema elástico na matriz extracelular e grânulos no grupo LN. Imunomarcações com anticorpo anti VEGF e NF-kB e nNOS mostram-se aumentadas e dispersas por todo CC no grupo LN em relação ao grupo C. Além disso, marcações para Substância-P também foram observadas em maior quantidade nas células tipo 1 do grupo LN. Quanto à marcação para PGP 9.5, houve a redução desta marcação caracterizada dentro do glomus carotídeo grupo LN comparado ao grupo C. O estudo sugere que o corpo carotídeo, em resposta à hipertensão induzida pela inibição da enzima óxido nítrico sintase, gera mudanças morfofisiológicas semelhantes as encontradas em hipóxia.