968 resultados para tree mortality and recruitment


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The growth, mortality and digestive enzymes (trypsin, amylase and lipase) in miiuy croaker Miichthys miiuy larvae and juveniles (2-53 dph) were investigated at four photoperiods: 24L:OD), 18L:6D, 12L:12D and OL:24D. Larvae could not feed at OL:24D and did not survive up to 7 dph. In the 24L:OD, 18L:6D, 12L:12D groups, photoperiod had not significant effects on the growth of the rniiuy croaker younger than 20 dph. However, their total length and specific growth rate (SGR) were significantly larger at 18L:6D and 24L:OD than 12L:12D after 20 dph. Photoperiod also affected the mortality of the first feeding larvae (5 dph). being apparently higher in 5 dph larvae at OL:24D (60%) than at other photopenods (20-27%), but no significant differences in mortality were found among other photoperiods. High mortality of the miiuy croaker in 12L:12D, 18L:6D and 24 L:OD groups mainly occurred from 5 (20-27%) to 11 dph (11-16%) and tended to decrease gradually from 15 dph onwards. Digestive enzymes activities in the rniiuy croaker larvae and juveniles had a similar change trend with age at all photoperiods. They underwent drastic changes with age. The specific activity of lipase was significantly higher at 18L:6D and 24L:0D than 12L:12D, but there were no significant differences in specific activities of either trypsin or amylase among photoperiods. With regard to the total length, SGR, survival and digestive enzyme activities, our findings suggested that the optimal light regime for the culture of miiuy croaker during the early life stage was 18L:6D. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Discussion Conclusions Materials and Methods Acknowledgments Author Contributions References Reader Comments (0) Figures Abstract The importance of mangrove forests in carbon sequestration and coastal protection has been widely acknowledged. Large-scale damage of these forests, caused by hurricanes or clear felling, can enhance vulnerability to erosion, subsidence and rapid carbon losses. However, it is unclear how small-scale logging might impact on mangrove functions and services. We experimentally investigated the impact of small-scale tree removal on surface elevation and carbon dynamics in a mangrove forest at Gazi bay, Kenya. The trees in five plots of a Rhizophora mucronata (Lam.) forest were first girdled and then cut. Another set of five plots at the same site served as controls. Treatment induced significant, rapid subsidence (−32.1±8.4 mm yr−1 compared with surface elevation changes of +4.2±1.4 mm yr−1 in controls). Subsidence in treated plots was likely due to collapse and decomposition of dying roots and sediment compaction as evidenced from increased sediment bulk density. Sediment effluxes of CO2 and CH4 increased significantly, especially their heterotrophic component, suggesting enhanced organic matter decomposition. Estimates of total excess fluxes from treated compared with control plots were 25.3±7.4 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface carbon efflux) and 35.6±76.9 tCO2 ha−1 yr−1 (using surface elevation losses and sediment properties). Whilst such losses might not be permanent (provided cut areas recover), observed rapid subsidence and enhanced decomposition of soil sediment organic matter caused by small-scale harvesting offers important lessons for mangrove management. In particular mangrove managers need to carefully consider the trade-offs between extracting mangrove wood and losing other mangrove services, particularly shoreline stabilization, coastal protection and carbon storage.


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Obesity has spread to all segments of the U.S. population. Young adults, aged 18-35 years, are rarely represented in clinical weight loss trials. We conducted a qualitative study to identify factors that may facilitate recruitment of young adults into a weight loss intervention trial. Participants were 33 adults aged 18-35 years with BMI ≥25 kg/m(2). Six group discussions were conducted using the nominal group technique. Health, social image, and "self" factors such as emotions, self-esteem, and confidence were reported as reasons to pursue weight loss. Physical activity, dietary intake, social support, medical intervention, and taking control (e.g. being motivated) were perceived as the best weight loss strategies. Incentives, positive outcomes, education, convenience, and social support were endorsed as reasons young adults would consider participating in a weight loss study. Incentives, advertisement, emphasizing benefits, and convenience were endorsed as ways to recruit young adults. These results informed the Cellphone Intervention for You (CITY) marketing and advertising, including message framing and advertising avenues. Implications for recruitment methods are discussed.


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The Logit-Logistic (LL), Johnson's SB, and the Beta (GBD) are flexible four-parameter probability distribution models in terms of the (skewness-kurtosis) region covered, and each has been used for modeling tree diameter distributions in forest stands. This article compares bivariate forms of these models in terms of their adequacy in representing empirical diameter-height distributions from 102 sample plots. Four bivariate models are compared: SBB, the natural, well-known, and much-used bivariate generalization of SB; the bivariate distributions with LL, SB, and Beta as marginals, constructed using Plackett's method (LL-2P, etc.). All models are fitted using maximum likelihood, and their goodness-of-fits are compared using minus log-likelihood (equivalent to Akaike's Information Criterion, the AIC). The performance ranking in this case study was SBB, LL-2P, GBD-2P, and SB-2P


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Aim: The aim of this study was to compare both the antimicrobial activity of terpinen-4-ol and tea tree oil (TTO) against clinical skin isolates of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and their toxicity against human fibroblast cells.


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The rate of species loss is increasing at a global scale, and human-induced extinctions are biased toward predator species. We examined the effects of predator extinctions on a foundation species, the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). We performed a factorial experiment manipulating the presence and abundance of three of the most common predatory crabs, the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), stone crab (Menippe mercenaria), and mud crab (Panopeus herbstii) in estuaries in the eastern United States. We tested the effects of species richness and identity of predators on juvenile oyster survival, oyster recruitment, and organic matter content of sediment. We also manipulated the density of each of the predators and controlled for the loss of biomass of species by maintaining a constant mass of predators in one set of treatments and simultaneously using an additive design. This design allowed us to test the density dependence of our results and test for functional compensation by other species. The identity of predator species, but not richness, affected oyster populations. The loss of blue crabs, alone or in combination with either of the other species, affected the survival rate of juvenile oysters. Blue crabs and stone crabs both affected oyster recruitment and sediment organic matter negatively. Mud crabs at higher than ambient densities, however, could fulfill some of the functions of blue and stone crabs, suggesting a level of ecological redundancy. Importantly, the strong effects of blue crabs in all processes measured no longer occurred when individuals were present at higher-than-ambient densities. Their role as dominant predator is, therefore, dependent on their density within the system and the density of other species within their guild (e.g., mud crabs). Our findings support the hypothesis that the effects of species loss at higher trophic levels are determined by predator identity and are subject to complex intraguild interactions that are largely density dependent. Understanding the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning or addressing practical concerns, such as loss of predators owing to overharvesting, remains complicated because accurate predictions require detailed knowledge of the system and should be drawn from sound experimental evidence, not based on observations or generalized models.


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Habitats composed of living 'ecosystem engineers', such as mussels, are subject to direct and indirect interactions with organisms that live among them. These interactions may affect the presence and structure of habitat, and hence, the associated taxa. We examined the direct effects of epibiotic algae on the Survival, biomass and recruitment of mussels (Mytilits L.) on the west coast of Ireland. A field experiment showed that the presence of epibiotic fucoid algae reduced the likelihood of survival of mussels during storms. We also found that the strength of attachment of mussels did not increase in the presence of epibionts. Another in situ experiment revealed that the presence of ephemeral epibiotic algal mats had no effect on the biomass of host mussels, suggesting no effect on mussel growth or production. The abundance of small mussels (


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Objective-The prevalence of obesity is increasing in many European countries and in the United States. This report examines the mortality and morbidity associated with being overweight and obese in the Caerphilly Prospective Study and the relative effects of weight in middle age and self reported weight at 18 years.