920 resultados para tree height growth


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The goal of this work is to examine the properties of recording mechanisms which are common to continuously recording high-resolution natural systems in which climatic signals are imprinted and preserved as proxy records. These systems produce seasonal structures as an indirect response to climatic variability over the annual cycle. We compare the proxy records from four different high-resolution systems: the Quelccaya ice cap of the Peruvian Andes; composite tree ring growth from southern California and the southwestern United States; and the marine varve sedimentation systems in the Santa Barbara basin (off California, United States) and in the Gulf of California, Mexico. An important focus of this work is to indicate how the interannual climatic signal is recorded in a variety of different natural systems with vastly different recording mechanisms and widely separated in space. These high-resolution records are the products of natural processes which should be comparable, to some degree, to human-engineered systems developed to transmit and record physical quantities. We therefore present a simple analogy of a data recording system as a heuristic model to provide some unifying concepts with which we may better understand the formation of the records. This analogy assumes special significance when we consider that natural proxy records are the principal means to extend our knowledge of climatic variability into the past, beyond the limits of instrumentally recorded data.


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树木年轮的生长与气候因子、立地环境条件以及树木自身生长节律等密切相关。一方面,干旱半干旱区的树木年轮宽窄能够比较真实地记录过去的气候变化,据此,可以利用树木年轮资料重建干旱半干旱区过去几百年甚至上千年的气候变化。另一方面,立地环境条件也可能改变年轮生长与气候因子之间的响应关系。 有“世界屋脊”之称的青藏高原地区的气候变化与亚洲季风及全球气候系统密切相关。青藏高原也是世界上地形最复杂的高原,具有极其复杂的地形、地貌。因此,在青藏高原尤其是其东北部的干旱半干旱区开展树木年轮气候学及生态学研究具有极其重要的意义。本研究的目标就是利用树木年轮生态学方法研究树龄、立地条件等对青藏高原东北部祁连圆柏树木年轮宽度生长的可能影响。 为实现以上目标,本研究拟订了以下主要研究内容:探究祁连圆柏树种的年轮宽度生长对气候的响应关系中的年龄问题;比较每个样方内的个体径向生长变化以及三个样方内祁连圆柏个体径向生长规律;探讨导致个体径向生长差异的可能原因。 本文的研究材料为青藏高原常见的长寿树种祁连圆柏,研究方法是国际上通用的树木年轮学研究方法和手段。主要结果归纳如下: 1)依据国际树木年轮库的标准,建立了青藏高原东北部包括德令哈、乌兰、香日德、油葫芦、青羊沟、芒扎、东沟七个采样点的树木年轮年表。 2)运用响应函数、相关函数及单因素方差分析等方法分析了年龄因素对树木年轮生长与气候关系的可能影响。结果为:年龄在200-500年之间的祁连圆柏径向生长对气候变化的响应关系比较好。幼树对气候变化的响应相对差。而当树龄大于500年时,尽管由于树木内部生理变化,对气候变化的响应相对减弱,但是单因素方差分析结果显示这种减弱未能达到显著水平。因此,总体而言,我们认为长寿的祁连圆柏树种是重建古气候的理想材料。 3)通过设立样方,分析了样方内个体径向生长之间的相关性和差异性,以及生长释放与抑制事件发生的规律。同时还探讨了树间距离、立地微环境、限制性气候因子等对树木年轮生长的可能影响。主要研究结果:青藏高原东北部祁连圆柏年轮宽度序列中生长抑制事件发生的频率相对生长释放事件低很多,且存在个体间的差异;不同样方内个体径向生长之间的相关性有差别,乌兰样方内单棵树年轮宽度指数序列之间的相关性比香日德样方以及德令哈样方内单棵树年轮宽度指数序列之间的相关性差;乌兰样方内树木年轮生长受立地微环境的影响比较大。 本论文中年龄相关的树木年轮生长与气候因子响应关系的研究进一步证实了祁连圆柏在重建古气候方面的应用价值;通过设立样方进行祁连圆柏种群内个体差异及立地条件对比方面的研究结果对重建青藏高原地区的气候变化、了解采样地的干扰历史以及树木年轮采样工作等也同样具有重要的参考意义。


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本文系统研究了沈阳城市森林的布局与结构、城市森林功能、城市森林病虫害发生与树木健康状况和城市自然资源与社会经济状况等指标对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康与管理的影响。同时一,采用2种生态系统健康评价方法对沈阳城市森林生态系统健康状况进行了评价,并提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策。研究结果如下:1、截至2004年末,沈阳城市森林植被覆盖率已经达到35%,城市森林林地分布基本合理,但需要进一步加强道路林地、居住区林地和城郊大面积生态林建设。2、沈阳城市森林以乔木为主,乔灌株数比为1.7:1,乔灌的覆盖度比约为7:1。3、沈阳城市森林不同类型林地中植物组成不同。公园林地中有74个属,137个种(变种);庭院林地中有53个属,104个种(变种);居住区林地中有45个属,81个种(变种);道路林地中有43个属,94个种(变种);运河风景林地中有75个属,142个种(变种);棋盘山风景林地中有48个属,118个种(变种)。4、公园林地、庭院林地、居住区林地、道路林地和运河风景林地的Shannon一Wiener多样性指数分别为2.78、3.05、3.15、3.18和3.18,均匀度指数分别为0.56、0.66、0.72、0.70和0.64。除了棋盘山风景林地外,沈阳城市森林中栽植总量超过乔木总量5%的乔木树种有7个属,分别为李、柳树、杨树、桧柏、榆树、槐树和银杏,7种树木总量达到了全部乔木总量的82.09%;栽植总量超过灌木总量5%的灌木树种也有7个属,分别为水腊、丁香、李属,小聚、玫瑰、忍冬和连翘,7个属灌木总量达到了全部灌木总量的87.92%。5、公园林地、庭院林地、道路林地和防护林地中OBH<20cm、20cm<DBH<60cm和DBH>60cm树木的比例分别为:57.9%、40.0%、2.1%,49.2%、47.8%、3.0%,65.3%、33.1%、1.6%和64.6%、34.9%、0.5%,表明沈阳城市森林树木的规格总体上偏小。6、经样方调查和CITYgreen模型计算,沈阳城市森林的生态效益约2.0亿USD/yr.。公园林地、庭院林地和风景林地的景观指标相对较高;道路林地和居住区林地的景观效果一般;防护林地的景观效果较差。7、目前已经发现的沈阳城市森林病害约600余种,虫害约700余种,其中杨树主要病虫害39种,柳树的主要病虫害有33种,榆树和槐树的主要病虫害均为,1种。杨柳树腐烂病、光肩星天牛、天幕毛虫、桃红颈天牛和美国白蛾等是近10年来沈阳城市森林中普遍发生和造成严重危害的主要病虫害。沈阳城市森林主要树木的平均健康指数为2.68,处于一般健康状态。8、沈阳城市森林的土壤和水资源状况均不利于树木的健康生长,沈阳的社会经济发展也有待于进一步提高。9、经过生物指示物法(光肩星天牛为生物指示物)、专家权重法、公众问卷调查和对比研究,沈阳城市森林生态系统总体上处于亚健康状态。10、通过对沈阳城市森林资源、管理状况的调查研究和健康状况的评价,本文提出了沈阳城市森林生态系统健康管理的对策,包括合理规划沈阳城市森林林地布局,增加道路林地、居住区林地和城郊林地的面积和植被覆盖率;调整树木种类组成,避免单一或少数树种的大量栽植,提高生物多样性水平;保护大树和古树;增加城市森林管理资金的投入;应用先进技术,采取科学的病虫害防治和植物养护方法,促进树木的健康生长等。This project systematically studied the urban forest ecosystem health and management in Shenyang. The study explored factors, such as urban forest structure, distribution, pests, aesthetic value, ecological benefit, natural resources and socieo-economic status, that affecting the urban forest ecosystem health and management. Two methods were used to evaluate the ecosystem health. This project also proposed Shenyang's urban forest ecosystem health management strategies. The research results can be summarized as follows: 1. As of the end of 2004, urban forest coverage in Shenyang is about 35%, and is in relatively even patch distribution pattern. However, the street trees and roadside forest patches, residential block forest patches should be enhanced. 2. Trees are the major component of the Shenyang s urban forest, followed by shrubs. The quantity ratio of tree to shrub is about 1.7:1, and the coverage ratio of trees to shrub is about 7:1. 3. Species composition varies by location. There are 74 genera, 137 species (including varieties) in the public parks; 53 genera, 104 species (and var.) in the green spaces of the institution (including school), factory, and company; 45 genera, 81 species (var.) in residential blocks; 43 genera, 94 species (var.) in streets and roadside forest patches; 75 genera, 142 species (var.) in the Canal landscape forest patches; 48 genera, 118 species (var.) in the Qipan Mountain recreation forest. 4. The Shannon-Woener indices varies in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in streets and roadside forest patches, in residential blocks.there are 2.78, 3.05, 3.18, 3.15, 3.18, respectively; and the evenness indices are 0.56, 0.66, 0.70, 0.72, 0.64, respectively. Besides the Qipan Mountain forest patches, trees of 7 genera, Prunus spp., Salix spp., Populus spp., Sabina spp., Ulmus spp., Robinia spp. and Ginkgo biloba are of more than 5% the total urban trees, respectively. In fact, trees from these 7 genera are about 82% of all trees in Shenyang's urban forests. In terms of shrubs, species of 7 genera, Ligustrum spp., Syringa spp., Prunus spp., Berberis spp., Rosa spp., Lonicera spp., and Forsythia spp. are more than 5% the total urban shrubs, respectively. 88% of all the shrubs in Shenyang s urban forest are from these 7 genera. 5. The diameter class of DBH<20cm, 20cm60cm of trees in parks, in institution, factory, and company yards, in in streets and roadside forests, and in protective forests are 57.9%, 40.0%, 2.1%; 49.2%, 47.8%, 3.0%; 65.3%, 33.1%, 1.6%; and 64.6%, 34.9%, 0.5%, respectively. The result indicated that the DBH is relatively small in Shenyang s urban forests. 6. Using random plots sampling and CITYgreen model calculation, the ecological benefit of Shenyang's urban is about 0.2 billion US dollars per year. The aesthetic value of parks, institution and company yards, and scenary forest patches is relative high; however, the aesthetic value of protective forest patches is low. 7. There are more than 600 types of diseases and more than 700 kinds of insects in Shenyang's urban forest. Among them, Populus spp., Salix spp., Ulmus spp. and Robinia spp., are attached mainly by 39, 33, 11, and 11, difference types of pests respectively. The rot disease of the Populus spp. and Salix spp., and the insects such as, Anoplophora glabripennis, Malacosoma neustria, Aromia bungii, and Hyphantria cunea are major pests in Shenyang s urban forest for the past 10 years. The trees health condition is relatively poor by having the average health index of 2.68 for major species. 8. The urban soil and water resource are not favorable to tree's growth in Shenyang, and so is the socieo-economic status. 9. Through using bio-indicator, professional and public evaluation, and comparision with other urban forests, it can be concluded that the status of Shenyang s urban forest is not very healthy in general. 10. To improve the urban forest ecosystem health in Shenyang, a better urban forest design need to be implemented to enhance the area and vegetation coverage of the street and roadside forests, the residential block forests, and the surburb forest Species biodiversity need to be enhanced by adjust the species composition of urban forest trees to reduce the single or several tree species populations and to plant more varieties. A better fundings for urban forest health management need to be budgeted. Advanced technologies in tree care and scientific measures to control pests need to be adopted to prove better care for plants and to keep trees grow healthfully.


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随着全球气候变暖和温室效应加剧,干旱和荒漠化成为威胁人类生存和发展的主要 灾害,许多被子植物对干旱胁迫的生理、生态和生化响应已逐步得以报道,但很少有开 展干旱胁迫对雌雄异株植物的影响方面的研究。由于这类植物在长期进化过程中已经在 生长、性比、生殖格局、空间分布、资源配置和生物量分配等方面形成了明显的性别差 异,因此,干旱胁迫必将对其雌雄植株产生不同的生理生态影响。本研究以青杨为模式 植物,采用植物生态、生理及生物化学等研究方法,系统研究青杨雌雄植株在常温、增 温以及喷施外源脱落酸的条件下对干旱胁迫的响应,揭示其在生长形态、生物量分配、 光合作用、用水效率和生理生化等方面的性别间差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨雌雄植株对干旱胁迫的综合响应。 与较好水分条件相比,干旱胁迫显著降低了青杨雌雄植株的光合作用和生长发育, 影响了许多生理生化过程,并导致雌雄植株在生长发育、气体交换、用水效率、膜脂抗 氧化和抗氧化系统酶活性方面表现出显著的性别间差异。在较好水分条件下,雌雄植株 之间在株高、基径、生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、用水效率以及丙二醛、脱落酸和 游离脯氨酸等生化物质含量方面均无显著差异。但在干旱胁迫下,雄株在生长发育、气 体交换、水分利用效率、膜脂过氧化保护和抗氧化系统酶活性方面均显著高于雌株,表 现出比雌株更高的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、总生物量、总色素含量、类胡萝卜 素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、羧化效率、光系统II最大光化学效率、内在水分利用 效率、碳同位素组分、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性等,而在CO2补偿点、比叶面积、 叶绿素a/b、丙二醛、脱落酸和超氧化物歧化酶活性等指标上显著低于雌株。与雌株相比, 雄株表现出更高的干旱胁迫适应能力,而雌株的生长发育和生理生化过程更易遭受干旱 胁迫的影响。 2. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对增温处理的综合响应 与环境温度相比,增温在干旱胁迫前后均显著促进了雌雄植株的生长发育、气体交 换,降低水分利用效率,影响生化物质含量,并促使青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱胁迫下表 现出显著的差异。在较好水分条件下,增温导致雌株的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、 总生物量和超氧化物歧化酶活性显著高于雄株,而用水效率、丙二醛、脱落酸和游离脯 氨酸、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和过氧化物酶活性低于雄株。在干旱胁迫下,增温将导致雄 株的株高、基径、叶面积、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、总色素含量、 相对含水量、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等显著高于雌株,而光系统II 最大 光化学效率、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脱落酸、游离脯氨酸和超氧 化物歧化酶活性显著低于雌株。与雄株相比,水分较好条件下的增温有利于促进雌株的 生长发育,并在生理生态特征上优于雄株。而干旱胁迫下的增温则加剧了水分胁迫强度, 致使雌株的生长发育遭受比雄株更多的负面影响。 3. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对喷施外源脱落酸处理的综合响应 与对照相比,在干旱胁迫下喷施外源脱落酸可显著增加青杨雌雄植株的生长发育、 气体交换、降低水分利用效率,影响了生化物质含量,并导致青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱 胁迫下表现出显著的生理生态差异。在干旱胁迫下,喷施外源脱落酸致使雌株的株高、 叶面积、叶干重、细根干重、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光系统II 最大光化学效率、非光化学淬灭系数、相对含水量、总光合色素、类胡萝卜素、脱落酸、 超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性的增加量显著高于雄株,而根重比、根冠比、细根/ 总根、比叶面积、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脯氨酸、过氧化氢酶和 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等指标的减少量上显著低于雄株。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下的 喷施外源脱落酸则一定程度能减缓植株遭受胁迫的压力,促进植株生长和气体交换,减 少了植株体内的过剩自由基数量,并促使雌株的生长发育和光合能力显著提高,增强其 抗干旱胁迫能力。 With development of global warming and greenhouse effect, drought and desertification have been became main natural disasteres in resent years. Studies on ecophysiological responses of most angiosperm species to environmental stress have been reported, but little is known about dioecious plant responses to drought stress. Since significant differences on growth, survival, reproductive patterns, spatial distribution, as well as resource allocation between males and females of dioecious plant have been formed during evolutionary process, sexual different ecophysiological responses should be caused by drought stress. In this experiment, Populus cathayana Rehd. was used as model plant to study the sex-related responses to drought by using the ecological, physiological and biochemical methods under normal atmospheric temperature, elevated temperatures and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application treatment respectively, and to expose the sexual differences in growth, biomass allocation, photosynthesis, water use efficiency and some biochemical material contents in the males and females of dioecious plant. The results are follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses of males and females of P. cathayana to drought stress Compared with well-watered treatment, drought significantly decreased growth and photosynthesis of P. cathayana individuals, affected some physiological and biochemical processes, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences in growth, gas exchange, water use efficiency, lipid peroxidation protection and antioxidant defenses enzyme system. Under well-watered treatment, there were no significant sexual differences in height growth (HG), basal diameter (BD), dry matter accumulation (DMA), net photosynthesis rate (A), transpiration (E), water use efficiency (WUE), and malondialdehyde (MDA), abscisic acid (ABA) and praline (Pro). However, under drought stress, males were found to exhibit higher HG, BD, leaf area (LA), total leaf number (TLA), DMA, total chlorophyll contents (TC), carotenoids content (Caro), A, E, carboxylation efficiency (CE), the maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE ), carbon isotope composition (δ13C), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and lower CO2 compensation point (Γ), specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll a/b ratio (Chla/Chlb), MDA, ABA and superoxide dismutase (SOD) than females. The results suggest that males possess greater drought resistance than do females and females suffer more negative effect on growth and development, physiological and biochemical processes than males under drought stress. 2. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to elevated temperatures Compared with environmental temperature, elevated temperature treatment significant increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents of P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious differences under drought stress. Under good water condition, elevated temperature treatment caused females to show significant higher HG, BD, LA, TLN, DMA, SOD activity, and great lower WUE, MDA, ABA, Pro, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and POD than do males. On contrary, under drought condition, elevated temperature treatment induced males to exhibit higher HG, BD, LA, DMA, A, E, stomatal conductance (gs), relative water content (RWC), CAT, APX activity but lower Fv/Fm, WUE, δ13C, MDA, ABA, Pro, SOD activity than do females. The results suggest that females will benefit from elevating temperature under good water condition by possessing better ecophysiological processes than that of males, but will suffer from greater negative effects than do males when grown under drought stress with elevated temperature treatment. 3. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to exogenous ABA application Compared with controls, exogenous ABA application under drought greatly increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents in P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences under drought. Under drought stress, exogenous ABA application induced females to exhibit more increases in HG, LA, leaf weight (LW), fine root weight (FRW), DMA, A, E, g, Fv/Fm, non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), RWC, TC, Caro, ABA, SOD, POD s activity than males, but to show lower decreases in root/weight ratio (RWR), root mass/foliage area ratio (RF), fine root/total root ratio (FT), SLA, WUE, δ13C, MDA, Pro, CAT, APX than males. The results suggest that exogenous ABA application under drought stress will eliminate negative damages caused by drought stress at a certain extent,promote the growth and gas exchange of plant and decrease the number of superfluous 1O2 in plant cells of males and females of P. cathayana. Furthermore, exogenous ABA application promoted more drought resistance in females than in males by increasing more growth and photosynthetic capacity in females under drought stress.


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The overall objective of this thesis is to integrate a number of micro/nanotechnologies into integrated cartridge type systems to implement such biochemical protocols. Instrumentation and systems were developed to interface such cartridge systems: (i) implementing microfluidic handling, (ii) executing thermal control during biochemical protocols and (iii) detection of biomolecules associated with inherited or infectious disease. This system implements biochemical protocols for DNA extraction, amplification and detection. A digital microfluidic chip (ElectroWetting on Dielectric) manipulated droplets of sample and reagent implementing sample preparation protocols. The cartridge system also integrated a planar magnetic microcoil device to generate local magnetic field gradients, manipulating magnetic beads. For hybridisation detection a fluorescence microarray, screening for mutations associated with CFTR gene is printed on a waveguide surface and integrated within the cartridge. A second cartridge system was developed to implement amplification and detection screening for DNA associated with disease-causing pathogens e.g. Escherichia coli. This system incorporates (i) elastomeric pinch valves isolating liquids during biochemical protocols and (ii) a silver nanoparticle microarray for fluorescent signal enhancement, using localized surface plasmon resonance. The microfluidic structures facilitated the sample and reagent to be loaded and moved between chambers with external heaters implementing thermal steps for nucleic acid amplification and detection. In a technique allowing probe DNA to be immobilised within a microfluidic system using (3D) hydrogel structures a prepolymer solution containing probe DNA was formulated and introduced into the microfluidic channel. Photo-polymerisation was undertaken forming 3D hydrogel structures attached to the microfluidic channel surface. The prepolymer material, poly-ethyleneglycol (PEG), was used to form hydrogel structures containing probe DNA. This hydrogel formulation process was fast compared to conventional biomolecule immobilization techniques and was also biocompatible with the immobilised biomolecules, as verified by on-chip hybridisation assays. This process allowed control over hydrogel height growth at the micron scale.


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This chapter examines some aspects of the environmental
context for the constructional activity observed at Deer
Park Farms (DPF). This can be done at several levels by
observing what dendrochronology suggests in terms of
environment and environmental change across the period
from around AD 500 to 1000. Looking at the broad sweep
of tree growth across the period, something not previously
attempted, we can make comparisons between tree
growth in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe. We can study
abrupt events in the records and draw on information
from other sources in an attempt to paint a picture of the
period against which to view the constructional activity
on the site itself. It is worth remarking that there is no
blueprint for this work. Most of the information used has
only recently been produced and it is largely independent
of conventional history.


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Natural gas extracted from hydraulically fractured shale formations potentially has a big impact on the global energy landscape. However, there are concerns of potential environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing of the shale formations, particularly those related to water quality. To evaluate the potential impact of hydraulically fractured shale on overlying aquifers, we conduct realizations of numerical modeling simulations to assess fluid flow and chloride transport from a synthetic Bowland Shale over a period of 11,000 years. The synthetic fractured shale was represented by a three-dimensional discrete fracture model that was developed by using the data from a Bowland Shale gas exploration in Lancashire, UK. Chloride mass exchange between fractures and the rock matrix was fully accounted for in the model. The assessment was carried out to investigate fluid and chloride mass fluxes before, during, and after hydraulic fracturing of the Bowland Shale. Impacts of the upward fracture height and aperture, as well as hydraulic conductivity of the multilayered bedrock system, are also included this assessment. This modeling revealed that the hydraulically fractured Bowland Shale is unlikely to pose a risk to its overlying groundwater quality when the induced fracture aperture is ≤200 µm. With the fracture aperture ≥1000 µm, the upward chloride flux becomes very sensitive to the upward fracture height growth and hydraulic conductivity of the multilayered bedrock system. In the extremely unlikely event of the upward fracture growth directly connecting the shale formation to the overlying Sherwood Sandstone aquifer with the fracture aperture ≥1000 µm, the upward chloride mass flux could potentially pose risks to the overlying aquifer in 100 years. The model study also revealed that the upward mass flux is significantly intercepted by the horizontal mass flux within a high permeable layer between the Bowland Shale and its overlying aquifers, reducing further upward flux toward the overlying aquifers.


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Roots, stems, branches and needles of 160 Norway spruce trees younger than 10 years were sampled in seven forest stands in central Slovakia in order to establish their biomassfunctions (BFs) and biomassexpansionfactors (BEFs). We tested three models for each biomass pool based on the stem base diameter, tree height and the two parameters combined. BEF values decreased for all spruce components with increasing height and diameter, which was most evident in very young trees under 1 m in height. In older trees, the values of BEFs did tend to stabilise at the height of 3–4 m. We subsequently used the BEFs to calculate dry biomass of the stands based on average stem base diameter and tree height. Total stand biomass grew with increasing age of the stands from about 1.0 Mg ha−1 at 1.5 years to 44.3 Mg ha−1 at 9.5 years. The proportion of stem and branch biomass was found to increase with age, while that of needles was fairly constant and the proportion of root biomass did decrease as the stands grew older.


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This study aimed to compare the development of crab and tree communities of two restored mangrove areas, one planted with Rhizophora mangle and the other naturally recovered, and also to compare the predation of Grapsid crab Goniopsis cruentata and the Ocypodid Ucides cordatus over the propagules of three mangrove trees: Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia schaueriana e Laguncularia racemosa. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that Goniopsis predation is more important that Ucides predation, and that these consumers have antagonist effects over propagule consumption. In each area, 10 quadrates were selected at random to analyze tree richness, diameter, height, tree biomass and crab richness and density five years after restoration experiment start. Results show that tree height, biomass and crab density were significantly higher in artificially restored area. No significant differences were observed in crab species richness between areas, but higher tree richness was observed in self-recovered area. Results suggest that planting propagules of Rhizophora can significantly increase tree recovering if the aim was increase tree biomass and crab density, which can accelerate return of ecological functionality. Goniopsis is a more important propagule predator than Ucides both in natural and restored areas. The effects of Goniopis were higher in absence of Ucides, due to negative interactions among these two predator species. The preference of Goniopsis by Avicennia and Laguncularia can favor the dominance of Rhizophora observed in Neotropical mangroves. This study suggests that propagule predation by Goniopsis should be controlled in restoration programs, if dominance of Rhizophora is undesirable respect to more rich tree communities


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The present work aimed to evaluate the effects of simulated drift of glyphoste on Eucalyptus grandis, through the application of low doses in different parts of the plant. The experimental design was a randomized block design with five replications. The treatments were glyphosate application at 0; 30; 60; 90 e 120 g a.e. ha(-1) of the commercial formulation Scout (R). Three forms of application were used: applying on leaf, on stem, and on the entire plant (leaf + stem). For leaf application, stems were covered with plastic ribbons to protect them from the solution; the same was made with plants that were sprayed on stems, covering leaf with plastic bag. The application was carried out in an armed stationary spray tips XR 11002 VS, with 183 KPa pressure in volume of 200 L ha(-1). The eucalyptus plants receiving applications in leaves and whole plant (leaves + stem) showing effects of intoxication are more intense about the plants that received the stem applications only. However, there may be increases in height growth and total dry mass of eucalyptus plants in applications of 30 g a.e. ha(-1) glyphosate.


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As part of a larger study evaluating several silvicultural techniques for restoring tropical moist forests on abandoned agricultural lands in southeastern Brazil, direct seeding with five early-successional Atlantic forest species was tested at three degraded sites, characterized by different soil types and land-use histories, within the Environmental Protection Area at Botucatu, SP. The species used in this study were Chorisia speciosa, Croton floribundus, Enterolobium contorstisiliquum, Mimosa scabrella, and Schizolobium parahyba. Scarified seeds of each of these species were sown in prepared seed spots in replicated, 0.25 ha mixed-species plots at an initial espacement of 1 m x 1 m at each site. of the five species planted, only two, Enterolobium and Schizolobium, showed good seed germination, seedling survival, and early growth rates, averaging 4.1-4.6 cm stem diameter and 1.5-1.7 m height growth during the first 2 years after sowing. These two species constituted 88-100% of the total stand density, which ranged from 1050 to 1790 stems ha(-1) at 2 years. Despite the poor performance of the other species tested, we observed that the natural regeneration of native forest species originating from remnant forests in the general vicinity of our study sites was significantly greater within the direct-seeded plots than in unplanted control plots that were protected from fire and other disturbances. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aboveground biomass predictive equations were developed for a highly productive 47-year-old mixed Douglas-fir and western hemlock stand in southwest Washington State to characterize the preharvest stand attributes for the Fall River Long-Term Site Productivity Study. The equations were developed using detailed biomass data taken from 31 Douglas-fir and 11 western hemlock trees within the original stand. The stand had an average of 615 live trees per hectare, with an average dbh of 35.6 cm (39.1 cm for Douglas-fir and 33.3 cm for western hemlock) and an average total tree height of 31.6 m (32.8 m for Douglas-fir and 30.2 m for western hemlock). Equations developed were of the form In Y = b(1) + b(2) In dbh, where Y = biomass in kg, dbh = diameter in cm at 1.3 m height, b(1) = intercept, and b(2) = slope of equation. Each tree part was estimated separately and also combined into total aboveground biomass. The total aboveground biomass estimation equations were In Y = -0.9950 + 2.0765 In dbh for Douglas-fir, and In Y = -1.6612 + 2.2321 In dbh for western hemlock. The estimate of the aboveground live-free biomass was of 395 Mg ha(-1) (235 Mg ha(-1) for Douglas-fir and 160 Mg ha(-1) for western hemlock), with 9.5, 29.3, 12.9, 308, and 32.7 Mg ha(-1) in the foliage, live branches, dead branches, stem wood, and stem hark, respectively. When compared with biomass estimates from six other studies, ranging in age from 22 to 110 years and from 96.3 to 636 Mg ha(-1), the biomass of the Fall River site was relatively high for its age, indicating very high productivity.


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Flexibilidade anterior do tronco (FAT) é um componente importante dos exames clínico e de aptidão física utilizado como indicador da função vertebral. O teste mais utilizado para sua quantificação é o sentar-e-alcançar (TSA), que considerara como padrão de normalidade o toque das mãos nos pés, com critérios e parâmetros de análise que independem das variáveis. Neste estudo, investigou-se a FAT em adolescentes, após o pico da velocidade de crescimento em estatura, em função do sexo, da velocidade de execução e dos dados antropométricos. Os índices foram obtidos em centímetros; o peso corporal em kg. Participaram 102 adolescentes, sendo 45 mulheres e 57 homens, entre 16 e 20 anos de idade. Resultados indicam que o fator sexo, dados antropométricos e a velocidade de execução do teste influenciam os índices de flexibilidade; a avaliação da função vertebral não pode ter como critério de normalidade atingir os pés pelo TSA, e que a velocidade rápida leva a melhores resultados. em resumo, os resultados indicam que tocar os pés, é um critério que exclui da normalidade da função vertebral aproximadamente 50% dos adolescentes. Assim, o critério para tomada de decisão quanto ao encaminhamento do adolescente para recuperação de maiores índices de flexibilidade precisa ser revisto.