301 resultados para transmissions
We show that a category of one-dimensional XY-type models may enable high-fidelity quantum state transmissions, regardless of details of coupling configurations. This observation leads to a fault-tolerant design of a state transmission setup. The setup is fault-tolerant, with specified thresholds, against engineering failures of coupling configurations, fabrication imperfections or defects, and even time-dependent noises. We propose an experimental implementation of the fault-tolerant scheme using hard-core bosons in one-dimensional optical lattices.
This research is concerned with block coding for a feedback communication system in which the forward and feedback channels are independently disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise and average power constrained. Two coding schemes are proposed in which the messages to be coded for transmission over the forward channel are realized as a set of orthogonal waveforms. A finite number of forward and feedback transmissions (iterations) per message is made. Information received over the feedback channel is used to modify the waveform transmitted on successive forward iterations in such a way that the expected value of forward signal energy is zero on all iterations after the first. Similarly, information is sent over the feedback channel in such a way that the expected value of feedback signal energy is also zero on all iterations after the first. These schemes are shown to achieve a lower probability of error than the best one-way coding scheme at all rates up to the forward channel capacity, provided only that the feedback channel capacity be greater than the forward channel capacity. These schemes make more efficient use of the available feedback power than existing feedback coding schemes, and therefore require less feedback power to achieve a given error performance.
The usual beam splitter of multilayer-coated film with a wideband spectrum is not easy to achieve. We describe the realization of a wideband transmission two-port beam splitter based on a binary fused-silica phase grating. To achieve high efficiency and equality in the diffracted 0th and -1st orders, the grating profile parameters are optimized using rigorous coupled-wave analysis at a wavelength of 1550 nm. Holographic recording and the inductively coupled plasma dry etching technique are used to fabricate the fused-silica beam splitter grating. The measured efficiency of (45% x 2) = 90% diffracted into the both orders can be obtained with the fabricated grating under Littrow mounting. The physical mechanism of such a wideband two-port beam splitter grating can be well explained by the modal method based on two-beam interference of the modes excited by the incident wave. With the high damage threshold, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and wideband high efficiency, the presented beam splitter etched in fused silica should be a useful optical element for a variety of practical applications. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
One of the most challenging problems in mobile broadband networks is how to assign the available radio resources among the different mobile users. Traditionally, research proposals are either speci c to some type of traffic or deal with computationally intensive algorithms aimed at optimizing the delivery of general purpose traffic. Consequently, commercial networks do not incorporate these mechanisms due to the limited hardware resources at the mobile edge. Emerging 5G architectures introduce cloud computing principles to add flexible computational resources to Radio Access Networks. This paper makes use of the Mobile Edge Computing concepts to introduce a new element, denoted as Mobile Edge Scheduler, aimed at minimizing the mean delay of general traffic flows in the LTE downlink. This element runs close to the eNodeB element and implements a novel flow-aware and channel-aware scheduling policy in order to accommodate the transmissions to the available channel quality of end users.
研究了两种新型芴类衍生物9,9-二(2-乙基已基)-2,7-二咔唑-9H-芴(简记为DCZF)和9,9-二(2-乙基已基)-2,7-二(2-(4-甲氧基)苯-2,1-乙烯基)芴(简记为BMOSF)在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)中的线性吸收和单光子荧光行为,并用脉冲宽度为38ps,重复频率为10Hz的1064 nm Nd:YAG脉冲激光研究了两种化合物的三光子吸收性质.结果表明:两种新材料的最大线性吸收峰分别位于330和380nm,吸收区域覆盖了270-420nm波段.两种化合物的荧光带位于蓝-紫区,中心
This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.
[Es]Este documento explica el procedimiento seguido para desarrollar la última etapa de un decodificador de DVB-T2, que consiste en la extracción de un archivo de vídeo desde un archivo binario resultante del resto del decodificador. Este decodificador se trata del software de un receptor desarrollado por el departamento de TSR (Tratamiento de Señal y Radiocomunicaciones) de la Escuela de Ingenieros de Bilbao en el año 2010. Dicho software es capaz de analizar la señal recibida de DVB-T2 para calcular la tasa de errores y conocer otros parámetros relevantes como el tipo de modulación utilizado. No obstante, para analizar de manera subjetiva las mejoras de DVB-T2 e incluso para determinar de qué manera afectan los errores a la calidad de la imagen es necesario visualizar el video transmitido. Por esta razón se ha comenzado un proyecto en el que el objetivo es programar un nuevo software que proporcione un archivo que contenga el video en cuestión. Este software se ha programado en lenguaje del programa Matlab, y toma el fichero resultante del receptor como entrada, para procesarlo y obtener uno nuevo con el vídeo. De modo que una vez programado y probado para su corrección, se aplica a continuación del receptor del departamento TSR. Una vez obtenido el vídeo es posible comparar la calidad de la imagen con diferentes tasas de error en la comunicación, simulando transmisiones en diferentes ámbitos cada uno con su correspondiente ruido. De esta manera, se estima con muy alta precisión el comportamiento de una transmisión real dependiendo de la climatología y otros factores que afecten a la relación señal a ruido.
This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, a control theoretic approach based on a sliding-mode control law is used. Initially, the controller is designed assuming certain knowledge of an upper-bound of the uncertainty signal. Afterwards, this condition is removed while an adaptive sliding control system is designed. The closed-loop properties are proved mathematically in the nonadaptive and adaptive cases. Furthermore, the usual sign function appearing in the sliding-mode control is substituted by the saturation function in order to prevent chattering. In addition, the properties achieved by the closed-loop system under this variation are also stated and proved analytically. The closed-loop system is able to attain the control objective regardless of the parametric uncertainties of the model and the lack of a priori knowledge on the system.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo propor algoritmos para conservação de energia de uma rede de sensores sem fio (RSSF) aplicada ao monitoramento de um processo suave f(x , y, t), que depende das coordenadas x e y dos nós sensores, e do tempo t, de forma a aumentar a autonomia da rede. Os algoritmos rodam na camada de aplicação de cada nó, e visam a economia de energia dos nós através do gerenciamento da necessidade de transmissões. Após a primeira amostra transmitida, apenas amostras com uma variação percentual maior do que um dado limiar são transmitidas. Além disso, cada nó pode permanecer inativo (economizando energia) entre essas transmissões. Em RSSfs de salto único, são propostos dois algoritmos: um baseado na fonte, onde cada nó é responsável por todo o processamento e tomada de decisões, e outro baseado no sorvedouro, onde todo o processamento e a tomada de decisões são realizadas pelo sorvedouro. Além disso, uma extensão de algoritmo baseado na fonte é proposta, para RSSFs de múltiplos saltos. Através dos resultados obtidos, observa-se que os algoritmos conseguiram uma redução significativa da quantidade de transmissões, o que leva a um aumento do tempo de vida e o erro na reconstrução do processo é apresentada. Desta forma, pode-se conjugar a relação entre tempo de vida máximo e erro de reconstrução mínimo.
O crescimento dos serviços de banda-larga em redes de comunicações móveis tem provocado uma demanda por dados cada vez mais rápidos e de qualidade. A tecnologia de redes móveis chamada LTE (Long Term Evolution) ou quarta geração (4G) surgiu com o objetivo de atender esta demanda por acesso sem fio a serviços, como acesso à Internet, jogos online, VoIP e vídeo conferência. O LTE faz parte das especificações do 3GPP releases 8 e 9, operando numa rede totalmente IP, provendo taxas de transmissão superiores a 100 Mbps (DL), 50 Mbps (UL), baixa latência (10 ms) e compatibilidade com as versões anteriores de redes móveis, 2G (GSM/EDGE) e 3G (UMTS/HSPA). O protocolo TCP desenvolvido para operar em redes cabeadas, apresenta baixo desempenho sobre canais sem fio, como redes móveis celulares, devido principalmente às características de desvanecimento seletivo, sombreamento e às altas taxas de erros provenientes da interface aérea. Como todas as perdas são interpretadas como causadas por congestionamento, o desempenho do protocolo é ruim. O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de vários tipos de protocolo TCP através de simulações, sob a influência de interferência nos canais entre o terminal móvel (UE User Equipment) e um servidor remoto. Para isto utilizou-se o software NS3 (Network Simulator versão 3) e os protocolos TCP Westwood Plus, New Reno, Reno e Tahoe. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que o protocolo TCP Westwood Plus possui um desempenho melhor que os outros. Os protocolos TCP New Reno e Reno tiveram desempenho muito semelhante devido ao modelo de interferência utilizada ter uma distribuição uniforme e, com isso, a possibilidade de perdas de bits consecutivos é baixa em uma mesma janela de transmissão. O TCP Tahoe, como era de se esperar, apresentou o pior desempenho dentre todos, pois o mesmo não possui o mecanismo de fast recovery e sua janela de congestionamento volta sempre para um segmento após o timeout. Observou-se ainda que o atraso tem grande importância no desempenho dos protocolos TCP, mas até do que a largura de banda dos links de acesso e de backbone, uma vez que, no cenário testado, o gargalo estava presente na interface aérea. As simulações com erros na interface aérea, introduzido com o script de fading (desvanecimento) do NS3, mostraram que o modo RLC AM (com reconhecimento) tem um desempenho melhor para aplicações de transferência de arquivos em ambientes ruidosos do que o modo RLC UM sem reconhecimento.
Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a colorless WDM-PON incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) intensity modulator and a reflective SOA (RSOA) intensity modulator in the optical line termination and optical network unit, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5 Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10 Gb/s downstream and 6 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the aforementioned transmission performance can be improved to 23 Gb/s downstream and 8 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems.
Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a WDM-PON incorporating a SOA intensity modulator and a RSOA intensity modulator in the OLT and ONU, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are the dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10Gb/s downstream and 6Gb/s upstream over 40km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing inline optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the transmission performance can be improved to 23Gb/s downstream and 8Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems. Copyright © 2010 The authors.
Simulations have been performed to compare the system capacity and power dissipation of NRZ, CAP-64 and 64-QAM-OFDM systems over FEC enhanced POF links using LEDs, for both unidirectional and bidirectional transmission. It is shown that CAP-64 outperforms NRZ and 64-QAM-OFDM in terms of system capacity and supports a record high 3.5Gb/s bidirectional and 2.1Gb/s unidirectional transmissions over 50m POF. The CAP-64 transceiver consumes similar power compared with NRZ whilst the 64-QAM-OFDM transceiver consumes about twice as much. © 2012 Optical Society of America.
We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.
We investigate theoretically spin-polarized transport in a one-dimensional waveguide structure under spatially periodic electric fields. Strong spin-polarized current can be obtained by tuning the external electric fields. It is interesting to find that the spin-dependent transmissions exhibit gaps at various electron momenta and/or gate lengths, and the gap width increases with increasing the strength of the Rashba effect. The strong spin-polarized current arises from the different transmission gaps of the spin-up and spin-down electrons. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.