989 resultados para toxin analysis


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Bacillus anthracis plasmid pXO1 carries genes for three anthrax toxin proteins, pag (protective antigen), cya (edema factor), and lef (lethal factor). Expression of the toxin genes is enhanced by two signals: CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature. The CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate effect requires the presence of pXO1. I hypothesized that pXO1 harbors a trans-acting regulatory gene(s) required for CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate-enhanced expression of the toxin genes. Characterization of such a gene(s) will lead to increased understanding of the mechanisms by which B. anthracis senses and responds to host environments.^ A regulatory gene (atxA) on pXO1 was identified. Transcription of all three toxin genes is decreased in an atxA-null mutant. There are two transcriptional start sites for pag. Transcription from the major site, P1, is enhanced in elevated CO$\sb2$. Only P1 transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. Deletion analysis of the pag upstream region indicates that the 111-bp region upstream of the P1 site is sufficient for atxA-mediated increase of this transcript. The cya and lef genes each have one apparent transcriptional start site. The cya and lef transcripts are significantly decreased in the atxA mutant. The atxA mutant is avirulent in mice. The antibody response to all three toxin proteins is significantly decreased in atxA mutant-infected mice. These data suggest that the atxA gene product activates expression of the toxin genes and is essential for virulence.^ Since expression of the toxin genes is dependent on atxA, whether increased toxin gene expression in response to CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate and temperature is associated with increased atxA expression was investigated. I monitored steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein in different growth conditions. The results indicate that expression of atxA is not influenced by CO$\sb2$/bicarbonate. Steady state levels of atxA mRNA and AtxA protein are higher at 37$\sp\circ$C than 28$\sp\circ$C. However, increased pag expression at high temperature can not be attributed directly to increased atxA expression.^ There is evidence that an additional factor(s) may be involved in regulation of pag. Expression of pag in strains overproducing AtxA is significantly decreased compared to the wildtype strain. A specific interaction of tagged-AtxA with the pag upstream DNA has not been demonstrated. Furthermore, four proteins in B. anthracis extract can be co-immunoprecipitated with tagged-AtxA. Amino-terminal sequence of one protein has been determined and found highly homologous to chaperonins of GroEL family. Studies are under way to determine if this GroEL-like protein interactions with AtxA and plays any role in atxA-mediated activation of toxin genes. ^


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Many biological processes depend on the sequential assembly of protein complexes. However, studying the kinetics of such processes by direct methods is often not feasible. As an important class of such protein complexes, pore-forming toxins start their journey as soluble monomeric proteins, and oligomerize into transmembrane complexes to eventually form pores in the target cell membrane. Here, we monitored pore formation kinetics for the well-characterized bacterial pore-forming toxin aerolysin in single cells in real time to determine the lag times leading to the formation of the first functional pores per cell. Probabilistic modeling of these lag times revealed that one slow and seven equally fast rate-limiting reactions best explain the overall pore formation kinetics. The model predicted that monomer activation is the rate-limiting step for the entire pore formation process. We hypothesized that this could be through release of a propeptide and indeed found that peptide removal abolished these steps. This study illustrates how stochasticity in the kinetics of a complex process can be exploited to identify rate-limiting mechanisms underlying multistep biomolecular assembly pathways.


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Background. Clostridium difficile infection is one of the major causes of antibiotic associated diarrhea and colitis in the United States. Currently, there is a dearth of literature on the risk factors and outcomes differences between the patients with infection due to the hypervirulent strain vs. the non-hypervirulent strains. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between C. difficile toxin type and clinical features, severity and outcome in patients with C. difficile diarrhea. ^ Methods. The case group included 37 patients who had infections due to hypervirulent strain (tcdC deletion) and the control group included 55 patients with other toxin types (toxin A, B, binary toxin). A univariate analysis was performed followed by a multivariable logistic regression analysis to assess the differences between cases and controls. ^ Results. In the multivariate analyses, we found out that being a male was a protective factor for developing the infection due to the hypervirulent strain [OR 0.33; 95% CI 0.12-0.90]. Also, the hypervirulent group has worse clinical and economic outcomes, although the differences were small and nonsignificant. ^ Conclusions. There may likely be no predictive risk factor for acquiring infection due to the hypervirulent strain and the acquisition may be more linked to the infection control practices of the individual hospitals or location of patients. Hence, better infection control practices may prove helpful in decreasing the overall disease burden and thus improve patient outcomes. ^


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Clostridium difficile is the leading definable cause of nosocomial diarrhea worldwide due to its virulence, multi-drug resistance, spore-forming ability, and environmental persistence. The incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) has been increasing exponentially in the last decade. Virulent strains of C. difficile produce either toxin A and/or toxin B, which are essential for the pathogenesis of this bacterium. Current methods for diagnosing CDI are mostly qualitative tests that detect the bacterium, the toxins, or the toxin genes. These methods do not differentiate virulent C. difficile strains that produce active toxins from non-virulent strains that do not produce toxins or produce inactive toxins. Based on the knowledge that C. difficile toxins A and B cleave a substrate that is stereochemically similar to the native substrate of the toxins, uridine diphosphoglucose, a quantitative, cost-efficient assay, the Cdifftox activity assay, was developed to measure C. difficile toxin activity. The concept behind the activity assay was modified to develop a novel, rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for C. difficile toxins in the form of a selective and differential agar plate culture medium, the Cdifftox Plate assay (CDPA). This assay combines in a single step the specific identification of C. difficile strains and the detection of active toxin(s). The CDPA was determined to be extremely accurate (99.8% effective) at detecting toxin-producing strains based on the analysis of 528 C. difficile isolates selected from 50 tissue culture cytotoxicity assay-positive clinical stool samples. This new assay advances and improves the culture methodology in that only C. difficile strains will grow on this medium and virulent strains producing active toxins can be differentiated from non-virulent strains. This new method reduces the time and effort required to isolate and confirm toxin-producing C. difficile strains and provides a clinical isolate for antibiotic susceptibility testing and strain typing. The Cdifftox activity assay was used to screen for inhibitors of toxin activity. Physiological levels of the common human conjugated bile salt, taurocholate, was found to inhibit toxin A and B in vitro activities. When co-incubated ex vivo with purified toxin B, taurocholate protected Caco-2 colonic epithelial cells from the damaging effects of the toxin. Furthermore, using a caspase-3 detection assay, taurocholate reduced the extent of toxin B-induced Caco-2 cell apoptosis. These results suggest that bile salts can be effective in protecting the gut epithelium from C. difficile toxin damage, thus, the delivery of physiologic amounts of taurocholate to the colon, where it is normally in low concentration, could be useful in CDI treatment. These findings may help to explain why bile rich small intestine is spared damage in CDI, while the bile salt poor colon is vulnerable in CDI. Toxin synthesis in C. difficile occurs during the stationary phase, but little is known about the regulation of these toxins. It was hypothesized that C. difficile toxin synthesis is regulated by a quorum sensing mechanism. Two lines of evidence supported this hypothesis. First, a small (KDa), diffusible, heat-stable toxin-inducing activity accumulates in the medium of high-density C. difficile cells. This conditioned medium when incubated with low-density log-phase cells causes them to produce toxin early (2-4 hrs instead of 12-16 hrs) and at elevated levels when compared with cells grown in fresh medium. These data suggested that C. difficile cells extracellularly release an inducing molecule during growth that is able to activate toxin synthesis prematurely and demonstrates for the first time that toxin synthesis in C. difficile is regulated by quorum signaling. Second, this toxin-inducing activity was partially purified from high-density stationary-phase culture supernatant fluid by HPLC and confirmed to induce early toxin synthesis, even in C. difficile virulent strains that over-produce the toxins. Mass spectrometry analysis of the purified toxin-inducing fraction from HPLC revealed a cyclic compound with a mass of 655.8 Da. It is anticipated that identification of this toxin-inducing compound will advance our understanding of the mechanism involved in the quorum-dependent regulation of C. difficile toxin synthesis. This finding should lead to the development of even more sensitive tests to diagnose CDI and may lead to the discovery of promising novel therapeutic targets that could be harnessed for the treatment C. difficile infections.


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Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins, G proteins, are integral components of eukaryotic signaling systems linking extracellular signals to intracellular responses. Through coupling to seven-transmembrane helix receptors, G proteins convey primary signaling events into multi-leveled cascades of intracellular activity by regulating downstream enzymes, collectively called effectors. The effector enzymes regulated by G proteins include adenylyl cyclase, cAMP phosphodiesterase, phospolipase C-β, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and ion channels. ^ Neurospora crassa is a multicellular, filamentous fungus that is capable of both asexual and sexual reproduction by elaboration of specialized, developmentally controlled structures that give rise to either asexual or sexual spores, respectively. N. crassa possesses at least three heterotrimeric Gα proteins (GNA-1–3) and one Gβ subunit (GNB-1). GNA-1 was the first microbial protein that could be classified in the Gαi superfamily based on its amino acid identity and demonstration that it is a substrate for ADP-ribosylation by pertussis toxin. ^ Experiments were designed to identify the signal transduction pathways and the effector enzymes regulated by GNA-1. Targeted gene-replacement of gna-1 revealed that GNA-1 controls multiple developmental pathways including both asexual and sexual reproduction, maintenance of growth, and resistance to osmotic stress. The Gαi and Gαz members of the Gαi superfamily negatively regulate adenylyl cyclase activity in mammalian cells; therefore, adenylyl cyclase and cAMP levels were measured in Δgna-1 strains and also in strains that were deleted for both gna-1 and gna-2, a second Gα in N. crassa shown to have overlapping functions with GNA-1. Direct measurements of adenylyl cyclase activity revealed that GNA-1, but not GNA-2, was responsible for GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in N. crassa. Furthermore, anti-GNA-1 IgG could specifically inhibit GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in wild-type strain extracts. These studies also provided evidence that N. crassa possesses feedback mechanisms that control steady-state cAMP levels through indirect regulation of cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity; mutations in gna-1 and gna-2 were additive in their effect on lowering cAMP-phosphodiesterase activity under growth conditions where steady-state cAMP levels were normal but GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was reduced 90% in comparison to control strains. ^ Genetic and biochemical epistasis experiments utilizing a Δ gna-1 cr-1 mutant suggest that GNA-1 is essential for female fertility in a cAMP-independent pathway. Furthermore, deletion of gna-1 in a cr-1 background exacerbated many of the defects already observed in the cr-1 strain including more severe growth restriction and developmental defects. However, deletion of gna-1 had no effect on the increased thermotolerance of cr-1, which has been attributed to loss of cAMP. cr-1 possesses GNA-1 protein, and crude membrane fractions from this strain reconstituted GTP-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in Δgna-1 membrane fractions. These studies provide direct evidence for the involvement of Gα proteins in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in eukaryotic microbes. ^


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Bordetella dermonecrotizing toxin causes assembly of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions in some cultured cells and induces mobility shifts of the small GTP-binding protein Rho on electrophoresis. We attempted to clarify the molecular basis of the toxin action on Rho. Analysis of the amino acid sequence of toxin-treated RhoA revealed the deamidation of Gln-63 to Glu. The substitution of Glu for Gln-63 of RhoA by site-directed mutagenesis caused a mobility shift on electrophoresis, which was indistinguishable from that of the toxin-treated RhoA. Neither mutant RhoA-bearing Glu-63 nor toxin-treated RhoA significantly differed from untreated wild type RhoA in guanosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate binding activity but both showed a 10-fold reduction in GTP hydrolysis activity relative to untreated RhoA. C3H10T1/2 cells transfected with cDNA of the mutant RhoA bearing Glu-63 showed extensive formation of actin stress fibers similar to the toxin-treated cells. These results indicate that the toxin catalyzes deamidation of Gln-63 of Rho and renders it constitutively active, leading to formation of actin stress fibers.


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It is well known that the functional activity of the diphtheria toxin repressor DtxR is controlled by iron, which serves as an essential cofactor necessary for activation of target DNA binding by this regulatory element. In this communication, we describe the isolation and characterization of a unique series of DtxR mutants that are constitutively active and repress the expression of β-galactosidase from a diphtheria tox promoter/operator–lacZ transcriptional fusion, even in the absence of iron. These self-activating mutants of DtxR (SAD) were isolated through the use of a positive selection system for the cloning of functional dtxR alleles and target DNA operator sites. Of the four independently isolated SAD mutants that were characterized, two (SAD2 and SAD11) were found to carry a single missense mutation (E175K) in their respective C-terminal SH3-like domains. In contrast, the mutant allele encoding SAD3 was found to carry a total of six missense mutations distributed throughout the N- and C-terminal domains of the repressor. Partial diploid analysis of strains carrying both native dtxR and alleles encoding either SAD2 or SAD3 demonstrate that these iron-independent mutants possess a positive dominant phenotype in the regulation of β-galactosidase expression from a diphtheria tox promoter/operator–lacZ transcriptional fusion.


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We have characterized a nontoxic mutant of cholera toxin (CT) as a mucosal adjuvant in mice. The mutant CT was made by substitution of serine with phenylalanine at position 61 of the A subunit (S61F), which resulted in loss of ADP ribosyltransferase activity and toxicity. Mice were intranasally immunized with ovalbumin, tetanus toxoid, or influenza virus either alone or together with mutant CT S61F, native CT, or recombinant CT-B. Mice immunized with these proteins plus S61F showed high serum titers of protein-specific IgG and IgA antibodies that were comparable to those induced by native CT. Further, high protein-specific IgA antibody responses were observed in nasal and vaginal washes, saliva, and fecal extracts as well as increased numbers of IgG and IgA antibody forming cells in cervical lymph nodes and lung tissues of mice intranasally immunized with these proteins and S61F or native CT, but not with recombinant CT-B or protein alone. Both S61F and native CT enhanced the induction of ovalbumin-specific CD4+ T cells in lung and splenic tissues, and these T cells produced a Th2-type cytokine pattern of interleukin 4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-6, and IL-10 as determined by analysis of secreted proteins and by quantitation of cytokine-specific mRNA. These results have shown that mutant CT S61F is an effective mucosal adjuvant when administrated intranasally and induces mucosal and systemic antibody responses which are mediated by CD4+ Th2-type cells.


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Stx2d is a recently described Shiga toxin whose cytotoxicity is activated 10- to 1,000-fold by the elastase present in mouse or human intestinal mucus. We examined Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from food and livestock sources for the presence of activatable stx(2d). The stx(2) operons of STEC were first analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and categorized as stx(2), stx(2c) (vha), stx(2c) (vhb), or stx(2d) (EH250). Subsequently, the stx(2c) (vha) and stx(2c) (vhb) operons were screened for the absence of a PstI site in the stx(2a) subunit gene, a restriction site polymorphism which is a predictive indicator for the stx(2d) (activatable) genotype. Twelve STEC isolates carrying putative stx(2d) operons were identified, and nucleotide sequencing was used to confirm the identification of these operons as stx(2d). The complete nucleotide sequences of seven representative stx(2d) operons were determined. Shiga toxin expression in stx(2d) isolates was confirmed by immunoblotting. stx(2d) isolates were induced for the production of bacteriophages carrying stx. Two isolates were able to produce bacteriophages phi1662a and phi1720a carrying the stx(2d) operons. RFLP analysis of bacteriophage genomic DNA revealed that phi1662a and phi1720a were highly related to each other; however, the DNA sequences of these two stx(2d) operons were distinct. The STEC strains carrying these operons were isolated from retail ground beef. Surveillance for STEC strains expressing activatable stx(2d) Shiga toxin among clinical cases may indicate the significance of this toxin subtype to human health.


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Scorpion toxins are common experimental tools for studies of biochemical and pharmacological properties of ion channels. The number of functionally annotated scorpion toxins is steadily growing, but the number of identified toxin sequences is increasing at much faster pace. With an estimated 100,000 different variants, bioinformatic analysis of scorpion toxins is becoming a necessary tool for their systematic functional analysis. Here, we report a bioinformatics-driven system involving scorpion toxin structural classification, functional annotation, database technology, sequence comparison, nearest neighbour analysis, and decision rules which produces highly accurate predictions of scorpion toxin functional properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Australian terrestrial elapid snakes contain amongst the most potently toxic venoms known. However, despite the well-documented clinical effects of snake bite, little research has focussed on individual venom components at the molecular level. To further characterise the components of Australian elapid venoms, a complementary (cDNA) microarray was produced from the venom gland of the coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) and subsequently screened for venom gland-specific transcripts. A number of putative toxin genes were identified, including neurotoxins, phospholipases, a pseudechetoxin-like gene, a venom natriuretic peptide and a nerve growth factor together with other genes involved in cellular maintenance. Venom gland-specific components also included a calglandulin-like protein implicated in the secretion of toxins from the gland into the venom. These toxin transcripts were subsequently identified in seven other related snake species, producing a detailed comparative analysis at the cDNA and protein levels. This study represents the most detailed description to date of the cloning and characterisation of different genes associated with envenomation from Australian snakes.


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A key component of the venom of many Australian snakes belonging to the elapid family is a toxin that is structurally and functionally similar to that of the mammalian prothrombinase complex. In mammals, this complex is responsible for the cleavage of prothrombin to thrombin and is composed of factor Xa in association with its cofactors calcium, phospholipids, and factor Va. The snake prothrombin activators have been classified on the basis of their requirement for cofactors for activity. The two major subgroups described in Australian elapid snakes, groups C and D, are differentiated by their requirement for mammalian coagulation factor Va. In this study, we describe the cloning, characterization, and comparative analysis of the factor X- and factor V-like components of the prothrombin activators from the venom glands of snakes possessing either group C or D prothrombin activators. The overall domain arrangement in these proteins was highly conserved between all elapids and with the corresponding mammalian clotting factors. The deduced protein sequence for the factor X-like protease precursor, identified in elapids containing either group C or D prothrombin activators, demonstrated a remarkable degree of relatedness to each other (80%-97%). The factor V-like component of the prothrombin activator, present only in snakes containing group C complexes, also showed a very high degree of homology (96%-98%). Expression of both the factor X- and factor V-like proteins determined by immunoblotting provided an additional means of separating these two groups at the molecular level. The molecular phylogenetic analysis described here represents a new approach for distinguishing group C and D snake prothrombin activators and correlates well with previous classifications.


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A bacterium (MJ-PV) previously demonstrated to degrade the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin LR, was investigated for bioremediation applications in natural water microcosms and biologically active slow sand filters. Enhanced degradation of microcystin LR was observed with inoculated (1 x 10(6) cell/mL) treatments of river water dosed with microcystin LR (> 80% degradation within 2 days) compared to uninoculated controls. Inoculation of MJ-PV at lower concentrations (1 x 10(2)-1 x 10(5)cells/mL) also demonstrated enhanced microcystin LR degradation over control treatments. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) specifically targeting amplification of 16S rDNA of MJ-PV and the gene responsible for initial degradation of microcystin LR (mlrA) were successfully applied to monitor the presence of the bacterium in experimental trials. No amplified products indicative of an endemic MJ-PV population were observed in uninoculated treatments indicating other bacterial strains were active in degradation of microcystin LR, Pilot scale biologically active slow sand filters demonstrated degradation of microcystin LR irrespective of MJ-PV bacterial inoculation. PCR analysis detected the MJ-PV population at all locations within the sand filters where microcystin degradation was measured. Despite not observing enhanced degradation of microcystin LR in inoculated columns compared to uninoculated column, these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of a low-technology water treatment system like biologically active slow sand filters for removal of microcystins from reticulated water supplies. Crown Copyright (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Scorpion toxins are important experimental tools for characterization of vast array of ion channels and serve as scaffolds for drug design. General public database entries contain limited annotation whereby rich structure-function information from mutation studies is typically not available. SCORPION2 contains more than 800 records of native and mutant toxin sequences enriched with binding affinity and toxicity information, 624 three-dimensional structures and some 500 references. SCORPION2 has a set of search and prediction tools that allow users to extract and perform specific queries: text searches of scorpion toxin records, sequence similarity search, extraction of sequences, visualization of scorpion toxin structures, analysis of toxic activity, and functional annotation of previously uncharacterized scorpion toxins. The SCORPION2 database is available at http://sdmc.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/scorpion/. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Venomous species have evolved cocktails of bioactive peptides to facilitate prey capture. Given their often exquisite potency and target selectivity, venom peptides provide unique biochemical tools for probing the function of membrane proteins at the molecular level. in the field of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), the subtype specific snake alpha-neurotoxins and cone snail alpha-conotoxins have been widely used to probe receptor structure and function in native tissues and recombinant systems. However, only recently has it been possible to generate an accurate molecular view of these nAChR-toxin interactions. Crystal structures of AChBP, a homologue of the nAChR ligand binding domain, have now been solved in complex with alpha-cobratoxin, alpha-conotoxin PnIA and alpha-conotoxin Iml. The orientation of all three toxins in the ACh binding site confirms many of the predictions obtained from mutagenesis and docking simulations on homology models of mammalian nAChR. The precise understanding of the molecular determinants of these complexes is expected to contribute to the development of more selective nAChR modulators. In this commentary, we review the structural data on nAChR-toxin interactions and discuss their implications for the design of novel ligands acting at the nAChR. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.