942 resultados para topic formulation


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This paper outlines the approach that the WHO's Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) network is undertaking to create ICD-11. We also outline the more focused work of the Quality and Safety Topic Advisory Group, whose activities include the following: (i) cataloguing existing ICD-9 and ICD-10 quality and safety indicators; (ii) reviewing ICD morbidity coding rules for main condition, diagnosis timing, numbers of diagnosis fields and diagnosis clustering; (iii) substantial restructuring of the health-care related injury concepts coded in the ICD-10 chapters 19/20, (iv) mapping of ICD-11 quality and safety concepts to the information model of the WHO's International Classification for Patient Safety and the AHRQ Common Formats; (v) the review of vertical chapter content in all chapters of the ICD-11 beta version and (vi) downstream field testing of ICD-11 prior to its official 2015 release. The transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11 promises to produce an enhanced classification that will have better potential to capture important concepts relevant to measuring health system safety and quality-an important use case for the classification.


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Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.


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A comprehensive understanding of the patient's problems is essential for a constructive therapeutic behaviour, especially in borderline personality disorder (BPD) where difficult interpersonal patterns are persistent. In these circumstances, the use of an integrative case formulation approach such as Plan Analysis, developed by K. Grawe and F. Caspar, can be of help for therapy planning. The focus here is on instrumental relations between behaviours and the hypothetical Plans and motives 'behind' those behaviours. The present qualitative study aimed at setting a prototypical Plan structure for n = 15 patients presenting a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, diagnosis of BPD using Plan Analysis. The first psychotherapeutic session of every outpatient was video-taped and evaluated according to the Plan Analysis procedure. Inter-rater reliability was established between two independent raters and was considered sufficient. The detailed prototypical Plan structure of BPD showed two main tendencies: first, the important presence of support-seeking among these patients and second, the will to be in control and to protect oneself. This study confirms the existence of several core similarities in the functioning of patients with BPD. These findings are in line with earlier studies and expand the latter with the aim of contributing to the understanding of BPD psychopathology. Clinical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: Plan Analysis can especially be of help with patients who have difficult interpersonal patterns, as those presenting with BPD. Two tendencies were found within BPD patients: (1) support-seeking and (2) control and self-protecting Plans. Further research using Plan Analysis should focus on the identification and detail of emotions within BPD.


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Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 3040% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.


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The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method has been derived to efficiently solve large problems with spatially varying coefficients. The fine-scale problem is subdivided into local problems that can be solved separately and are coupled by a global problem. This algorithm, in consequence, shares some characteristics with two-level domain decomposition (DD) methods. However, the MSFV algorithm is different in that it incorporates a flux reconstruction step, which delivers a fine-scale mass conservative flux field without the need for iterating. This is achieved by the use of two overlapping coarse grids. The recently introduced correction function allows for a consistent handling of source terms, which makes the MSFV method a flexible algorithm that is applicable to a wide spectrum of problems. It is demonstrated that the MSFV operator, used to compute an approximate pressure solution, can be equivalently constructed by writing the Schur complement with a tangential approximation of a single-cell overlapping grid and incorporation of appropriate coarse-scale mass-balance equations.


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Este artículo se centra en el análisis de la participación de los estudiantes en el gobierno de la universidad y muestra específicamente las principales dificultades que hay para ella y las propuestas que pueden facilitar la implicación de los estudiantes en el funcionamiento de las universidades. A partir de una investigación desarrollada durante los cursos 2007-08 y 2008-09, en la que se utilizaron cuestionarios y grupos de discusión con estudiantes y entrevistas dirigidas al profesorado, se obtiene información sobre los principales obstáculos para la participación estudiantil. El estudio realizado muestra que, de acuerdo con la tónica general reflejada en otras investigaciones sobre esta misma temática en nuestro contexto, la participación de los estudiantes en los distintos estamentos universitarios es escasa. Ahora bien, la metodología seguida en esta investigación permite contrastar las opiniones de los estudiantes con las percepciones del profesorado y obtener así matices significativos que muestran las principales direcciones que hay que tomar para facilitar un cambio de orientación en el asunto. Los cambios que debemos emprender están relacionados no solo con la mejora de los mecanismos de información acerca de los canales de participación, sino también con el replanteamiento de los procesos participativos por parte de la universidad, así como del papel del profesorado y, específicamente, de los coordinadores de los órganos de gestión más próximos a los estudiantes. En las conclusiones del documento se presentan las propuestas de mejora dirigidas a potenciar la implicación de los estudiantes en el funcionamiento universitario. Entre ellas se apuntan las siguientes: mejorar la información y los canales de comunicación con los estudiantes, mejorar los procesos electorales, ofrecer formación a los estudiantes para la participación y formación al profesorado acerca de las metodologías, recursos e instrumentos que pueden repercutir en la motivación de los estudiantes


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ABSTRACT: While diagnosis has traditionally been viewed as an essential concept in medicine, particularly when selecting treatments, we suggest that the use of diagnosis alone may be limited, particularly within mental health. The concept of clinical case formulation advocates for collaboratively working with patients to identify idiosyncratic aspects of their presentation and select interventions on this basis. Identifying individualized contributing factors, and how these could influence the person's presentation, in addition to attending to personal strengths, may allow the clinician a deeper understanding of a patient, result in a more personalized treatment approach, and potentially provide a better clinical outcome.


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PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of a novel aqueous formulation based on polymeric micelles for the topical delivery of cyclosporine A for dry eye treatment. METHODS: In vitro experiments were carried out on primary rabbit corneal cells, which were characterized by immunocytochemistry using fluorescein-labeled lectin I/isolectin B4 for the endothelial cells and mouse monoclonal antibody to cytokeratin 3+12 for the epithelial ones. Living cells were incubated for 1 hour or 24 hours with a fluorescently labeled micelle formulation and analyzed by fluorescence microscopy. In vivo evaluations were done by Schirmer test, osmolarity measurement, CyA kinetics in tears, and CyA ocular distribution after topical instillation. A 0.05% CyA micelle formulation was compared to a marketed emulsion (Restasis). RESULTS: The in vitro experiments showed the internalization of micelles in the living cells. The Schirmer test and osmolarity measurements demonstrated that micelles did not alter the ocular surface properties. The evaluation of the tear fluid gave similar CyA kinetics values: AUC = 2339 ± 1032 min*μg/mL and 2321 ± 881.63; Cmax = 478 ± 111 μg/mL and 451 ± 74; half-life = 36 ± 9 min and 28 ± 9 for the micelle formulation and Restasis, respectively. The ocular distribution investigation revealed that the novel formulation delivered 1540 ± 400 ng CyA/g tissue to the cornea. CONCLUSIONS: The micelle formulation delivered active CyA into the cornea without evident negative influence on the ocular surface properties. This formulation could be applied for immune-related ocular surface diseases.


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The SeDeM Diagram Expert System has been used to study excipients, Captopril and designed formulations for their galenic characterization and to ascertain the critical points of the formula affecting product quality to obtain suitable formulations of Captopril Direct Compression SR Matrix Tablets. The application of the Sedem Diagram Expert System enables selecting excipients with in order to optimize the formula in the preformulation and formulation studies. The methodology is based on the implementation of ICH Q8, establishing the design space of the formula with the use of experiment design, using the parameters of the SeDeM Diagram Expert System as system responses.


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Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän implementointi ja sen mukanaan tuomat muutokset tuotekustannuslaskentaan asettavat haasteita yritykselle. Metallitoimialalla toimivassa yrityksessä on havaittu samat haasteet implementoitaessa SAP R/3 toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää ja sen tuotekustannuslaskentatoiminnallisuutta. SAP R/3 tuotekustannuslogiikka tarvitsee tietoa järjestelmän ulkopuolelta, minkä huomioimatta jättäminen vaikuttaa suoraan laskentatarkkuuteen. Diplomityössä kehitetään sekä standardoitu prosessi että laskentajärjestelmä, joiden avulla pystytään laskemaan tarvittavat niin toimintokustannukset eri teräspalvelukeskuksen kuormituspisteille kuin kustannustenvyörytysarvot. Lasketut arvot muodostavat tarvittavat tekijät SAP R/3 tuotekustannuslaskennan master dataan. Tavoitteena on edesauttaa läpinäkyvän kustannustiedon muodostumista. Diplomityö pohjautuu ns. vesiputousmalliin (SDLC). Ensin tunnistetaan reunaehdot ympäristöstä, jossa tuotekustannuslaskenta toteutetaan. Tämä asettaa joustamattomia komponentteja kehitettävälle laskentajärjestelmälle. Joustavat komponentit sen sijaan antavat vapautta laskentajärjestelmälle. Yhdistämällä joustamattomat ja joustavat komponentit saavutetaan järjestelmä, jolla voidaan täydentää SAP R/3 tuotekustannuslaskennan puutteellisuutta.


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Over 70% of the total costs of an end product are consequences of decisions that are made during the design process. A search for optimal cross-sections will often have only a marginal effect on the amount of material used if the geometry of a structure is fixed and if the cross-sectional characteristics of its elements are property designed by conventional methods. In recent years, optimalgeometry has become a central area of research in the automated design of structures. It is generally accepted that no single optimisation algorithm is suitable for all engineering design problems. An appropriate algorithm, therefore, mustbe selected individually for each optimisation situation. Modelling is the mosttime consuming phase in the optimisation of steel and metal structures. In thisresearch, the goal was to develop a method and computer program, which reduces the modelling and optimisation time for structural design. The program needed anoptimisation algorithm that is suitable for various engineering design problems. Because Finite Element modelling is commonly used in the design of steel and metal structures, the interaction between a finite element tool and optimisation tool needed a practical solution. The developed method and computer programs were tested with standard optimisation tests and practical design optimisation cases. Three generations of computer programs are developed. The programs combine anoptimisation problem modelling tool and FE-modelling program using three alternate methdos. The modelling and optimisation was demonstrated in the design of a new boom construction and steel structures of flat and ridge roofs. This thesis demonstrates that the most time consuming modelling time is significantly reduced. Modelling errors are reduced and the results are more reliable. A new selection rule for the evolution algorithm, which eliminates the need for constraint weight factors is tested with optimisation cases of the steel structures that include hundreds of constraints. It is seen that the tested algorithm can be used nearly as a black box without parameter settings and penalty factors of the constraints.


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Belt-drive systems have been and still are the most commonly used power transmission form in various applications of different scale and use. The peculiar features of the dynamics of the belt-drives include highly nonlinear deformation,large rigid body motion, a dynamical contact through a dry friction interface between the belt and pulleys with sticking and slipping zones, cyclic tension of the belt during the operation and creeping of the belt against the pulleys. The life of the belt-drive is critically related on these features, and therefore, amodel which can be used to study the correlations between the initial values and the responses of the belt-drives is a valuable source of information for the development process of the belt-drives. Traditionally, the finite element models of the belt-drives consist of a large number of elements thatmay lead to computational inefficiency. In this research, the beneficial features of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are utilized in the modeling of the belt-drives in order to fulfill the following requirements for the successful and efficient analysis of the belt-drive systems: the exact modeling of the rigid body inertia during an arbitrary rigid body motion, the consideration of theeffect of the shear deformation, the exact description of the highly nonlinear deformations and a simple and realistic description of the contact. The use of distributed contact forces and high order beam and plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation are applied to the modeling of the belt-drives in two- and three-dimensional cases. According to the numerical results, a realistic behavior of the belt-drives can be obtained with a significantly smaller number of elements and degrees of freedom in comparison to the previously published finite element models of belt-drives. The results of theexamples demonstrate the functionality and suitability of the absolute nodal coordinate formulation for the computationally efficient and realistic modeling ofbelt-drives. This study also introduces an approach to avoid the problems related to the use of the continuum mechanics approach in the definition of elastic forces on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. This approach is applied to a new computationally efficient two-dimensional shear deformable beam element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The proposed beam element uses a linear displacement field neglecting higher-order terms and a reduced number of nodal coordinates, which leads to fewer degrees of freedom in a finite element.


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Osteoporotic fractures are a public health problem and their incidence and subsequent economic and social costs are expected to rise in the next future. Different drugs have been developed to reduce osteoporosis and the risk of osteoporotic fractures, and among them, antiresorptive agents, and in particular oral alendronate, are the most widely utilized. However, one of the most common problems with antiresorptive drugs is poor adherence to treatment, which is associated with a high fracture incidence and with an increase in hospitalization costs. One of the main reasons of poor adherence to these treatments is the occurrence of adverse events, mainly at gastrointestinal (GI) level, including dyspepsia, dysphagia, and esophageal ulcers. In light of these considerations the aim of this paper is to perform a literature review to show the pathophysiologic bases of GI alendronate-induced adverse events and how new bisphosphonate formulations like effervescent alendronate can improve compliance and persistence to treatment and decrease the fracture rate incidence in osteoporotic patients.


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Triheptanoin-enriched diets have been successfully used in the experimental treatment of various metabolic disorders. Maximal therapeutic effect is achieved in the context of a ketogenic diet where triheptanoin oil provides 30-40% of the daily caloric intake. However, pre-clinical studies using triheptanoin-rich diets are hindered by the difficulty of administering to laboratory animals as a solid foodstuff. In the present study, we successfully synthesized triheptanoin to the highest standards of purity from glycerol and heptanoic acid, using sulfonated charcoal as a catalyst. Triheptanoin oil was then formulated as a solid, stable and palatable preparation using a ketogenic base and a combination of four commercially available formulation agents: hydrophilic fumed silica, hydrophobic fumed silica, microcrystalline cellulose, and talc. Diet compliance and safety was tested on C57Bl/6 mice over a 15-week period, comparing overall status and body weight change. Practical applications: This work provides a complete description of (i) an efficient and cost-effective synthesis of triheptanoin and (ii) its formulation as a solid, stable, and palatable ketogenic diet (triheptanoin-rich; 39% of the caloric intake) for rodents. Triheptanoin-rich diets will be helpful on pre-clinical experiments testing the therapeutic efficacy of triheptanoin in different rodent models of human diseases. In addition, using the same solidification procedure, other oils could be incorporated into rodent ketogenic diet to study their dosage and long-term effects on mammal health and development. This approach could be extremely valuable as ketogenic diet is widely used clinically for epilepsy treatment.