954 resultados para tip and casing


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A recoverable plate impact testing technology has been developed for studying fracture mechanisms of mode II crack. With this technology, a single duration stress pulse with submicrosecond duration and high loading rates, up to 10(8) MPam(1/2)s(-1), can be produced. Dynamic failure tests of Hard-C 60# steel were carried out under asymmetrical impacting conditions with short stress-pulse loading. Experimental results show that the nucleation and growth of several microcracks ahead of the crack tip, and the interactions between them, induce unsteady crack growth. Failure mode transitions during crack growth, both from mode I crack to mode II and from brittle to ductile fracture, were observed. Based on experimental observations, a discontinuous crack growth model was established. Analysis of the crack growth mechanisms using our model shows that the shear crack extension is unsteady when the extending speed is between the Rayleigh wave speed c(R) and the shear wave speed c(S). However, when the crack advancing speed is beyond c(S), the crack grows at a steady intersonic speed approaching root 2c(S). It also shows that the transient mechanisms, such as nucleation, growth, interaction and coalescence among microcracks, make the main crack speed jump from subsonic to intersonic and the steady growth of all the subcracks causes the main crack to grow at a stable intersonic speed.


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The influence of two secondary effects, rotatory inertia and presence of a crack, on the dynamic plastic shear failure of a cantilever with an attached mass block at its tip subjected to impulsive loading is investigated. It is illustrated that the consideration of the rotatory inertia of the cantilever and the presence of a crack at the upper root of the beam both increase the initial kinetic energy of the block required to cause shear failure at the interface between the beam tip and the tip mass, where the initial velocity has discontinuity Therefore, the influence of these two secondary effects on the dynamic shear failure is not negligible.


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Zero thickness crack tip interface elements for a crack normal to the interface between two materials are presented. The elements are shown to have the desired r(lambda-1) (0 < lambda < 1) singularity in the stress field at the crack tip and are compatible with other singular elements. The stiffness matrices of the quadratic and cubic interface element are derived. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed interface elements for a crack perpendicular to the bimaterial interface.


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It is shown that the variable power singularity of the strain field at the crack tip can be obtained by the simple technique of collapsing quadrilateral isoparametric elements into triangular elements around the crack tip and adequately shifting the side-nodes adjacent to this crack tip. The collapsed isoparametric elements have the desired singularity at crack tip along any ray. The strain expressions for a single element have been derived and in addition to the desired power singularity, additional singularities are revealed. Numerical examples have shown that triangular elements formed by collapsing one side lead to excellent results.


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Nos últimos anos, o consumo de energia vem crescendo mundialmente nos grandes centros urbanos, e esforços na área de eficiência energética estão sendo implantados, a fim de reduzir o consumo no horário da ponta e interrupções da rede. O aproveitamento das fontes renováveis, como o fotovoltaico em uma edificação se torna um atrativo a mais para a matriz energética num momento em que o país prima pela universalização dos serviços de energia e a classificação de edifícios comerciais, de serviço e públicos, além dos residenciais quanto à eficiência energética através do Procel Edifica (RTQ-C e RTQ-R). Os sistemas fotovoltaicos podem configurar perfis de uso nas edificações de modo a gerar energia para consumo próprio ou ligado à rede e ainda ter influência na arquitetura do prédio com revestimento: os perfis podem está em telhados, fachadas ou janelas, amenizando em alguns casos a carga térmica no prédio com sombreamento arquitetônico. Hoje, com o avanço da tecnologia no setor de armazenagem é possível, o atendimento com segurança e eficiência a uma edificação ou direcionar esta armazenagem a uma demanda específica como o atendimento à demanda de ciclo profundo, tais como, iluminação externa e recarga de veículos elétricos. Partindo da premissa de sistemas interruptos de energia, UPS, uso de fonte secundária como FV, baterias e Flywheel é apresentado uma forma de melhor gerenciar a energia armazenada, podendo estender a vida útil da bateria e conseqüentemente de todo o sistema fotovoltaico na edificação. Esta forma de armazenar energia proporciona um serviço de uso contínuo sem percepção das interrupções da rede com garantia de 20 anos, tal qual o módulo fotovoltaico, com esta proposta as perdas de energia elétrica na edificação serão atenuadas, pois a eletricidade será utilizada de forma eficiente e inteligente. O ponto de partida do estudo de caso no prédio do IBAM são os sistemas fotovoltaicos com geração distribuída (mini-redes) conectados à rede que são instalados para fornecer energia ao consumidor, complementando a quantidade de energia demandada, caso haja algum aumento do consumo de energia na edificação, ou ainda utilizar o sistema fotovoltaico na hora da ponta e interrupções do sistema da rede no período fora da ponta. A estocagem inercial por meio do Flywheel tem um papel fundamental nesta mini-rede (Flywheel, bateria VRLA, UPS, inversor e STS), pois a sua utilização pode ser apontada como uma inovação tecnológica quanto à regulação de tensão no sistema de energia elétrica, além de preparar a edificação para o smart-grid. Esta configuração de acumulação de energia permitiu a analise do deslocamento desta energia armazenada para o consumo no horário de ponta, mudando o conceito de sistemas fotovoltaicos autônomos no meio urbano e rural no país. Este conceito de armazenagem se confirma então como um aporte na eficiência de energia na edificação, podendo carrear economia de energia substancial, além de proporcionar uma confiabilidade no serviço de energia, com um baixo retorno do investimento e com uma garantia de funcionamento com pequena ou nenhuma manutenção durante o período de vida de 20 anos.


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采用有损耗介质和色散介质的二维时域有限差分方法,数值模拟了以光波长514.5 nm的p偏振基模高斯光束为入射光源,激发Kretschmann型表面等离子体共振,并通过探针的局域场增强效应实现纳米光刻的新方法——探针诱导表面等离子体共振耦合纳米光刻.分别就探针与记录层的间距以及探针针尖大小,模拟分析了不同情况下探针的局域场增强效应和记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅分布.结果表明,探针工作在接触模式时,探针的局域场增强效应最明显,记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅的对比度最大;当探针针尖距记录层5 nm时,针尖下方记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅大于光刻临界值的分布宽度与针尖尺寸相近.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo principal utilizar os teores de elementos-traço e análise isotópica de Pb (204Pb,206Pb,207Pb,208Pb) como ferramentas na caracterização da poluição da Baía de Sepetiba-RJ. As coletas de sedimento superficiais de fundo foram realizadas em três campanhas, em novembro de 2010, no setor oeste da Baía de Sepetiba RJ. A malha amostral é composta por 66 amostras (BSEP 001 a BSEP 066) coletadas com busca-fundo Van Veen. O pré-processamento das amostras ocorreu no Laboratório Geológico de Preparação de Amostras do Departamento de Geologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A digestão parcial das amostras de sedimento (< 0.072 mm) para obtenção do teor parcial dos elementos-traço (Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, U, Zn) e de isótopo de Pb (lixiviação) foi executada no Laboratório de Geoquímica Analítica do Instituto de Geociências da UNICAMP e a leitura foi executada através do ICP-MS. Já as análises das concentrações totais dos elementos-traço (inclusive, Hg) e de isótopos de Pb (dissolução total) foram realizadas no laboratório ACTLABS (Ontário-Canadá) através do ICP Varian Vista. As leituras isotópicas foram feitas somente nas amostras que apresentaram concentrações parciais de Pb, acima de 0,5 g/g, totalizando 21 estações. Pôde-se constatar a existência de um enriquecimento de elementos-traço no setor oeste da Baía de Sepetiba. As médias dos teores totais de Ag (0,4 g/g), Cd (0,76 g/g), Cu (62,59 g/g), Li (43,29 g/g), Ni (16,65 g/g), Pb (20,08 g/g), Sr (389,64 g/g) e Zn (184,82 g/g) excederam os limites recomendados ou valores naturais. Isto pode ser reflexo da influência antrópica na região, principalmente relacionada à atividade de dragagem e à permanência dos resíduos de minério da desativada companhia de minério Ingá, na Ilha da Madeira. Os mapas de distribuição da concentração dos metais-traço destacaram a presença de vários sítios de deposição ao longo do setor oeste da baía de Sepetiba, com destaque para a região entre a porção centro oeste da Ilha de Itacuruça e o continente; Saco da Marambaia e Ponta da Pombeba; e porção oeste da Ponta da Marambaia. As razões isotópicas 206Pb/207Pb da área estudada variaram entre 1,163 a 1,259 para dissolução total e 1,1749-1,1877 para técnica de lixiviação, valores considerados como assinaturas de sedimentos pós-industriais ou comparados à assinatura de gasolina. Ainda sobre a técnica de lixiviação, destaca-se que os sedimentos superficiais do setor oeste (206Pb/207Pb: 1,1789) da baía de Sepetiba apresentaram uma assinatura uniforme e menos radiogênica do que setor leste (206Pb/207Pb: 1,2373 e 1,2110) desta baía. Através da assinatura isotópica de Pb encontrada nesta região é possível destacar a pouca contribuição das águas oceânicas para esse sistema, entretanto, a circulação interna intensa das águas da baía permite a homogeneização destas. O emprego destes tipos de ferramentas no monitoramento ambiental da área mostrou-se bastante eficiente, sendo importante a continuidade desta abordagem de pesquisa a fim de auxiliar na implementação de um plano de manejo local.


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A new three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver for flows in turbomachines has been developed. The new solver is based on the latest version of the Denton codes, but has been implemented to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) instead of the traditional Central Processing Unit (CPU). The change in processor enables an order-of-magnitude reduction in run-time due to the higher performance of the GPU. Scaling results for a 16 node GPU cluster are also presented, showing almost linear scaling for typical turbomachinery cases. For validation purposes, a test case consisting of a three-stage turbine with complete hub and casing leakage paths is described. Good agreement is obtained with previously published experimental results. The simulation runs in less than 10 minutes on a cluster with four GPUs. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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We report selective tunnelling through a nanographene intermolecular tunnel junction achieved via scanning tunnelling microscope tip functionalization with hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) molecules. This leads to an offset in the alignment between the energy levels of the tip and the molecular assembly, resulting in the imaging of a variety of distinct charge density patterns in the HBC assembly, not attainable using a bare metallic tip. Different tunnelling channels can be selected by the application of an electric field in the tunnelling junction, which changes the condition of the HBC on the tip. Density functional theory-based calculations relate the imaged HBC patterns to the calculated molecular orbitals at certain energy levels. These patterns bear a close resemblance to the π-orbital states of the HBC molecule calculated at the relevant energy levels, mainly below the Fermi energy of HBC. This correlation demonstrates the ability of an HBC functionalized tip as regards accessing an energy range that is restricted to the usual operating bias range around the Fermi energy with a normal metallic tip at room temperature. Apart from relating to molecular orbitals, some patterns could also be described in association with the Clar aromatic sextet formula. Our observations may help pave the way towards the possibility of controlling charge transport between organic interfaces.


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Single molecule force spectroscopy is a technique that can be used to probe the interaction force between individual biomolecular species. We focus our attention on the tip and sample coupling chemistry, which is crucial to these experiments. We utilised a novel approach of mixed self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols in conjunction with a heterobifunctional crosslinker. The effectiveness of the protocol is demonstrated by probing the biotin-avidin interaction. We measured unbinding forces comparable to previously reported values measured at similar loading rates. Specificity tests also demonstrated a significant decrease in recognition after blocking with free avidin.


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Nanoindentation provides the ideal framework to determine mechanical properties of bone at the tissue scale without being affected by the size, shape, and porosity of the bone. However, the values of tissue level mechanical properties vary significantly between studies. Since the differences in the bone sample, hydration state, and test parameters complicate direct comparisons across the various studies, these discrepancies in values cannot be compared directly. The objective of the current study is to evaluate and compare mechanical properties of the same bones using a broad range of testing parameters. Wild type C56BL6 mice tibiae were embedded following different processes and tested in dry and rehydrated conditions. Spherical and Berkovich indenter probes were used, and data analysis was considered within the elasto-plastic (Oliver-Pharr), viscoelastic and visco-elastic-plastic frameworks. The mean values of plane strain modulus varied significantly depending on the hydration state, probe geometry and analysis method. Indentations in dry bone analyzed using a visco-elastic-plastic approach gave values of 34 GPa. After rehydrating the same bones and indenting them with a spherical tip and utilizing a viscoelastic analysis, the mean modulus value was 4 GPa, nearly an order of magnitude smaller. Results suggest that the hydration state, probe geometry and the limitations and assumptions of each analysis method influence significantly the measured mechanical properties. This is the first time that such a systematic study has been carried out and it has been concluded that the discrepancies in the mechanical properties of bone measured by nanoindentation found in the literature should not be attributed only to the differences between the bones themselves, but also to the testing and analysis protocols.


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Amyloid fibres displaying cytochrome b562 were probed using scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) in vacuo. The cytochromes are electron transfer proteins containing a haem cofactor and could, in principle, mediate electron transfer between the tip and the gold substrate. If the core fibres were insulating and electron transfer within the 3D haem network was detected, then the electron transport properties of the fibre could be controlled by genetic engineering. Three kinds of STM images were obtained. At a low bias (<1.5 V) the fibres appeared as regions of low conductivity with no evidence of cytochrome mediated electron transfer. At a high bias, stable peaks in tunnelling current were observed for all three fibre species containing haem and one species of fibre that did not contain haem. In images of this kind, some of the current peaks were collinear and spaced around 10 nm apart over ranges longer than 100 nm, but background monomers complicate interpretation. Images of the third kind were rare (1 in 150 fibres); in these, fully conducting structures with the approximate dimensions of fibres were observed, suggesting the possibility of an intermittent conduction mechanism, for which a precedent exists in DNA. To test the conductivity, some fibres were immobilized with sputtered gold, and no evidence of conduction between the grains of gold was seen. In control experiments, a variation of monomeric cytochrome b562 was not detected by STM, which was attributed to low adhesion, whereas a monomeric multi-haem protein, GSU1996, was readily imaged. We conclude that the fibre superstructure may be intermittently conducting, that the cytochromes have been seen within the fibres and that they are too far apart for detectable current flow between sites to occur. We predict that GSU1996, being 10 nm long, is more likely to mediate successful electron transfer along the fibre as well as being more readily detectable when displayed from amyloid.


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Intermediate pressure (IP) turbines in high bypass ratio civil aeroengines are characterized by a significant increase in radius and a low aspect ratio stator. Conventional aerodynamic designs for the IP turbine stator have had leading and trailing edges orthogonal to the hub and casing end walls. The IP turbine rotor, however, is stacked radially due to stress limits. These choices inevitably lead to a substantial gap between the IP stator and rotor at the outer diameter in a duct that is generally diffusing the flow due to the increasing radius. In this low Mach number study, the IP stator is redesigned, incorporating compound sweep so that the leading and trailing edges are no longer orthogonal to the end walls. Computational investigations showed that the nonorthogonal stator reduces the flow diffusion between the stator and rotor, which yields two benefits: The stator trailing edge velocity was reduced, as was the boundary layer growth on the casing end wall within the gap. Experimental measurements confirm that the turbine with the nonorthogonal stator has an increased efficiency by 0.49%, while also increasing the work output by 4.6%, at the design point. © 2014 by ASME.


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The mismatch in thermal response between a High Pressure Compressor (HPC) drum and casing is a limiting factor in the reduction of compressor clearance. An experimental test rig has been used to demonstrate the concept of radial inflow to reduce the thermal time constant of HPC discs. The testing uses a simulated idle - Maximum Take Off (MTO) - idle transient in order to measure the thermal response directly. The testing is fully scaled in the dimensionless sense to engine conditions. A simple closure model based on lumped capacitance is used to illustrate the scope of potential benefits. The proof-of-concept testing shows that HPC disc time constant reductions of the order 2 are feasible with a radial-inflow bleed of only 4% of bore flow at scaled MTO conditions. Using the experimental results, the simple closure modelling suggests that for a stage with a significant mismatch in thermal response, reductions in 2D axis-symmetric clearance of as much as 50% at MTO conditions may be possible along with significant scope for improvements at cruise conditions. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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Ferroelectric thin films have been intensively studied at the nanometre scale due to the application in many fields, such as non-volatile memories. Enhanced piezo-response force microscopy (E-PFM) was used to investigate the evolution of ferroelectric and ferroelastic nanodomains in a polycrystalline thin film of the simple multi-ferroic PbZr0.3Ti0.7O 3 (PZT). By applying a d.c. voltage between the atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip and the bottom substrate of the sample, we created an electric field to switch the domain orientation. Reversible switching of both ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains towards particular directions with predominantly (111) domain orientations are observed. We also showed that along with the ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain switch, there are defects that also switch. Finally, we proposed the possible explanation of this controllable defect in terms of flexoelectricity and defect pinning. © 2013 IEEE.