939 resultados para the RNA recognition motif


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Human ciliary neurotrophic factor (hCNTF), which promotes the cell survival and differentiation of motor and other neurons, is a protein belonging structurally to the alpha-helical cytokine family. hCNTF was subjected to three-dimensional structure modeling and site-directed mutagenesis to analyze its structure-function relationship. The replacement of Lys-155 with any other amino acid residue resulted in abolishment of neural cell survival activity, and some of the Glu-153 mutant proteins had 5- to 10-fold higher biological activity. The D1 cap region (around the boundary between the CD loop and helix D) of hCNTF, including both Glu-153 and Lys-155, was shown to play a key role in the biological activity of hCNTF as one of the putative receptor-recognition sites. In this article, the D1 cap region of the 4-helix-bundle proteins is proposed to be important in receptor recognition and biological activity common to alpha-helical cytokine proteins reactive with gp130, a component protein of the receptors.


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Intrinsic termination of transcription in Escherichia coli involves the formation of an RNA hairpin in the nascent RNA. This hairpin plays a central role in the release of the transcript and polymerase at intrinsic termination sites on the DNA template. We have created variants of the lambda tR2 terminator hairpin and examined the relationship between the structure and stability of this hairpin and the template positions and efficiencies of termination. The results were used to test the simple nucleic acid destabilization model of Yager and von Hippel and showed that this model must be modified to provide a distinct role for the rU-rich sequence in the nascent RNA, since a perfect palindromic sequence that is sufficiently long to form an RNA hairpin that could destabilize the entire putative 12-bp RNA-DNA hybrid does not trigger termination at the expected positions. Rather, our results show that both a stable terminator hairpin and the run of 6-8 rU residues that immediately follows are required for effective intrinsic termination and that termination occurs at specific and invariant template positions relative to these two components. Possible structural or kinetic modifications of the simple model are proposed in the light of these findings and of recent results implicating "inchworming" and possible conformational heterogeneity of transcription complexes in intrinsic termination. Thus, these findings argue that the structure and dimensions of the hairpin are important determinants of the termination-elongation decision and suggest that a complete mechanism is likely to involve specific interactions of the polymerase, the RNA terminator hairpin, and, perhaps, the dT-rich template sequence that codes for the run of rU residues at the 3' end of the nascent transcript.


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The mechanisms involved in the integration of proteins into the thylakoid membrane are largely unknown. However, many of the steps of this process for the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) have been described and reconstituted in vitro. LHCP is synthesized as a precursor in the cytosol and posttranslationally imported into chloroplasts. Upon translocation across the envelope membranes, the N-terminal transit peptide is cleaved, and the apoprotein is assembled into a soluble "transit complex" and then integrated into the thylakoid membrane via three transmembrane helices. Here we show that 54CP, a chloroplast homologue of the 54-kDa subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP54), is essential for transit complex formation, is present in the complex, and is required for LHCP integration into the thylakoid membrane. Our data indicate that 54CP functions posttranslationally as a molecular chaperone and potentially pilots LHCP to the thylakoids. These results demonstrate that one of several pathways for protein routing to the thylakoids is homologous to the SRP pathway and point to a common evolutionary origin for the protein transport systems of the endoplasmic reticulum and the thylakoid membrane.


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During grasping and intelligent robotic manipulation tasks, the camera position relative to the scene changes dramatically because the robot is moving to adapt its path and correctly grasp objects. This is because the camera is mounted at the robot effector. For this reason, in this type of environment, a visual recognition system must be implemented to recognize and “automatically and autonomously” obtain the positions of objects in the scene. Furthermore, in industrial environments, all objects that are manipulated by robots are made of the same material and cannot be differentiated by features such as texture or color. In this work, first, a study and analysis of 3D recognition descriptors has been completed for application in these environments. Second, a visual recognition system designed from specific distributed client-server architecture has been proposed to be applied in the recognition process of industrial objects without these appearance features. Our system has been implemented to overcome problems of recognition when the objects can only be recognized by geometric shape and the simplicity of shapes could create ambiguity. Finally, some real tests are performed and illustrated to verify the satisfactory performance of the proposed system.


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The cyclotides are a large family of plant proteins that have a cyclic backbone and a knotted arrangement of three conserved disulfide bonds. Despite the apparent complexity of their cystine knot motif it is possible to efficiently fold these proteins, as exemplified by oxidative folding studies on the prototypic cyclotide, kalata B1. This mini-review reports on the current understanding of the folding process in cyclotides. The synthesis and folding of these molecules paves the way for their application as stable molecular templates.


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The cyclotides are a family of circular proteins with a range of biological activities and potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. The biosynthetic mechanism of cyclization is unknown and the discovery of novel sequences may assist in achieving this goal. In the present study, we have isolated a new cyclotide from Oldenlandia affinis, kalata B8, which appears to be a hybrid of the two major subfamilies (Mobius and bracelet) of currently known cyclotides. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of kalata B8 and observed broadening of resonances directly involved in the cystine knot motif, suggesting flexibility in this region despite it being the core structural element of the cyclotides. The cystine knot motif is widespread throughout Nature and inherently stable, making this apparent flexibility a surprising result. Further-more, there appears to be isomerization of the peptide backbone at an Asp-Gly sequence in the region involved in the cyclization process. Interestingly, such isomerization has been previously characterized in related cyclic knottins from Momordica cochinchinensis that have no sequence similarity to kalata B8 apart from the six conserved cysteine residues and may result from a common mechanism of cyclization. Kalata B8 also provides insight into the structure-activity relationships of cyclotides as it displays anti-HIV activity but lacks haemolytic activity. The 'uncoupling' of these two activities has not previously been observed for the cyclotides and may be related to the unusual hydrophilic nature of the peptide.